How To Use Metaphysical In A Sentence

  • The pursuit of such metaphysical questions is just a high-minded distraction from the more pressing issue of confronting the dilemma of one's existence here and now.
  • In addition, the English word "metaphysical" is defined to mean something that is outside the realm of empirical verification. Antony Flew dies at 87
  • The weather invokes a metaphysical sense of coming apocalypse, signaled by the bells that continue to toll throughout.
  • From this perspective, the turn to an ontology of the psyche is the philosophical move that retains the space for metaphysical enchantment in an age of disenchantment. Psychology in Search of Psyches: Friedrich Schelling, Gotthilf Schubert and the Obscurities of the Romantic Soul
  • Or Eliot, who wrote on the Metaphysicals, Marvell, Dryden, Blake, Wordsworth, Baudelaire and, of course, Dante, as well as many other writers.
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  • I was rather taken aback, because it raised some tricky theological and metaphysical questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Clearly, whether that inference is valid or not turns on a metaphysical question about the identity of persons and minds.
  • Swinging from the rope portiere, slathering the pomade upon my beardless face, and all manner of the metaphysical ick in my oversized cuspidors! Excerpt from Urdoxa 2.0
  • The further fact that all the great "a priori" metaphysical systems have been driven by their pure logic to discredit the "substantiality" of the soul, just as they have been driven to discredit the personality of God, ought, one would think, where "radical empiricism" is concerned, to be a still stronger piece of evidence on the soul's side. The Complex Vision
  • Not only was I tired, but listening to the same pedantic metaphysical reasoning for the second time from my friend, normally a lively conversationist, bored me out of my skull. An East Wind Coming
  • By ignoring their epistemic and metaphysical brokenness, we are shirking our Christian duty to truly show love for our neighbor.
  • This applies to the association or correlation he sought to establish between the theolog - ical stage and militarism, between metaphysical modes of thought and “defensive” warfare and between the growth of positive science and the phase of industrial - ism and the cessation of war. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Many from the metaphysical church described a mystical and often immanent deity.
  • The argument is that without distinct individuals that are metaphysically prior to the relations, there is nothing to stand in the irreflexive relations that are supposed to confer individuality on the relata. Structural Realism
  • We can create metaphysical arguments as to their truth or falsity either way, but in everyday epistemic terms cannot help but believe them.
  • Infinite regress is just another metaphysical conclusion, no different that gods/God. Creationism, defined
  • Euripides' Electra ironically questions belief in a metaphysical system that encourages crime only to punish it.
  • This is true only on a high plane of metaphysical logic, but it is true.
  • There were, in truth, many such theories, and to some of them the term metaphysical, in M. Comte's sense, cannot justly be applied. Auguste Comte and Positivism
  • However, I do believe recent discoveries of the inherent use of quantum conductivity in photosynthesis and quantum computation in DNA lends support to the idea that we may be getting closer to better defining the gray area between the emperical and the metaphysical. Aiguy's Computer
  • Her first collection of poems interrogates the nature of physical and the metaphysical knowledge.
  • In the widespread, though erroneous, use of the term in current popular literature, there is a remnant of the notion that metaphysical means ultraphysical: thus, "metaphysical healing" means healing by means of remedies which are not physical. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The state was characterized as a 'metaphysical spook' by the pluralists.
  • In a single phrase, these words exempt the sentence's subsequent assertions of human equality and unalienable rights from the claims of traditional conduct, metaphysical certainty, and scientific proof.
  • A phenomenology of consciousness, then, explores neither the metaphysical composition nor the causal genesis of things, but the ‘constitution’ of their meaning.
  • The coherence theory builds in a metaphysical bias towards monism: the idea that everything we know should somehow form one massive ‘complete theory of everything’.
  • The philosophy based on the transcendental existence was departed into three parts: existential philosophy of Greek, modern metaphysical and the existential philosophy of Heidergger.
  • We Westerners love confronting the inadequacy of our rationalism and Amagatu capitalises on that, giving us also polished performances and exquisite stagecraft to hold our attention when our metaphysical appreciation wanes.
