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How To Use Metalwork In A Sentence

  • Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department. Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
  • It was part of an enormous collection of metalwork, glass, ceramics and miniatures belonging to Ralph Bernal, a lawyer and MP.
  • Jewelry, particularly in gold and silver, is popular, as is other metalwork, such as brass and copper plates and bowls.
  • Several new varieties of metalwork also were added to the old, especially the aquamanile, i.e., a vessel in the form of an animal, used for washing the hands, and the metal structures placed upon the altar; other articles assumed new forms. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Foster trained as a silversmith and has an established reputation both as a designer and metalworker.
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  • The school offers a program for students who are skilled in metalwork.
  • In its speech, the metalworkers 'union demanded a transition to renewable energy and renewable energy jobs. Tina Gerhardt: Germany's Burgeoning Anti-Nuclear Movement Promises to Derail Merkel's Energy Policy
  • His imaginative brilliance is most apparent in his inventive and often witty designs for furniture and metalwork.
  • The new centre offers courses in typing, computer and leatherwork skills for girls, and carpentry, metalwork and construction skills for boys.
  • The exhibition provides endless proof of refinements of beauty in textiles and architecture, woodwork and metalwork, ceramics and miniature painting.
  • A Galatea figure, she is crafted by a metalworker to be the perfect wife, and then discarded because she is too cold. MIND MELD: What Are The Coolest Robots in Science Fiction?
  • Mostly inexpensive metalwork such as ringed pins characterize the industry and crafts going on in the town.
  • The manuscripts, ivories and metalworking of the new Empire also reinvented classical art, in particular the accurate depiction of the human figure and an interest in the vine scroll and plant ornament beloved of the Romans.
  • At Junior Cert level, deadlines are looming for home economics and metalwork projects, and practicals in home economics and music are set to begin at the end of the month.
  • Long-standing traditions of pottery, metalworking, rugmaking, woodcarving, and textile production have been carried forward by artisan and craft cooperatives.
  • The filmmakers bring us to the marketplace of Charikar, the town selected for the hospital, to meet the civilians: war widows reduced to beggary, young children employed as metalworkers.
  • An unfinished lead buckle suggests some metalworking was taking place at the site, and there are also crucibles.
  • These analyses should indicate whether these waste products were reused for purposes such as terracing or road metalling, or whether actual metalworking activities took place here. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 17
  • There artists and craftsmen produced everything from metalwork and furniture to embroideries and mosaics.
  • Both volumes retain their original solid oak boards recessed to support panels of decorative metalwork which have been lost, no doubt at the Reformation.
  • Conservation-Restoration of antique clocks, antique furniture, books and library material, ceramics and related materials and fine metalwork.
  • Even so, where trade unions did form, they represented only a fraction of the industrial working class: élite groups of metalworkers, shipbuilders, boilermakers, miners, building workers, printers, shoemakers, and spinners.
  • Other parts of the curriculum are delivered in food technology workshops with naked flame gas cookers and resistant material workshops with woodwork and metalwork equipment.
  • There are also subtle aesthetic touches, such as the pattern on the metalwork on the façade of the building. Times, Sunday Times
  • The designs on Bronze Age metalwork and rock carvings show boats with a beak at the prow.
  • The sets were lavishly grungy: all rusting metalwork, peeling plaster and torn posters.
  • The metalwork is in excellent condition, but it is a little stiff in the action. One Trigger, Or Two?
  • drumhead" might be a tree, power pole, fencepost, or a house's siding or metalwork not appreciated by sleeping humans. rss feed
  • Long a favourite of jewellers and metalworkers, diamond burrs are now being discovered by woodworkers, woodturners and woodcarvers.
  • Other crafts include metalworking and woodcarving.
  • The Australian metalworking trades operate in an environment uninhibited by the regulations of the more traditional European centres.
  • The metalworkers' yard nearby, which forges and shapes metal to various forms, is unable to fire his poetic imagination, on this occasion.
  • MILAN—Italian auto maker Fiat SpA said Tuesday it has reached an agreement with metalworkers unions to apply a new labor contract to all its employees in its home country, completing a campaign begun more than two years ago to improve productivity. Fiat Reaches Deal With Metalworkers Union
  • The same is true for fine cloisonné, lacquerware and decorative metalwork.
  • From a poor family, he never finished university but continued to study part-time while supporting himself as a metalworker. Jose Saramago Dead: Nobel Prize Winning Portuguese Novelist Dies At 87
  • Classes include cookery, crafts, woodwork, metalwork, building construction, painting and decorating, art, literacy/numeracy, computers, upholstery and leatherwork.
