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How To Use Metaphor In A Sentence

  • But it is worthwhile teasing this apart a little, unbinding the different aspects of rhetorics lumped together in one component and separating out the semiotic layering (i.e. the use of metaphor and metonym) stuck in with the second. On the Sublime
  • These words (holpen a little with a metaphor) may express two differing abilities, in those that deal in business of estate. The Essays
  • Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam? Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
  • The World Is Flat" & Co. were cyclones of breeziness, mixing metaphors by the dozens and whipping up slang and clichés and jokey catchphrases of the author's own invention. Shovel-Ready Shibboleths
  • When terms which signify mixed perfections are predicated of God, the analogy becomes so faint that the locution is a mere metaphor. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
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  • Metaphor is pervasive, and human language with various metaphors, thus study on metaphor is significant.
  • It was a metaphor that predicted the nature of the many problems that have beset excessively large inner urban secondary schools in the intervening years. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term suggests an element of danger, certainly of risk, a military metaphor applied to western cultural practices.
  • Even Lord of the Flies - which I love as a metaphor for many, many things, like the savagery of humanity - treats the children more as symbolic figures.
  • As we peer into the dark caverns of this empty metaphor, we try to discern shapes in our future. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Room is left for the ‘higgling of the market’, but, for Proudhon, this is no metaphor; he really means the higgling of the market, the chaffering in the village square between the man selling a cow and the man selling fodder.
  • There aren't many films that metaphorically made ... jdogzz: love the first three cant wait till the forth one comes out my e-mail is: [email protected] alew: It ` s not ryan gosling in the last photo - it ` s the the director of the film Film Junk
  • Besides, how would cartoonists cope if denied end-of-the-pier-show gags and sandcastle metaphors? Times, Sunday Times
  • Kushner: The way that you're describing it, to continue the metaphor, it sounds like you've got several courses of amuse-bouche. Daniel J. Kushner: Ecstatic Music Festival Interview #3: Gabriel Kahane
  • Such people often see their lives more effectively framed by the reality metaphors that modern quantum physics and chaos theory provide.
  • It was left to the experts to explain the use of metaphor in the songs. Times, Sunday Times
  • We use this metaphor to characterize local authorities' responses to care programming.
  • Many theologians hold that these attributes are metaphorical rather than real, since comparison of God to human beings is strictly forbidden due to fears of associationism.
  • Mesell Malkontent of Faux News, the gripping cutting edge metaphorist megamedia propaganda outlet, a non-contributor of the pasty pedantry and PIG’s Pundits in General, spouts ‘demon duck du jour’, and claims, somehow, she knows, somehow, that Hezbollah is just a beauty pagent… Think Progress » Malkin: Outrage About Qana ‘Manufactured,’ ‘If It’s Not Qana, It’s Something Else…It’s Beauty Pageants’
  • As Mrs Varden distinctly heard, and was intended to hear, all that Miggs said, and as these words appeared to convey in metaphorical terms a presage or foreboding that she would at some early period droop beneath her trials and take an easy flight towards the stars, she immediately began to languish, and taking a volume of the Manual from a neighbouring table, leant her arm upon it as though she were Hope and that her Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
  • In a similar vein, the last three essays of the collection use the metaphor of the borderlands to highlight the representation of hybrid subjectivities in the works of notable American and post-colonial minority writers.
  • Yet its importance as a metaphor for evil means that the coalition remains desperate to exorcise these demons.
  • The biological metaphor has a significance of revelation for the development of evolutional economics.
  • When reviewers and prize jurors tout a repetitive style as "the last word in gnomic control," or a jumble of unsustained metaphor as "lyrical" writing, it is obvious that they, too, are having difficulty understanding what they read. A Reader's Manifesto
  • To use a sports metaphor for a moment, the history of sports is littered with teams that had lots of individual stars on them, but never made it to the championship game.
  • The metaphor my old physics professor liked was that matter is energy tied into knots.
  • But still it's the same desktop metaphor: a mouse, windows and clickable icons.
  • Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.
  • Yet one cannot be too strict in policing the boundaries between these two levels, for in drawing attention to the poetics of articulation, "Mont Blanc" suggests that philosophical argument inevitably relies on representations of an embodied "I," narrative exempla, privileged metaphors, and repeated terms. Rhyming Sensation in 'Mont Blanc'
  • The problem with the metaphor is that a lowest common denominator is not a low number. Times, Sunday Times
  • On this subject, in 1858, Lord Elphinstone used a significant metaphor.
