How To Use Metaphoric In A Sentence

  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • There aren't many films that metaphorically made ... jdogzz: love the first three cant wait till the forth one comes out my e-mail is: [email protected] alew: It ` s not ryan gosling in the last photo - it ` s the the director of the film Film Junk
  • Many theologians hold that these attributes are metaphorical rather than real, since comparison of God to human beings is strictly forbidden due to fears of associationism.
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
  • Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.
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  • While science describes our world through facts and figures, art and literature describes our world in metaphorical ways, by allowing us to see with our hearts what our minds sometimes have trouble fathoming. Comic geek question
  • The writer indulged in metaphorical language
  • We must remember, however, that there was a time when the same 'purposefulness' was believed to exist in the cosmos where everything seemed to turn literally and metaphorically around the earth, the abode of man. Science and Morals and Other Essays
  • Metaphorical images are so effective due to the social and natural contexts in which we acquire or learn their meanings.
  • To do so, she explores the idea of metaphoricity, transforming conceits into self-reflexive, self-questioning, and ultimately self-effacing representation.
  • The creative imagination reconciles inner and outer worlds in metaphorical synthesis.
  • I can't even remember if the problem to do with the header tank and the problem to do with the ballcock stop valve were connected, physically or metaphorically.
  • The information on 'poetry' I have to advertize, is a bardic prose-poem attributed to Amergin and translated into English first, 1300 years after its composition by an anonymous bard, without title: 'the cauldron of poetry', so called because of the metaphorical conceit in the piece, of poetry being created in a person's three internal cauldrons: Warming, Motion & Wisdom. Poetry: a beautiful renaissance
  • Meditate: I use the word meditate metaphorically – everyone should meditate their own way. Discovering Work Life Balance | Impact Lab
  • Rebecca turns to deception in order to correct her husband's blindness -- more metaphorical than literal -- and give the blessing to its more deserving recipient, Jacob, whom she now ropes into the dupery. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Deception And Desire: An Overview Of Genesis
  • Twelve men and women plucked at random off a metaphorical Clapham omnibus to hold her destiny in their collective hands. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use. Archive 2008-09-01
  • It entails boy's-adventure jolliness, raffish character comedy, social satire, dialect humor, maybe-metaphorical farce, a parody of morbidly sentimental verse. Books on Southern Humor
  • Read Roger: An object lesson in metaphorical consonance An object lesson in metaphorical consonance
  • Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.
  • On this path are situated seven chakras or energy centers, metaphorically called Lotus Symbols.
  • I thought the world was my oyster, or at least my littleneck clam, but I found soon enough that the shimmering surface of unpaid drama festivals was just a thin veneer that covered a worm-ridden table beneath it, not to wear out my metaphoric welcome or anything. Me and Alfred Jarry at the 10-Minute Play Festival
  • There is a danger that America's metaphoric 'war on drugs' may turn into a bloody reality.
  • His lavish past has left its mark financially, and the creditors are now tightening the metaphorical noose.
  • Miller is interested in the philosophical, social and metaphorical implications that the Bigfoot creature represents.
  • In our language, and in our common sense understanding of language, the substantialist meaning of ‘being’ is the literal and genuine meaning, and any other is metaphorical and lesser.
  • By indulging in metaphorical breast-beating, he conveyed a smug sense that the country can do no wrong.
  • Its metaphoric origin is either in “to pour cream over, thus humiliating” or in “to remove the cream from, thus leaving a thin milk” today regarded as desirably low-fat, which is why the locution is on the decline. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Lakoff and several others in his field have demonstrated, how-ever, that nearly all conceptual and abstract thought is structured metaphorically.
  • The word "speculator" comes from the Latin word "specula" (watchtower) and indicates someone who tries to "look far away" and thus metaphorically "look ahead", in other words to foresee future events. News
  • This, however, is a mistake; it is not easy to see how the distinction between an exact and definitive versus a reliable but revisable account maps on to the distinction between a literal versus a metaphorical account. Plato's Timaeus
  • This notion allows us to explore the physical/situational location as well as metaphorical/social aspects of literacy events and practices.
  • Hold this bowl for a moment , please; also metaphorically: A crazy idea took hold of him.
  • As for the rest of you – you are excited pixels on a screen and will disapear when I cleck metaphorical “next” button… Reader Request Week 2007 #4: The Inevitable Blackness That Will Engulf Us All « Whatever
  • The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.