  • And if the metalwork is not bright and not attractive and not rich, does it support a value of $4 million per apartment?"
  • The father-of-three enjoyed practical subjects like metalwork which he finds useful in his present job and the first aid course was helpful.
  • A host of smaller steelmakers and industries went too, some hiring former metalworkers as minimum-wage sweepers or security guards until the demolition crews arrived.
  • The bottom metal appears to be an investment casting, but it has good lines, is functional and nicely polished and blued like the rest of the metalwork on the gun.
  • The Mosan workshops were notable for their ivories, superlative champlevé enamel, often with sophisticated typological iconography, and cast and embossed metalwork.
  • In one of the workshops, veteran metalworker Kemal Hidic was turning old tank shells into engraved vases. A new look at Bosnia Herzegovina
  • On 19 April, Edinburgh auctioneers Lyon and Turnbull present the finest collection of metalwork designed by Dr Christopher Dresser ever to come to auction.
  • When I started teaching, it was about woodwork, metalwork, engineering and technical drawing.
  • In 1873 he began designing andirons, grates, stove fronts, and other pieces of metalwork for the firm Barnard, Bishop, and Barnards of Norwich.
  • That would include corrosives used mainly for metalworking and some agricultural applications and flammables.
  • Other castes include washermen, metalworkers, and drummers.
  • A little higher up the creek a crawler tractor lay abandoned and rotting, flaked holes of rust appearing in the metalwork of the cab. HIGH STAND
  • Morin approved everything, including the custom metalwork, glasswork, and built-in furniture.
  • Muslims have a fantastic ability to turn on and off their "deeply sincere" beliefs when it comes to fooling non-Muslims, whether selling in a souk (that metalwork zarf-and-finjan set in Morocco, the hubble-bubble pipe in Egypt, the carpet in Damascus), or outside the souk, selling Infidels a bill of goods. Jihad Watch
  • Scarcity and resulting costliness confined its use chiefly to precious metalworking, where it was employed as a flux to cleanse surfaces of oxides and reduce melting temperatures to aid welding and soldering.
  • We have often shown and promoted the use of antependia, and they have almost always been of a variety which were stretched or loosely hanging textiles; in other instances they were metalwork. Two Mediaeval Norwegian Altar Frontals
  • Transition Year students at the school have been following a course in metalwork and engineering, creating projects such as brass door pulls and doorknockers, and fireside pokers.
  • [Greek name Hephaestus] The Roman and Greek god of fire and metalworking; the blacksmith of the gods. Vulcan
  • I've purchased or personalized rifles that were too handsome to take afield, and I'll be the first to admit this doesn't make a great deal of sense from a pragmatic perspective, but one of the aspects of having a beautifully figured stock and excellent metalwork is pride of ownership. Don't Hunt with the Good Stuff
  • When I went to school there were woodwork, metalwork, and technical drawing classes - those kinds of subjects.
  • When people talk about lost skills that their ancestors had, everything from weaving and lacemaking to boatbuilding and metalworking, few mention basic DIY. Times, Sunday Times
  • RANDY DEARTH, CEO, LANXESS CORPORATION: We're bringing our biocide technology and trying to simulate what a metalworking fluid bed would be like. CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2009
  • They're self-taught experts in the minutiae of day-to-day medieval life, tracking down recipes, studying forgotten languages, practising metalwork or sewing.
  • Lula -- issued from a very poor family in the poor northeast, and a former metalworker -- rattled the nerves of the old-style Brazilian sub-imperialist comprador elite to an extent that is hard to fathom abroad. Pepe Escobar: Is Brazil the New United States?
  • Throughout the twentieth century the metalworkers developed a reputation for ‘mindful militancy’: that is creative but disciplined use of industrial action to improve workers living standards.
  • Nuremberg supported an exceptionally dynamic community of metalworkers ranging from renowned armourers, such as Valentin Siebenbürger and Kunz Lochner, to bronze and brass casters to goldsmiths.
  • At the workshop, I have learned metalworking practice casting.
  • There were also the remains of ship's timbers, nails and other metalwork.
  • From Sheffield, famous for making scissors, scythes, knives, razors, and the like, 769 metalworkers petitioned Parliament in 1789.
  • But over that winter we produced something like 600 sherds of pottery, a collection of late Bronze Age metalwork, spindlewhorls, loom weights, and animal bone.