  • The cactus is a metaphor for Saul as a person and his reciprocal relationship with Jesse. Breaking Bad Recap: Episode 3 “I.F.T.” is a Slow Burn and a Saucy Acronym | /Film
  • But in the scope of this metaphor, the implication is that euthanizing the whales will somehow make room for "better" (sneer quotes) classes of whales to evolve that aren't disoriented by subchaser pings. Undefined
  • But the noose and lifeline metaphors dramatize the in-culture ‘factness’ of much writing, its consequentiality, rather than the seductive pleasures of its speculative realm.
  • ‘Dumpling’ is a term of affection in English, when used as a metaphor of tenderness for someone embraceable and sweet.
  • In this case, though, what she is becoming is lost in hazy metaphors of? out of darkness and into the sun.? Breaking Up Is Not BreakingAway: The Pseudo-Empowerment of Kelly Clarkson |
  • Signs are the content metaphor in disguise, words as frames of meaning even if our perspective is flipped inside-out, even if that frame (of determination, of delimitation, of definition) is seen as excluding rather than including. Notes on Notes
  • It's a metaphor too good not to overuse, which is why everything from insurance companies to arctic icebreakers have incorporated the word Sampo in their names. The Lure Of The Sampo
  • In the film, the city is a metaphor for confusion and loneliness.
  • Throughout, the metaphor of brother against brother is a kind of metonymy for civil butchery in which family members slaughter one another in a grim contest of reciprocity. Shakespeare
  • Meanwhile, more religions are ransacked for metaphor than Joseph Campbell ever shook his shtick at.
  • While science describes our world through facts and figures, art and literature describes our world in metaphorical ways, by allowing us to see with our hearts what our minds sometimes have trouble fathoming. Comic geek question
  • The fact that the plane is in a holding pattern is a metaphor for Spain's political stasis. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will also come back, by the same route, to the deep ontological ramifications of the so-called equative genitive (or genitive metaphor) in that line's second phrase: the breath of fresh air that is autumn, rather than the breath that issues from it, as one might say in common figure "the very breath of life. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
  • 47 The image of the child in utero as fruit hanging precariously from a tree extended back to Galen, as Constantinus believed. 48 While Aldobrandino's passage and metaphor attributed a considerable amount of agency to the fruit-fetus (note the active voice), most discussions of fetal growth and parturition portrayed the fetus as entirely passive. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • This is a speech devoid of people and empty of metaphor. Times, Sunday Times
  • This extravagant praise, moreover, takes the form of far-fetched metaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, superlatives, elaborate syntax, etc.
  • The writer indulged in metaphorical language
  • But no saga of corporate back-stabbing could possibly match it, not least because in Rome, back-stabbing was more than a metaphor.
  • Supposing, just for a second, that we take these metaphors literally; what we would basically be saying is that God -- that Supreme Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient -- is the real evil, while Lucifer and Christ were both good guys, both trying but failing to wake humanity up to its daimonic -- which is to say divine -- potential. THE HALLS OF PENTHEUS -- PART ONE
  • To help uncover the complexities of India's uneven rise, The Shiva Rules uses as a loose reporting metaphor Shiva, the popular Hindu deity of destruction and rebirth.
  • My only criticism with this particular speech has nothing to do with the "neanderthal" comment but, rather, with her clumsy use of metaphor ... Congresswoman says some senators 'Neanderthals'
  • The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.
  • Although the word reengineering dominates business jargon, as a metaphor for organizational change, it has become wildly imprecise.
  • This concern is illustrated by another of his habitual metaphors, that of war as a game.
  • The metonymic process depends on the substitution, in a sequence, of a series of metonymies for the novel's totalizing metaphor, with each metonymy representing a repetition of the novel's metaphor.
  • While it may fulfill a voyeuristic impulse, it was hard to make a business case for this social metaphor.
  • We must remember, however, that there was a time when the same 'purposefulness' was believed to exist in the cosmos where everything seemed to turn literally and metaphorically around the earth, the abode of man. Science and Morals and Other Essays
  • Metaphorical images are so effective due to the social and natural contexts in which we acquire or learn their meanings.