  • It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
  • As it plays out in the context of the film, this metaphorical scenario leads Alex into troublesome emotional territory with friends, colleagues and more unsavoury characters.
  • In the aspect of language philosophy, image is a kind of metaphorical discourse.
  • Chaucer lived he must have heard this very language, matter of fact, unmetaphorical, far better fitted for narrative than for analysis, capable of religious solemnity or of broad humour, but very stiff material to put on the lips of men and women accosting each other face to face. The Common Reader
  • From the day in 1890 when Ray Frank publicly addressed a Kol Nidre service in Spokane Washington, through the rise and fall of Second Wave Feminism, Jewish women across denominations have traced their journeys — metaphorically and literally — out from the balcony and onto the main stage of religious life, even onto the bimah itself. Celebrating Women's History Month: Jewish Women and Religious Innovation
  • Although told that such usage might be metaphorical or figurative, Tess is undeterred.
  • The $4.9 billion budget Sims proposed last month put a number of programs into a metaphorical "lifeboat" -- meaning they would be funded indefinitely for six months, with their long-term survival contingent whether the Legislature will authorize their funding. Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
  • The film speaks of longing and desire and is a richly metaphoric movement portrait.
  • Another unsuspecting dunderhead is ‘upbraided for making a grammatical mistake in a metaphorical tale about a dead bird.’
  • The command to keep the Jewish Sabbath could then be taken metaphorically to refer to any day of rest, and because of the history and customs of this country, that day is Sunday, the Christian sabbath.
  • The fashion world is a fecund, fruitful and fertile source of metaphoric phrases.
  • THE "BORN" IDENTITY: The "Born This Way" episode of Glee is even more AfterSchool Special than usual, a sporadically enjoyable seminar in self-acceptance with a chaser of Nip/Tuck, as Rachel considers altering her schnozz after Finn busts it in rehearsal, prompting Mr. Schue to urge the entire glee club — and OCD gal pal Emma — to embrace their metaphorical warts. Matt's TV Week in Review: A Wedding, A Farewell, and More!
  • It's not a lack of editorial courage but, one is fairly certain, long experience with the architects with purple faces and metaphoric horsewhips.
  • Philosophy thus conceived can still be regarded as the handmaid of theology, but as Dante develops his philosophical ideal metaphorically in terms of the beauty of the Donna Gentile, it assumes a religious value of its own.
  • This is accomplished by metaphorically fitting the discourse of astrophysics on to that of psychology.
  • Granted, the "36 arguments" construct is used as a structural element, incorporated literally in the form of a series of propositions and their refutations as the novel's concluding section and metaphorically by providing the novel's chapter titles, but otherwise this novel presents few surprises either formally or thematically, proceeding as a garden-variety academic satire complete with bursting egos, pretentious-sounding projects, and fierce political in-fighting. The New Equivocation
  • Now, metaphorically speaking, a brush may be taken as a miniature wood; the common use of the term brushwood is a proof of the general acceptance of the metaphor. Russian Fairy Tales A Choice Collection of Muscovite Folk-lore
  • accreted" is what tipped me off to what i was doing. ironically, i came by the word "accreted" honestly, laboring through many synonyms until i found the perfect geological/metaphorical term. but it was so mievillian that maybe it drug the rest of the paragraph into that territory behind it. who knows. China Miévilling
  • Mrs. Isenblatt goes to Jaky in the hope that clothing can hide her hips, an aspect of her metaphorical identity or natural, physical self, so she can attain the American ideal of physical beauty and ladyhood: thinness.
  • You mentioned language and its multiple meaning, metaphorical asides, its evocative transgressions and endearing intentionality.
  • The true extent of the phenomenon is not at present clear, but not all sense-spectra are of the metaphorical sort.
  • Joe's journey, configured as an immersion into the blues, the heart of jazz, manifests itself as a depression, solitary and torpid, a metaphorical cave within which he has interred himself.
  • Metaphorical indirection gives way to explicit generalization.
  • The phrase 'born again' is used metaphorically to mean that someone has suddenly become very religious.
