How To Use Metabolic disorder In A Sentence
Scientists have strong evidence that Type I diabetes is a metabolic disorder triggered by an autoimmune reaction.
Their story prompted the State Assembly, Senate and Governor to pass through and sign the proposed expanded newborn screening bill into law and today approximately three hundred children a year are identified with certain metabolic disorders like GA1 that are easily treatble with dietary changes.
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Insulin resistance is an important pathogenic factor in common metabolic disorders.
These include: head injuries like skull fracture, whiplash injury and closed head injury metabolic disorders like hyperlipidemia, vitamin B12 deficiency and thyroid disorder ototoxicity to medications like aspirin presbycusis or hearing loss associated with age earwax impaction hypertonia or muscle tension circulatory problems like hypertension, atherosclerosis and malformation of capillaries
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In order to produce twenty times more milk than a calf would need, she receives a diet heavy in grain - not the roughage that cows have evolved to digest easily - causing metabolic disorders and painful lameness.
In an effort to further define the metabolic disorder and correct the anemia, iron was administered intravenously.
Ash falls may be poisonous to livestock and result in clinical diseases, including hypocalcaemia, fluorosis, forestomach and intestinal damage, and secondary metabolic disorders.
Volcanic Ash—Effects on Agriculture and Mitigation Strategies
Infections in the mouth, chronic reflux of stomach acids, and metabolic disorders can also cause bad breath.
For decades, it's been relatively well accepted that the British monarch suffered from a metabolic disorder called porphyria, whose symptoms include abdominal discomfort and dark urine.
These include: head injuries like skull fracture, whiplash injury and closed head injury metabolic disorders like hyperlipidemia, vitamin B12 deficiency and thyroid disorder ototoxicity to medications like aspirin presbycusis or hearing loss associated with age earwax impaction hypertonia or muscle tension circulatory problems like hypertension, atherosclerosis and malformation of capillaries
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This is a metabolic disorder whereby excess uric acid in the blood gets deposited in joints.
Julia, from California in USA, suffered from metabolic disorder, which caused her leg could not expose in the sun.
Metabolic disorders such as gout increase the level of waste products in the urine and have a similar affect in causing bladder stones to grow.
Specific interests in metabolic disorders; acute lymphoblastic leukemia and physiologic management in the ICU as a moderator of outcome from traumatic brain injury.
Postdoctoral Program
Many of these metabolic disorders give rise to multisystem diseases that require the expertise of a diverse array of specialists.
Biochemical Genetics-Metabolic Disease
Scientists have strong evidence that Type I diabetes is a metabolic disorder triggered by an autoimmune reaction.
Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare, autosomal recessive metabolic disorder caused by mutations in a gene called CYP27A1, which produces an enzyme called sterol 27-hydroxylase.
MMD Newswire: Press Release News Wire
The administration of the ketone bodies hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate is known to exert a protective effect against metabolic disorders associated with cerebral pathologies.
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In addition to being obese, the Jhdm2a knockout mouse also developed other characteristics related to human metabolic disorder, such as hyperlipidemia (raised lipid levels) and insulin resistance.
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