  • Traditional Lebanese crafts include basketry, carpet weaving, ceramics and pottery, copper-and metalworking, embroidery, glass-blowing, and gold-and silversmithing.
  • In the first building the children would have classrooms while the other building was used for woodwork and metalwork where we were given the job of building a bookshelf for the classroom.
  • Initially the main field developed by the company was manufacture of metalwork for objects of civil and industrial construction.
  • There were exhibits from many areas including woodwork, art, crafts, metalwork and science from first year up to fifth year.
  • Nuremberg supported an exceptionally dynamic community of metalworkers ranging from renowned armourers, such as Valentin Siebenbürger and Kunz Lochner, to bronze and brass casters to goldsmiths.
  • It is a far cry from the days when girls did domestic science and boys did woodwork or metalwork at school.
  • India is known for textiles, rugs, metalwork, bronzes, copper-and brassware, stone carving, pottery, woodwork, and jewelry.
  • Japanese metalworkers have made the skill of patination into an art form.
  • Metalwork and sword fittings are also displayed alongside examples of inro, which is a sectional case or box worn suspended from the obi by a cord on which the netsuke serves as a toggle.
  • One speciality of Nurnberg craftsmen was metalworking.
  • Offered a choice of ceramics, woodwork and metalwork, she elected to work in metal.
  • The same must be true of late medieval and early modern metalwork, and the Saint Philip reliquary is just one of a number of significant reliquaries whose form was inspired by, but does not exactly reproduce, specific buildings.
  • All of the interior metalwork is burr-free and easy on the knuckles.
  • They were excellent tanners, metalworkers, goldsmiths, silversmiths, and jewelers.
  • Farming, carpentry, metalwork and leatherwork skills and services will be core activities.
  • The men whistled, catcalled and shouted their trades through the ornate metalwork gates in a bid to find jobs.
  • The limitation of the traditional metalwork practice in cultivating the innovative consciousness of students and the inelasticity in management has been analyzed .
  • She has her own distinctive opinions of jewelry design and metalworking shine through in her work.
  • There is a fine crystal chandelier of the 19C and do note too, the metalwork on the doors.
  • The same is true for fine cloisonné, lacquerware and decorative metalwork.
  • An Iranian-born Jew, also collects Japanese art of the Meiji period, Indian and Swedish textiles, Spanish damascened metalwork and Russian enamels. In Pictures: The U.K.'s Billionaires
  • That metalwork includes the mechanisms behind the project's most dramatic feature, a convertible kitchen.
  • In segmentary societies, craft production was primarily organized at the household level, and village sites may be found to contain pottery kilns, or slag from metalworking.
  • There are also subtle aesthetic touches, such as the pattern on the metalwork on the façade of the building. Times, Sunday Times
  • Through a back door, Jinx could see a small clearing, the middle of which was clear of snow surrounding a pit in the ground - evidently Rob's metalworking needs could be addressed by smelting metal in an earth-pit.
  • Drawings of architectural metalwork, candlesticks, andirons, and plasterwork of the same earlier centuries fill his sketchbooks.
  • The exhibition includes several intricately decorated vases and dishes from this time period, which feature multicoloured glazes and metalwork.
  • Fuchs Lubricants: Manufacturer of metalworking lubricants, proces cleaners and corrosion preventives.
  • Also in Melbourne, Four Silversmiths, an exhibition of contemporary Korean metalwork.
  • These early ditches had silted up a number of times and at one stage, metalworking had taken place in the sheltered area provided by the ditch banks.
  • In intermediate I was top of the school for woodwork and metalwork but I failed cooking because I refused to keep to the recipes.
  • Metalwork and sword fittings are also displayed alongside examples of inro, which is a sectional case or box worn suspended from the obi by a cord on which the netsuke serves as a toggle.
  • He was a craftsman in metalwork from Dresden, fed up with life in West Germany and something of an idealist. KARA KUSH
  • Future works will include the rust proofing of the grates and other significant metalwork in the tunnels.
  • An extraordinary number of masterworks were produced in book design, ceramics, furniture, glass, jewelry metalwork, prints, and textiles.
  • Roman luxury goods such as fine ceramic tableware, metalwork, and the amphorae containing wine, olive oil, and other foodstuffs from the Mediterranean, continued to be brought into Britain.
  • The techniques Matthew and his fellow craftsmen use are more akin to woodworking than modern metalwork.
