How To Use Metabolism In A Sentence

  • It appears well evident that the above mentioned compound is rapidly absorbed by the nasal mucosa into the systemic hematic circulation without first-pass metabolism.
  • Those with a higher metabolism tend to exercise and let off steam more often. The Sun
  • Getting fitter can boost your metabolism and help you burn off the calories. The Sun
  • It is suggested that ad libitum feeding conditions decrease NAD availability which also decreases metabolism of the triose phosphate glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate and dihydroxyacetone-phosphate, which can spontaneously decompose into methylglyoxal MG. The low-fat diet cascade | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It is well known that diabetics and people with glucose intolerance have impaired calcium metabolism. The Family Nutrition Workbook
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  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • Amylin 's research and development activities leverage the Company's expertise in metabolism to develop potential therapies to treat diabetes and obesity.
  • These new findings highlight the physiological importance of different GS1 isoenzymes in plant nitrogen metabolism.
  • Association between a heterocyclic compound stimulating lipid and carbohydrate metabolisms and an antioxidant agent for treating obesity.
  • Metabolism of xenobiotics plays an important role in chemical carcinogenesis.
  • They've shown for the first time that the skeleton is an endocrine organ that helps control our sugar metabolism and weight and, as such, is a major determinant of the development of type 2 diabetes. August 10th, 2007
  • Laughing, she adds, is much healthier than running: it gingers up the metabolism in the same way, but without the negative side effects.
  • In Jodi's case, she was looking at some of the effects of host intestinal environment on gregarine metabolism and survival.
  • The mobility of electrons is influenced by cellular metabolism and the concentration of charged particles suspended in body fluid.
  • He is now pursuing his clinical and research interests in diabetes and metabolism at the Clinical Research Centre, Harrow.
  • In recent photos (like this one) she looks painfully underweight, but I'm hoping that's just how her metabolism is rather than any digestive issues or eating disorder. Blah blah blah blah blah & etc.
  • Certain training techniques can take your resistance program to the next level, promoting greater muscle gain, jolting your metabolism, pushing you past a plateau, supercharging your motivation and so much more.
  • The Friedman-Stricker article discusses a particular event in the liver that could trigger the hunger signal: a shift away from "oxidative metabolism" (the Krebs cycle for making energy out of anything) to direct production of glucose and ketone bodies (gluconeogenesis and ketogenesis - remember these from "diabetes is like starvation" above?). Sun Bloggers
  • Your pancreas secretes enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that help regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • When the acyclic adenosine analog was tested in the antiviral screen, it showed antiherpetic activity in vitro at about twice the concentration of ara-A The antiviral program now concentrated on the acyclic nucleoside analogs, with the syntheses conducted by Schaeffer and Beauchamp, the antiviral testing by Bauer and Collins, and the mechanisms of action, enzymology and in vivometabolism by my group (108,109). Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • Almost all of the tapeworm's metabolism is dedicated to reproduction; inside the scolex is a complete set of male and female reproductive organs. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Metabolism of homocysteine requires an adequate supply of folic acid.
  • With the use of uplifting essential oils their metabolisms could be fooled into leapfrogging hibernation, believing they had already arrived in the scent of spring.
  • As knowledge of basic platelet metabolism increases it will be more easy to identify platelet abnormalities and their pathogenesis in diabetes mellitus.
  • It is also known that peroxisomal metabolism is lower in fish than in mammals.
  • Regulation of the hormone hydrocortisone means that the ginseng helps control metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, sodium, potassium, protein, fluids and inflammation.
  • Although the available evidence indicates that insulin resistance, chronic hyperglycaemia, and associated disorders of lipid metabolism are important predictors of gall stone disease, the relationship between dietary glycaemic load and glycaemic index and the risk of gall stone disease have not been examined. Carbohydrates and gallstones | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • One was the idea that coffee might improve glucose and energy metabolism, burning more calories. Times, Sunday Times
  • Attempts have been made to look into the effects of xenobiotics on enzymatic system responsible for ecdysteroid metabolism.
  • There appears to be a common logic that can be discerned behind the list of these pleiotropic changes in cell metabolism.
