
How To Use Methadone In A Sentence

  • This immediately disbarred him from continuing on his methadone programme.
  • These were followed by methadone, then amphetamines and methamphetamines.
  • The doctor was concerned about this, because the friend was also a heroin addict and was using methadone for his own treatment.
  • As the entire public health care system in Poland is notoriously underfinanced, the rather costly methadone maintenance does not constitute a priority concern.
  • There were traces of diamorphine on some scales and a bottle of methadone which had been prescribed to someone else.
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  • Drugs for which subjects were tested included cocaine, opiates, marijuana, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, propoxyphene, barbiturates, and amphetamines.
  • She was a heroin addict and used amphetamines, but had started a methadone programme when she learned she was pregnant.
  • So let’s save a fortune and bin free prescriptions of drugs like methadone, nitrazepam and diazepam. Sympathy For The Devil « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Mr Robinson said: ‘The demand for methadone greatly outstrips supply.’
  • Among the treatments offered are prescriptions for the heroin substitute methadone and structured courses of day care.
  • If he is found to be suffering from the effects of drugs he can be given methadone and admitted to a detox programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drug that has shown the biggest jump in contributing to overdose deaths over the last 10 years is methadone, which is used not just for pain relief, but also as treatment for heroin addicts. Radley Balko: The New Panic Over Prescription Painkillers
  • You have got methadone, Lexapro and Zoloft -- some question of a cardiac dysrhythmia associated with those drugs. CNN Transcript Feb 9, 2007
  • Seek alternatives such as a prescription of oral methadone if available. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • I am pumped full of drugs: methadone, morphine, opium, marijuana, the whole lot.
  • Yesterday he admitted five charges of supplying controlled drugs - methadone and diazepam - and one charge of possession of amphetamine with intent to supply.
  • After all, we give heroin addicts methadone don't we?
  • But I could see from her eyes she was away with the fairies, courtesy of smack, methadone, or maybe some indiscriminate bottle of tranquillizers.
  • When he got caught taking other drugs they would increase his methadone script so that he didn't need any other drugs.
  • Methadone was developed so junkers wouldnt jump outta their skin.
  • However, women who are dependent on opioids do better with methadone than with no treatment.
  • A legal opiate analog such as methadone may be substituted for the abused opiate, with the methadone dosage then slowly reduced.
  • She had previously sought treatment for heroin addiction and had been taking the substitute drug methadone for 2½ years. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was after a prolific criminal type for burglary on a pharmacy, and it turns out he actually collects his methadone from the same said pharmacy. Get In Line « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Methadone is particularly interesting because it's been in decline for many years since the Health Department restricted the sale of larger size syringes used to inject the drug.
  • Study participants were asked separate questions about their use of crack cocaine, powder cocaine, heroin, speedball, methadone, other opiates, amphetamine, marijuana, and a catch-all ‘other drugs’ category.
  • I went and copped some dope, then got on a methadone program.
  • Drugs for which subjects were tested included cocaine, opiates, marijuana, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, propoxyphene, barbiturates, and amphetamines.
  • GPs who refuse to treat patients with drug problems or refuse to put them on methadone are one of McCartney's biggest bugbears.
  • We examined the proportion of methadone prescriptions per year issued as oral syrup, tablets, or injectable ampoules to identify any change of professional practice.
  • Give addicts contraception in methadone, says McNeil Think Progress » ThinkFast: May 12, 2006
  • Objective To investigate the changes of expression of 5-hydroxy tryptamine (5-HT), substance P (SP) in rat colon during heroin withdrawal, methadone detoxication and heroin relapse period.
  • A familiarity with “Naughty Germans” is something one could easily associate with the erstwhile Trimspa Goddess, the Methadone Muse, as of course is loopily intoxicated showtime behaviour. The ghost of Anna Nicole Smith takes over the body of Sharon Stone « raincoaster
  • Waiting lists for methadone programmes, rehab and detox services are phenomenally long.
  • She also left bottles of the liquid heroin substitute methadone within his reach. The Sun
  • Drug workers stress that methadone is just one option for treatment that is appropriate only in certain cases.
