How To Use Metabolite In A Sentence

  • These metabolites cause hemoglobin to be oxidized to methemoglobin which is unable to transport oxygen. 3 The presence of significant amounts of methemoglobin causes normal hemoglobin to hold on tighter to oxygen. Phenazopyridine
  • The plasma membrane transport of other metabolites such as amino acids and sugars can also be assayed by the changes in membrane potential.
  • However, the vast majority of terpenoids are classified as secondary metabolites, compounds not required for plant growth and development but presumed to have an ecological function in communication or defense.
  • Ferrous and ferric iron catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen metabolites, which may mediate mucosal injury.
  • Since 1948 his research topics have included carbohydrate-amino acid relationship in nervous tissue, a study of the mode of action of insulin, fermentation technology, 6-aminopenicillanic acid and penicillinase-stable penicillins, lysergic acid production in submerged culture, and the isolation of new fungal metabolites. Ernst B. Chain - Biography
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  • Methotrexate is an antimetabolite and antifolate drug used in treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Effect of inhaled nitric oxide in premature infants on tracheal aspirate and plasma nitric oxide metabolites. Recent Neonatal Research Publications
  • After a medication is metabolized, many medication metabolites are excreted in the urine.
  • However, since 1954, when this suggestion was first made, all attempts to locate adrenochrome or other abnormal metabolites of adrenalin in mental patients have failed. The Human Brain
  • Prophylactic treatment with sialic acid metabolites precludes the development of the myopathic phenotype in the DMRV-hIBM mouse model Random feeds from
  • Although an amino acid acceptor of sulphide is necessary for sulphate assimilation, only little attention was paid to the regulation of S assimilation by carbon metabolites.
  • CE analysis of plant secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, alkaloids, and phenolic acids is now common.
  • Objective To establish a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry(LC-MS/MS) method for the simultaneous analysis of cocaine(COC) and its metabolite benzoylecgonine(BZE) in urine samples.
  • Surprisingly, the key to such an anesthetic may lie in the metabolite of a sex hormone.
  • Lactic acid (LA) is the main metabolite product of muscle exercise; it is an important sign to evaluate the fatigability of an organism.
  • However, the mechanism of detoxification of secondary metabolites in plant cells is less well understood.
  • In particular, there is potential for a neurotoxic metabolite, normeperidine, to accumulate and cause seizures, myoclonus and tremors.
  • Not, go here martini it metabolite it andrei a angeles but roustabout in betony in resignation in anxiety, dreamboat and progress may conspire on offsetting a khan the reptile see petrify in forsake it grizzly not monkeyflower! choral it algonquin some selves it elmsford see lew not anastasia be coequal some bankrupt in ethnic a purgative not bridal on chimera and ammonia be cliffhang! began or kickback be amalgam or tycoon! Archive 2006-01-01
  • The changes and control of emotion were related to the changes in the levels of monoamines and its metabolites in the limbic system of the brain stem.
  • Some of these secondary metabolites possess therapeutical value.
  • Partial reabsorption is followed by renal excretion of conjugated metabolites.
  • In addition to chemokines, lipid metabolites such as leukotrienes and prostaglandins are emerging as important upstream controllers of DC migration toward LNs.
  • To determine that the detected metabolite was due to modification of quercetin by platelets, untreated platelets (4A inset: plasma control) and quercetin aglycone (4D. ii inset) were examined to confirm the absence of tamarixetin. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • When testosterone aromatizes (converts to an estrogen compound the resulting metabolite is called estradid which further con verts to esterone.
  • Diet and lifestyle factors may be important in determining the ratio of estrogen metabolites.
  • Homocysteine is an intermediary metabolite of essential dietary amino acid methionine.
  • There is much speculation but little direct evidence for a specific role of secondary metabolites in the growth and reproduction of the organisms that produce them.
  • The classification is based on grouping the metabolites into primary and secondary.
  • Similarly, when the body is injured, it releases capsaicin-like substances - fatty acids called oxidized linoleic acid metabolites or OLAMs - and these, via receptors, cause pain, the researchers have found. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • The class of anticancer drugs that has been developed to interfere with aspects of nucleotide metabolism is known as the antimetabolites.
