

  1. of or relating to the metacenter
  2. having two equal arms because of the median position of the centromere
    a metacentric chromosome

How To Use metacentric In A Sentence

  • This large metacentric height acts as a spring against pitch and roll motions.
  • The X, Y, and autosomes are indicated as rod-shaped acrocentric, J-shaped submetacentric, and metacentric chromosomes, respectively.
  • a metacentric chromosome
  • The metacentric height can be selectively varied by varying the relationship of center of gravity to that of the dipole mass system with respect to the metacenter of the gravity gradiometer.
  • The curve may be constructed in the following manner: Having found by calculation the position of the transverse metacenter, M, for a given displacement -- Figs. 1 and 2 -- the metacentric height, G M, is then determined either by calculations, or more correctly by experiment, by varying the position of weights of known magnitude, or by the stability indicator itself. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • If the centromere is off center, the chromosome is submetacentric with a short arm labeled p (for petite) and a long arm labeled q (the next letter after p). Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • All four populations had 2n = 38, with ZZ/ZW sex chromosomes (Z, acrocentric; W, submetacentric). BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • The object of Mr. Alexander Taylor's indicator is to measure and show by simple inspection the metacentric height under every condition of loading, and therefore to make known the stability of the vessel. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
  • Chromosome 5 has metacentric signals whereas chromosome 2 has submetacentric signals.
  • Having obtained the metacentric height, reference to a diagram will at once show the whole range of stability; and this being ascertained at each loading, the stowage of the cargo can be so adjusted as to avoid excessive stiffness in the one hand and dangerous tenderness on the other. Scientific American Supplement, No. 385, May 19, 1883
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