  • Many people who go on methadone programmes, the softer alternative to abstinence, remain on them for years.
  • Only this week I have had ketamine and methadone, both controlled drugs that merit an article themselves.
  • Prisoners would be encouraged to stop using illicit drugs and prescription methadone. Times, Sunday Times
  • A study by Ray Byrne of Dublin Institute of Technology found that only 6 to 10 per cent of addicts on methadone programmes detoxify successfully.
  • We're very anti people being passed on methadone.
  • I think that alone speaks volumes as to what sort of drug it is, when you look at diamorphine vs methadone and carry comparisons to dexamphetamine/methamphetmine vs Modafinil. The New Yorker on the underground world of “neuroenhancing” drugs. - Boing Boing
  • He thought he could carry on if he was addicted to methadone rather than heroin.
  • When I heard about it I assumed the narcs had taken him to the methadone clinic on North Avenue.
  • The Canadian researchers randomly assigned about half of the addicts to receive methadone and the other half to receive daily injections of diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient in heroin.
  • In your system you had morphine, methadone and cocaine. Times, Sunday Times
  • I don't dare to visit the methadone clinic tomorrow.
  • Some addicts become as reliant on methadone as they were on heroin.
  • But maybe an abused substance abuser can"t be cured through therapy and methadone but instead through confrontation and forgiveness.
  • The most common types of prescription drugs abused by young adults are pain relievers, which include codeine, methadone, meperidine, percocet, hydrocodone, and oxycodone.
  • Drugs for which subjects were tested included cocaine, opiates, marijuana, phencyclidine, benzodiazepines, methaqualone, methadone, propoxyphene, barbiturates, and amphetamines.
  • Narcotics such as morphine, meperidine, fentanyl, and methadone typically cause mild arterial hypercapnia in clinically recommended doses.
  • He spends a lot of time either asleep or doped up on methadone, telling me about how he ‘fell’ out of the window in the attic.
  • She used to take methadone as well. THE LAST PARTY: Britpop, Blair and the demise of English rock
  • You can be given scripts for methadone and other treatments, but this is just to keep the crime figures down.
  • The project, the first of its kind in the York area, aims to help addicts of heroin and other opiate drugs such as methadone.
  • These were followed by methadone, then amphetamines and methamphetamines.
  • The alternative treatment for heroin addiction is the drug methadone which is taken in tablet form.
  • I could be running out of the hospital now to peddle pharmacy-fresh methadone to junkies on the street.
  • The American Psychological Association may include cannabis withdrawal By TODD NEALE Aug. 23, 2009 Injectable diacetylmorphine, the active ingredient in, was shown to be an effective alternative to oral methadone in that had not responded to previous treatment. - Articles related to Choosing Sneakers Over Heels, Better In The Long Run
  • Methadone is a kind of artificial stupefacient.
  • Some may think that someone who’s messed their own life up to the extent of needing methadone is in no state to carry the responsibility of bringing up kids. Protect, Serve….. then release on bail to re-offend. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Germans is something one could easily associate with the erstwhile Trimspa Goddess, the Methadone Muse, as of course is loopily intoxicated showtime ... Anna Nicole’s Fridge contents! « raincoaster
  • The report also suggests that the number of new users has been climbing since the mid-1980s, the largest increase occurring with the depressants oxycodone, methadone and morphine.
  • Carcinoma, methadone, diabetes, depression, miscarriage and angina have poured down as unremittingly as the weather.
  • We examined data on all NHS methadone prescriptions dispensed by community pharmacists in England.
  • He said she was prescribed such large amounts of the heroin substitute methadone that she could stockpile it.
  • Since then, she said, she has kept to her methadone prescriptions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some recommend substituting nonbarbiturate sedatives, much as methadone is substituted for heroin. Clinical Work with Adolescents
  • Methods: Providing legal, safe and effective maintenance treatment by the means of oral administration of methadone.
  • Methadone's unique pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics make it a valuable option in the management of cancer pain and other chronic pain, including neuropathic pain states.
  • One of the key components of programmes designed to get users off drugs is the heroin substitute, methadone.
