How To Use Merlin In A Sentence

  • At Merlin's instigation, Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table.
  • Work is under way at Summerlin Avenue and South Street on a $30 million, seven-story building that will be known as the GAI Building. SplicedFeed
  • The Dutch scientist Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1913. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1987 - Presentation Speech
  • Like a magician waving his magic wand, McGrath took on the guise of Merlin as he wove his magic, enrapturing his team-mates, opponents and adoring masses.
  • Janyn was strolling jauntily back towards his headland and the open fields, where he could fly the merlin on his creance without tangling her in trees to her confusion and displeasure. The Devil's Novice
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  • Also worth getting the tides right, so you can pop down to the beach under the headland and see Merlin's Cave - a huge cave going right through, under the landward end of the headland by the isthmus.
  • Merlin checked the readings of a hand scanner that was strapped to his left arm and grunted.
  • The area supports a number of species locally threatened or at their biogeographic limits, including golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, prairie falcon Falco mexicanus, ferruginous hawk Buteo regalis, loggerhead shrike Lanius ludovicianus, merlin Falco columbarius, Brewers sparrow Spizella breweri and grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum. Dinosaur Provincial Park, Canada
  • Merlin almost effortlessly blocked her bolt barehanded, but stopping her second one took considerable effort.
  • Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
  • Talin, merlin, and philopodin are other major members of the FERM superfamily.
  • Superconductivity was discovered as early as 1911 by Kamerlingh-Onnes, who noticed that the electrical resistivity of mercury dropped to less than one billionth of its ordinary value when it was cooled well below a transition temperature of, which is about 4 K. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
  • Dr Ryan also made it clear that it was not intended that elective surgery would be carried out in Castlebar but that a new specialist unit would be established to cater for elective work for the region at Merlin Park hospital.
  • Merlin appears not only as a sorcerer and a wise man but also as a trickster. Constantly, he appears before Arthur in disguise, as a child, a beggar, an old peasant.
  • The tiny knots of the branch dug into his neck as Merlin sought to find a purchase with his fingers, scrabbling against the oily branch.
  • To supply warships at sea the ship has three main refuelling rigs and a crane rig for smaller vessels, and the vessel also has a large flight deck and hangar facilities for Merlin helicopters.
  • Some mythographers have thought that the name ‘Merlin’ is a corruption of the name of the ancient Celtic sky god ‘Myrddin,’ who might have been worshiped at stone monuments.
  • England, and landed at Dover; and through the wit of Merlin, he had the host northward, the priviest way that could be thought, unto the forest of Bedegraine, and there in a valley he lodged them secretly. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Secondly, fly not at every pretty girl, like a merlin at a thrush — you will not always win a gold chain for your labour — and, by the way, here I return to you your fanfarona — keep it close, it is weighty, and may benefit you at a pinch more ways than one. The Abbot
  • Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
  • Migration peaks end of April/first of May with tens of thousands of birds: red knots, least and western sandpipers, sanderlings, dunlins, short-billed dowitchers, black-bellied and semipalmated plovers, greater yellowlegs - all doing their best to avoid hunting Peregrine falcons and merlins. The Seattle Times
  • The prince scowled and took on a dark expression that Merlin had not seen before on the cordial coyote.
  • Merlin Michael Williams appeared at a magistrates' court in the southern English coastal town of Portsmouth wearing his full Druidic regalia of green robe and blue cloak, with talismans around his neck.
  • In the five years since we came here, I have recorded eight species of raptor flying over the garden, including hobby, peregrine, merlin, osprey and marsh harrier. Birdwatch: Kestrel
  • It also means the curriculum is bang up-to-date, with Merlin crews who took part in the conflict in Iraq feeding their observations and experiences back to the squadron.
  • [13: 17] VeC Merlin: known as the perv discount ... World of SL
  • Merlin alights from Siege Perilous -- one of the chair from the Round Table -- and is startled to discover he's been asleep for 1500 years. The WritingYA Weblog: Merlin Revisited: The Seventh Chair
  • Nimue is specifically named as a Lady of the Lake; she is the defeater, or perhaps simply replacer, of Merlin at Arthur's Court.
