How To Use Mesquit In A Sentence
Third grade students do school work during class at Hanby Elementary School in Mesquite, Texas.
Soon the rectangular farms gave way to rugged ranch land, canyons, ravines , red earth-and lots of mesquite trees.
The cocoanut-palm, date-palm and orange orchards contrasted their rich foliage in the sunshine with the pineapple, banana and the rich soft turf of the mesquit-grass.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 28, July, 1873
The upland natural vegetation in this dry-subhumid area is mostly mixed grass prairie, but mesquite – buffalograss and shinnery are native, respectively, to the south and to sandy areas; potential natural vegetation is distinct from the short grass prairie of the semiarid High Plains (25), the tall grass prairie of Ecoregions 28 and 40, and the oak savanna of the Cross Timbers (29).
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
Some legume pods, such as carob and mesquite, are indehiscent and do not split open.

At the end of the job, I bought a twelve-pack of Tecate and some limes and we sat together, one last time, under a mesquite tree drinking beer and waiting for the relative cool of the evening.
Also on the menu are mesquite-grilled chicken and black bean chili.
Plants that grow along the stream banks include alder, Fremont cottonwood, sycamore, honey mesquite, and Goodding willow.
Vegetation is mostly mid and tall grasses such as seacoast bluestem, switchgrass, gulfdune paspalum, fringeleaf paspalum, sandbur, purple threeawn, pricklypear, and catclaw with an overstory of southern live oak and honey mesquite trees.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The moonlight played strange tricks with the mesquit and the giant cactus,
Crooked Trails and Straight
Mesquite and prickly pear, agave and tall, bloomed-out stalks of sotol gave a sparse shade for the baking land.
Organ Pipe is quintessential Sonoran Desert terrain, a landscape of cactus and creosote bush interspersed with jagged mountains and laced with thickets of mesquite, ironwood, and palo verde trees.
As a result, not even the usually hearty mesquite and paloverde had yet leafed out.
[FOOTNOTE 61: potrero -- (Spanish) pasture, grassland] "The boys was smokin 'cut plug and dried mesquite leaves mixed when I left," sighed Mustang Taylor, horse wrangler of the Three Elm camp.
Heart of the West [Annotated]
Charcoal, Propane, Mesquite, whale blubber, whatever gives you the taste that you desire.
Heaped next to it is an untidy stack of slender oak and mesquite branches, the leña -- firewood -- responsible for the patio's distinctive smoky redolence.
Huellas ...Dona Carlota
Since last year, though, lovers of Texas-style cookery, that very different smoked meat, can find a culinary haven in Mesquite, a newish restaurant on Décarie.
His feet sank deep in the sand, then trod lightly over vast stretches of short sun-burned mesquit, then again traversed hot shifting reaches of naked sand.
Mesquite: strong flavor--not exactly tangy like the catclaw, but like SuperHoney, however not much aftertaste
Archive 2005-04-01
This kind of symbiosis, incidentally, is also found in leguminous or pod forming plants - including peas and beans, wisteria vines, acacia, mesquite, and coral trees.
It seemed to be an expanse of crispy brown grass, scattered with a few mesquite trees.
De Mesquita taught the eager Escher all he knew of woodcut printing techniques, gave him space to experiment, and encouraged him to experiment widely in order to develop his skills.
a bean from the plant Prosopis juliflora, which is a shrub related to mesquite and which grows in the south-western USA.
Mesquite firewood purchased from local woodcutters replaces nonrenewable fossil fuels that must be purchased off the Reservation.
Once cooled to body temperature, the water then completes its cycle by being returned to the ground where it slowly irrigates a grove of mesquite trees that form a new desert park.
Salinity tolerance of the tree legumes mesquite (prosopis glandulosa var. torreyana, P. velutina and P. articulata), algarrobo (P. chilensis), kiawe (P. pallida) and tamarugo (P. tamarugo) grown in sand culture on nitrogen-free media.
Chapter 8
In the low Syrian Mesquite bushes we found a stonechat and a few white wagtails running around.