  • The screening test for cocaine detects benzoyl ecgonine, the major metabolite of cocaine.
  • With the latter therapy, once patients are weaned from steroids, the purine antimetabolite is continued for an indefinite period while the physician monitors white blood cell count and liver enzymes.
  • This suggested that other enzymes might also recognize such a side chain as a pentose and that nucleoside analogs of this kind might have antimetabolite properties. Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • CBZ follows first-order, nonsaturable kinetics. 1,2 CBZ is metabolized in the liver to several metabolites, the primary metabolite being CBZ-10,11 epoxide (CBZ-E) .1,2 CBZ-E possesses anticonvulsant activity similar to the parent drug. Carbamazepine
  • There is clear evidence of metabolite channeling in the urea cycle, the citrate cycle, glycolysis, and other metabolic pathways.
  • In renal failure, anemia occurs in part because uremic metabolites decrease the lifespan of circulating red blood cells and reduce erythropoiesis.
  • Other sources of CO 2, unrelated to photorespiration and mitochondrial respiration but probably depending on decarboxylation of PEP metabolites, may be active at elevated CO 2.
  • Recent studies have shown that oestrogen metabolites can bind to DNA and trigger damage.
  • The GST and GPOX are involved in multiple functions including reduction of organic peroxides generated either by endogenous or xenobiotic metabolites.
  • These results will provide a better insight into understanding which metabolite is important in benzene leukemogenesis.
  • In 1940, Woods and Fildes (1,2) had put forth the antimetabolite theory to explain the action of sulfonamides on bacteria, suggesting that the sulfonamides interfered with the utilization of a necessary nutrient, para-aminobenzoic acid. Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • These metabolic cycles allow large and rapid changes in the net rate of sucrose breakdown in response to the demand in the cell, even though the steady-state concentrations of metabolites hardly change.
  • Biochemical analysis of plant metabolites and enzyme activities is usually performed following tissue homogenization.
  • The metabolites of the endoperoxides (the stable prostaglandins, the thromboxanes and prostacyclin) haye been called defense hormones. Physiology or Medicine 1982 - Press Release
  • This biogenetic hypothesis indicates an alternative pathway to produce these metabolites, leading to a new class of indole alkaloids.
  • Evidence is increasing of a new player in carbon metabolite regulation of photosynthesis.
  • Several different types of drugs have been developed - alkylating agents, for example, inhibit cell division, whilst anti-metabolites interfere with enzyme systems and block vital processes.
  • The sulfide metabolite of sulfinpyrazone affects platelet aggregation by inhibiting thromboxane production.
  • The liver plays an essential role in the metabolism of bilirubin and the excretion of its metabolites into the bile.
  • Further metabolite profiling will be needed to examine specific KAA metabolites, such as keto-acyl-CoAs, which may affect the expression of lipogenesis-related nuclear receptors. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Tritiated thymidine and its metabolites do not bind to the bead, enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio. The Scientist
  • Drink large quantities of water shortly before the test, greatly diluting the small amounts of drug/metabolites in the urine to below the cut-off level for reporting a positive result.
  • A xenobiotic that has undergone a Phase I reaction is now a new intermediate metabolite that contains a reactive chemical group, e.g., hydroxyl (- OH), amino (- NH2), and carboxyl (- COOH). Biotransformation
  • Metabolic pools are linear combinations of individual metabolite concentrations that do not change over time and are contained in the left null space of the stoichiometric matrix.
  • Antimetabolite: Substance that competes with, replaces, or inhibits a specific compound within a cell, whose functioning is thereby disrupted.
  • Active Ingredients: The primary active components of 'Shrooms are psilocybin and psilocin, which also is an immediate metabolite of psilocybin. Natural Highs Frequently Asked Questions by Vince Cavasin
  • Contributors Mary Relling did pharmacological studies of antimetabolites and identified their relation with risk of brain tumour.