  • The sheer usefulness of this has inspired much metaphysical speculation on ears. Times, Sunday Times
  • They write, ‘This principle of sufficient reason, the basis of calculative thinking, in its totalizing, and imperialistic, form, can be seen as the metaphysical underpinning which made the Holocaust possible.’
  • Most often, ˜non-naturalism™ denotes the metaphysical thesis that moral properties exist and are not identical with or reducible to any natural property or properties in some interesting sense of ˜natural™. Moral Non-Naturalism
  • For all that he promoted science he seems to have spent a lot of energy on metaphysical woo-woo.
  • Their argument was too metaphysical for me to follow.
  • In his rich, patrician voice he would spin soaring, painfully funny metaphysical yarns from the apparent chaos of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Standard Big Bang cosmogeny does therefore seem to have those metaphysical implications which some have found so discomfiting.
  • And then we are faced with the difficult metaphysical question of whether such a universe is really possible.
  • There is no dematerialization, no aura: the glow rides the surface, more physical than metaphysical.
  • I think that the two types of cosmology, that is religious cosmology based on a metaphysical vision or view of the universe and modern cosmology, should not be confused.
  • The work of both artists is fuelled by a need to communicate the metaphysical essence of our existence.
  • Stoicism had first been brought over by Greek teachers as a possible guide, but the Roman, now trained by his extraordinary career in world politics to think in terms of experience, could have but little patience with a metaphysical system that constantly took refuge in a faith in aprioristic logic which had already been successfully challenged by two centuries of skeptics. Vergil
  • If we intend to rely upon questionable metaphysical assumptions, that should at least be explicit, and open to negotiated change.
  • As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems.
  • Stoicism indeed seems to fall back into the materialism that I prevailed before Plato and Aristotle; but the ethical dualism which dominated the mood of the Stoic philosophers, did not in the long run tolerate the materialistic physics; it sought and found help in the metaphysical dualism of the Platonists, and at the same time reconciled itself to the popular religion by means of allegorism, that is, it formed a new theology. History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • In the development of metaphysical Idealism in the post-Kantian philosophers, the notion of abstraction becomes very general, so general in fact that the origi - nal meanings of the term seem almost lost. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • This is a scientific hypothesis, but it challenges the metaphysical assumption on which conventional science is based.
  • Systems of thought that are fundamentally metaphysical in nature are not testable and can therefore never be proven incorrect.
  • Much metaphysical language of the Middle Ages is incomprehensible to modern or postmodern minds.
  • He was using the phrase "knowing nothing" in a broadly metaphysical sense, not as a way of discrediting science and scientific evidence, which he unequivocally supported. The Full Feed from
  • Ernst Cassirer criticized consistently and deeply the three kinds of universal determinism which included physical one, psychologic one and metaphysical one in the history of western philosophy.
  • Given this view of the progressive metaphysical appropriation of ontology as a wrong turn, Heidegger has no choice but go back to the start and take another fork in the road.
  • At the conclusion of this lecture The Ends of Man, 1968, Derrida brings this logic of undecidability to bear on the two strategies that have appeared in connection with the deconstruction of metaphysical humanism. Enowning
  • Meanwhile, currently unquestioned metaphysical assumptions may need updating and most importantly, scientists need to understand the limitations of their approach to a conception of the nature of the universe.
  • Because we are "metaphysically" free, that is to say, our inborn disposition from which they necessarily emanate, is the work of our free will, which specific acts are not. The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur
  • Similarly, students could study, as part of their understanding of Western monotheism and Eastern pantheism and non-theism, different ideas about how the metaphysical acts upon and manifests in the physical.
  • All the quirks of strange fiction, to put it in a pertinent perspective, all the counterfactual errata, the hypothetical novae, the metaphysical chimerae — Nazi presidents and robot stormtroopers and butterfly-winged faeries — these are not pure invention. Creative Control - Part 4
  • Man and woman no longer confront one another as “question and counterquestion”; since the heavens emptied, their dialogue, carried out for the most part as struggle, now lacks a metaphysical anchor. Margarete Susman.
  • The will, as that which is metaphysical, is everywhere the boundary-stone of every investigation, beyond which it cannot go. Introduction to the Science of Sociology
  • As for many romantic poets, love is the agent for the fusion of souls, spiritual transcendence, and metaphysical existence.