  • Fall, of course, is the best time to see migrants: peregrine falcons, merlins, and flocks of tree swallows at Assateague; northern gannets just offshore; and plenty of Canadian and snow geese soaring above.
  • “Do they give lectures on orthopedy and intellectual gymnastics?” asked Merlin. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • Merlin, Jo and Ollie are siblings; waifs and strays with an absent father and a hopeless mother who locks them out of the house for long periods.
  • The image includes X-ray data from Chandra (colored purple), optical and ultraviolet (UV) data from Hubble (red and orange), and radio emission from the Very Large Array (VLA) and MERLIN (blue).
  • ‘I was Merlin the Magician of the green baize,’ he added, referring to his years on top of the snooker world.
  • Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes (Nobel Prize in Physics 1913). Press Release: The 1996 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • Boasting buzzards, merlins, kestrels, peregrines, and ospreys, the county has ten of a total UK species of 15-making it one of the nation's key habitats.
  • Merlin's head rocked back from the force of the impact and an explosion ripped through his ears.
  • A peregrine falcon and a merlin swoop overhead, and the canyon soon curves to the left.
  • Lancelot, the Wandering Frenchy is still around when he runs into Le Fay fortunetelling, and Merlin's arrival 1000 years later. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Isaac Asimov's Camelot - Gardner Dozois and Sheila Williams
  • With a faint deprecatory chuckle, as if to say that he would have enjoyed this had life put him in the habit of enjoying anything, Merlin doddered away to the back of his shop where his treasures were kept, to get this latest investment which he had picked up rather cheaply at the sale of a big collection. Tales of the Jazz Age
  • The Black Merlin is solid black on the head and back, and dark with a minimal amount of light streaking on the breast.
  • The drawcords on the fleece and the Merlin sleeping bag pull in freely and close tightly if required.
  • Across the water were four immature eagles soaring, swooping, and suffering the aggression of what we believe was a Merlin.
  • The other remaining pets are Zac, a black collie cross, Merlin the cat, Buttercup the rabbit and Albino ferrets Owen and Milly.
  • She moved into the kitchen and Merlin picked up a remote off the table.
  • Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
  • The heather provides safe havens for ground nesting birds like curlew, lapwing, merlin, golden plover and the black grouse and the Moorland Association wants walkers to help keep the moors special.
  • The sky had partially cleared by then, a mild and milky sun was warming the air without quite disseminating the mist, and the young man who came strolling along a headland with a hound at his heel and a half-trained merlin on a creance on his wrist had dew-darkened boots, and a spray of drops on his uncovered light-brown hair from the shaken leaves of some copse left behind him. The Devil's Novice
  • Merlin slowly stood up straight, feeling very much at risk.
  • Francisque-Michel and Th. Wright, _Vie de Merlin attribuée à Geoffroy de Monmouth, suivie des prophéties de ce barde tirées de l'histoire des Bretons_, Paris, 1837, in 8vo, pp. 67 _et seq. The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • I fear I should tire of the mute, monotonous innocence of the lamb; I should erelong feel as burdensome the nestling dove which never stirred in my bosom: but my patience would exult in stilling the flutterings and training the energies of the restless merlin. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Then it was that Merlin perceived an open landaulet of deepest crimson, with handsome nickel trimmings, glide slowly up to the curb and come to a stop.
  • Note 22: Merlin, teinturier à Paris, "Petition d'établir une teinturerie," 9 May 1783, AN F/12/1330; "Mémoire lu par Hellot écrit par sieurs Gly et D'Heure concernant son bleu de Prusse," 6 and 9 February 1765, AdS pochette. back The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The only glimmer of hope was the outcome of experiments being made in England and the US to mate the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine to the airframe of the North American Aviation (NAA) P-51.