  • If appropriate dosages of a tricyclic antidepressant (preferably nortriptyline) or gabapentin do not provide adequate relief, strong opioids such as oxycodone, morphine, or methadone may be required.
  • The Edinburgh high court of justiciary heard that Taylor had "no concept" of how dangerous it was to give a child methadone. Couple jailed for giving baby methadone
  • Initially, a drug abuser is prescribed slowly increasing amounts of methadone to increase tolerance to the drug.
  • The alternative treatment for heroin addiction is the drug methadone which is taken in tablet form.
  • She had always worked, mostly in shops, but was by then on huge amounts of methadone, nitrazepam, amitriptyline, diazepam and temazepam.
  • Methadone is also used to help some people control their dependence on heroin or other narcotics.
  • She is also on a prescription for methadone and is hoping to go on a detox programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is also on a prescription for methadone and is hoping to go on a detox programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result, pharmaceutical companies have produced alternative opioids such as oxycodone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, methadone, and tramadol.
  • She is also on a prescription for methadone and is hoping to go on a detox programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective : To investigate the curative effects of methadone maintenance and factors influencing curative effects.
  • Methadone dose continues to be contentiously debated in the literature.
  • The project, the first of its kind in the York area, aims to help addicts of heroin and other opiate drugs such as methadone.
  • The laboratories had the highest concordance in testing for methadone (fifteen positive cases), methaqualone (zero positive cases) and PCP (six positive cases).
  • The former jockey had overdosed on heroin substitute methadone. The Sun
  • We were hoping he'd stay on his methadone programme but he'd slip up. Times, Sunday Times
  • But whereas heroin can be replaced with methadone, no drug has been found to substitute for cocaine.
  • The millions spent on giving junkies diazepam/nitrazepam/methadone hasn’t worked. Protect, Serve….. then release on bail to re-offend. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This prisoner has been placed on methadone, the morphine substitute drug.
  • Methadone is a synthetic opiate, similar to heroin, that blocks the effects of heroin and eliminates withdrawal symptoms.
  • Methadone is the substance most frequently prescribed in substitution treatment.
  • There also was testimony about the effects of methadone and a heavy duty painkiller called Dilaudid also known as "hospital heroin. Breaking News: CBS News
  • A concurrent sentence of 12 months imprisonment for the possession of methadone did not form the subject of any appeal, and was left unaltered.
  • If he is found to be suffering from the effects of drugs he can be given methadone and admitted to a detox programme. Times, Sunday Times
  • We used counselling mainly, but I prescribed methadone for a few cases. FORESTS OF THE NIGHT
  • Pain management doctor James Gagne said Kapoor was feeding Smith's addiction to prescription medications by excessively prescribing opiates, including methadone and Dilaudid, which is nicknamed "hospital heroin," and sedatives known as benzodiazopines. Undefined
  • But methadone should be a staging post on the way to recovery, not an end in itself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Entry into methadone detoxification was predicted by a higher frequency of drug injecting.
  • Maintenance of addicts on methadone reduces the incidence of fatal and non-fatal heroin overdoses.
  • I was born a junky, weaned off heroin using methadone in the first weeks of my life.
  • The Scottish executive has substantially widened access to methadone as a substitute for heroin addicts.
  • He refuses to prescribe drugs to prisoners who fake illness and describes how methadone is used along with heroine, instead of as a replacement for it. Theodore Dalrymple – Second Opinion « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Where I was brought up, heroin and methadone was the big problem from age sixteen.
  • The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, a Lisbon-based European Union agency, says methadone or other substance-substitution programs are generally viewed as successful but has observed that some Portuguese are beginning to question long-term methadone therapy. At 10, Portugal's Drug Law Draws New Scrutiny
  • dilaudid's good. you only need two hundred milligrams but that can be a hundred pills. same with amytal. however, you're dead with fifty seconal and only thirty nembutal. darvon's also only thirty. by the way, don't let anyone sell you morphine or methadone unless you take it intravenously. the next morning, all you'll be is rested. The Shadow Box
  • For example, because alcohol, barbiturates and sedative-hypnotics accelerate methadone metabolism, they foster withdrawal symptoms.