  • The primary use of a center in metalworking is to ensure concentric work is produced, this allows the workpiece to be transferred between operations without any loss of accuracy.
  • Excavations have revealed a complicated history which, to judge from a hoard of metalwork found in the interior (now in Manchester University Museum), began in the later Bronze Age.
  • An Iranian-born Jew, he also collects Japanese art of the Meiji period, Indian and Swedish textiles, Spanish damascened metalwork and Russian enamels. London's Billionaires
  • The exhibition includes several intricately decorated vases and dishes from this time period, which feature multicoloured glazes and metalwork.
  • Trainees can specialize in two-year courses in joinery, metalwork, agricultural machinery maintenance, and construction skills.
  • The newest piece is a late Barbara Hepworth sculpture from 1973 called Meditation which will go to Aberdeen Art Gallery, while the oldest by some distance is a piece of iron age metalwork – a large and beautifully preserved firedog from about 50BC-50AD which has been at the National Museum of Wales since the 1930s. Acceptance in Lieu scheme brings a dozen new gifts to the nation
  • Her favourite subject at school is metalwork.
  • She has been working as a professional artist since 1992 and utilizes both her interest in the natural world and self-taught skills in arts and metalworking to fashion unique creations from the minerals and ores found in the earth.
  • He gave his technological expertise to the school for 10 years, ensuring pupils used machinery correctly and safely in lessons such as metalwork and woodwork. IcLiverpool
  • References to Bohemian metalworking and glass traditions appear here and there.
  • And if you peer between the razzle-dazzle of jewels to the metalwork, you find a wealth of design and technique, from engraving to damascene gold to the openwork carving on two 17th-century ceremonial maces. Glories of Gift-Giving Diplomacy
  • Farming, carpentry, metalwork and leatherwork skills and services will be core activities.
  • This legacy includes colorful processions in which descended deities are borne aloft under high parasols and bending palms; native dances and dance-dramas in elaborate costumes and masks, to the clang-bong-ring of a gamelan; and intricate woodcarving, metalwork and hand-woven fabrics. Island Art, and All That Comes With It
  • It brought art into everyday life from architecture to furniture design, blazing a trail in painting, glassware, graphic design, jewellery, pottery, metalwork, textiles and sculpture.
  • Drawn from what is perhaps the world's largest and finest collection of exported Japanese Meiji Era decorative art objects, this exhibition features metalworks, lacquerworks, ceramics, enamel and porcelain - and is on display at the Portland Art Museum from June 1st until September 22, 2002.
  • He spends his free time pacing back and forth the bridge, stroking the ridges and twirls in the metalwork with his dull black eyes.
  • Over 900 mould fragments, 250 crucible sherds, as well as waste products, scrap metalwork, tools and raw materials were recovered.
  • It's a scheme that also lends itself to metalwork and woodwork, she says.
  • This year's area seems to have many features in common with the 2000 area, where dense concentrations of industrial waste were found, both related to road metalling (making roads with iron slag substrata) as well as to actual metalworking activity. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 17
  • He gave his technological expertise to the school for 10 years ensuring pupils used machinery correctly and safely in lessons such as metalwork and woodwork. IcLiverpool
  • It can convey the effect of plastic, glyptic, or toreutic (metalworking).
  • War widows were reduced to beggary and young children employed as metalworkers.
  • Then, just a short distance from the church, the archaeologists discovered evidence of metalworking, a mill and farm buildings.
  • It brought art into everyday life from architecture to furniture design, blazing a trail in painting, glassware, graphic design, jewellery, pottery, metalwork, textiles and sculpture.
  • Rome's supremacy in metalwork had already been affirmed when the conventual church's lavish new high altar was installed in 1686.
  • Her favourite subject at school is metalwork.
  • In fact, in his spare time, he started tinkering a bit with some metalwork for just such a rifle.
  • The largest industrial concerns were electronics, computer assembly, artificial fertilizers, machinery, metalworking and textiles.
  • This empire's wealth and grandeur is manifested in the quality and range of jewellery, metalwork and seal stones; the filigree and inlay designs on the jewellery and the rhytons (drinking vessels) stand out.
  • Boars, hounds, triskelions, and gem inlays figure in Celtic metalwork from the early Iron Age to the end of distinctly Celtic forms.
  • Trainees can specialize in two-year courses in joinery, metalwork, agricultural machinery maintenance, and construction skills.
  • More than 40 new curators have been taken on, with experts in everything from Chinese painting to metalwork, taxidermy, armoury and gilding.