  • Her daily speech is sprinkled with metaphors and witty turns of phrase.
  • Our everyday reality is a grand illusion, a dream metaphor, which we are creating.
  • For example, the underlying metaphor for the working space on the screen, is a desk top.
  • What the Wagnerite calls rhythmical is what I call, to use a Greek metaphor, The Case Of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms.
  • Metaphor, it turns out, is the key to making computers comprehensible.
  • InfoQ: PBE is an example of Model-driven development (MDD) mostly as a result of using the engineering metaphor as a philosophical base.
  • The author uses disease as a metaphor for the corruption in society.
  • The Lacanian opus is built upon the power of the signifier, the capacity of the noun, not just to represent, but also to signify various representations that can be in relation with one another, e.g. through metaphors and metonyms.
  • Teens comprehend abstract language, such as idioms, figurative language, and metaphors.
  • It is easy to see that metaphor is regarded as deviation from normal language use.
  • What kept me reading was how the novel worked as such a creepy metaphor for contemporary America.
  • The metaphor I employ to illustrate this ontology is "Author/Story". Critique of MDT
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • I've been working really hard on improving my metaphors and similes and the like.
  • One linguist notes that the essence of an eggcorn is that it takes a stale metaphor or trite cliche and breathes fresh life into it. Eggcorns: Folk Etymology Creating New Meanings Every Day
  • A sparkling hi-hat percussion line, lyrical ‘little bird’ metaphors of ‘loveless love,’ and an endgame of girls laughing make it an aural delight.
  • (That slowness to wake up and smell -- mixing metaphors here -- which way the wind is blowing has, of course, redounded to the good of actors demanding $20 million salaries.) Seeing Stars in Hollywood and New York
  • To do so, she explores the idea of metaphoricity, transforming conceits into self-reflexive, self-questioning, and ultimately self-effacing representation.
  • Times are changed and we must, to use the homely metaphor, cut our coat according to our cloth.
  • Metaphor: e.g. chain reaction 3.
  • The divided family remains a powerful metaphor for a society that continued to tear itself apart.
  • Metaphor is a common literary device.
  • I think that buying coloured knickers is perhaps a metaphor for my larger state of mind at the moment. The One With The Big Changes Afoot
  • A whole book could be written on water as metaphor, much as I am attempting with bread.
  • While concretised metaphors may be written into the strange fiction of novae, errata and chimerae, and this sort of fantastication therefore quite familiar, the pataphor is noticeably distinct in the fact that it concretises the metaphor, in this example, as it occurs, violating convention in the most fundamental way, rendering the whole narrative as unpredictable and metamorphic as a dream. Notes on Strange Fiction: The Pataphysical Quirk
  • As these real-life analogs to Apple's skeuomorphs become less prevalent, these metaphors will be less and less useful to users.
  • Metaphor, as a kind of language phenomenon and operation, shares with normal language phenomena the same language system. Their difference is demonstrated only in their operation routes.
  • The creative imagination reconciles inner and outer worlds in metaphorical synthesis.
  • I can't even remember if the problem to do with the header tank and the problem to do with the ballcock stop valve were connected, physically or metaphorically.
  • The overriding metaphor of the seasons also provides a note of consolation, suggesting not only loss and death but also renewal and rebirth. TOLKIEN AND THE GREAT WAR: The Threshold of Middle-earth
  • It is all too easy to enforce that students give speeches that have attention getters, transitions, and summaries and that make occasional use of metaphor or alliteration.
  • This would be a good metaphor for something, no doubt, if I could only pin it down.
  • Mechthild's use of metaphors drawn from courtly life led earlier commentators to speculate that she might have come from noble stock. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • On the other hand, Indian and Western philosophical studies should be pursued independently using idioms, language, and metaphors appropriate to the investigations.
  • The information on 'poetry' I have to advertize, is a bardic prose-poem attributed to Amergin and translated into English first, 1300 years after its composition by an anonymous bard, without title: 'the cauldron of poetry', so called because of the metaphorical conceit in the piece, of poetry being created in a person's three internal cauldrons: Warming, Motion & Wisdom. Poetry: a beautiful renaissance
  • Metaphor is not only a rhetorical device but also a cognitive means.
  • And so as a way of understanding what at this point is really the sheer repetitiveness of this disclaimer, I want to propose a metaphor.