  • The first question tacitly assumes that a paradoxical reality is a reasonable (in your favorite sense, i.e., coherent) counterproposition, or not a metaphysical proposition, or that reality does not exist. Bukiet on Brooklyn Books
  • He is as adept in the conceits of metaphysical poetry as he is in the tones and tunes of seventeenth-century verse; the strings upon which he strums are held taut by centuries.
  • Beyond this, however, Connolly's model of a pluralism that can legitimately admire a diversity of metaphysical perspectives (rather than simply tolerate them) looks rather like an agonistic version of Introduction
  • Debate is not about a bunch of catty, uninformative, "Fox-News"-like blabber about occasional spelling mistakes, errors in academic trivia and how their knowledge in NewSpeak do's-and-don'ts (e.g. don't use "hypothesize" for anyone other than the originator of an idea no matter how far buried in the recesses of time, apparently) empowers them with a metaphysical prescience to evaluate in some small way who is 'serious' in an academic field in absence of mindful studiousness and profound contemplation of the (un)read material. Archive 2008-02-01
  • According to Nietzsche, ‘art is the highest task and the proper metaphysical activity of this life’.
  • Once academic scientific studies were established they rejected and ridiculed anything spiritual or metaphysical if it could not be proven by a mathematical formula.
  • People call him a metaphysical poet - but to me, he is the most physical of poets. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a different phenomenon from philosophical or metaphysical essentialism.
  • I'll let the priests and the shamans and the rabbis and the bhikkhus figure out the metaphysical stuff--I'm plenty occupied with the natural. Archive 2009-06-01
  • He admits the insolubility of human reason of the basic metaphysical problem i.e. how becoming arose out of immutable being and plurality out of Unity.
  • But by progress must not be understood the imaginary and metaphysical _law of progress_, which should lead the generations of man with irresistible force to some unknown destiny, according to a providential plan which we can logically divine and understand. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic
  • Christian Scientists have given Bible terms allegorical, metaphysical definitions that are completely different from normal usage. The Problem With Faith « Lean Left
  • Fog came to mean something in London, and as such is made available aesthetically rather than metaphysically.
  • Empty, the plinth attests to the metaphysical void once inhabited by art. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, for Heidegger, the nothing that opens in the experience of anxiety leads one to pose the metaphysical question as to the meaning of being.
  • In 1688, Malebranche published his Entretiens sur la métaphysique et la religion (Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion), a concise summary of his main metaphysical doctrines of the vision in God and occasionalism that also addresses the problem of evil. Nicolas Malebranche
  • Kant's criticism of the metaphysical disciplines centers on his efforts to show that the ideas of reason (the soul, the world and God), which are thought in accordance with the demand for the unconditioned, get erroneously “hypostatized” by reason, or thought as mind-independent “objects” about which we might seek knowledge. Kant's Critique of Metaphysics
  • There are some that are simply outside the pale: polygenetic origin of humanity is one, for example; neo-Darwinism (at least in its full metaphysical implication, as discussed in our longer Definitions Appendix) should also be. Reasons to Believe -
  • Their argument was too metaphysical for me to follow.
  • For Hopkins is not so much invoking the metaphysical potential of nature, and its capacity to typify states of mind, as he is making a conservationist plea.
  • Again, we find no reason to suppose that metaphysical issues can be cleanly detached from epistemological concerns.
  • Knight's metaphysical speculations on his cosmic insignificance are interrupted by gusts of rain which bite into his flesh like ‘cold needles’.
  • I haven't seen Heidegger's history of philosophy described as a regress before, but I can see the narrative, that man was in the Garden of Beyng, then Plato drank from the tree of metaphysical kool-aid and we've been dealing with that original sin since. Archive 2008-06-01
  • It is hoped that in this way the metaphysical difficulties surrounding this problem will largely melt away.
  • There is something of the metaphysical about this, and I can't get Abraham Cowley's second Anacreontic, "Drinking", out of my head when I read it. Rain by Don Paterson
  • Some days I go on at length about all kinds of strange, esoteric, metaphysical musings, and sometimes everything I write sounds like New Age jibber-jabber. Roseanne Archy
  • Consider next what happens if we alter the so-called necessity of the past to express the metaphysical principle that the past is not causable. Foreknowledge and Free Will
  • Sep did not, however, enact as noticeable a development as Donne, whose early ‘Songs and Sonnets’ are amorous works heavily using metaphysical conceit.
