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How To Use Mesentery In A Sentence

  • For these studies, an incision was made in the abdomen, and the mesentery and small intestine were exteriorized.
  • Findings included a large right renal tumor mass adherent to the inferior portion of the liver and invading the renal vein with metastatic spread to the colonic mesentery and regional lymph nodes.
  • There was spiraling of the bowel around the midgut mesentery and the midgut was dusky in color.
  • At autopsy, the jejunum revealed multiple blue-black areas in the bowel wall and mesentery.
  • From the right crus, a slip may extend in the suspensory ligament of Treitz to the back of the duodenum near the duodenojejunal junction, with an extension to the mesentery along blood vessels.
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  • Therefore, omentum, mesentery, and lung tissues from 20 individuals in whom mesothelioma was diagnosed were analyzed for asbestos bodies and asbestos fibers.
  • The small bowel showed 5 atretic lesions of the jejunum and absence of the dorsal mesentery.
  • Findings included a large right renal tumor mass adherent to the inferior portion of the liver and invading the renal vein with metastatic spread to the colonic mesentery and regional lymph nodes.
  • The epithelium of this region of the enteron consists of a single layer of fairly regular cells, which are columnar in the dorsal region, just beneath the mesentery, and cuboidal or even flattened in regions more distant from the median plane. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • The surgeon dissects the distal sigmoid colon from the mesentery and ligates the inferior mesenteric vessels without disturbing the presacral sympathetic plexus.
  • The obstructions are due in part to shortening of the mesentery from sclerosis and impairment of the enteric blood supply, which may result in further cicatrization, kinking and narrowing.
  • The corpuscle, which is perfectly visible to the naked eye (and which can be most easily demonstrated in the mesentery of a cat), consists of a number of lamellæ or capsules arranged more or less concentrically around a central clear space, in which the nerve fiber is contained. X. The Organs of the Senses and the Common Integument. 1e. Peripheral Terminations of Nerves of General Sensations
  • And from the aorta there extend veins to the mesentery just like the veins that extend thither from the big vein, only that the branches in the case of the aorta are considerably less in magnitude; they are, indeed, narrow and fibrillar, and they end in delicate hollow fibre-like veinlets. The History of Animals
  • The appendix does not have a true mesentery; however, in about 90% of cases it is provided with a falciform fold of peritoneum, the mesoappendix, which is continuous with the dorsal (original left) surface of the mesentery of the ileum.
  • The liver is surrounded by splanchnopleure with a mesentery (the lesser omentum) connecting it to the stomach and to the ventral body wall (falciform ligament).
  • The omentum and mesentery were also thickened and adherent to the viscera.
  • Starting at the mesentery, she cut away excess tissue and muscle attachments so that she could pull out the organs. MINUTES TO BURN
  • There was spiraling of the bowel around the midgut mesentery and the midgut was dusky in color.
  • Walls of the coelomic pouches, which form (a) an inner lining to the epiblast, (b) an outer coating to the hypoblast, and (c) the mesentery (m.), by which the intestine is supported. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • In the small bowel mesentery, the spaces may be filled with chyle and are called chylous lymphangioma.
  • He described correctly the action of the epiglottis in preventing the entrance of food and drink into the windpipe during the act of swallowing, he saw the lacteal vessels in the mesentery, and pursued further the anatomy of the brain. The Legacy of Greece Essays By: Gilbert Murray, W. R. Inge, J. Burnet, Sir T. L. Heath, D'arcy W. Thompson, Charles Singer, R. W. Livingston, A. Toynbee, A. E. Zimmern, Percy Gardner, Sir Reginald Blomfield
  • Two case reports exist in the literature describing extra-adrenal paragangliomas in the posterior mesentery.
  • The proximal portion of the large intestine, as far as the left part of the transverse colon, may remain attached, along with the jejunoileum, to the posterior abdominal wall by a common mesentery.
  • Ileal carcinoids tend to grow through the bowel wall and invade the mesentery where they produce a desmoplastic reaction leading to fibrosis and small bowel obstruction.
  • Coffee specifically draws toxins from the liver through the mesentery of the small intestine.
  • Walls of the coelomic pouches, which form (a) an inner lining to the epiblast, (b) an outer coating to the hypoblast, and (c) the mesentery (m.), by which the intestine is supported. Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
  • Later it becomes completely separated from the celomic epithelium and forms a suprarenal ridge projecting into the celom between the mesonephros and the root of the mesentery. XI. Splanchnology. 1F. The Chromaphil and Cortical Systems
  • Amosite was found in all three sites (lung, mesentery, and omentum) in 11 cases.
  • An exploratory laparotomy revealed large amounts of free air and purulent fluid in the peritoneal cavity, a liver with multiple large masses, and multiple tumor nodules in the small intestinal wall and in the mesentery.
  • Deep vein thrombosis typically occurs in the leg, but veins in the arms, retina, mesentery, and cerebral sinus may also be affected.
  • What you feel is the indurated mesentery or the adherent bowel.
  • Their mesentery contains ileal arteries and veins, which are also branches of the superior mesenteric artery.
  • The mesoderm that extends ventrad from the mesentery, on each side of the entoderm just described, consists of a thick layer of compactly arranged cells. Development of the Digestive Canal of the American Alligator
  • While we do not choose to comment on chrysotile clearance from the lung, we note that chrysotile fibers reached the omentum and/or mesentery in 25% of the cases.
  • The outermost covering of the stomach is termed serosa, because it is composed of a loose fatty connective tissue containing blood vessels and nerves covered by a mesothelium, the visceral peritoneum, or mesentery.
  • Origin of GISTs from precursor cells would also better explain their described occurrence in the omentum and mesentery without involvement of the tubular gastrointestinal tract.25
  • They may occur in the mesentery of the small intestine, the wall of the duodenum, the upper part of the jejunum, or more rarely, in the wall of the stomach, ileum, gallbladder, or spleen.
  • To obtain the gross mechanical property, a strip of uniform width was cut from the mesentery.
  • Starting at the mesentery, she cut away excess tissue and muscle attachments so that she could pull out the organs. MINUTES TO BURN
  • Tissue analyzed at the Tyler, TX, laboratory included right and left lung, omentum, and mesentery from each patient.
  • Mesenteric disease on CT scan is seen as a patchy or diffuse increase in density, strands within the mesentery, and a stellate appearance.
  • Used in surgical procedures, the material reinforces staple lines on the lung, stomach, and bowel or mesentery in tissue transections or resections.
  • By the fifth or sixth week this body forms an elongated spindle-shaped structure, termed the urogenital fold (Fig. 1106), which projects into the celomic cavity at the side of the dorsal mesentery, reaching from the septum transversum in front to the fifth lumbar segment behind; in this fold the reproductive glands are developed. XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
  • Objective:To introduce the significance of the body temperature keeping pad in intravital microscopy on rat mesentery.
  • The nature of the solid tumors varied from numerous small nodules spreading throughout the mesentery and peritoneal lining to a single, large mass.
  • Their mesentery contains ileal arteries and veins, which are also branches of the superior mesenteric artery.

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