  • He is something of a folk hero in Brazil, 25 years ago his inspirational leadership of the metalworkers' strikes in Sao Paulo played a crucial role in bringing down Brazil's military junta.
  • The South American country is seeking the return of some 4,900 artefacts from the Inca citadel, including ceramics, cloths and metalwork.
  • The primary use of a center in metalworking is to ensure concentric work is produced, this allows the workpiece to be transferred between operations without any loss of accuracy.
  • The school offers a program for students who are skilled in metalwork.
  • And on Tuesday, Fiat said it had reached an agreement with metalworkers unions to extend the new labor contract to all the remaining employees in its home country. Fiat Gears Up, Cautiously
  • Miss Godfrey said: ‘Modern punches look exactly like the ancient ones and anyone who studied metalwork or woodwork at school would have used the same sort of punch.’
  • Rust has damaged the metalwork of the bicycle.
  • Anther parallel to this is a plan mooted for young men, whereby they may learn woodwork and metalwork skills and thereby sustain themselves.
  • I'm very happy to see him," said Ricard Joseph, a 49-year-old metalworker who walked three hours for a chance to meet the former president. Aristide Roils Haiti Election
  • These studios taught and sold a wide variety of arts and crafts including; metalwork, leatherwork, embroidery, ceramic decoration, and painting.
  • As the knocks and scrapes of time remove bits of masonry from the facades of buildings, reducing crisp details to a blur, painters add layer on layer to the wood and metalwork, reducing crisp details to a blur. Off Duty
  • China's share of the network-infrastructure market in Europe, the Middle East and Africa rose to 31% in 2010 from 12% in 2008, according to company figures compiled by the European metalworkers 'federation. Europe Raises Cry Over Chinese Technology
  • Along with his staff of woodworkers, metalworkers, mechanics, and painters, he restores antique carousels, including the San Francisco Zoo's 1921 Dentzel.
  • The Mercer Museum, a castle-like building nearby, houses preindustrial tools and artifacts, such as plows and metalworking implements, collected by its late founder Henry Chapman Mercer, an architect and archaeologist. A Slice of History
  • Chris Bently , a San Franciscan whose real-estate holdings include an apartment building on posh Nob Hill, this year paid a team of artists and metalworkers to build a car modeled after the "Nautilus" submarine from Jules Verne's "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," said two people familiar with the project. At Burning Man, Air-Conditioning, RVs Make Inroads
  • Sheep Gate many dealers in every kind of metalwork, gold, and precious stones. The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • Once this term began to be used, specificity disappeared and it became a catch-all phrase for all problematic Nigerian metalwork.
  • It was the same story in the school's woodwork and metalwork centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is clear from excavations that there was also intensive exploitation of mines and metalworking activity, to produce both weaponry and toreutic works.
  • New types of kilns were introduced for potting and tile-manufacture, and new technologies developed around glass-making and metalworking.
  • Roman luxury goods such as fine ceramic tableware, metalwork, and the amphorae containing wine, olive oil, and other foodstuffs from the Mediterranean, continued to be brought into Britain.
  • Brazil's economic boom is perceived by voters to be the result of policies pursued by President Luiz In á cio Lula da Silva, the immensely popular former metalworker and union leader who is barred from running for a third consecutive term. Brazilians Vote in Presidential Runoff
  • The Company specialises in the architectural metalwork and structural steelwork aspects of the construction industry.
  • His contribution included immeasurably enhancing the collections of metalwork and adding one of the masterpieces of English furniture, Thomas Chippendale's writing table made for Harewood House.
  • The object held by the angels at the base shares the metalwork-like form of a monstrance.
  • What about technology which could produce such fine metalwork?
  • The firefighters who designed the new system did so by drawing on off-duty skills such as rock climbing and metalworking.
  • The rapid expansion of the lighting and metalwork side of Benson's business was much aided by his enthusiastic espousal of new technology.
  • Over 900 mould fragments, 250 crucible sherds, as well as waste products, scrap metalwork, tools and raw materials were recovered.
  • He had the saint depicted in the metalwork of one of his crowns and then had several splendid suits of armor made, enchased with scenes from the story of St. George and the dragon. The Dragon’s Trail
  • British art reached a magnificent peak, especially in metalwork, all swirling motifs and fine enamelling, but it concentrated on the equipping of warrior chiefs and possibly the adornment of shrines.