  • Do they give lectures on orthopedy and intellectual gymnastics?" asked Merlin. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • He also states in his book that Merlin spent his latter years with his wife, Gwendoline, in a comfortable house in what is now Ardery Street in Partick, and that he was murdered in 618AD on his way to Dunipace in Stirlingshire and is buried in Drumelzier kirkyard in the Borders. Review of Finding Merlin, The Truth Behind the Legend, by Adam Ardrey
  • The newlabour gang have been told for years about the dire shortage, old sea kings now almost worn out, a few heavy lift chinooks spending more hours on the ground than in the air, where are the new mega expensive merlins? THE BEAT OF DEFEAT...
  • SG-1 continues their search for the Sangraal and meet Merlin in the flesh; on DVD; see Stargate Wiki GMTV: Medieval film/TV offerings on the SciFi Channel (April 2009)
  • The earliest literary sources have Merlin as a wonder child, born of an incubus (a male demon), and a Welsh nun.
  • Stop along the coast in Assateague and view innumerable migratory species, including peregrine falcons, merlins, and enormous flocks of tree swallows continuing their flight south.
  • Tanis looked at Merlin without a word, but the expression on his face spoke a clear message.
  • Merlin nodded to the Irish setter without smiling and answered, ‘Just coffee and beefsteak, please.’
  • The large numbers of birds in the area, including nationally important numbers of golden plover, curlew, dunlin, merlin and twite, make it a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
  • And when he came to the sea he sent home the footmen again, and took no more with him but ten thousand men on horseback, the most part men of arms, and so shipped and passed the sea into England, and landed at Dover; and through the wit of Merlin, he had the host northward, the priviest way that could be thought, unto the forest of Bedegraine, and there in a valley he lodged them secretly. Le Morte Darthur: Sir Thomas Malory's Book of King Arthur and of his Noble Knights of the Round Table, Volume 1
  • The Celtic custom of fosterage is overlooked, and Merlin gives the child to Anton, not as the customary dalt, but to preserve the babe from danger. Alfred Tennyson
  • Collision-risk estimates suggest a similar death toll for merlin, a species of falcon, and the loss of between 200 and 250 red-throated divers.
  • The large numbers of birds in the area, including nationally important numbers of golden plover, curlew, dunlin, merlin and twite, make it a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
  • I, for one, who sent a son through that university and have dealt with the Temerlin Advertising Institute since its inception, strongly believe that SMU is an acculturative institution taking the best of “eastern academia” melded with midwestern practicality and common sense. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » TEDxSMU A Resounding Success
  • Tagus weaving a web of silk and gold, let Merlin or Montesinos hold thee captive where they will; whereer thou art, thou art mine, and where'er I am, must he thine. Don Quixote
  • In 1911 he discovered superconductivity in mercury: the electric resistance disappeared completely at about 4 K. 1913 Kamerlingh-Onnes received the Nobel prize in physics for his discoveries, and his laboratory in Leiden ranked for many years as the Mekka of low temperature physics, to which also many Swedish scholars went on pilgrimage. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 - Presentation Speech
  • Geoffrey of Monmouth cheekily pinched this tale with the throwaway comment 'also called Merlin' and thus Merlin the Magician evicted Ambrosius from that part of the legend. Merlin Trilogy, by Mary Stewart. Book review
  • They have already reported seeing species like dippers, goosanders, little egrets, snipe, cirl buntings and merlins. Reuters: Top News
  • King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.
  • Sharp-shinned and cooper's hawks, as well as merlins, are rare, but not unheard of, and this time of year, the south-bound migration brings red-shouldered, broad-winged, and rough-legged hawks passing overhead. Knowing a hawk from a handsaw, pt 1
  • Lancelot, the Wandering Frenchy is still around when he runs into Le Fay fortunetelling, and Merlin's arrival 1000 years later. Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror: Isaac Asimov's Camelot - Gardner Dozois and Sheila Williams
  • Here is a merlin, and this tiercelet is a falcon-heroner. The King in Yellow
  • Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
  • It also shows large isotope effects, since condenses to liquid at 4.2 K, while the more rare isotope remains in gaseous form down to 3.2 K. Helium was first liquefied by Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1909. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • Merlin was the son of an incubus and a human, condemned to age backwards, so that he predicted the past, remembered the future and used his skills to preserve the time line.