  • The broad array of lysosomal storage diseases and peroxisomal disorders are presented along with the defects in transport, vitamin cofactor and metal metabolism. Clinical Biochemical Genetics
  • This whole process of metabolism is analogous to filling a tank with fluid until it overflows.
  • My Ph.D. thesis concerned the metabolic mechanism by which the end product of nitrogen metabolism in the earthworm is switched from ammonia to urea during starvation. Stanley Cohen - Autobiography
  • The behaviour of pigment metabolism mutants is consistent with a similar function for chlorophyll as a protein protectant in vivo.
  • In addition, the report presents a preliminary draft of the human amniotic fluid metabolome from women with PTL that shows biochemical intermediates of human metabolism as well as xenobiotics such as salicylamide and bacterial products can be measured in human amniotic fluid. Business Wire Travel News
  • As a result, your heart rate and blood pressure return to normal and your digestion and metabolism resume a regular pace.
  • He's not lazy, they say, he just can't stop eating and his metabolism retains everything.
  • The problem with hypothermia is it’s not that easy to cool down the human body so if we can find another method to inhibit metabolism that would be very useful. Sewer Gas Used to Induce ‘Suspended Animation’ | Impact Lab
  • This dietary effect on reproductive hormone metabolism may be especially influential to the peripubertal heifer, such as those used in this study.
  • Foster JM, Bohnert HJ, Cushman JC, Nimmo HG, et al. (2005) Conservation and divergence of circadian clock operation in a stress-inducible crassulacean acid metabolism species reveals clock compensation against stress. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • However, thus far it has not been possible to detect any general alteration in starch and sugar metabolism in mutant plants.
  • The Endocrine Society, a group of our nation's top scientists dedicated to hormone research, recently warned that BPA and other hormone-twisting chemicals "have effects on male and female reproduction, breast development and cancer, prostate cancer, neuroendocrinology, thyroid, metabolism and obesity, and cardiovascular endocrinology. Harvey Karp: Why We Must Ban BPA From Products Made For Children
  • The thyroid hormones regulate every aspect of your metabolism, from your heart rate to how quickly you burn calories.
  • The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys and secrete hormones that regulate metabolism, salt and water balance, and stress responses.
  • All cholesterol is made from the basic molecule called acetyl CoA, which comes from the metabolism of carbohydrate, metabolism of extra protein, and metabolism of fat. Anatomy of a statin ad | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • It seems likely that William was suffering from porphyria, which is an upset in metabolism resulting in inadequate utilization of chemicals known as porphyrins. The Pawprints of History
  • Since reptiles have thin skin with little insulation and most do not produce heat internally to fuel their metabolisms, adaptations to regulate body temperature (thermoregulation) are very important. Adaptations of desert amphibians and reptiles
  • A turbot is a kind of flatfish, native to the North Atlantic, that uses a specialized organ which makes use of the fish's own wake to force oxygenated water over its gills, resulting in basically force-induction of its metabolism, thus enhancing its speed and power. ckc (not kc) said, Sadly, No!
  • Your pancreas secretes enzymes that aid digestion and hormones that help regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • In most instances the successful maintenance of a glaucomatous life, exclusive of operative interference, in addition to sustained myosis, demands the investigation of the patient's metabolism, which must be kept at the normal standard, the removal of the evil effects of auto-infection, as we are wont to call it, and especially the elimination of the cause which is responsible for the over plus tension of the arteries and of the veins. Glaucoma A Symposium Presented at a Meeting of the Chicago Ophthalmological Society, November 17, 1913
  • Theirs was a high homeothermic metabolism, with corresponding energy demands. A Circus of Hells
  • Clearance of drugs with a low rate of hepatic extraction is especially dependent on the rate of liver metabolism. 7 Drugs which have low intrinsic clearance rates will have a corresponding decrease in metabolism with decreased hepatic function. 7 Clearance of drugs with a high rate of hepatic extraction will be mostly dependent on the rate of hepatic blood flow. 7 This can be diminished, as mentioned earlier, making these drugs more bioavailable. Elderly
  • I am sure if I had his kind of metabolism I would be able to enjoy such a calorific dinner, but as I don't I am happy to stick to smaller, safer, appetizers instead.
  • Some of the reported difference in rates of metabolism could relate to the severity of the underlying colitis.
