How To Use Mesmerism In A Sentence

  • Mystery is our playground and mesmerism is our bedfellow.
  • This is clearly the case with spiritualism or the unsupported assertion that human beings must have had some supernatural help in their evolution but not the case with phrenology, mesmerism, anti-vaccination and radical land reform.
  • Mesmerism is a bit of medical quackery developed in the 18th century by Dr. Franz Anton Mesmer.
  • The Moon is the queen of mesmerism and mystification.
  • A common idea was that these phenomena arose from the action of a biological energy dependent on the body of the medium, a clear extension of earlier concepts from mesmerism and spiritualism.
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  • This friend explained the theory and practice of mesmerism, and Frank soon found that he could also experimentalize successfully. The Power of Mesmerism A Highly Erotic Narrative of Voluptuous Facts and Fancies
  • She even thought that mesmerism and hypnotism were occult arts.
  • Particularly after the dramatic and well-publicized cure of the journalist Harriet Martineau, interest escalated amongst the intellectual élite in therapeutic mesmerism and its use as an anaesthetic during surgery.
  • He devoted his life to the species problem but also became a popular authority on many topics, including spiritualism, mesmerism, and phrenology.
  • Supposing it could be done by mesmerism, why does this wonderful mesmerist, hypnotist, or suggestionist limit his powers, marvellous as they are, to making people believe that they see a boy climb up a rope. Indian Conjuring
  • She even thought that mesmerism and hypnotism were occult arts.
  • Darnton (3-45) has demonstrated the extensive affiliations between Mesmerism and popular science in the late Enlightenment, and Maria Tatar (45-81) has more recently shown "animal magnetism" to have been entirely consonant with contemporary scientific speculation, first incited by Newton's Opticks, on a variety of "ethers" for the propagation of magnetism, light, gravity, and electricity. ( Re-collecting Spontaneous Overflows
  • But in 1639, one hundred years before Mesmer, a book was published in Europe upon the use of mesmerism in the cure of wounds, and bore the title, The Sympathetical Powder of Edricius Mohynus of Eburo.
  • Zvolen pulled some kind of mesmerism on me or something!
  • He reminds us of Wallace's achievements and pins his downfall on his distracting interest in such fringe fields as mesmerism and phrenology.
  • In 1784, the French commission investigating mesmerism found that subjects appeared to know when and where they should have a convulsion only if the mesmerist was present to provide the cues.
  • From mesmerism and animal magnetism to theosophy and beyond, Gamwell chronicles with great seriousness attempts by modern artists to explore immanentist spiritualities.
  • There's a mesmerism akin to John Lee Hooker and Junior Kimbrough in the chording, hard-rock crunch, and political protest voiced by backing singers, all of which comes together for a singular concert experience. The Pop Scene: Around the World in Various Styles
  • All the others were converted but I was to remain an implacable and unpersuadable disbeliever in mesmerism and hypnotism for close upon fifty years.
  • What Faflak does by taking it up in both these registers is to emphasize its socially disruptive potential, but to give that disruptiveness a long-term cognitive weight by developing mesmerism towards its future in psychoanalysis. Notes on ''The Abyss of the Past': Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)'
  • They called it mesmerism, hypnotism, suggestion, I know not what?
  • It's about them, the inert, gullible, credulous, infinitely seducible public; the anonymous masses who are so bored and boring they're the perfect subjects for mesmerism.
  • From mesmerism and animal magnetism to theosophy and beyond, Gamwell chronicles with great seriousness attempts by modern artists to explore immanentist spiritualities.
  • She even thought that mesmerism and hypnotism were occult arts.
  • Like the effects of Mesmerism, gravity, and a host of other phenomena through which post-Enlightenment culture was beginning to encounter its own uncanny nature, the point of post-Baconian scientific observation or post-Lockean associationism, of turning the world over to man's ability to witness it and his place in it, was that the empirical evidence from which we construct our bodies of knowledge was, in fact, merely symptomatic of the world's latency. Introduction
  • Their ranks were equalled by marginal figures, if not blatant quacks, who also meddled in nerves through mesmerism, hypnotism, and erotic life therapies.