  • Merlin learns early after arriving at Camelot that he has a destiny to assure that Arthur one day ascends to the throne, but he is hampered in this in that he must conceal his powers of sorcery because Uther has banned magic in the kingdom. April « 2010 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
  • She had disguised herself as an alluring wood nymph to fool the Merlin into teaching her his craft, which he did. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • Fashion News by: fashion - Google News The Latin Fashion Icon Merlin Castell Whips Janice Dickinson's Uptown Girls RSS Feed
  • Both merlins repeatedly hurtled past with rapid wingbeats.
  • Scurrying about in the woodland fringes, hedges and feeding sites are finches, tits and thrushes keep your eyes open for the occasional hen harrier, merlin and sparrowhawk.
  • = Round Table = (_The_), a table made at Carduel, by Merlin, for Uther, the pendragon. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
  • The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says that nests of species such as short-eared owls, merlins, red grouse, meadow pipits, skylarks, twite and curlews will have been wiped out.
  • Although the merlin was usually out of sight, the sanderlings never forgot that a predator was in the vicinity.
  • Fall, of course, is the best time to see migrants: peregrine falcons, merlins, and flocks of tree swallows at Assateague; northern gannets just offshore; and plenty of Canadian and snow geese soaring above.
  • The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds says that nests of species such as short-eared owls, merlins, red grouse, meadow pipits, skylarks, twite and curlews will have been wiped out.
  • The drawcords on the fleece and the Merlin sleeping bag pull in freely and close tightly if required.
  • Merlin was not privy to the contents of the message.
  • According to Emerling, breast-fed babies and bottle-fed babies grow differently.
  • Although a considerable number of new superconducting alloys and compounds were discovered over the first 75 years that followed Kamerlingh-Onnes 'discovery, it seemed as if superconductivity would forever remain a typical low temperature phenomenon, with the limit for transition temperatures slightly above 20 K. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • The moorland blaze has come at a bad time for ground-nesting birds such as golden plovers, curlews, lapwings and merlins, a rare bird of prey.
  • The alchemists, identifying themselves with Merlin, now looked for a heroic redeemer in every way the opposite of Henry VI.
  • I should have to cover too much ground if I were to report here on the experimental equipment with which Kamerlingh Onnes was at last successful in liquefying helium, and on the enormous experimental difficulties which had to be overcome. Nobel Prize in Physics 1913 - Presentation Speech
  • It was discovered as far back as 1911 by the Dutch physicist Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes, who received the Nobel Prize in 1913. Press Release: The 1987 Nobel Prize in Physics
  • The other butterfly champs, Jedrejczak and Kammerling, finished second and third.
  • Scurrying about in the woodland fringes, hedges and feeding sites are finches, tits and thrushes keep your eyes open for the occasional hen harrier, merlin and sparrowhawk.
  • The important point about Falcon 9, so called because its lift-off is propelled by nine of SpaceX's proprietary Merlin rocket motors, is that it is powerful enough to put people into orbit.
  • Moorland ground nesting birds, such as curlew, lapwing, merlin and golden plover, are vulnerable to disturbance from humans and dogs, as well as predators, such as crows and foxes.
  • As well as grouse watching, Dan and his colleagues also give informal tours around the reserve for young ornithologists keen to spot merlins, buzzards and ospreys.
  • She was already a keen and experienced sailor, having crewed in both Merlin and Grayling.
  • Usually early migrants, the first ouzel's song echoes round the hills and the first birds fall prey to merlins and peregrines.
  • The intercom beeped on a console near the galley and Merlin moved to thumb the control.
  • Merlin didn't think twice about her ability to pilot the ship and turned his attention to a navigational scanner.