Plants that grow along the stream banks include alder, Fremont cottonwood, sycamore, honey mesquite, and Goodding willow.
Juniper trees are common throughout the canyon as well as mesquite, cottonwood, salt cedar, willow, western soapberry and hackberry.
Our country upon the whole is fertile and well watered, has timber enough to supply its demands, and an everlasting amount of stone for building; it has an eternal range of mesquit grass, on which horses and cattle that never smell corn keep perfectly fat all winter.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 3, March, 1862
While babul is actually an evergreen, it produces fresh foliage every spring and so is classified with mesquite as deciduous.
Yet below the mesquite bosk that edges the bed of Cienagua Creek, water gurgles up and flows intermittently from a mostly underground stream.
Extending into The Gila the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts offer the desert element complete with yucca, mesquite, cactus, lizards, snakes, scorpions and the venomous Gila Monster.
Natural vegetation in this semiarid to dry-subhumid area is mostly short grass prairie; there is also mesquite – buffalograss in the southwest, sand sagebrush – bluestem prairie on dunes, and juniper – pinyon woodland in the western Panhandle.
Ecoregions of Oklahoma (EPA)
Once through the checkpoint, you'll bump along a maze of rocky, unmaintained roads into the dry Caribbean mesquite forest.
Students examined three trees - a mesquite, a sycamore and a pear tree - and made journal entries recording noticeable changes.
There were also thick, gray thornbushes called chaparral, interlaced amid the equally thorny mesquite.
The Lonesome Dove Series
Some swear by charcoal briquettes or mesquite charcoal.
Nearly every patch of mesquite and tamarisk from San Diego east, at least every patch large enough to afford shade and cover, hides a green-striped vehicle, ‘limas verdes,’ or green limes in border slang.
Though traditional ramadas were made with mesquite poles, ocotillo canes, and saguaro, these materials are not readily available in nurseries.
But, not so apparent, the ground under the mesquites and huisaches was dry, and the underbrush was parched.
I brined it only overnight and smoked it with mesquite and wine-cask oak in a weber smoker (borrowed).
Smokin' Meat!
Also fairly common are bluejack oak, netleaf hackberry, honey mesquite, and prickly ash.
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
Also, adding a handful of aromatic wood chips such as mesquite, hickory, alder, or fruitwood chips over the coals can add whole new dimension of flavor to your food.
Archive 2009-05-01
Pellets are made of only wood and come in flavors such as applewood, mesquite and hickory; they cost $1 a pound, which Traeger says lasts an hour.
Burning Pellets in the Grill
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
The mesquite, teriyaki, or herb sauces come in a bag big enough to let you marinate as much as three pounds of meat.
The vegetation is a mix of grasses, annual herbs and isolated patches of mesquite, cholla, ephedra and yucca.
As in the naturally established mesquites, there was a significant increase through time in the cover of transplanted mesquites within browser exclosures and none in exposed plants.
We are rich with saguaros, prickly pear, and cholla cacti, and paloverde, and mesquite trees.
Their trips ranged from traveling in the back of a convertible and staying in a nice hotel to long, hot bus rides and being lodged in a stockade, said Sandee McClammy, a baritone player from Mesquite, Texas.
Covered with scrub, native mesquite trees and low wild grasses, the desert site slopes gently down to the south.
I'm a sucker for hickory chips but anything from mesquite chips to apple wood can add a distinctive flavour to your favourite dish.
Thus, the development and use of alternative fuels -- such as mesquite briquettes, biogas, ethanol, solar energy and even propane-is urgently needed to prevent an even more severe human and environmental catastrophe.
Erin Patrick: When Food Is Not Enough to Stop Famine
In summer months they eat cacti, sagebrush, mesquite, alfalfa, clover, other grasses, and herbaceous vegetation.
In reality there's nothing in that space but a view of a mesquite tree on the empty lot behind the motel grounds.
The vegetation is a mix of grasses, annual herbs and isolated patches of mesquite, cholla, ephedra and yucca.