  • Couching the bailout in metaphorical terms, Miller said there was a "strong possibility of significant profit to taxpayers for taking this journey with us. U.S. Announces Plan To Sell Some Of Its Citigroup Holdings
  • The men are forbidden to offer up their seed to Moloch; and here the term seed is not metaphorical. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Well, not so much as the Cluebat is of course metaphorical but you never know what goodies one might pick up from the Louisville Slugger Museum! AustenBlog . . . she's everywhere
  • For example, when a key staffer is dismissed for pretending to be public servant with fake credentials, its a requirement to metaphorically flog the offender - not kiss him goodbye - as a sign of respect to the civic employees who actually take the public trust seriously. PubliQuestion: Most Voters Shrug Off McGinn Missteps « PubliCola
  • Put another, metaphorical way, American writers tend toward an expressive register commensurate with the open spaces and endless distances of our continent; Perec's magnitude is no less great, but his vastness is essentially urban, highly structured, and by necessity constrained, entailing complex negotiations and yielding delight in serendipity, surprise, and incongruity. Art and Culture
  • Simile, metaphor, metonymy and synecdoche have the same characteristic that is metaphoric use.
  • Herbert is afraid that the campaign will be "undermined by the usual madness," and he urges the candidates to "wrestle" -- but only metaphorically: Grave but Not Serious
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
  • Civil liberties are always early and intended casualties of wars - both actual or metaphoric.
  • The work of David Freedberg and Cell suggests that the animation implied here is something more than a metaphoric conceit.
  • Lighting of lamps has the meaning of eliminating the darkness in the literal sense, and metaphorically it means to overcome and gain the knowledge of Enlightenment.
  • If we could keep to addressing the issues rather than dealing in personalities and anecdote, we probably stand a better chance of not getting moved to the Conversation, literally or metaphorically.
  • From the start, the problem is not just corniness; it is that there is too much metaphorical froth. The Times Literary Supplement
  • If you go (metaphorically speaking) down the British class scale, you've gone from Cockney to "mockney," and can expect a public tar and feathering; to go the other way is to perform an unforgivable act of class betrayal. Speaking in Tongues
  • So the building is metaphorically pinned to its place with a shaft of light from the sky that illuminates the whole labyrinth of knowledge.
  • But I'd always thought that all this breast-beating over the "failure to fail" was largely metaphorical. March 2008
  • Walcott's metaphoric take on epic is so powerfully originative as to put the whole genre in a new light.
  • There's a conflation of two senses of the word ‘criminal’: the literal sense and the metaphorical.
  • The main reason is the bricks-and-mortar approach, in the metaphorical and literal senses.
  • Wartah" = precipice, quagmire, quicksand and hence sundry secondary and metaphorical significations, under which, as in the "Semitic" (Arabic) tongues generally, the prosaical and material sense of the word is clearly evident. Arabian nights. English
  • It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
  • The City & The City starts with the literalization of a metaphor, but it doesn't end there, because ultimately it is not literalizing one metaphor but is, rather, literalizing an idea that is rich with metaphorical potential. The City and the City
  • But is a call to metaphorical arms against an imaginary adversary counter-productive?
  • This is accomplished by metaphorically fitting the discourse of astrophysics on to that of psychology.
  • `I just wondered if it could be somehow metaphorical ," he said. THE OTHER DEVIL'S NAME
  • They received their leather-bound almanack from Mike Brearley at a sober affair (metaphorically, at least). Words of Wisden are now more relevant than ever
  • Instead we get strange transfigurations between the literal, the metaphorical, and the conceptual, which move polemically into a defense of the Catholic position on the Eucharist.
  • Now right here’s where this post gets weird: This kind of experience – where the universe speaks in metaphoric language – is no longer unusual. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » SINK METAPHORS, TOAST FAIRIES, AND WRITING
  • Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.
  • This is metaphorically similar to the way certain liquid solutions can quickly crystallize, dissolve back into liquid, and then recrystallize based on external influences. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Evolving a Mob: Wireless Communities of Practice
  • 'Inertia' does not mean want of vigour, but may be metaphorically described as the inexpugnable resolve of everything to have its own way. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • Here, then, is a fact that our Martian (but few Americans) might notice: in almost nine years of futile and brutal war in Afghanistan and more than seven years of the same in Iraq, the U.S. has filled metaphorical tower upon tower with the exceedingly unmetaphorical bodies of civilian innocents, via air attacks, checkpoint shootings, night raids, artillery and missile fire, and in some cases, the direct act of murder. Tom Engelhardt: Whose Hands? Whose Blood? Killing Civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • In the studioli, this commensurability is embodied in the virtuoso marriage of intarsia and the principles of artificial perspective, developed empirically in the early 15th century by Filippo Brunelleschi and formalized by Leon Battista Alberti in De pictura. 1 Although this work was conceived for the art of painting, it was the intarsiatori, rather than painters, who were first considered the maestri di prospettiva, likely due to a metaphoric kinship between the cut of the intarsist's knife across the wood and the cut of the eye across the latticed surfaces of a perspectivally harnessed space. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The emotions and spirits metaphorically trickle down from the non-physical to the physical cells via the transportation of light.