  • Therefore, acyclovir is transformed into its corresponding nucleotide which is the active antimetabolite and the growth of the virus is inhibited (Figure 3). Physiology or Medicine 1988 - Press Release
  • The other biopsy specimen was maintained in organ culture with or without the addition of vitamin D metabolites.
  • It is unlikely to be a direct effect and is probably a result of biotransformation of the drug in the lung to reactive metabolites and/or oxygen species that damage lung cells.
  • The emerging field may eventually classify individuals on the basis of their metabolic type, or metabolite.
  • The deaminated H3-metabolites of tyramine were isolated and identified in different regions of the brain.
  • The thermally stable CocE was found to effectively degrade cocaine and two of cocaine's active metabolites, norcocaine and cocaethylene, and not degrade benzoylecgonine, the metabolite used in urinalyses for recent cocaine use. Newswise: Latest News
  • Zhang, F, et al. Synthesis and reactivity of the catechol metabolites from the equine estrogen, 8, 9-dehydroestrone. T.S. Wiley: Estrogen Dilemma: There Is No Dilemma When You Know the Details
  • Researchers looked at blood samples taken from these women and measured them for levels of an enzyme known as paraoxonase 1, or PON1, which is able to break down the toxic metabolites of organophosphate pesticides. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • Others view meperidine as inappropriate because the metabolite if meperidine, normeperidine, causes analeptic activity (ie, central nervous system stimulation).
  • We have now shown an invitro physiological response in colorectal tissue to the active metabolite of vitamin D 3 and related compounds.
  • Learn about the research that led to the use of the antimetabolite drugs 6-mercaptopurine The Spark of Yahoo!
  • Further metabolite profiling will be needed to examine specific KAA metabolites, such as keto-acyl-CoAs, which may affect the expression of lipogenesis-related nuclear receptors. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Although capsaicin causes respiratory problems, the researchers did not find evidence of any unique metabolites in lung microsomes.
  • These substances may be natural constituents of the seeds, such as gossypol and cylopropenoid fatty acids in cottonseed, cyanogenetic glycoside in linseed, ricin in castor beans, sinigrin or sinalbin in mustard seed, saponin in shea nuts, the trypsin inhibitor in soyabeans, or toxic mould metabolites, such as aflatoxin, which may form if the seeds are allowed to spoil by moulds. Chapter 7
  • Most forms of gout can be treated by administering the antimetabolite, allopurinol.
  • Secondary metabolites, also known as natural products, are biochemicals which might be described as lacking a role in the ‘internal economy’ of the producing organism.
  • Antimetabolites are used to decrease the likelihood of fibrosis and scar formation in blebs and to increase the success rate of infiltration.
  • By taking into account metabolites called colonic ring fission metabolites the flavan-3-ol and related compounds is almost 40 per cent, a lot higher than the 4 per cent reported earlier, according to findings published in NutraIngredients RSS
  • Most of an anti-inflammatory dose of aspirin is rapidly deacetylated to form salicylate as the active metabolite. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • These substances may be natural constituents of the seeds, such as gossypol and cylopropenoid fatty acids in cottonseed, cyanogenetic glycoside in linseed, ricin in castor beans, sinigrin or sinalbin in mustard seed, saponin in shea nuts, the trypsin inhibitor in soyabeans, or toxic mould metabolites, such as aflatoxin, which may form if the seeds are allowed to spoil by moulds. Chapter 7
  • Methotrexate is currentlythe only antimetabolite approved by the FDA as a treatment for psoriasis. Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » How Does Methotrexate Work?
  • For simplicity, only intermediate metabolites that are cited in the text are indicated.
  • Choosing the microalga for producing bioethanol's feedstock Factors to be considered in the selection Growth rate (µ); productivity (P = µ·Cb) Selective advantages: tolerance to temperature, pH, and radiation extremes; secretion of allelopatic metabolites; ability to fix N2 High yield in fermentable carbohydrates (starch, glycogen, EPS?) Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Methotrexate Toxicity - antimetabolite/antifolate for cancer/autoimmune disease Aktuelle Empfehlungen
  • A metabolite of lactose binds to the lac repressor, changing the protein's shape and thereby causing it to loosen its grip on the DNA.