  • Traditional Lebanese crafts include basketry, carpet weaving, ceramics and pottery, copper-and metalworking, embroidery, glass-blowing, and gold-and silversmithing.
  • Thus, the finest metalwork of the East Angles resembles that of Kent, and their royal dynasty seems to have been Swedish.
  • She has her own distinctive opinions of jewelry design and metalworking shine through in her work.
  • In another metalworking arena, Fantesk may one day be used to lubricate dies, which shape sheet metal into objects such as automobile roofs.
  • Her little tunics of patchwork dragon-skin gleamed against her sun-gilded limbs as if she wore a corselette of enameled metalwork. The Elvenbane
  • To use yet another metaphor, moulding of form can be thought of as metalworking; patterning like painting.
  • Evidence has emerged, however, for a range of service activities, including metalworking, cooking and animal butchery.
  • She began carving soapstone and ivory, beadwork and sewing caribou skins long before she took her first jewelry and metalwork course in Igloolik in 1992.
  • According to Lutze, Baum was a noted metalworker whom museum curators routinely hired to manufacture specialty display cases. HITLER’S HOLY RELICS
  • The Vikings brought silver, goods, and mercenaries from overseas and probably took at least as much away in Irish slaves, fine metalwork, and the products of the countryside.
  • What is certain is that the sculptors who worked on them had access to late Roman ivories and Sasanian metalwork, which provided the inspiration for their decorative schemes.
  • The display includes textiles, embroideries, glass, metalwork and jewels and the often fascinating stories behind them.
  • Fiat boss Sergio Marchionne had been hoping for overwhelming approval, and the Fiat statement blasted what it called the impossibility of reaching agreement "with those seeking to block it," a reference to one of the metalworkers unions. Headline News
  • raised metalwork
  • All that remains of his painful experience, save for a few unwelcome memories, is the metalwork that is to be removed next summer.
  • From here, the exhibition focuses on Abbas's patronage of the arts, making use of video projections to give a sense of the volumes created by his architects for the religious buildings in Isfahan, and featuring examples of the kind of metalwork, textiles and other materials that would once have furnished them. Al-Ahram Weekly Online
  • `They were known as the Lala miners and their metalwork was famous throughout southern Africa. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • The collection includes ceramics, sculpture, paintings , calligraphy, textiles, and metalwork.
  • A smithy was also set up where Frank Baldwin produced all the window casements, hinges, and other metalwork.
  • Has Lula, the former metalworker who, unlike previous Brazilian presidents, does not have an academic background and can speak no English, become a symbol of this new Brazilian status? Global Voices in English » Brazil: Does the country play a new role in the world?
  • Japanese metalworkers have made the skill of patination into an art form.
  • I was crouching down on the balcony, with my lens stuck through the gap between the metalwork and the concrete floor.
  • Sam MacDonald, who works out of Orkney, has submitted an unusual metalwork sculpture.
  • He also has the finest collection of Meiji art outside Japan, as well as Spanish damascene metalwork and Swedish textiles.
  • Before taking up art he worked in industry as a machinist, blacksmith, and tool and die maker, and he brought to his sculpture consummate skills in metalworking.
  • The identification of apparent patterning amongst types and sub-groups of ornamental metalwork can easily induce a false sense of satisfaction.
  • Most German delegate companies operated in industries such as car spare parts, installation and machine making, metalworking, energy supply and environmental protection.
  • This year's excavation returned to the metalworking area outside the mound's ditch and uncovered a wealth of finds including a sword pommel and ingot mould.
  • Last month 70,000 petroleum and chemical workers and about 120,000 metalworkers struck, demanding salary increases at triple the price of inflation. South Africa Textile Firms in Tatters
  • So the sources we used for the reconstruction are written sources and illustrations, combined with an overall knowledge of medieval craftsmanship -- the metalwork and different types of joints in the timberwork. Reconstructing Medieval Artillery
  • Allowing parents to participate in woodwork / metalwork / drama classes?
  • The garden metalworkers are making decorative garden metalwork, which is all very fine, decorative metalwork that can stand weather is very good, and there were aliens and fierce steampunk dragonflies I almost wanted enough to try to talk markgritter into one even though the garden is his domain and like that. Mrissa: And I didn't even get to the--oh, wait, those are for surprises.
  • there were bullet holes in the metalwork
  • Miss Godfrey said: ‘Modern punches look exactly like the ancient ones and anyone who studied metalwork or woodwork at school would have used the same sort of punch.’

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