  • Meditate: I use the word meditate metaphorically – everyone should meditate their own way. Discovering Work Life Balance | Impact Lab
  • A frequent metaphor for one aspect of chaos theory is called the Butterfly Effect - butterflies flapping their wings in the Amazon affect the weather in Chicago.
  • But for a supposed servant of the people to use such a metaphor to refer to a bill that affects us all in such important ways is outrageously and offensively paternalistic or should I say “maternalistic?” and flies in the face of what the relationship between the citizens and Congress in this country is meant to be. HCR: Pelosi tells the simple-minded American people not to worry our pretty little heads about it
  • This "pederastic" metaphor stems in part from the fact that the Greeks of the first literate centuries read exclusively out loud: through his writing, the writer is supposed to use the reader, the indispensable instrument for the full realization of his written word. Teach Me Tonight
  • Every time a metaphor or simile is used, the author has inserted himself into the novel and given a personal assessment aside from the direct relation of the action. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » AUTHOR INTERVIEW: Ara 13, part one
  • Sterne, and Le Sage, so trenchant, so compact of the stuff of life; and turn from them to the modern novel, composed of scenery and word-pictures and metaphor and the dramatic situations, of which A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • The outgoing chairman played his military metaphors in the warm-up act. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another guy who's really worth listing because of his short fiction, although I've come to find his use of metaphors hooty in the extreme. I Really Shouldn't Do This: The Guardian's Science Fiction And Fantasy Novel List
  • Using western classical music that included the Lament from Purcell's opera Dido and Aeneas, as well as songs about death by Schubert and Canteloube, she performed a solo that was a stunning metaphor for pain and release. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Rhetoric replaces poetry, it is true, and paraphrase dries up the freshness and the sparkle of the metaphor. An Essay Toward a History of Shakespeare in Norway
  • Rebecca turns to deception in order to correct her husband's blindness -- more metaphorical than literal -- and give the blessing to its more deserving recipient, Jacob, whom she now ropes into the dupery. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Deception And Desire: An Overview Of Genesis
  • Twelve men and women plucked at random off a metaphorical Clapham omnibus to hold her destiny in their collective hands. A DEAD LIBERTY
  • The river goes from one extreme to the other and, what with all the metaphor, sometimes gets pretty muddy.
  • One manifestation of this was the hypothesized existence of orgone which, as Wiki says, entailed: ... an extrapolation of the Freudian concept of libido as a physical, bioenergetic force, developed by psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich in the late 1930s, who generalized and abstracted it far beyond Freud's semi-metaphoric use. Archive 2008-09-01
  • In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love.
  • Somehow niggling at my brain is this apartment as a metaphor for the Korean Way of Doing Things.
  • They have become important unifying symbols in Western green politics, representing environmental health and social vitality, as metaphors and metonyms for the whole of ‘nature’.
  • Aside: I'm aware that saying a metaphor is like a endoscopic is a simile. Are you missing anything like a metaphor?
  • Maybe maths and metaphors shouldn't mix. Times, Sunday Times
  • It entails boy's-adventure jolliness, raffish character comedy, social satire, dialect humor, maybe-metaphorical farce, a parody of morbidly sentimental verse. Books on Southern Humor
  • Here, we get a slew of metaphors in service of a spectacular act of Cirque du Soleil isometrics, with biology grounding and supporting the higher mental properties, which in turn reach down to elevate the biology. Skyhooks and Tuned Decks and Bloombast (Oh My!)
  • On reflection the chess metaphor is not a felicitous one.
  • Streetwise Upper-Intermediate explores metaphors and proverbs; rhythm and stress; and the language of persuasion as used in advertising.
  • I don't think they're quite alternatives in terms of being mutually exclusive, but maybe dimensionality is not quite as apt a metaphor here. Strange Fiction 8
  • The ability to share digital pix with buddies and friends through a ‘chat’ model, based on the metaphor of a scrollable and savable filmstrip is really great.
  • And he didn't apologize, it wasn't beautiful language, it wasn't all metaphors and similes and onomatopoeia, and it wasn't, you know, packed with symbolism that you had to analyze.
  • Although the word reengineering dominates business jargon, as a metaphor for organizational change, it has become wildly imprecise.
  • Deck's theories threaten to make over-explicit what is more subtly revealed through metaphor.