  • “In the name of Merlin and Maugis,” answered a hoarse, disagreeable voice, “tie up your fourfooted demon there, or I come not at you.” The Talisman
  • Future tests are planned for the Merlin with RFA vessels, in particular auxiliary oilers and auxiliary oil and replenishment ships.
  • My greatest achievement as an inspector is my failure to get promoted each time I try … it settles a deeply held personal fear that I might be morphing against my will into a suitable candidate for middle-management! on November 11, 2009 at 9: 28 pm Merlin Police Do As They Are Told Shock!!!! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Older legends say that Merlin raised the stones by magic.
  • The moorland blaze has come at a bad time for ground-nesting birds such as golden plovers, curlews, lapwings and merlins, a rare bird of prey.
  • Shards of titanium from the wrecked A-12 scatter the crash site as aerospace historian Peter Merlin recently searches the debris field with a metal detector.
  • The Arthurian legends are widespread in the Borders and it is claimed that King Arthur's wise counsellor, Merlin the Magician, roamed these slopes in the guise of a hart, the small deer associated with royalty.
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • Any face might look out from that mist, any white feet of nymph or hamadryad pass among the glimmering aisles; in the dim, lilac-tinted distance it may be that Merlin still sleeps in his vaporous magic circle. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing
  • Maybe even merlin banding or who knows something to bring the exciting part of birding to the web.
  • Sots vieux, nouveaux, et sots de tous ages, _ "thus he scornfully declaimed," and as yokefellow with Dan Merlin in his thorn-bush, and with wise Salomon when he capered upon the high places of Chemosh, and with Duke Ares sheepishly agrin within the net of Chivalry
  • (2 of 2) "The karting is the first passion, this is for sure," Merlin said. The Sheboygan Press Latest Headlines
  • Merlin smiled inwardly at the cleverness and competence of his young student.
  • Other wintering species include little egret, spoonbill, hen harrier, merlin, peregrine, green sandpiper and common sandpiper.
  • Usually early migrants, the first ouzel's song echoes round the hills and the first birds fall prey to merlins and peregrines.
  • Gymnase, Lucien and Hector Merlin went arm-inarm to the Vaudeville. A Distinguished Provincial at Paris
  • Of course, "Stonehenge" is not really the monument it was at its building (whether by Merlin or under the influence of Aliens or as a burial ground), much less in its "original" usage -- rather, "Stonehenge" is a kind of shorthand, by which we mean all the things which intervened, the multiplicities of usages and all the "theories" about its origins that exist in the intervening time. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Henry was the Moldwarp cursed of God's own mouth, and that they were the Dragon, the Lion, and the Wolf which should divide the realm between them, by the deviation, not divination, of that mawmet Merlin. Henry of Monmouth, Volume 1 Memoirs of Henry the Fifth
  • Also Merlin let make there a bed, that there should never man lie therein but he went out of his wit, yet Launcelot de Lake fordid that bed through his noblesse. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • Usually early migrants, the first ouzel's song echoes round the hills and the first birds fall prey to merlins and peregrines.
  • Then it was that Merlin perceived an open landaulet of deepest crimson, with handsome nickel trimmings, glide slowly up to the curb and come to a stop. Tales of the Jazz Age
  • Borderie, _Les véritables prophéties de Merlin; examen des poèmes bretons attribués à ce barde_, in _Revue de Bretagne_, vol. liii The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • She had disguised herself as an alluring wood nymph to fool the Merlin into teaching her his craft, which he did. THE ANCIENT FUTURE: THE DARK AGE
  • Other wintering species include little egret, spoonbill, hen harrier, merlin, peregrine, green sandpiper and common sandpiper.
  • Merlin was the magician in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.
  • Follow the latest business news, comment and analysis on Twitter jilltreanor: Quite astonishing that the banks are not compelled to provide details of their own lending commitments under Project Merlin #business about 13 hours, 46 minutes ago jilltreanor: There is nothing in Project Merlin that appears to "force" banks to lend. Letters: Ideas, patents and the yellow digger
  • Then when the carols were ended, the ladies and maidens sat down on the green grass and fresh flowers, and the squires set up a game of tilting called quintain upon the meadows and played till even-song; and then Merlin came to the damsel and asked if he had done what he promised for her. Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic
  • Nay, said Merlin, not so, for I could save myself an I would; and thou art more near thy death than I am, for thou goest to the deathward, an God be not thy friend. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • The moorland blaze has come at a bad time for ground-nesting birds such as golden plovers, curlews, lapwings and merlins, a rare bird of prey.