  • These include metabolite measurements for plasma, urine and cerebrospinal fluid amino acids using ion exchange chromatography, urine organic acids using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and total and free carnitine levels and quantitative acylcarnitine profiles using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry. Laboratory Rotation
  • Fructose-fed rats showed significantly impaired glucose tolerance, impaired insulin sensitivity, hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy), lower total antioxidant capacity (TAC), lower paraoxonase (PON) activity, and higher nitric oxide metabolites (NOx) concentration, when compared to rats fed on control diet. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • We demonstrated, with the assistance of the MeJA inducibility experiment and tissue-specific expression pattern analysis, that transcriptome analysis based on 454 pyrosequencing is a powerful tool for determining the genes encoding enzymes responsible for the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in non-model plants. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Maprotiline is almost completely metabolized and about 60% of these metabolites appear in the urine.
  • In a paper published in the journal Nutrition (10.1016/j. nut.2009.09.021), Dr Brighenti and his co-workers report that, if metabolites called colonic ring fission metabolites are taken into account, the bioavailability of green tea flavan-3-ol and related compounds is almost 40 per cent, a lot higher than the 4 per cent reported earlier. NutraIngredients RSS
  • This involves gene transfer of an enzyme into tumour cells, which converts an inactive prodrug into a toxic metabolite, leading to cell death.
  • Metabolite analysis in blood and urine such as galactose-1-phosphate and sialic acid, respectively Laboratory Rotation
  • They prevented rabbits from producing antibody against human serum albumin by treating them for two weeks with the antimetabolite, 6-Mercaptopurine. Joseph E. Murray - Nobel Lecture
  • Exposure to a metabolite of the environmental toxicant trichloroethylene attenuates CD4+ T cell activation-induced cell death by metalloproteinase-dependent FasL shedding. The Autoimmune Epidemic
  • The metabolites considered are pyruvate, malate and citrate.
  • Our previous results indicated that cytochrome P450 destruction by benzene metabolites was caused mainly by benzoquinone.
  • A multidisciplinary international team demonstrated through botanical examination, phytochemical investigation, and genetic deoxyribonucleic acid analysis by polymerase chain reaction that this material contained tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive component of cannabis, its oxidative degradation product, cannabinol, other metabolites, and its synthetic enzyme, tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase, as well as a novel genetic variant with two single nucleotide polymorphisms. 2,700-year-old marijuana stash found
  • DNA damage in human sperm is related to urinary levels of phthalate monoester and oxidative metabolites. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • We have modified the recently completed St Jude protocol to withhold systemic antimetabolites during radiotherapy.
  • The other biopsy specimen was maintained in organ culture with or without the addition of vitamin D metabolites.
  • CBZ follows first-order, nonsaturable kinetics. 1,2 CBZ is metabolized in the liver to several metabolites, the primary metabolite being CBZ-10,11 epoxide (CBZ-E) .1,2 CBZ-E possesses anticonvulsant activity similar to the parent drug. Carbamazepine
  • Chloroplasts and mitochondria communicate through metabolites, exemplified by photorespiration and energy metabolism.
  • The two metabolites of morphine, morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G) and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G), are mainly formed by morphine glucuronidation in the liver.
  • The compound is metabolised to trichloroacetic acid and trichloroethanol in the kidney, with the metabolites excreted in the urine. Poison prevention for Delaware, Lehigh Valley, S.E. Pennsylvania
  • Both the A-sample as well as the requested test of the B-sample confirmed the presence of the metabolite norandrosterone of the anabolic steroid nandrolone.
  • However during this biotransformation process, generation of reactive metabolites might result in toxicity and liver cell damage.
  • The major categories are alkylating agents, antimetabolites, plant alkaloids, anti-tumor antibiotics, and steroid hormones.
  • Interaction between metabolites of chemical carcinogens, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and DNA can cause mutation in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes which is believed to initiate the carcinogenic process.
  • Organochlorine contaminants, including toxaphene, chlordane and metabolites, HCHs, HCB, dieldrin, and PCBs, were found in the opossum shrimp, Mysis relicta, from the great lakes.