  • Some of the examples he discusses may remind us of the metaphorical appropriation of biology by racist craniometry in the nineteenth century.
  • As these stories abut one another, metaphorically touching the reader's own, they become altered, subsequently transforming in tone, texture, reality.
  • Once the issues are fully exposed, the other half of me is going to drop a metaphorical barrel on the debate, allowing me to finally unmask the truth.
  • Metaphorically, with the traditional whiskey under his belt and a shillelagh under his arm, he sets the tone of the play and from there it never looks back.
  • In the phrase, "Tous les arts sont freres" (all the arts are brothers), the word "frere" (brother) is used metaphorically to indicate a more or less striking resemblance. Laughter : an Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
  • King Lear is a metaphorical description of one man's journey through hell in order to expiate his sin.
  • The title, McMillen explains, "... is both metaphoric and a bit literal," as the installation includes a looped screening of his new short film "Quotidian Man" which projected onto the billboard of the "Hotel New Empire," a kind of tilting film set raised on a catafalque of stilts over a tray of water. John Seed: Michael C. McMillen: Every Dream Is New
  • Apocalypses usually describe historical events in metaphorical terms and also make predictions for the future. RCIA Presentation: The Old Testament
  • The suffering man ought really 'to consume his own smoke;' there is no good in emitting _smoke_ till you have made it into _fire_, -- which, in the metaphorical sense too, all smoke is capable of becoming! Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • It is the metaphoric link between the melodramatic and the politic that America does so well yet, inevitably, gets so wrong.
  • a metaphorical expression
  • It caused uproar at the time, but the wily Italian must be sitting back with a smug smile, puffing on that metaphorical cigar.
  • Its unmetaphorical use is, of course, commonest in the combination _transi de froid_, "frozen," and so suggests in the other a lover shivering actually under his mistress's shut window, or, metaphorically, under her disdain. A History of the French Novel, Vol. 1 From the Beginning to 1800
  • The struggle for existence is a term best used in a large and metaphorical sense.
  • Candy, is Craig the stinkpot in the middle of the room, speaking metaphorically, of course, for the Republican Party at this time? CNN Transcript Aug 30, 2007
  • It is this concrete fact, this reality, which gives the parachuting artificial limbs, the madly scurrying amputees, its terrifying metaphoric power.
  • She was, literally and metaphorically, in perfect shape.
  • If Washington means ‘war’ metaphorically, as when it speaks about a ‘war’ on drugs, the rhetoric would be uncontroversial, a mere hortatory device intended to rally support for an important cause.
  • Physically and metaphorically these two changelings are very different.
  • I mean, that's the other part of the story is that these physical fights are just sort of, you know, literalization of these metaphorical emotional things that we all go through in a relationship. Love Is A (Video) Game In 'Scott Pilgrim' Battles
  • It is with great propriety that subtilty, which, in its original import, means exility of particles, is taken, in its metaphorical meaning, for nicety of distinction. Lives of the Poets, Volume 1
  • Not united metaphorically, or even just in partnership, but on the most fundamental physical levels.
  • There is a danger that America's metaphoric 'war on drugs' may turn into a bloody reality.
  • Ackerman declines to discuss her own emotional resume, but does say airily, "I was born with a poet's sensibility, and Prozac made it impossible for me to do what comes naturally -- think metaphorically, allusively, exploring the hidden connection between seemingly unrelated things. Book Marks
  • Then passed 12 years of me gazing longingly at dovecotes in stately home gardens, and becoming increasingly fascinated by the metaphorical possibilities of dovecotes in my soul.
  • In these works, the most metaphoric and the most literal understanding of bibliographic apparatuses can be seen to underwrite the logic of their content as well as their form.