  • Too much or too little thyroid hormone in the body affects the metabolism and the hair growth cycle. The Sun
  • The pancreas controlled glucose metabolism by generating a hormone they named insulin.
  • The word "homeostatic," adopted in cybernetics for feedback systems in general, originated in 1920s human physiology to name self-regulation of body fluids, digestion, and metabolism. [ Minding the Brain
  • However, the sludge is then put into Giant Vats where anarobic bacteria (through their metabolism) break down the sludge and forms the methane. this methane is then collected and used to generate power for the Sewage treatment plant. POO POWER: Giant Vat of Crap to Produce Natural Gas for CA | Inhabitat
  • Energy expenditure and allocation are determined using a combination of techniques, including body composition analysis (using extraction methods, calorimetry, and TOBEC), roosting metabolism (using standard respirometry), field metabolic rates and water flux (using doubly-labeled water), and time-activity budgets (using radiotelemetry, video monitoring, and direct observation). Contributor: Thomas Kunz
  • It is suggested that abnormal cholesterol metabolism plays an important role in gallstone formation.
  • It gets the metabolism moving and the body purging the toxins. The Sun
  • Many benefit from consultation with a specialist in cardiomyopathy and may be referred to other specialists in metabolism, genetics, and or neurology, if an inherited or systemic disorder related to cardiomyopathy is suspected. Cardiomyopathy
  • The metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids yields malondialdehyde for one, in addition to pentane and ethane. Carbohydrates are addictive | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Thiazide diuretic agents might adversely influence carbohydrate metabolism in several ways.
  • He studied the tissue distribution and metabolism of caffeine, amphetamines, ephedrine, and narcotic drugs.
  • She had put on weight, too, now that she was eating a diet more suited to her Harshini metabolism. TREASON KEEP
  • There is a whole host of other physiological responses" to exercise, such as heart rate, cholesterol levels, blood pressure and insulin metabolism, that are related to genes other than those implicated in the aerobic response, says co-author Tuomo Rankinen, a scientist in the human genomics laboratory at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge. Exercise won't boost endurance for 1 in 5
  • Such errors are not surprising, given the many differences that exist between species in terms of their anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and metabolism.
  • It also increases metabolism, and lastly, it is thermogenic, which means that this herb encourages the body to burn calories.
  • Next up is a full physical, and a muscle biopsy that determines the quality of her mitochondria, the energy factories of the cells that control metabolism. Times, Sunday Times
  • If anything, the metabolism of the obese becomes more sluggish when exposed to cold. The Vitality Diet
  • (The epidural failed, might be something to do with my metabolism, or lack therof, of certain anesthetics and opiates …) And how my daughter was a-ok but I was readmitted to the hospital five days later with water in my lungs and around my heart. A Good Birth | Her Bad Mother
  • Then again, the absence of a preferred chemosynthesis pathway that formic acid photosynthesis impress, means that the old "chicken-and-egg" paradox of "what came first, enzymes or metabolism" that it promise to resolve remains. New Results from Stardust Mission Paint Chaotic Picture of Early Solar System | Universe Today
  • Determination and metabolism of dithiol chelating agents. Succimer
  • ~ A Unique Twin Study On The Increased Cardiometabolic Risk In Obesity -- "Study finds that obesity, already in its early stages and independent of genetic influences, is associated with deleterious alterations in the lipid metabolism known to facilitate atherogenesis, inflammation and insulin resistance. Speedlinking 2/20/07
  • These expressions are objectionable, inasmuch as they hint that in a mature organism, with metabolism rather stable, tearing down, or katabolism, could go on faster than building up, or anabolism, or that one of two phases of the same process might go on faster than the other. Taboo and Genetics A Study of the Biological, Sociological and Psychological Foundation of the Family
  • Enviga combines caffeine and the antioxidant EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate), found naturally in green tea leaves, to speed up the metabolism. Introducing ‘Negative-Calorie’ Green Tea | Impact Lab
  • LPIN1 has a role in lipid synthesis and nuclear receptor coactivation, both of which may be involved in lipid homeostasis and metabolism. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Warburg had shown that this yellow pigment is involved in catalysis of the oxidation of hexose-monophosphoric acid during yeast metabolism. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • The baby can not breastfeed: The child has a birth defect or inborn errors of metabolism such as galactosemia that makes breastfeeding difficult or impossible. Spy Gum | Surveillance
  • First, and most obvious, there is the role of respiration in energy metabolism.