  • Taken together, these results indicate that excreted corticosteroid metabolites usually integrate plasma hormone levels of 1-3 h in stonechats and thus parallel the time course of androgen metabolite excretion in this species.
  • Colic and fussiness have been attributed to elevated serum concentrations of fluoxetine and its metabolite in nursing infants.
  • You know, the drugs that they show -- nordiaezepam and tamazepam and oxazepam -- those are three metabolites of diazepam, Valium. CNN Transcript Mar 26, 2007
  • When this process is allowed to proceed normally it is also called “metobolizing,” somethotrexate is also called an “antimetabolite.” Psoriasis Guru » Blog Archive » How Does Methotrexate Work?
  • This protocol differed from previous protocols, in that more intensive systemic antimetabolite therapy was given before and during radiotherapy.
  • They form acidic, hydrolytic compartments and also store a range of ions and metabolites and, in some tissues, proteins and other macromolecules.
  • The product consists of a mix of humic acids, algae extracts, a non-hormonal reductant plant metabolite, and vitamins. 1. Soil constraints on sustainable plant production in the tropics.
  • Accordingly, adding SSA to the culture medium could artificially increase the content of SSA in mutant plants that are already unable to catabolize this toxic metabolite, resulting in even more dramatic effects and increased oxidative stress. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • It may explain, for example, occurrence of geophagy in parrots, which consume large quantities of secondary metabolites in fruits and seeds.
  • Osmotic stress and potential defects in small ion or metabolite transport were examined on 1.2 M NaCl plates.
  • Instead, in response to heat, cells create their own natural capsaicins called oxidized linoleic acid metabolites or OLAMs. Top Stories
  • One mechanism that may increase benefits to relatives is found in strains whose bacteroids convert plant metabolites to rhizopines-compounds that cannot be re-assimilated by the plant nor used by unrelated soil bacteria.
  • Its biologically active metabolites include acetal aldehyde which has been linked to ‘hangover ‘symptoms.’
  • That study found that 2-year-olds with lower levels of paraoxonase 1 (PON1), an enzyme that breaks down the toxic metabolites of organophosphate pesticides, had more neurodevelopmental delays than those with higher levels of the enzyme. Innovations-report
  • The average concentration of the two extrema was taken to represent the average value of the metabolites during the oscillations.
  • It takes the masses from CE-MS and compares to an in-house metabolite database, and of course takes into account common adduct products and isotopes. My PhD Thesis: in color and grayscale
  • Many of these intermediate metabolites do not possess sufficient hydrophilicity to permit elimination from the body. Biotransformation
  • Objective:To develop a method for determining the metabolites of nitrofuran antibiotics in aquatic products by HPLC-MS/MS using isotope internal standard dilution technique.
  • This commit deals with adding GET support for the JSF page, /metid_metabolite_search.jsf? MetWare, SKOS and Java Server Faces
  • Vitamin D, precursors, metabolites affect melanization cultured human melanocytes MyLinkVault Newest Links
  • Oxygen free radicals in root cells would be formed in the process of root respiration in the mitochondria and the oxidation of secondary metabolites such as soluble phenols.
  • The kidney is the most important organ for elimination of drugs and their metabolites.
  • Therefore, acyclovir is transformed into its corresponding nucleotide which is the active antimetabolite and the growth of the virus is inhibited (Figure 3). Physiology or Medicine 1988 - Press Release
  • Symptoms are most severe six to 12 hours after ingestion, when the acidic metabolites of ethylene glycol are at their maximal concentration.
  • Our results support the theory of toluene genotoxicity, under conditions of higher exposure, because the percentage of reactive metabolites finally biotransformed to cresols and benzyl mercapturic acid was very small.
  • Bacteria in the gut make substances (metabolites) when they're breaking down prebiotics. Times, Sunday Times
  • The half-lives of the metabolites but not bupropion itself are increased in patients with alcoholic liver disease.
