How To Use Mesosphere In A Sentence
After the peak, the stratopause descended further, the upper stratosphere warmed, and the lower mesosphere cooled.
The thermosphere is the layer of the atmosphere above the mesosphere. - latest science and technology news stories
Directly behind the shuttle is the mesosphere, which appears blue. The atmospheric layer that appears white is the stratosphere, while the orange layer is Earth's Troposphere.
Separating the mesosphere from the stratosphere is a transition zone called the stratopause.
Atmosphere layers
At the upper boundary of the mesosphere, the mesopause, the temperature is between 110°C, in summer, and 60°C, in winter.
Nacreous and Noctilucent clouds form not in the part of the atmosphere in which we live, but much higher up, in the stratosphere and mesosphere.
If the layers are characterized by the rate at which temperature changes with height, then the atmosphere is split into four layers: the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, and thermosphere.
Above the earth were the layers of the atmosphere—troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere—and above those was the void of space.
The Omega Theory
There are no significant sources of heat in the mesosphere as there are in the stratosphere below and the thermosphere above.
The stratosphere is the atmospheric layer between the troposphere and the mesosphere and extends from about 12 km altitude to about 50 km.
The mesosphere extends from the stratopause to about 90 km; together the stratosphere and mesosphere make up the middle atmosphere.
The next layer, above the stratosphere is the mesosphere, which is colder than the stratosphere, then we could think that the heat pipe system restarted there; however, the gaseous mass in the mesosphere is lower than the gaseous mass of the stratosphere, so we cannot infer a restoration of the heat pipe system in the mesosphere.
Unthreaded #19 « Climate Audit
For terminology buffs, the portion of the earth's atmosphere from 50 to 85 km above the equator generally is referred to as the mesosphere, whereas the segment above 80-85 km is referred to as the thermosphere.
Just above the stratosphere lies the mesosphere.
Guy made a habit of puncturing the mesosphere with his soaring punts.
An Aussie Who Rules at Football
They will also be able to find out more about the complex waves, tides and other mechanisms that link this region - known as the mesosphere - to the lower regions of the atmosphere.
At the top of the mesosphere is another transition zone known as the mesopause.
Atmosphere layers
He looked up, as the light grey mesosphere melted away, revealing the inky blackness of space beyond.
Above the earth were the layers of the atmosphere—troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere—and above those was the void of space.
The Omega Theory
Nacreous and Noctilucent clouds form not in the part of the atmosphere in which we live, but much higher up, in the stratosphere and mesosphere.
University of Calgary climate scientist and geoengineering expert David Keith has suggested that we might ultimately find a particle that can be placed still higher up in the atmosphere, in the region called the mesosphere, above the ozone layer, where it would cause fewer problems.
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Separating the mesosphere from the stratosphere is a transition zone called the stratopause.
Atmosphere layers
The best strategic course for the U.S. is to initiate a process that would affirm the use of space as a global commons where all guns are checked at the border of the mesosphere, 50 miles up.
So it seems there are already fine particles that are levitated up to what we call the mesosphere, about 100 kilometers up -- that already have this effect.
David Keith's unusual climate change idea