  • Stones were not an integral part of the tradition I was studying with at the time, and unable to find a suitable book at the local metaphysical shop, I located a lapidary magazine with sources of stone material.
  • The bigger issue perplexing fans of Premier League clubs is the metaphysical question of what actually constitutes a football club. Times, Sunday Times
  • His enduring little classic, The Problems of Philosophy, sketches the metaphysical and epistemological views he then held.
  • While such definitions are generally vague enough to allow for fiction founded on most any conceit of technical possibility (i.e. “speculative elements” in general rather than specific conceits like the robot or the rocketship), incoherent attempts to disallow conceits of metaphysical impossibility have led to an artificial distinction between futurological Sci-Fi and works of a more conceptual nature. Hey, Janet! Have You Got Syfy?
  • So a culture based on abstract reasoning, or on various metaphysical precepts, may itself be simply a product of evolutionary change.
  • David is not a character of merit or interest, no matter what metaphysical hoops he is forced through.
  • Similarly, whether or not legal formalism is metaphysically correct, there are pragmatic arguments in its favor, ably put forth by Prof. Tamanaha. Balkinization
  • In the first place, I refer to the reform of ecclesiastical studies of philosophy, a project which has now reached the last stages of its elaboration, in which the metaphysical and sapiential dimensions of philosophy, mentioned by John Paul II in his Encyclical Fides et Ratio cf. n. 81, will certainly be emphasized. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Some of the great glories of science, including many who have adorned the non-physical sciences, have been as innocent of metaphysical theory as so many police lieutenants.
  • metaphysically there're different ways of trying to pose the set of issues that I've begun to talk about.
  • It does not predict metaphysically meaningful freewill, which is not at all what we see. Of flies and free will - The Panda's Thumb
  • You might say that this is the metaphysical residue not soaked up by Kantian epistemology.
  • Among the metaphysical arguments that have been given in support of such claims are those that appeal to intuitions about the conceivability and logical possibility of zombies.
  • I should like to have you opposite me in any mood, whether the facetiously discursive, the metaphysically discursive, the personally confidential, or the jadedly CURSIVE and argumentative -- so that the oyster-shells which enclose my being might slowly turn open on their rigid hinges under the radiation, and the critter within loll out his dried-up gills into the circumfused ichor of life, till they grow so fat as not to know themselves again. Familiar Letters of William James I
  • Dotson’s coif is pretty expansive, and the comedian can’t resist throwing in a continual, left-hand finger flutter – over-the-top, yes, but it seems to manifest the metaphysical Lynchian truth. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • Mediation between Christianity and Greek philosophy must substitute a metaphysical Plato for an aporetic inquiring Socrates.
  • metaphysical reasoning
  • Archaeologists have come to see that ditches, even massive ditches around henges or hillforts, need not always be just utilitarian structures but may have had a metaphysical function too - for example, to keep evil spirits at bay.
  • Even as intellectuals dismiss the nation-space as a metaphysical concept, a transcendent notion, countless people across the world die and kill in the name of a nation.
  • As the first sort of legislators attended to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical legislators, have taken the direct contrary course. Paras. 300-324
  • And even if it could somehow be shown that the evil of such events is ‘unreal’ in some abstract metaphysical sense, would that take away the reality of our feeling that it was evil?
  • Rather than opening up metaphysical speculation, this is a neat conclusive move. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In the hands of Velázquez, the existence of a jester could have the same physical - and metaphysical - scale as that of an aristocrat.
  • If I were to discover that's what was happening metaphysically and the soul view was the true theory of personal identity, I'd say,Huh!
  • As the first sort of legislators attended to the different kinds of citizens, and combined them into one commonwealth, the others, the metaphysical and alchemistical legislators, have taken the directly contrary course. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 03 (of 12)
  • Another concern about this proposal is rooted in the metaphysical doctrine of actualism. The Nonidentity Problem
  • In addition, God has, though not with metaphysical necessity, all the moral perfections.