  • He was well known in religious circles and was seen as somewhat unusual in his thinking, often expressing an interest in mysticism, mesmerism and later, in the growing Spiritualist movement in America.
  • It is hideous to my imagination, especially what is called phrenological mesmerism. The Letters of Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1 of 2)
  • There is, as it happens, strong supporting evidence for the hypothesis that the whole episode is an example of what the practitioners of mesmerism called ‘mental travelling’.
  • These modernist Manhattanites are probably most closely associated with the neo-classical composer and his macro-minimalist mesmerism.
  • I say that these - which are the laws of mesmerism in its general features - it would be supererogation to demonstrate; nor shall I inflict upon my readers so needless a demonstration to-day.
  • Long, however, before mesmerism was heard of, medical history attests examples in which patients who baffled the skill of the ablest physicians have fixed their fancies on some remedy that physicians would call inoperative for good or for harm, and have recovered by the remedies thus singularly self-suggested. A Strange Story — Complete
  • For instance, there is an entire chapter on mesmerism, but hardly a paragraph on steel.
  • As Tatar has observed, it was no accident, given the roots of psychoanalysis in mesmerism and hypnosis, that Freud should so often have had recourse to the vocabulary of hydraulics and electromagnetism in formulating his metapsychology (43-44). Re-collecting Spontaneous Overflows
  • Just as this ill-fated man appeared at the culminating point of his professional fortunes, he had the imprudence to proclaim himself not only an enthusiastic advocate of mesmerism as a curative process, but an ardent believer of the reality of somnambular clairvoyance as an invaluable gift of certain privileged organizations. A Strange Story — Complete
  • Another psychologist, E.M. Thornton, extends the analogy between hypnotism, mesmerism, and exorcism.
  • Blavatksy may have understood the secret of the divine essence, but I don't think she understood the nature of hypnosis or mesmerism.
  • I refer to such organic forces as are popularly summed up under the words clairvoyance, mesmerism, rhabdomancy, animal magnetism, physical spiritualism. The Myths of the New World A Treatise on the Symbolism and Mythology of the Red Race of America
  • In her defiant assertion, ‘it is a true thing’, Charlotte Brontë was probably thinking of two specific authorities on the subject of mesmerism and clairvoyant communication.
  • The third version, unlike the more idealistic first and second vesions, intoroduces terms such as the unconscious, inhibition, and crisis, contains a crucial section on mesmerism, and is structured around the trauma of onto - and phylogenesis. Article Abstracts
  • Hypnosis has been popular in both mainstream and complementary medicine since the huge enthusiasm for mesmerism in the 19th century.
  • Employed with collateral means calculated to shake the nerves and excite the imagination, mesmerism causes the same variety of convulsive and violent seizures which extremes of fanatical frenzy excite; when it is employed in a gentle form and manner, with accessaries that only soothe and tranquillise, the most plain and unpretending form of trance quietly steps upon the scene. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
  • In one of the passages relating to this method of inducing what is called clairvoyance, we have an illustration of the early acquaintance of mankind with some of the forms of mesmerism. The International Monthly Magazine - Volume V - No II
  • Her sister reported that mesmerism and phrenology were also sensations in their north Alabama town while she was away.
  • Quite independently of his Historical Matrix Model, which includes other conceptual components besides the ones I have highlighted here, Shermer is persuasive in showing how Wallace's personality and the peculiar mix of his "borderland" scientific interests (particularly mesmerism and phrenology) combined to make him vulnerable to a host of other unorthodox viewpoints, such as his ardent campaign against vaccination and his strong commitment to socialist causes. Darwin and His Doppelgänger
  • All the others were converted but I was to remain an implacable and unpersuadable disbeliever in mesmerism and hypnotism for close upon fifty years.
  • Another psychologist, E.M. Thornton, extends the analogy between hypnotism, mesmerism, and exorcism.
  • the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism
  • With the technique developed by Puységur (but often with the accompanying explanation of Mesmer), Mesmerism spread rapidly.
  • In these days of table-turnings, mesmerisms, spirit - rappings, odyle fluids, and millenarian pamphlets selling Froude's Essays in Literature and History With Introduction by Hilaire Belloc
  • What seems more likely is that Brontë was drawing on her knowledge of the science of mesmerism.

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