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[ UK /mˈɛzɪk/ ]
  1. of or pertaining to a meson
    the radii of the mesic orbits
  2. having or characterized by moderate or a well-balanced supply of moisture
    mesic habitats

How To Use mesic In A Sentence

  • •Most soils are dominated by quartz sand, and are acidic, xeric, and have a very limited nutrient supply; they are coarser, drier, less fertile, and less suited to agriculture than the mesic soils of Ecoregion 84d. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • Getting acclimatized to life in Glasgow was tough at first; even after all these years away he still gets lonely and homesick.
  • He said perhaps I could help her because she was feeling really homesick. The Sun
  • A rough, dry wind which should sweep away the miasmas of the swamp, the misty staleness of the _Lieder, Liedchen, Liedlein_, as numerous as drops of rain in which inexhaustibly the Germanic _Gemüt_ is poured forth: the countless things like _Sehnsucht_ (Desire), _Heimweh_ (Homesickness), _Aufschwung_ Jean-Christophe, Volume I
  • I felt homesick for a while, but then, after about four or five days, I started to love it.
  • The noises of the camp drifted up over the grade fitfully, dreamily; some new hunger that might have been called homesickness was urging a new tone into the evening sounds. The Return of Blue Pete
  • Cryic soils support mixed coniferous forests dominated by mountain hemlock, lodgepole pine, and Pacific silver fir; they are colder than the mesic and frigid soils of the Southern Cascades (4f). Ecoregions of Oregon (EPA)
  • But it took me years to get over feeling completely homesick. The Sun
  • A lot of people who come feel lonely and homesick and want to be hugged. The Sun
  • During slow moments Grandmother wandered out in the long shirt and trousers we call a salwar kameez, threading her way between the sagging hammocks and chatting with the homesick soldiers missing the dishes of their own countries. The Hundred-Foot Journey
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