  • Here, in language, & still more in logic, we are point blank at issue - There is a moral or metaphysical part of nature as well as a physical.
  • With Grant an ontology composed of powers where "somatism" (the treatment of being in terms of objects) is treated as a metaphysical error. Larval Subjects .
  • Understanding the metaphysical through the physical or searching for the Reality behind the Appearance, constitutes the basic concept of the religious quest of the Bouls.
  • Duncan's poetry of the forties and fifties is massively influenced by the Metaphysicals.
  • When you subject the concept of chariot to analysis, you are never going to find some kind of metaphysically or substantially real chariot that is independent of the parts that constitute the chariot. Training the Mind: Verse 1
  • I was rather taken aback, because it raised some tricky theological and metaphysical questions. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were covered with notations that were more metaphysical in appearance than cartological, and seemed to include several hand-drawn corrections. The Dragon’s Apprentice
  • But either way, ID is a metaphysical explanation by its nature, not merely by its implications.
  • So our concern is not to answer the relativist by some cunning intellectual or metaphysical trick.
  • Berkeley, although his professed aim was merely "to remove the mist and veil of words" which hindered the clear vision of the truth, passed from empirical immaterialism to a system of Platonic mysticism based on the metaphysical principle of causality. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • But at any rate they are dealing with two different domains, two different areas, the epistemologic and the metaphysical.
  • Some attacked his announcement, for example Smith who used a metaphysical argument based on the simplicity of the inverse square law.
  • But, however easy it may be for us to confuse ourselves with metaphysical puzzles about the relation between the natural and the supernatural elements -- the human agency and the divine energiser -- in the successful discharge of the Church's work, practically the matter is very plain. Expositions of Holy Scripture : St. Matthew Chaps. IX to XXVIII
  • This metaphysical question has been much discussed.
  • After Plato's death, the headship of the academy passed to a series of men who developed metaphysical and ethical systems inspired by the positive arguments contained in dialogues such as the Republic and the Phaedo.
  • I would like to think that an idealist flame does burn in every American split-level, that every day American life is shaped by grand metaphysical visions, a holy sense of mission…
  • After listening to all the circumfusion, I think I have a clearer picture of dark matter, metaphysically speaking. Space Diary: Mike Griffin
  • Only the positivists consider all metaphysical speculations as nonsense and reject any kind of apriorism.
  • In his rich, patrician voice he would spin soaring, painfully funny metaphysical yarns from the apparent chaos of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is post-metaphysical historicism, after all, and what historicists do is narrate.
  • As that great deflator of metaphysical questions, philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, taught us, the meaning of a term is fixed by the community that uses it.
  • It would seem that these contemporaries of the fun society paint its dark side and all its ruptures so appealingly that they talk to the metaphysically homeless from the soul.
  • But it’s equally clear that the person who wakes up in Chrissy Seaver’s body is not metaphysically identical to the original Caroline. Dollhouse « Gerry Canavan
  • Both the material and metaphysical universes of the indigenous people were turned upside down.
  • This is post-metaphysical historicism, after all, and what historicists do is narrate.
  • Individuals who have access to those metaphysical lights can be invested with the viceregency of God, depending on the degree of their receptivity and the purity of their hearts. Suhrawardi
  • The EPR paradox, an attempt to show that quantum mechanics is internally inconsistent, was an outgrowth of that metaphysical skepticism. A Trend?
  • The existence of zombies would be a clear counter-example to this metaphysical determination.
  • If we think teleologically, we see the unity of mankind, also in case of a polygenetic origin, in the unity of the metaphysical and teleological cause which called mankind into existence; and to rational beings, endowed with mind, as men are, the metaphysical bond is certainly stronger than the physical. The Theories of Darwin and Their Relation to Philosophy, Religion, and Morality
  • Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was the founder of American pragmatism (later called by Peirce “pragmaticism” in order to differentiate his views from others being labelled “pragmatism”), a theorist of logic, language, communication, and the general theory of signs (which was often called by Peirce “semeiotic”), an extraordinarily prolific mathematical logician and general mathematician, and a developer of an evolutionary, psycho-physically monistic metaphysical system. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • The caesura forced by an oddly extraneous comma divides the line into question and condition and calls attention to the metaphysical question of how one's position affects one's knowledge.