  • Raw Material Medicine: Methyltestosterone, Atenolol, Nimodipine, Timolol Maleate, Methadone HCL, Verapamil HCL, Pergolide Mesylate, are all comply with USP/BP/EP standards.
  • The uneasy relationship becomes especially problematic when users die of overdoses, having supplemented methadone with other street drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • We found out the next day that he had tested positive for benzos, methadone, barbiturates and had a blood alcohol level of point nine on top of doing the heroin and the ketamine, which is a lethal combination in itself. Twenty-three-year-olds Shouldn't Be Writing Memoirs (Ch 5)
  • But I look at long-term buprenorphine maintenance the same way I do methadone -- to give up heroin or illegally obtained Oxycontin for sustained use of Suboxone is simply trading one drug for another. The Daily Times News Headlines
  • When combined with naloxone, sublingual buprenorphine is as effective as methadone, but has much less abuse or diversion potential.
  • Carcinoma, methadone, diabetes, depression, miscarriage and angina have poured down as unremittingly as the weather.
  • So-called benzos - benzodiazepines include prescription downers such as Valium and Xanax - are commonly mixed with methadone.
  • We're talking about benzodiazepines such as Valium, Normison and methadone syrup.
  • After 12 months, the researchers intend to shift the addicts to methadone or abstinence.
  • By then she'd got herself a job and a house, but her doctor threw her off the methadone course and she ended up back on drugs.
  • Drugs counsellors generally agree that residential treatment is the only means by which most addicts will permanently quit opiates - heroin, cocaine and methadone.
  • Some addicts become as reliant on methadone as they were on heroin.
  • The report says drug users should be given access to sterile syringes and a substitute drug such as methadone. The Sun
  • As I see it, we should re-emphasise the crucial role drugs such as morphine, OxyContin and Methadone play in pain control while putting in perspective the very small number of people who will try any drug for a high.
  • He goes on to call geoengineering ' planetary methadone ', with dangerous potential side-effects.
  • Methadone is not a magic bullet that removes all offending behaviour.
  • He progressed to amphetamines, heroin then methadone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people know of methadone only as the drug used to withdraw heroin addicts.
  • With the help of a government methadone programme she kicked drugs and began an affair with a Chinese lawyer. Times, Sunday Times
  • More than 100 drug addicts were monitored by the Substance Misuse Directorate on different treatments to find out if injectable heroin was more effective than giving addicts methadone tablets.
  • Synthetic narcotics include meperidine or Pethidine (Demerol, Mepergan), methadone (Dolophine, Methadose), and others (Darvon, Lomotil). Notes and Definitions
  • With a bit of luck they WON’T come back from Iraq/Iran/Afghanistan and will be obliterated by a land mine and save the country a fortune in methadone scripts, giros and paying for their keep at Her Majesty’s Pleasure. on February 23, 2007 at 8: 24 pm | Reply gilbo Community Engagement « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Objective : To study the family function of heroin addicts who accept methadone maintenance treatment.
  • Its unique pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics make methadone a valuable option, but physicians should be aware of possible side effects.
  • She had always worked, mostly in shops, but was by then on huge amounts of methadone, nitrazepam, amitriptyline, diazepam and temazepam.
  • The inquest at Colchester town hall yesterday heard from David Munson, who was staying with him at the time and said he had watched his friend take nearly 180 mg of methadone in unprescribed tablets during the course of the day.
  • Report Abuse anna nicole was an adult, middle aged woman who made her own choices. nobody told her what to do. she wanted fame and money without hard work, education, talents. she married a man aged 90 for his billions. she wasn't naive young girl. she used people to get what she wanted and had no regrets. larry birkhead said at the Inquest that she gave her son ecstasy and methadone!! anna's nanny told the Police she UNDERFED her baby because she wanted a "sexy slim baby future model. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The project, the first of its kind in the York area, aims to help addicts of heroin and other opiate drugs such as methadone.
  • The chemists targeted provide the heroin substitute methadone to addicts under the Methadone Treatment Scheme.
  • For the past eight years, Moira's been on methadone, a drug most imagine only junkies use to get off heroin.
  • She hopes the course in methadone, a heroin substitute, will help her get her life back together.

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