  • a mother through keeping in touch with her dead husband -- I think that, metaphorically speaking, the paternal cane will be "sloshed" both ways. Over the Fireside with Silent Friends
  • Not all figuration is metaphoric though; in metonymy, the process of interpretation is not based on resemblances but on other forms of association -- the association of a crown with a king, for example, such that we use the artefact as a metonymic stand-in for the person. Notes on Strange Fiction: Narrative's Function (1)
  • The information on 'poetry' I have to advertize, is a bardic prose-poem attributed to Amergin and translated into English first, 1300 years after its composition by an anonymous bard, without title: 'the cauldron of poetry', so called because of the metaphorical conceit in the piece, of poetry being created in a person's three internal cauldrons: Warming, Motion & Wisdom. Poetry: a beautiful renaissance
  • Some people sneer at a metaphorical reading of scripture and Tolkien himself was opposed to allegory as a rhetorical form.
  • As it plays out in the context of the film, this metaphorical scenario leads Alex into troublesome emotional territory with friends, colleagues and more unsavoury characters.
  • His visionary experience also stands between the mystical and the metaphorical, rather than straightforwardly purporting to be supernatural as in the case of Yeats.
  • The metaphorical and poetical use of language creates no exterior visions on stage but interior visions in the minds of the spectators.
  • Cultural criticism, by contrast, not only valorizes the refractoriness, opacity, and allusive metaphoricity of the avant-garde aesthetic, it also incarnates these same qualities.
  • That God afflicts is no reason that man is to add to a sufferer's affliction (Zec 1: 15). satisfied with my flesh -- It is not enough that God afflicts my flesh literally (Job 19: 20), but you must "eat my flesh" metaphorically (Ps Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • We achieve indirection by exploring that topic metaphorically, via a poem, a story, a piece of music, or a work of art that embodies it.
  • Metaphorical extension does, however, presuppose the recognition of similarities, or correspondences, between the source and the target domains.
  • All flesh is grass, is not onely metaphorically, but literally, true; for all those creatures we behold are but the herbs of the field, digested into flesh in them, or more remotely carnified [83] in our selves. Religio Medici
  • The final indignity was to lose a home bonus point in the dying minutes as the descending darkness became both literal and metaphoric.
  • Putting aside the irony of his having to ballyhoo "microstyle" through the implementation of "Big Style," it must be said that Johnson does make myriad important declarations about the construction of thoughts so they're rhythmic, and metaphoric, are persuasive when appropriately detailed, are even poetic -- declarations at which Strunk and White would undoubtedly nod their heads approvingly and which certainly satisfy the revered journalist's ABC accuracy, brevity, clarity. David Finkle: Easy Reader: Simon Garfield's Enthralling Just My Type, Christopher Johnson's Less Than Enthralling Microstyle
  • Rolling her eyes, she complied, and then jumped through a number of metaphorical hoops for them, welcoming their applause and hoots of laughter when she screwed up particularly badly.
  • A walking stick is a stick that walks, and the phrase might occur as a metaphorical description of a stiffly behaved person: a walking-stick or walkingstick is a stick for walking; the difference may sometimes be important, and consistency may be held to require that all compounds with gerunds should be hyphened or made into single words. Hyphens.
  • And the fourth is usually described as a metaphoric reference to the setting of the sun, the end of one's day on earth. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XI No 4
  • Solicitors, silks, distinguished lady judges and gentlemen of the utmost dignity were arrayed before me, wigless yet somehow metaphorically bewigged. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, it may be the very perniciously vague, equivocal, quasi-mystical, and/or ineliminably metaphorical imponderabilia of moral discourse that so troubles the error theorist. Moral Anti-Realism
  • Either way it is an accurate account of what happened to Orwell's thinking: this was an about-face, a real or metaphoric overnight conversion.
  • She's tried to force his hand and ended up with a metaphorical slap in the bake.