Each and every time he parked and disappeared into the dense mesquites with bow and arrow, however, one of them would move the pickup.
Less than an hour west of Tucson, coasting down State Highway 86 before reaching Kitt Peak and the Baboquivari Mountains, a small hill rises from the cholla, saguaro, and mesquite dotting the landscape.
Winter fog supports thin ground cover and mesquite and little else.
Sure enough, underneath the grill inside the restaurant, sacks of mesquite charcoal stand ready to feed the open fire.
Her unexpected appearance and grace and type of beauty, so different from that of the woman who occupied his thoughts, thrilled him for the moment as he listened to the soft, muffled hoof-beats of her horse which grew fainter and fainter until all was silence, save for the sighing of the wind among the _mesquit_ and _manzanita_ bushes that grew about them.
When Dreams Come True
And the smell of the Mojave after a drenching rain is an unforgettable pleasure, a scent flush with the pungent odor of creosote bush, mesquite, and sand verbena.
Behind the perpendicular arm, or spur, that ran out into the sea of mesquit, rose a low hill that was itself in the nature of an inner spur although, since it failed to reach the mountain, it might be regarded as a long flat island, surrounded by the calm green tide.
For Bush, who is known to spend early-morning hours hacking at unwanted mesquite, cocklebur weeds, hanging limbs and underbrush only to go back for more after lunch, it borders on obsession.
Juniper trees are common throughout the canyon as well as mesquite, cottonwood, salt cedar, willow, western soapberry and hackberry.
Then there's Brother Mesquite from the monastery that ranches bison, and a nice joke about a cowboy who wears clothes all made of brown paper, who gets hanged for rustling.
General vegetation types include some mesquitelive oak-bluewood parks in the north, and mesquite-granjeno parks in the south.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
It is peaceful - quiet now except for mourning doves cooing in a nearby mesquite.
It's an odd pull that land of cactus and mesquite exerts on those of us born to it.
Comanche Lookout Park hosts combinations of ashe juniper, Texas and Mexican buckeye, as well as chinaberry, graneno, Lindheimer hackberry, honey mesquite, huisache, and more.
More than 160 plant species, including six threatened succulents, depend upon legumes such as ironwood and mesquite for their regeneration in the Sonoran Desert.
Sonoran desert
Brushy species from adjacent dry uplands occur at the margins, such as honey mesquite, huisache, blackbrush, and lotebush, with some grasses such as multiflowered false rhodesgrass, sacaton, cottontop, and plains bristlegrass.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The mesquite forests that once lined a river brimming with unique native fish have given way to banks of toxic dumps.
If not, it meant that she was out of the chrysalis and had become, not the busy bee that belongs to the mesquite and the sage, but a gaudier, less responsible flutterer among eastern flower-beds.
Rimrock Trail
Fort Clark Springs is Trans-Pecos brushland with a manicured golf course dominated by honey mesquite, huisache, and Acacia spp.
And she would have us go out and pick up kiawe wood, which is like mesquite—it burns very hot and is very fragrant to cook on.
American Chinatown
Covered with scrub, native mesquite trees and low wild grasses, the desert site slopes gently down to the south.
They live chiefly upon fish and the fruit of the algarroba, a species of mesquit or honey-locust, but will eat anything that is not poisonous, even rats and grasshoppers.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
How a member of the most dauntless border police force carried law into the mesquit, saved the life of an innocent man after a series of thrilling adventures, followed a fugitive to Wyoming, and then passed through deadly peril to ultimate happiness.
The Pirate of Panama A Tale of the Fight for Buried Treasure
Small, pale brown leaves covered the ground, and the tortured mesquite trunks twisted and cracked on their upward ascent.
It's a dissected Plateau margin with canyons, rocky hills and Mesquite / Cedar bush cover.
Fantastic rock formations, beautiful mesquite forests and deep grass all hide in the heart of the range.