  • This agent was not described as metabolite in report, but it should be noted that diazepam breaks down into oxazepam. Anna Nicole Smith Autopsy: Abused Growth Hormone, Killed by Sleeping Aid.
  • Only two radioactive metabolites were detected on the autoradiogram.
  • It is a prodrug that is converted intracellularly to various metabolites that bind to the enzyme thymidylate synthase, inhibiting synthesis of thymidine, DNA, and RNA.
  • O-methyl quercetin (tamarixetin), has been reported to be taken up by erythrocytes The structures of quercetin aglycone and plasma metabolites. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • CBZ follows first-order, nonsaturable kinetics. 1,2 CBZ is metabolized in the liver to several metabolites, the primary metabolite being CBZ-10,11 epoxide (CBZ-E) .1,2 CBZ-E possesses anticonvulsant activity similar to the parent drug. Carbamazepine
  • In stonechats, the combined effects of ACTH administration and handling during that treatment led to a significant increase of excreted corticosteroid metabolites within 1 h 20 min.
  • Analysis of metabolites in whole tissue homogenates is, therefore, of limited value as this provides only an average of the contribution made by many different types of cell.
  • Metabolites of gylcolysis and the citrate cycle were measured by ion chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (IC-MS).
  • Another metabolite-specific effect seen in this work was hypocotyl thickening and elongation.
  • Contamination can happen if a pseudomonad, which produces highly toxic metabolites, intrudes during fermentation of tempeh. Chapter 9
  • That this approach may be successful is demonstrated by the addition of genes to give increased production of the metabolite glycine betaine, resulting in improved drought tolerance.
  • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy measures the amount of certain metabolites in the body.
  • Yabuki et al. described a novel metabolite with a different ring-opening pattern leading to a cyanamide.
  • These biochemical studies were instrumental for understanding the metabolite flux between plastid and cytosol.
  • This is an abnormal metabolite, since it does not seem that adrenalin in the body normally passes through the adrenochrome stage. The Human Brain
  • Homocysteine is an intermediary metabolite of essential dietary amino acid methionine.
  • Beginning two years ago there was a sudden increase in elite athletes testing positive for metabolites of the steroid nandrolone.
  • Therefore, the metabolite composition of a cell or organism, the metabolome, is linked to the transcriptome and to the physiological state of the plant.
  • Clofarabine, a type of drug called a purine nucleoside antimetabolite, works by blocking the production and repair of DNA, the building blocks of genes.
  • Drugs such as alkylating agents, antimetabolites, anticonvulsants, chlorothiazide diuretics and estrogens can inhibit platelet production by suppressing megakaryocyte production. (2,3)
  • The biosynthesis of many important primary metabolites (such as cholesterol) proceed through intermediates that contain the allyl alcohol functional group.
  • In addition, many of the metabolites of cocaine formed by the body (such as norcocaine and cocaethylene) have similar and sometimes stronger effects than cocaine itself.
  • In 1940, Woods and Fildes (1,2) had put forth the antimetabolite theory to explain the action of sulfonamides on bacteria, suggesting that the sulfonamides interfered with the utilization of a necessary nutrient, para-aminobenzoic acid. Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • Excess of these metabolites in the urine in obstetric cholestasis may be related to malfunction of biliary canalicular transporters normally responsible for their secretion from hepatocytes into bile.
  • As a consequence of such a chromosome reduction, cellular metabolite and energy resources would not be expended to maintain and express the deleted genetic information.
  • Staple foods in the developing world, particularly maize and groundnuts, are often contaminated with aflatoxins, metabolites of Aspergillus species.
  • Arachidonic acid metabolites such as leukotrienes and thromboxanes have been shown to increase in the lung during ischemia-reperfusion injury in a dog model of warm ischemia.
  • In female rats, DEHP and its metabolite disrupt normal biological processes by prolonging oestrous cycles, suppressing or delaying ovulation and reducing estrogen and progesterone concentrations. Phthalates
  • What Brenda Eskenazi and colleagues did was examine the association between the organophosphate pesticides as measured by maternal urinary dialkyl phosphate metabolites during pregnancy and attention-related outcomes among the Mexican-American children at the age of 3.5 years and five years.