  • It is a deliberately powerful metaphor, which Attenborough uses to good effect.
  • The economic and the political are out of kilter; to use a homely metaphor, it is like bike gears crunching.
  • There is a fluency and effortlessness about her poetry, not just in the cadence, but also in the flow of thought and how a metaphor moves to a conclusion.
  • No longer will one or two tropes or metaphors serve to characterize the poetic work done by women.
  • However you should exercise caution in how far you extend a metaphor.
  • Read Roger: An object lesson in metaphorical consonance An object lesson in metaphorical consonance
  • What is known is that the ball was a metaphor for the movement of the sun, and by extension also of the moon and stars.
  • Traditional and cognitive rhetorics differ most markedly in their approach to metaphor, metonymy, and other figures.
  • They are metaphors, figures of speech that describe one thing in terms of something else for purposes of clarification.
  • This is not to say that most poets do not utilize such tools as metaphor, simile, assonance, and other poetic techniques.
  • Such a metaphor betrays a complete lack of understanding, of empathy with Victorian culture.
  • Her second novel is written in a very metaphorical style.
  • It seems to me that it's been a long time since that was a working metaphor among diocesan clergy.
  • On this path are situated seven chakras or energy centers, metaphorically called Lotus Symbols.
  • There is a typology of rhetorical figures of speech made up of four tropes, they in turn govern the way we operate language: metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony.
  • The tug of cultural anthropology and sociology is strong here, and underscores food as symbol and metaphor, a cultural numerator essential to the human equation.
  • The lyrical grandeur of his language covers every known figure of speech from metaphor to simile, hyperbole to hendiadys.
  • I thought the world was my oyster, or at least my littleneck clam, but I found soon enough that the shimmering surface of unpaid drama festivals was just a thin veneer that covered a worm-ridden table beneath it, not to wear out my metaphoric welcome or anything. Me and Alfred Jarry at the 10-Minute Play Festival
  • In iconography and metaphor, women figured as symbols of knowledge, or as the object of knowledge, but in practical terms, they were not supposed to conduct scientific investigation themselves.
  • Neither can a concern with the ear and the eye be taken simply as a reading of particular metaphors, however powerfully conceived.
  • His intransigence in climbing the mountain, his insistence on understanding, is a metaphor for what the book itself does.
  • Meireles has related this penetrable field(" a formal metaphor for the universe ") to his experience in viewing van Gogh's Wheat Field under Threatening Skies with Crows.
  • The writer's striking use of metaphor.
  • He failed to explain, for instance, how Obama, whose seagoing was limited to bodysurfing, managed to mimic at least thirty nautical metaphors—some very sophisticated—used by the former merchant seaman Ayers. Deconstructing Obama
  • An appropriate metaphor might be a game of billiards or snooker, events in the three kingdoms so many balls bouncing off one another and occasionally falling into pockets.
  • First, one must have a firm command over classical Arabic language including its vocabulary, grammar, metaphors, and idioms.
  • Material geographies facilitate the construction and mobilization of spatial metaphors that, in turn, legitimize globalization tendencies.
  • There is a danger that America's metaphoric 'war on drugs' may turn into a bloody reality.
  • As we apply the metaphor to the problem of the tongue-speakers at Corinth, we note that the protasis (the ‘if’ clause of a conditional sentence) of 7b can also be rendered, ‘if one does not give detailed explanation to the utterances.’
  • The oddity of this elaborate metaphor involving verse and human feet should not go unnoticed.
  • We would run through the text looking for Australian spelling, any Australian slang and sayings, and other ‘Australianisms’ including Australian-specific metaphors or similes.
  • A boy undone by the failure to accept human limits, Icarus is a useful metaphor for the hothouse kid. The Drama of the Gifted Parent
  • It takes the idea of the commercial colour chart as its central metaphor. Times, Sunday Times
  • This paper analyzes on and probes into emphatically 14 kinds of rhetoric methods frequently used in advertising documents with the better effect including repeat, metaphor, dualization, etc.
  • But understanding the science of complexity is a far more useful metaphor than the traditional appeal to Newtonian physics.
  • His lavish past has left its mark financially, and the creditors are now tightening the metaphorical noose.
  • Critics borrowed the apian metaphor from Seneca's eighty-fourth letter to Lucilius, ‘On Gathering Ideas.’