  • Part of what makes this book so entertaining is the laughable impossibility of its nonmetaphorical goal: The author seems to have written this book with the hope that everyone in America would read it, agree with all its points, and literally destroy their television sets with sledgehammers. Chuck Klosterman on Media and Culture
  • You are right to point out that the cultic worship that is offered to the Lamb in Revelation is metaphorical but an important point you ignore is that this is the only kind of "cultic" worship that the early Christians of Revelation engaged in. The Only True God Chapter 5: Monotheism and Worship in the Book of Revelation
  • I see the two books, metaphorically speaking, as two sides of a gothic arch, each side buttressing the other. Weblogs
  • In order to think more creatively, imaginatively and strategically, we need to cultivate a more intuitive, metaphorical attention that calls preeminently on the right hemisphere of the brain. Be Excellent at Anything
  • And I also felt that there was a very lovely, metaphorical connection, since the cello is originally inspired by the human form -- especially the female form -- so I start out embracing the cello, which is based on the human body, and then I [begin to] embrace the human body directly, in the form of a corpse. Brad Balfour: Japanese Film Departures, 2009's Foreign Language Oscar Winner, Illuminates Asian Rituals of Death
  • A key point is that space should be owned and supervised, literally and metaphorically.
  • It is this component, comprising its symbolic aspects of rhetorical and metaphorical devices, which we refer to as its circumference.
  • Never underestimate the metaphorical power of reanimated corpses.
  • Jumping back to Samuel Johnson's word impute, its meaning was to subtract from that same metaphorical balance sheet. about podictionary Podictionary - for word lovers - dictionary etymology, trivia & history
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Anchor. Barnaby Rudge
  • The metaphorical and poetical use of language creates no exterior visions on stage but interior visions in the minds of the spectators.
  • They can become ghost towns with the metaphorical tumbleweed bouncing past the shuttered restaurants.
  • The combination of fossils and gouged marks created a metaphoric interplay between fossilized creatures and shelled victims.
  • The phrase 'born again' is used metaphorically to mean that someone has suddenly become very religious.
  • His intelligent cultivation and deferment of expectations through titles has built much of the resonance for this peripeteia by amplifying both the metaphorical and the mutual significance of what we have seen.
  • The collage elements intricately play off the metaphoric conceits or evocative turns of phrase of the elaborately lettered texts.
  • And by ending, I mean a real, unambiguous, nonmetaphorical ending. Jamie Ford - An interview with author
  • Pollan sometimes engages a bit too freely in metaphorical talk about plants planning and strategizing and ‘wanting’ their genes spread.
  • From the cognitive perspective, synaesthesia is also a kind of metaphor, and it embodies metaphorically cognitive and thinking processes.
  • He had created an empathy with that part of his native county's audience, "one of us" who had given the stuffed shirts and jazz-hatters down south "a bloodied neb", metaphorically at least. Fred Trueman: the good, the bad and the grouchy | Rob Bagchi
  • Unless you had retinitis pigmentation the source of nonmetaphorical tunnel vision, you could not avoid seeing what was happening in another apartment exactly like mine. Chuck Klosterman on Living and Society
  • But there are some obvious problems here, including metaphorical patness and the fact that it almost certainly couldn't have happened that way.
  • Did their part of the sacrament transubstantiate in real as well as metaphorical terms? THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • These anthropomorphic characterizations are not to be taken simply as figurative or metaphorical.
  • By the twentieth century, Pompeii's metaphorical significance had largely eclipsed its moral charge.
  • The Ewe divide proverbs into two groups of metaphorical use according to social status and age of their performers.
  • Its trenchant sci-fi/fantasy parables explore humanity’s hopes, despairs, prides and prejudices in metaphoric ways conventional drama cannot. » The Twilight Zone (1959-64)
  • Contrast that to a Napoleonic, top-down, dirigiste environment where a mere individual, literally or metaphorically, needs to be somehow 'licensed': a 'permis a creer', as it were. Nick Jefferson: Smile. They Can't Commoditize Creativity.
  • The planet was only just beginning to come into focus, in the metaphorical sense: The Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens had just recently revealed Saturn's rings and its first known moon, Titan.
  • Those who hold teleology in biology to be metaphorical in nature typically regard it as eliminable; i.e., they believe that the science of biology would not be essentially altered if all references to teleology were eschewed. Teleological Notions in Biology
  • Metaphorically, the elisions occur in the image of kissing.
  • (Its makers, we might say, are constitutionally unmetaphorical.) An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
  • Or, to put it as some aspiring writers might: without embroiling us in superfluous polysemousness, it must be averred that the aesthetic propensities of a vainglorious tome toward prolixity or indeed even the pseudo-pragmatic co-optation — as by droit du seigneur — of an antiquitarian lexis, whilst purportedly an amendment to the erudition of said opuscule and arguably consanguinean (metaphorically speaking) and perhaps even existentially bound up with its literary apprizal, can all too facilely directionize in the azimuth of fustian grandiloquence or unmanacle unpurposed (or even dystelelogical) consequences on a pith and/or douceur de vivre level vis-à-vis even the most pansophic reader. Author! Author! » 2010 » August
  • The project furthermore makes doubtful the possibility of posthumanism that is conditioned by cyborgization and human disembodiment because these two are virtually the outcomes of the metaphoric relationship.