Instead of Stone Age camps aswirl in magic and taboo and scented smoke from mesquite lodge fires, she found herself sitting on taffeta chairs in drawing rooms on the outer margins of the Industrial Revolution, being interrogated by polite uncomprehending white men who believed in a single God and in a supremely rational universe where everything could be explained.
A canopy of hickory, oak and mesquite shrouded the barn and the muddy red clay.
The name was derived from dense mesquite groves that early railroad workers encountered there.
Vegetation is mostly mid and tall grasses such as seacoast bluestem, switchgrass, gulfdune paspalum, fringeleaf paspalum, sandbur, purple threeawn, pricklypear, and catclaw with an overstory of southern live oak and honey mesquite trees.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
They live chiefly upon fish and the fruit of the algarroba, a species of mesquit or honey-locust, but will eat anything that is not poisonous, even rats and grasshoppers.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
A hint of seasonal cool is in the dawn, and the round sunsets over the mesquites are the essence of serious dove hunting in Texas.
I stare down into valley, whose steep contours are covered with bushy, broccoli-like clumps of kiewe (mesquite).
There were blurs which were certainly not herds of cattle but ought to be, and here and there those pockmarks of greenishness which might be mesquite or something similar.
Space Platform
Comanche Lookout Park hosts combinations of ashe juniper, Texas and Mexican buckeye, as well as chinaberry, graneno, Lindheimer hackberry, honey mesquite, huisache, and more.
They found themselves treading short dead mesquit that did not greatly obstruct their progress.
A forest of giant saguaro rising from a painted desert far above the tangle of creosote-bush, mesquite, cholla, bisnaga, and scores of other strange growths of a land of strange attractions is a spectacle to stir the blood and to remember for a lifetime.
The Book of the National Parks
Vegetation is mostly mid and tall grasses such as seacoast bluestem, switchgrass, gulfdune paspalum, fringeleaf paspalum, sandbur, purple threeawn, pricklypear, and catclaw with an overstory of southern live oak and honey mesquite trees.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The mesquite, teriyaki, or herb sauces come in a bag big enough to let you marinate as much as three pounds of meat.
We are rich with saguaros, prickly pear, and cholla cacti, and palo verde, and mesquite trees.
Shrubs like dodonaea and yellow bird of paradise, trees such as mesquite and palo verde, succulents and cactus, of course, and even wildflowers - all are thriving in an increasing number of desert gardens.
Many species of ‘plains game’ and dangerous game in Africa are hunted amid thick cover similar to the mesquite brush and scrub oak common across Texas.
Streams, although they may flow only intermittently, help support the growth of several trees, among them blue palo verde, mesquite, velvet ash, small-leaved mulberry, netleaf hackberry, and soapberry.
_tornilla_ and _mesquite_, horses and cattle grazing belly-deep in the tall, juicy _zacaton_.
The Red-Blooded Heroes of the Frontier
Morrish has a crisp, clean architectural style that can make mesquite trees and shrubs look majestic simply by scattering some gleaming white bunkers around them.
A canopy of hickory, oak and mesquite shrouded the barn and the muddy red clay, pinpointing where the pork, chicken and beef were becoming prize-winning barbecue.
We are rich with saguaros, prickly pear, and cholla cacti, and palo verde, and mesquite trees.
Though traditional ramadas were made with mesquite poles, ocotillo canes, and saguaro, these materials are not readily available in nurseries, and laws prevent harvesting from public land.
Here in south Texas, where the mesquite brush and most other native plants have thorns and where not a few critters have a mean bite, it helps to be tough.
The mesquite forests that once lined a river brimming with unique native fish have given way to banks of toxic dumps.
I have no idea what if anything was ever done with the structure or if it's still sitting there on the corner under the mesquite trees.
Yet below the mesquite bosk that edges the bed of Cienagua Creek, water gurgles up and flows intermittently from a mostly underground stream.
Winter fog supports thin ground cover and mesquite and little else.
Chaparejos, or chaps, served a valuable purpose when a cowboy had to chase after a steer into a patch of thorny mesquite.
toiled through entangled growths of mesquite