How To Use Metheglin In A Sentence

  • When a meal consists of paratthas or nan and meat then mead (honey wine) or metheglin ale (a kind of wine-beer hybrid made from a mix of honey and hops) go really well as does perry (pear wine). Choosing and Pairing the Best Wine with your Food
  • The first is while bantering with Princess: "Nay then, two treys, and if you grow so nice, Metheglin, wort, and malmsey: well run, dice! Archive 2008-03-01
  • Or you can leave it out all together, and simply let the metheglin mature a year longer.
  • The difference is that mead is fermented honey and water, while metheglin usually means mead infused heavily with herbs.
  • My acquaintance never ran out of metheglin, which was mixed when he harvested his honey, and he never failed to offer me a swig or two.
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  • I also popped open a bottle of my very-limited edition mint mead metheglin, which I bottled and put back in '07. Archive 2009-01-01
  • England, and a delicate sort of drink in Wales, called metheglin; but there was a kind of "swish-swash" made in Essex from honey-combs and water, called mead, which differed from the metheglin as chalk from cheese. For Whom Shakespeare Wrote
  • Our other metheglin is a ‘bottled moment of summer’ - it is fermented with hand-picked honeysuckle blossoms and the result is a subtle floweriness on the tongue, which marries with the delicate honey flavors.
  • Where metheglin was making he would linger round the tubs and vessels, begging a draught of what he called bee-wine. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • A spiced variety called metheglin is another strain, and there's the national drink of Ethiopia - Tej - a honey wine fermented with gesho, a tree root found there. NYT > Home Page
  • References to metheglin appear in Love's Labour's Lost and The Merry Wives of Windsor.
  • Peaches abounded; and a drink called metheglin, made of their juice mixed with whiskey and sweetened water, the thirsty traveller thought a rival to mint julep. A Dream of Empire Or, The House of Blennerhassett
  • After the success I had with the prickly pear mead and the holiday spice metheglin from a few years back, I really thought I had it down with this meadmaking stuff. Archive 2010-01-01

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