  • There are kinds of subtlety and metaphorical allusiveness that are easier to achieve in comics than in novels.
  • Salt's ability to preserve and sustain life has made it a metaphorical symbol in every religion.
  • One eventually deduces that, for him, the word ‘metaphorical’ signifies the occasional and unsystematic use of purity language in contexts where it would not be normal.
  • Did their part of the sacrament transubstantiate in real as well as metaphorical terms? THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • Even more than that, however, the key to its longevity may well lie in how it plied the metaphorical underpinnings of that question to maximum effect, with Clark's journey from farmboy to journalist to superhero -- and all the false starts encompassed therein -- playing in parallel to the same struggles all of us go through as we make that uneasy transition from adolescence to adulthood. Zaki Hasan: Smallville - The Complete Series: Myth, Metaphor, and the Man of Steel
  • The parables of Jesus metaphorically break open myths and allow us to reimagine a new world.
  • Train tracks and trains themselves have long signified both real and metaphorical journeys in African American literary and vernacular culture.
  • Objects are a metaphorical tool that allows the developer to best understand the problem domain and which leads to radically different, simpler, and more efficient designs and architectures.
  • Either way it is an accurate account of what happened to Orwell's thinking: this was an about-face, a real or metaphoric overnight conversion.
  • (This latter metaphoric -- we've no fimbriae to spare!); Songs and Other Verse
  • Did their part of the sacrament transubstantiate in real as well as metaphorical terms? THE LAST REPORT ON THE MIRACLES AT LITTLE NO HORSE: A NOVEL
  • In alchemy, the distinction between the literal and the metaphorical is fundamental. Romanticism, Alchemy, and Psychology
  • Sentience sings, metaphorically speaking, because that musicality is the basis of the art-form, which is life. The Art of Life
  • Not all figuration is metaphoric though; in metonymy, the process of interpretation is not based on resemblances but on other forms of association -- the association of a crown with a king, for example, such that we use the artefact as a metonymic stand-in for the person. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The word has a metaphorical as well as a literal meaning.
  • Henry Kissinger, in his 1979 memoirs, The White House Years, was among the first to give the word a metaphoric stretch: “I favored European unity, but I was agnostic about the form it should take.” The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The metaphorical designation incunabulum means that it concerns printing elements, one sees which lying still in its cradle or in the diapers.
  • You who listen to me Sunday after Sunday will not suspect me of seeking to minimise either of these two aspects of our Lord's mission and operation, but I do believe that very largely the glad thought of an indwelling Christ, who actually abides and works in our hearts, and is not only for us in the heavens, or with us by some kind of impalpable and metaphorical presence, but in simple, that is to say, in spiritual reality is in our spirits, has faded away from the consciousness of the Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • First of all, Jon Stewart abandons his comic genius to put on metaphorical judicial robes and a peruke. Daniel Menaker: Discomfort Zone
  • I thought at first that getting out of bed before my eyes are fairly open and turning myself into a circus actor by doing every kind of overhand, foot, arm and leg contortion that the mind of cruel man could invent to torture a human being with, would kill me before I had been at it a week, but when I read on page sixteen that as soon as all that horror was over I must jump right into the tub of cold water, I kicked, metaphorically speaking. The Melting of Molly
  • The framing of the question of the presentness of scholarship in terms of place is more than rhetorical or metaphorical. Heart and Head at Kalamazoo, or, The Displacement of the Entirely Out of Place
  • In this work, the image of the city be - comes highly metaphorical, the term denoting a com - munity rather than a material city. THE CITY
  • she expressed herself metaphorically
  • True, Custer's connection to impotence may have been largely metaphorical, but to a certain fretful portion of the populace it struck home. Excerpt: Charlatan by Pope Brock
  • It's not until a violent climax at the Casino that the two halves of the plot come together, and then the connection is more convincing in metaphorical than literal terms. About Face by Donna Leon: Book summary

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