  • The results of our pilot trial demonstrate that the administration of intranasal insulin stabilized or improved cognition, function and cerebral glucose metabolism for adults with aMCI or AD Alzheimer's disease, Suzanne Craft, of the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System and the University of Washington School of Medicine, and colleagues said in a journal news release. Insulin spray may improve Alzheimer's symptoms
  • Objective To investigate the effect of testosterone on bone cell metabolism.
  • Is metabolism maladjusted how should recuperate? Rise in the morning and is honey useful? Can fat?
  • It influences the metabolism of fat and peanut alkene, resists the inflammation and the agglutination of hematoblasts, prevents allergic symptoms.
  • Seeing that it’s involved in inactivation/metabolism of norepinephrine and dopamine (neurotransmitters), this may be similar in effect to reuptake inhibitors or catecholamine agonists ... you know, like amphetamines .... The Volokh Conspiracy » Some Scientists’ Openness to the Possibility of Genetic Differences in Mental Traits Among Racial and Ethnic Groups
  • The thyroid gland secretes two main hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine, into the bloodstream that stimulate all the cells in the body and control many biological processes such as growth, reproduction, development, and metabolism. Endocrine system
  • Metabolism Syndrome was a syntrophic disease, which was insulin resistance as foundation and caused by abnormal metabolism of glucose and lipoid.
  • She could feel it, the terrible katabolism and metabolism in her blood, changing her even as a creature, changing her to another creature. The Plumed Serpent
  • Uric acid is a byproduct of the metabolism of purine, a protein found particularly in red meat and offal, game, seafood and alcoholic drinks (particularly beer, lager, port and red wine).
  • Perturbations of photosynthetic metabolism can be induced by many biotic and abiotic factors.
  • One of the effects of flavonoids is the ability to modulate xenobiotic metabolism.
  • Iron deficiency can affect cerebral development, and disturb the metabolism of monoamine oxidase, dopamine and energy, which maybe the physical and chemical basis of intellectual changes.
  • Altered carbohydrate, fat, and protein metabolism leads to a catabolic state.
  • Transport proteins in the inner plastid envelope membrane connect the metabolism of plastid stroma and surrounding cytoplasm.
  • MAF controls the production of insulin, glucagon and glucagon-like peptides, which play a role both in carbohydrate metabolism as well as food intake. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Three New Genetic Loci for Severe Obesity
  • Work out what you're willing to sacrifice but just remember that alcohol does not help your metabolism in any way. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suggest including resistance and endurance exercise in your fitness regime to boost your metabolism. The Sun
  • The anabolic metabolism which regulates the whole body structural harmony, as well as the adrenal cortex, come from the mesoblast.
  • Cysteamine had many biological functions, such as, exhauting somatostatin, modulating metabolism of carbohydrate, protein and fat, anti-oxidation and oxidation and improving immunofunction.
  • She hated the thought that he must become a separate, uncomfortable metabolism cursed with effort and choice.
  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • Descamps-Latscha B, Druilhe P (1990) Activation of phagocyte oxidative metabolism by opsonized PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • A relatively new drug, atovaquone, which interfered with a different step in P. falciparum metabolism, can be countered by a single amino acid mutation in a protein called cytochrome b.3 The very latest drug, artemisinin, is derived from the Chinese sweet wormwood plant. The Edge of Evolution
  • Legume seed development is closely related to metabolism and nutrient transport.
  • Net glucose loss from live cells would have been limited by the intact plasmalemma, cell metabolism and simultaneous glucose uptake.
  • Frölich and Würgler constructed a strain with increased cytochrome P450-dependent xenobiotic metabolism which facilitates the detection of promutagens.
  • Loewi continued his studies of carbohydrate metabolism, investigating among other things the conditions responsible for epinephrine hyperglycaemia. Otto Loewi - Biography
  • At 12 months, the body's natural metabolism evacuates the copolymer from the surrounding tissue by forming carbon dioxide and water, and by 15 months, the copolymer is completely eliminated.
