- South African annual or biennial plants having flowers that open only in bright sunlight
How To Use Mesembryanthemum In A Sentence
- For ease of maintenance mesembryanthemums can't be beaten because they come in bright colours and require little water and develop into soft billows.
- I have no idea what mesembryanthemums are, but I am going to find out.
- Its semi-desert vegetation of grass, shrubs, karoobossies and mesembryanthemums covers the hills and vales, and epitomises the wild and free spirit of this land.
- Here it is possible to find Cornish heath, mesembryanthemums, butchers broom, early meadow grass and a plethora of clovers including the large lizard clover, brookweed, yellow wallpepper and many more.
- A lot of South African species survive in dryish conditions - Geraniums, mesembryanthemums, etc.
- Things like sea holly, sea cabbage and mesembryanthemums all need the sun to open their flowers…
- Out near the lighthouse at Cabo Sardão the cliffs were smothered in mesembryanthemum, sherbet-yellow flowers in tangles of fleshy leaves.
- We made our way down along a little road, the big worn flints standing up out of the gravel, by brakes of bramble, turf-walls where the ferns grew thick, by bits of wild upland covered with gorse and rusty bracken, and down at last to the tiny hamlet -- four or five low white houses, in little gardens where the escallonia grew thick and glossy, the purple veronica bloomed richly, and the green fleshy mesembryanthemum tumbled and dripped over the fences. Escape, and Other Essays
- The numerous families of the pellitories, the chamomiles, the mesembryanthemums, pushed their varied and abundant tufts through the loop-holes in the walls, cracked and fissured in spite of their thickness. The Village Rector
- ‘When he examined it more closely he found it was not a daisy but a drosanthemum, which is a member of the mesembryanthemum family,’ Rabie said.