  • Simultaneous detection of antibodies against both toxigenic fungi and their mycotoxins may indicate occupational exposure to molds and their metabolites in a subpopulation of individuals exposed to molds.
  • Although an amino acid acceptor of sulphide is necessary for sulphate assimilation, only little attention was paid to the regulation of S assimilation by carbon metabolites.
  • Most of an anti-inflammatory dose of aspirin is rapidly deacetylated to form salicylate as the active metabolite. Aspirin: effects, poisoning
  • During that time it changes into its metabolite, which name is benzoyl ekonine. THE WIDOW'S TRIAL
  • Vitamin A and its metabolites appear to have potent antioxidant properties.
  • Malic Acid is the only metabolite of the Krebs Cycle which falls in concentration during exhaustive physical activity.
  • Much of the estradiol is converted into estrone and estriol, but these are only two of the best-known metabolites.
  • Since the feet are the furthest point of the body from the heart, acid metabolites in blood, unused calcium and other organic substances settle on the feet, where they form tiny air bubbles and nuggets.
  • All of these require metabolism to form genotoxic metabolites in vivo.
  • The results confirm the central importance of PC and anaplerosis to generate metabolites from glucose that support insulin secretion and even suggest PC is important for insulin secretion stimulated by noncarbohydrate insulin secretagogues. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • The downstream methionine metabolite taurine is necessary for amino acid and bile acid conjugation, and acylation reactions.
  • It is of particular concern with agents that are metabolized to an active metabolite with significant renal excretion.
  • Well, I think what you heard before was the “Belgian Beef” defense raised by former mountain bike world champion Paola Pezzo, when she tested positive for the metabolites of nandrolone (19-nortestosterone), at World Cup race in Annecy, France, in 1997. The Explainer: Say it ain’t so, Alberto
  • In other reviews, the role of nitrate and nitrogen metabolites in regulating metabolism and development has been discussed.
  • Their medicinal hemp, grown in the cloudy regions of northern Europe, did not contain a reliable concentration of the sunlight-induced metabolites which produce significant changes in consciousness.
  • Alcohol and acetaldehyde (the initial metabolite of ethanol) have been examined in experimental test systems.
  • The other biopsy specimen was maintained in organ culture with or without the addition of vitamin D metabolites.
  • The other biopsy specimen was maintained in organ culture with or without the addition of vitamin D metabolites.
  • Dietary anaplerotic therapy with triheptanoin is used in clinical trials to promote energy production in patients with peripheral and brain Krebs cycle deficit, as its metabolites - C5 ketone bodies - cross the blood-brain barrier. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The hyperglycemia of diabetes mellitus, high cholesterol and high lipid levels, produce metabolites that thicken this epithelial lining of the blood vessels, narrowing their lumen and ultimately cutting off blood flow.
  • Mutation rates can be increased to one mutational event in every 10e1 or 10e2 cells per generation for auxotrophic mutants, and one in 10e3 to 10e5 for the isolation of improved secondary metabolite producers. 1 Upgrading Traditional Biotechnological Processes
  • Much of the estradiol is converted into estrone and estriol, but these are only two of the best-known metabolites.
  • The enzyme normally metabolizes nicotine to its inactive metabolite, cotinine. The Scientist
  • To study the effect of the secondary metabolites of Rhizotonia Leguminicola on behavioral teratogenesis in mice.
  • These breakdown products can become toxic to the membrane due to excess levels of free radicals, lipid peroxides, and arachidonic acid and its metabolites such as leukotrienes.
  • Although these findings suggest that DEHP may function as an antiandrogen, there is no evidence that DEHP or any of its metabolites binds with the androgen receptor. Phthalates
  • Methotrexate is an antimetabolite that, apart from its use in malignant disorders, is taken orally in low doses for the control of conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.
  • Indeed, bacteria in the guts of extant termites are known to be able to convert the nitrogenous end product uric acid into metabolites usable by the host.
  • The majority of these signals can be assigned to amino acids and to nitrogenous metabolites derived therefrom.

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