  • Gemin X is developing first-in-class cancer therapeutics based on reinitiating programmed forms of cell death, including apoptotic and autophagic cell death, and based on the inhibition of metabolism in cancerous cells. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • This miracle compound, made from inert natural substances found only in lawn clippings and cedar tree bark, acts like a reverse biased Zener Diode, but for your metabolism. Archive 2007-01-01
  • The study, published in Cell Metabolism, found two "chaperones" -- 4-PBA or TUDCA -- increase leptin sensitivity as much as 10-fold and resulted in significant weight loss in mice. Latest News -
  • This article describes the actual biology of metabolism at a cellular level, which explains just how those processes are carried out. reducing power to construct complex molecules, and perform life functions such as catabolism, in which a cell breaks down complex molecules to yield the chemical energy and reducing power. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • He had begun a study of prion autocatalysis in yeast and became interested in the significance of polymorphisms in human genes that encode molecules involved in drug transport and metabolism.
  • Revving up your metabolism requires both heavy weight and a fast pace.
  • Short bursts of exercise speed up your metabolism. The Sun
  • The major enzymological studies underway in the field of biochemistry prior to 1950 unfortunately were focused on carbon metabolism, not on amino acid, vitamin, purine, or pyrimidine biosynthesis.
  • Other causes of hypoglycaemia should be excluded; serum and urine samples must be taken at the time of hypoglycaemia for relevant investigations, in particular to exclude hyperinsulinaemia and inborn errors of metabolism.
  • Nitrogen metabolism and digestibility studies with Merino sheep given kurrajong (Brachychiton populneum), mulga (Acacia aneura) and native grass Chapter 10
  • This is because they contain a supernutrient called capsaicin, which speeds up your metabolism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Precisely how insulin-initiated signals are modulated in liver cells for glucose uptake and metabolism is unknown.
  • Touchman, who is also an adjunct investigator at The Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), has chosen his photosynthetic, microbial partners carefully; each bears a unique metabolism, physiology or ecology and differs in fundamental ways from sequenced genomes of any other phototroph. - latest science and technology news stories
  • First and foremost, the statement "Fox's protocells were cell-like entities capapble of growing, dividing, metabolism, and responses to external stimuli" is nothing but a bare-bones, simple, straightforward statement of fact. A Minimal Genome
  • Biochemical reaction, coagglutination test, metabolism inhibition test, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, and DNA sequencing were employed to identify the isolated microorganisms.
  • The positive clinical results, together with our previously published mechanisms of gene expression modulation related to key metabolic pathways in lipid metabolism, provide impetus for much larger clinical studies. Meat and mortality | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • The class of anticancer drugs that has been developed to interfere with aspects of nucleotide metabolism is known as the antimetabolites.
  • These receptors are involved in the regulation of metabolism, embryogenesis, tissue regeneration, and cell proliferation.
  • Its function for anaerobic glycerol metabolism is unknown and in fact has not been studied so far.
  • As part of their marketing campaign, Coke and Nestlé, which developed the drink together, claimed Enviga can help consumers burn calories through a combination of caffeine and a green-tea extract called epigallocatechin gallate, both of which stimulate metabolism. Coke, Nestlé Settle Enviga Dispute
  • Bottom line? Anaerobic metabolism utilizes only glucose as an energy source.
  • This approach has proven successful for modeling cellular metabolism.
  • Calcium channel blockers have no major effects on energy metabolism during exercise, and maximum oxygen uptake is generally preserved.
  • The result was that the sugar content of the blood of the patient fell to the normal, the passing of sugar into the urine was reduced to a minimum, and the general state of poisoning, acidosis, which is caused by certain injurious substances which are formed in this kind of diabetes mainly through disturbance in the fat metabolism, often in great quantities, was checked. Physiology or Medicine 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • Faulty carbohydrate metabolism by the liver will cause blood glucose to radically rise or fall causing either hypo or hyperglycemia.
  • Finally, essential processes such as transcription, translation, protein trafficking, organelle biogenesis, and secretion are likely to influence iron metabolism to different degrees and in different ways.
  • The complete metabolism of cane sugar and its complete combustion yield the same products: carbon dioxide and water.