  • “Real intellectuals,” Said writes, “are never more themselves than when, moved by metaphysical passion and disinterested principles of justice and truth, they denounce corruption, defend the weak, defy imperfect or oppressive authority.” (p. 6) Said is uninterested in allying with the victors and the rulers whose very stability he sees as a kind of “state of emergency” for the less fortunate; he chooses instead to account for “the experience of subordination itself, as well as the memory of forgotten voices and persons.” (p. 35) June « 2006 « Bill Ayers
  • However, the very strength of such an epistemological claim makes it difficult to assume with begging the metaphysical result in question.
  • He also believed that moral agency and freedom are compatible with metaphysical necessity.
  • His interest in gray is metaphysical as well as visual, for he cultivates ambiguity, indirection, and impermanence.
  • Perhaps his distaste is not about the amount of metaphysical pondering now verse then, but rather its alignment with his personal metaphysics. A Trend?
  • The metaphysical mode of explanation, being less antagonistic than the theological to the idea of invariable laws, is still slower in being entirely discarded. Auguste Comte and Positivism
  • metaphysical forces
  • But it is not in that metaphysical sense of truth which we inquire here, when we examine, whether our ideas are capable of being true or false, but in the more ordinary acceptation of those words: and so I say that the ideas in our minds, being only so many perceptions or appearances there, none of them are false; the idea of a centaur having no more falsehood in it when it appears in our minds, than the name centaur has falsehood in it, when it is pronounced by our mouths, or written on paper. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  • All three disastrously misunderstood the novels as metaphysical allegories. Times, Sunday Times
  • This distinctions are more meaningful to me psychologically and linguistically than they are metaphysically.
  • It was easy to imagine legions of Internet-era Andrew Marvells staying up late in fluorescent-lit cubicles appending metaphysical exclamation points to celebrity photo captions that would rocket readers ever closer to the celestial objects of their desire: Shooting Britney
  • Metaphysical poetry, which rooted religious experience in the natural world, gave way to a religious poetry either more cerebral and coolly rational, or else more ethereal and other-worldly.
  • It seems to just violate one of our fundamental notions about how people work,metaphysically speaking.
  • This is a remarkable argument, whereby Davidson derives a metaphysical conclusion concerning the physical nature of mental states from premisses which concern their causal role.
  • We should do a better job with our sermon on how Jewishness is a matter of functionally national identity rather than any sort of metaphysical explanation of nature, which is what most Western religions can be counted as. k&y, entitled says: Bogus jewish philanthropy figures
  • Evolutionary theory is no more tied to metaphysical naturalism or atheism than is meteorology or medical science.
  • Only the fantastic touch about 'green ice' ranks it as 'metaphysical', for it is in fact an experiment in the manner of the Horatian ode, not the heroic ode, but the lighter Epicurean, meditative strain of 'Solvitur acris hiems' and 'Vides ut alta stet nive candidum', description yielding abruptly to reflection. Introduction. Grierson, Herbert J.C
  • People call him a metaphysical poet - but to me, he is the most physical of poets. Times, Sunday Times
  • Described as a "modern Greek tragedy" and "an insistently metaphysical mind-bender" Kafka on the Shore is a compelling story that will stretch the limits of your imagination.
  • The theological stage he associated with militarism, the metaphysical with juristic thought, and the positive stage with industrialism.
  • As man learns to ask himself and doubt about the physical reality of his existence in metaphysical inversion or perversion, inversion of being to becoming one unique whole of selfness - as if man is born to be in perpetual quest of knowing himself vis-à-vis others around him. Philosophy of Self-awareness
  • As a rule, Leibniz emphasized the certainty of his metaphysical principles rather than the contingent nature of empirical knowledge.
  • We can understand the significance of this sign when viewed from a metaphysical point of view. Hand Signed | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • True, religious people's moral views may rest on unproven and probably unprovable metaphysical assumptions - but the same is generally true as to secular people's moral views.
  • Which is to say, the alethic quirk could be a technical, historical, metaphysical or logical impossibility. Modality and Hamlet
  • The preamble is all about metaphysical, ill-defined concepts, as Dr Mapp pointed out.