  • Miller is interested in the philosophical, social and metaphorical implications that the Bigfoot creature represents.
  • Metaphors of evolution were often mobilised, although the equivocal nature of the concept of evolution necessitates care in our interpretation of how contemporaries used the term.
  • The second hardest thing is to learn is to avoid tired old clapped out baseball metaphors.
  • Secondly, metaphor presupposition can be judged successfully by the true-false value method and the "negation test".
  • He presented this as a complaint against the press, which he said treated her public position as an act of me-tooism to steal Gore's thunder (to use a climatological metaphor). James Bennet: Clinton Redux
  • Maybe it's a story or metaphor from our own life or that of our own parents that somehow penetrates the unconscious.
  • The way we are treating the apple serves as a metaphor for how we are treating our world.
  • The thesis aims to interpret the phenomenon of synaesthetic metaphor by using the theory of conceptual integration.
  • But Joyce is a naturally elucidating rather than a naturally metaphorizing writer, and in his elucidations the balance between what is included and what is excluded is almost always upset.
  • From what I've read the film is more of a metaphor for home coming/coming out.
  • Barker suggests that metaphor is an essential feature of human communication.
  • But Soderbergh is a race horse, blinders on and running hard, in the best sense of that metaphor.
  • It is remarkable how nicely the linguistic metaphor fits the molecular world.
  • Deck's theories threaten to make over-explicit what is more subtly revealed through metaphor.
  • In our language, and in our common sense understanding of language, the substantialist meaning of ‘being’ is the literal and genuine meaning, and any other is metaphorical and lesser.
  • Traditional rhetoric describes metaphors as emerging from a hierarchical relation between a primary and secondary context of language use.
  • Here endeth the circus metaphor: The trapeze I wanted got taken out of the ring today.
  • By indulging in metaphorical breast-beating, he conveyed a smug sense that the country can do no wrong.
  • So, keeping up the metaphor, the word might be rendered, as has been suggested by some eminent scholars, 'placarded' -- 'Before whose eyes Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
  • Bastian was not merely borrowing metaphors from political liberalism in order to explain Humboldt's intellectual importance.
  • The windhovers do what Baroque art did: they use the sky as a metaphor and inspire sensation, awe and faith.
  • I find inspiration in the quest of others for self-discovery, especially when they express this through the metaphor of food.
  • Its metaphoric origin is either in “to pour cream over, thus humiliating” or in “to remove the cream from, thus leaving a thin milk” today regarded as desirably low-fat, which is why the locution is on the decline. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • Lakoff and several others in his field have demonstrated, how-ever, that nearly all conceptual and abstract thought is structured metaphorically.
  • Using the metaphor of train lines, Tom Myers explains how patterns of strain communicate through the myofascial 'webbing', contributing to postural compensation and movement stability.
  • literalize metaphors
  • In this sense athletics offer a metaphor of the entire dilemma of liberation.
  • It's not exactly the toughest metaphor in the world to unpick.
  • The word "speculator" comes from the Latin word "specula" (watchtower) and indicates someone who tries to "look far away" and thus metaphorically "look ahead", in other words to foresee future events. News
  • Traditional rhetoric holds that metaphor is lexically a kind of contrast and substitution of meanings, and it is a deviation of the normal rules of language use.
  • Curiously, they all carry (wear, pet, hug) rocks on strings like prehistoric necklaces - a metaphor, perhaps, for survival in a flinty world of not very much.
  • The metaphor of the past administration broken and defeated is sweet indeed. Don’t Break The Oath | ATTACKERMAN
  • This, however, is a mistake; it is not easy to see how the distinction between an exact and definitive versus a reliable but revisable account maps on to the distinction between a literal versus a metaphorical account. Plato's Timaeus
  • Other newspapers ran equally dramatic copy, using military metaphors to show the growing rift between doctors and the health secretary.
  • This notion allows us to explore the physical/situational location as well as metaphorical/social aspects of literacy events and practices.
  • It is important to help pupils to appreciate that metaphors require interpretation within a background of shared ideas.
  • I would note, in addition, that Milton casts off metaphor in favor of ever more direct comments about families.
  • The idea of the Web as a place where we randomly surf for news or conduct task-oriented hunt-and-peck Web searches has given way to a new metaphor: the Web as virtual corner bar, where community and conversations reign.

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