  • It is advisable to use a direct-acting alpha-adrenergic agonist, such as norepinephrine, because their actions are not dependent upon the release of intracellular amines, the metabolism and availability of which are altered by MAO-I's. Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors
  • Intense training tears muscle fibers and depletes muscles of essential amino acids that are needed to help regulate metabolism.
  • In short, the authors found that the fat tissue from the obese co-twins showed a significant up-regulation of inflammatory pathways, significantly reduced mitochondrial DNA copy number, and disturbed mitochondrial energy metabolism — statistically most significantly, the decreased catabolism of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Obesity: It’s all in Your Cells?
  • Macleod had, before this discovery, been interested in carbohydrate metabolism and especially in diabetes since 1905 and he had published some 37 papers on carbohydrate metabolism and 12 papers on experimentally produced glycosuria. John Macleod - Biography
  • Your metabolism is the speed at which your body produces energy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Follow a structured routine on the machine and it will rapidly increase your cardiovascular fitness and turbocharge your metabolism. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the host's metabolism that has had to adjust to the conditions of phototrophic endosymbiosis.
  • Warburg had shown that this yellow pigment is involved in catalysis of the oxidation of hexose-monophosphoric acid during yeast metabolism. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • In the present study on paranoid schizophrenia, we have performed a multilocus association study to analyze the interactions among 4 genes that are involved in dopamine metabolism.
  • In vitro inhibition of multiple cytochrome P450 isoforms by xanthone derivatives from mangosteen extract, Drug Metabolism Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • There are thus a number of different requirements for mitochondrial metabolism, ranging from biosynthesis to catabolic processes that may or may not result in ATP synthesis.
  • Histiocytosis associated with disturbance of cholesterol metabolism, occurs chiefly in young children.
  • Dietary electrolyte balance affect involve to significantly nutrient metabolism, animal health and growth rate.
  • Dietary electrolyte balance affect involve to significantly nutrient metabolism, animal health and growth rate.
  • The flow cytometry based DHR assay is used to evaluate the oxidative metabolism of phagocytes. Immunology Lab
  • Many aspects of human metabolism depend on the bioelectric process.
  • One is control of spermiogenesis; the other is control of metabolism. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • In addition, nitrogen metabolism increases the molar ratio of amino nitrogen released to filial tissues.
  • ‘Oxygen is needed for metabolism and food digestion,’ he says.
  • If this method does work, perhaps it could serve as a viable option to prevent the slowing of the metabolism in obese people when on a calorically restrictive program. Dr. Sharma’s Obesity Notes » Blog Archive » Why Losing Weight is Unnatural or the “Holy Grail” of Weight-Loss Maintenance
  • Likewise, a significant proportion of glucose metabolism contributed to fatty acid synthesis as evidenced by glucose-derived 13C-labeled behenic acid ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Metabolism, also known as biotransformation, is a major factor in determining toxicity. Toxicity
  • There are three enzyme systems directly involved in sucrose metabolism.
  • Blood flow and metabolism are increased and hormones are pumped rapidly around the body, which encourages benefits such as cell renewal, strengthened joints and reduced inflammation. The Sun
  • A related aspect of sophisticated architectures is that actuator signals (e.g. from intermediate fluxes and concentrations in core metabolism to cardiopulmonary rates and renal concentrating effects) have extremely high variability in order to keep other critical signals (e.g. from key metabolic products to blood oxygenation and pH, to core body temperature,) tightly regulated despite fluctuating supplies and demands. Convergence of Intelligent Engineering
  • A turbot is a kind of flatfish, native to the North Atlantic, that uses a specialized organ which makes use of the fish's own wake to force oxygenated water over its gills, resulting in basically force-induction of its metabolism, thus enhancing its speed and power. ckc (not kc) said, Sadly, No!
  • A white, odorless powder, C9H12N2O6, that is the nucleoside of uracil, important in carbohydrate metabolism, and used in biochemical experiments.
  • The enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase is responsible for efficient metabolism of alcohol after it has been oxidised to acetaldehyde.
  • The right foods nourish, protect, and energize your body, and keep your digestion and metabolism youthful.
  • With high molecule PVP in-depth absorption, it accelerates metabolism of skin cell , effectively removes dead cornified skin cells, peels dark epidermis, thus procrastinating aging.