  • The one assumption I hope to have unsettled in these pages is that any particular novelistic genre in itself embodies a metaphysical or transcendent approach to the real.
  • And an immersion in his oeuvre is an effective cure for many chronic ailments of a metaphysical nature that one might suffer.
  • The bigger issue perplexing fans of Premier League clubs is the metaphysical question of what actually constitutes a football club. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then it is argued that what is imaginable or conceivable is metaphysically possible.
  • However, you will live in a metaphysical world, where reality and illusions will be so skewed that they will appear to be identical.
  • Those who investigate metaphysical—so-called channeled—solar teachings know that all particulate matter and nonmatter elements contained within this multilevel galaxy are either being uplifted a note or two or are moving downward a note or two on the universal harmonic scale. Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light
  • However, especially for those of us who find such metaphysical disputes sterile, questions about the paranormal have a very important part to play in the debate.
  • He has a few rounds of shadow-boxing with Ahriman, recites some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, and that's it.
  • Our situation is something like the one to which we are assigned by a considerable number of metaphysical philosophers, notably Plato.
  • It is to this problem that Kant addressed himself, producing the most metaphysical and abstract basis that has ever been given for the common intuitions of morality.
  • There is absolutely nothing metaphysical about late-term abortions, which is one reason a fanatic turned to vigilante justice in this case. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • The traditional concept of free will enters the mainstream of Western Philosophy in metaphysical questions about human responsibility for moral behavior.
  • As metaphysical mirror images, Yalis remind us we have various animal instincts rolled into this human form.
  • If 'laws' are real and independent of both the minds and matter they govern, then that's a statement of metaphysical Platonism, which is hardly an uncontroversial position. Another predictable argument against front-loading
  • But the dreamlike quality conveyed by Metaphysical painters differed from that of the Surrealists because of their concern with pictorial structure and a strongly architectural sense of repose deriving from Italian Renaissance art.
  • I'm saying that all the empirical evidence we have supports and reinforces the (already sound) metaphysical position that being only comes from being, that act is before potency, and that God is the source and sustainer of all that is. Antony Flew dies at 87
  • Jansenist, mainly out of political hatred of the Jesuits, partly from a hostility, very easily explained, to every manifestation of ultramontane feeling and influence, partly from a professional jealousy of the clergy, but partly also because the austere predestinarian dogma, and the metaphysical theology which brought it into supreme prominence, seem often to have had an unexplained affinity for serious minds trained in legal ideas and their application. Voltaire
  • Again, the goal is metaphysical austerity and faithfulness to our epistemic position.
  • The hypothesis of a plasmic memory, advanced by the Caledonian envoy and worthy of the metaphysical traditions of the land he stood for, envisaged in such cases an arrest of embryonic development at some stage antecedent to the human. Ulysses
  • He simply could not envision the stable functioning of a democratic order without the psychological restraints produced by a widespread adherence to transcendent metaphysical certainties.
  • Because lacks consoling in the real life which should have, then transfers but explores the life and the cosmic inventory metaphysical significance.
  • It is a sign of the times, of our tumultuous, dizzying culture of metaphysical angst.
  • Nihon shoki was advanced by Arai Hakuseki (1657-1725), a shogunal advisor, who rejected the metaphysical readings of these works and argued that they should be read as histories of human events. The Kokugaku (Native Studies) School
  • I think most New Zealanders would agree that it is appropriate to consider spiritual and metaphysical matters as part of a consent process.
  • The bigger issue perplexing fans of Premier League clubs is the metaphysical question of what actually constitutes a football club. Times, Sunday Times
  • It stems from the fact that the great metaphysical traditions, East and West-Sufi, Buddhist, neo-Confucian, Christian, Taoist-were all created at a time when the average stage of development was what we call mythic or premodern. Unalog
  • By the end of his journey - both physical and metaphysical - our tycoon will become the title character.
  • It is the metaphysically given that must be accepted: it cannot be changed.
  • Metaphysical entities are by nature and definition utterly transcendent of the physical.
  • The sheer usefulness of this has inspired much metaphysical speculation on ears. Times, Sunday Times

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