How To Use Methodism In A Sentence
John Duncan was born in Athy in or about 1785 and unlike his brother Thomas he became an ardent adherent of Methodism.
The many facets and connections of Wesleyan Methodism make it difficult to generalize about its importance.
Yet, although the highest characters, in a religious view, are drawn from "evangelicism" and Methodism, we find that neither of these systems is set forth as enough to secure the perfection of everybody who may choose to profess it ....
Famous Reviews
To present Methodism as essentially an urban phenomenon is seriously misleading.
Bowen, a supporter of Methodism, welcomed John Wesley (along with William Williams Pantycelyn and others) as a frequent visitor to the house en route from his bedsitter in Bristol (see this post) to Ireland.

The troubles began when certain anonymous productions, known as "Fly Sheets," severely criticised the administration of Methodism and libellously assailed the characters of leading ministers, especially Dr. Bunting, who stood head and shoulders above all others in this Methodist war.
Great Britain and Her Queen
The economic methodism, the mosaic interbedding, the architectonic structure of it all, a part and parcel of
Methodism , however, developed its own theological system as expressed in two principal standards of orthodoxy.
It reminds me of the story where someone told John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, "I just can't forgive that person!
It was founded in London in the 1860s as an outgrowth of Methodism, a sort of militant form of Methodism which had a strong sense of social justice.
Combined with fervid Methodism, you've got ruthless certainty.
Methodism has, in its tradition, a strong streak of "purposive" endeavors -- study, prayer, and physical exercise were among the things in which one engaged because they pursued a purpose, namely to attain the goal of a blessed life.
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If I was a Catholic and you wanted me to convert to Methodism, I'd react the same.
Spurgeon once said that Methodism was a noble thing for the unconverted but terrible for the children of God.
The permanent character of his position is the more remarkable from the fact that "itinerancy" has from the very beginning been a distinctive feature of Methodism.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
He changed his denominational affiliation from his parents' Episcopal faith to his wife's Methodism.
The British footguards had been infected with Methodism and some of the guardsmen gathered for a midnight prayer meeting until a Coldstreamer officer growled at them to give God and himself a bloody rest.
Sharpe's Battle
Not for nothing was this man cerebrated throughout Methodism as a saver of souls.
Tales of the Five Towns
Not even works of Methodism's co-founder and greatest hymnodist, Charles Wesley, were spared.