  • These hormones are related to metabolism, and thus to nutritional and metabolic status.
  • Any person abruptly starved shows alterations in intermediary metabolism of protein, carbohydrate, and fat.
  • That sympathomimetic drug, which stimulates the nervous system, increases metabolism and burns fat.
  • Studies of identical twins suggest that your baseline metabolism is determined at birth.
  • CONCLUSION: The lobster chitosan has the functions of declining the BS value and strengthening the sugar tolerance whereas unaffecting the normal glycogen metabolism in diabetic mice.
  • There are many examples in which hexose metabolism is required for sensing.
  • Patients should look cautioned against cardiovascular metformin antipsychotic intake, either mucosal or chronic, when having glyburide/metformin hydrochloride, since continuation potentiates the hours of toxicity hydrochloride on word metabolism. Wii-volution
  • Starvation, as well as the changes in metabolism induced by a heavy bout of drinking, can produce ketoacidosis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, a 2008 study published in Cell Metabolism found that the fat that accumulates around the thighs and hips, called subcutaneous fat, actually lowers risk of diabetes. The 17 Day Diet
  • Early enteral feeding or nutrition could maintain the structure and function of gut, and decrease the hypermetabolism after burn injury.
  • It interferes with the body 's metabolism, according to recent research. Times, Sunday Times
  • The integration of fat and carbohydrate metabolism is of great importance in the heart.
  • We regret the confusion we caused some readers with our stories on metabolism and food.
  • It is one of ideal health appliances, which can be used for improving blood circulation and the process of metabolism, curing muscle sore, regulating biorhythm nerves, and dispelling fatigue.
  • The longer course, larger dosage and longer treatment, the higher incidence of glycometabolism abnormality and diabetes.
  • They also possess ductless endocrine glands that play a critical role in regulating the body metabolism.
  • Dynamics of focus formation can be affected by mutation of genes involved in DNA metabolism.
  • Microorganisms are an important group of organism ma inly performing catabolic metabolism, which display extreme abundance in biodiversity.
  • In addition to its role in regulating glucose metabolism, insulin stimulates lipogenesis, diminishes lipolysis, and increases amino acid transport into cells.
  • While orlistat inhibits the absorption of fat, acarbose inhibits an enzyme in the metabolism of carbohydrates—meaning that it blocks carbohydrates from breaking down in the gut and being absorbed by your body. You: On a Diet
  • Some enzymes of glucan metabolism occur in the cytosol of leaf cells, but it is not known if they participate in metabolism of starch or of other substrates.
  • Much recent research has focused on identifying proteins involved in metabolism of such compounds.
  • The liver plays an essential role in the metabolism of bilirubin and the excretion of its metabolites into the bile.
  • Dietary fructose effects on lipoprotein metabolism and risk for coronary artery disease.
  • However, the effects of fludrocortisone acetate, particularly on electrolyte balance, but also on carbohydrate metabolism, are considerably heightened and prolonged.
  • Warburg had shown that this yellow pigment is involved in catalysis of the oxidation of hexose-monophosphoric acid during yeast metabolism. Richard Kuhn and the Chemical Institute: Double Bonds and Biological Mechanisms
  • It is but the gradualness of the "enzymes or metabolism" paradox resolution that fails miserably – Zn world did it inherently at the outset. New Results from Stardust Mission Paint Chaotic Picture of Early Solar System | Universe Today
  • Pantocrine tends to stimulate cell metabolism in organism and increase weight and cockscomb of chicken. Pantocrine also is a powerful tonic. It is good for sexual disorders and weakness.
  • Moreover, metabolism of certain drugs and xenobiotics also occurs to some extent in all body tissues, but mostly in liver, lung, intestinal tract, kidney, and skin.
  • Additional, because oleaginous bigger cosmetic, can make cutaneous metabolism gets serious obstacle, and cause the facial disease such as acne to suffer from.
  • Phase III consists of further metabolism of glutathione conjugates.
  • It is a true autotroph and uses only two sources for its metabolism: carbon dioxide as its source for carbon and hydrogen as an energy source.
  • White blood cells have respiratory enzymes for aerobic metabolism, and others suited to their particular functions.
  • The research programme aims to examine the nucleotide metabolism of germinating plant seeds.

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