  • I’m wearing a heavy sweatshirt, my heaviest sweatshirt, the one Uncle Merlin sewed for my birthday a few years back, with the embroidered picture of Chatham Light on the back, and I can’t claim to be warm. Boids
  • Fish's organization provides charts to help bird-watchers predict the best viewing time for various raptor species, from the golden eagle to the merlin.
  • Merlin stood at the forward end of the Recreation Deck in front of the large window.
  • Merlin capped his pen and set his journal on the office desk in front of him.
  • Over water he might hear—or imagine—little hiccups in the satin-smooth purr of his Rolls-Royce Merlin engine. Whirlwind
  • Kamerlingh-Onnes succeeded in liquefying helium, starting a development that revealed many new and unexpected phenomena. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 - Presentation Speech
  • I stepped on the clutch hard and fast, thinking Merlin might drive right over me.
  • MCGREGOR (March 10, 2009) - Space Exploration Technologies Corp. successfully test-fired its new Merlin Vacuum engine Saturday at its test facility in McGregor west of Waco, although without the same window-rattling fire-in-the-sky effect of another weekend engine test last year. KWTX - HomePage - Headlines
  • Sots vieux, nouveaux, et sots de tous ages, _ "thus he scornfully declaimed," and as yokefellow with Dan Merlin in his thorn-bush, and with wise Salomon when he capered upon the high places of Chemosh, and with Duke Ares sheepishly agrin within the net of Chivalry
  • So were all hands on board, when the news spread through the ship; and, on our reaching Mombassa late in the afternoon of the same day, steaming fifteen knots all the way, pretty nearly our full speed when the stokehold was not ` closed up, 'we found the _Merlin_ there before us, as the man on deck had told Larry and me in the morning. Young Tom Bowling The Boys of the British Navy
  • When the annexation of Belgium was decreed on 1 October 1795 the mover of the proposal, Merlin de Douai, also recommended the annexation of the entire left bank of the Rhine.
  • Merlin thumbed the call switch and leaned forward.
  • King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.
  • ‘Let this be the last thing to pass your lips, if you wish to find your way to the faery realm and safely back again,’ Merlin cautioned sternly.
  • They include pine marten, wildcat, stoat and weasel as well as golden eagles, merlin, peregrine falcon, golden plover and in time black grouse and capercaillie.
  • He heard the cry of a merlin and the beating of its wings as it flew over his head.
  • And that jet plane, by the way, was magicked in to the past by the very first Merlin.
  • Kamerlingh-Onnes succeeded in liquefying helium, starting a development that revealed many new and unexpected phenomena. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1978 - Presentation Speech
  • But managing the moors for the grouse also preserves them for the plovers and Merlin.
  • It also shows large isotope effects, since condenses to liquid at 4.2 K, while the more rare isotope remains in gaseous form down to 3.2 K. Helium was first liquefied by Heike Kamerlingh-Onnes in 1909. The Nobel Prizes in Physics 1901-2000
  • The Crossing Business Center, a 115-acre business park and employment center within Summerlin.
  • Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
  • Fish's organization provides charts to help bird-watchers predict the best viewing time for various raptor species, from the golden eagle to the merlin.
  • Super Reader: Superhero Prose Fiction: Merlin - Promethean Age 1 Whiskey and Water skip to main | skip to sidebar Superhero Prose Fiction: Merlin - Promethean Age 1 Whiskey and Water
  • At Merlin's instigation, Arthur founds the Fellowship of the Round Table.
  • 'Sir king,' quoth Merlin then, 'such thingë's ywis Specimens with Memoirs of the Less-known British Poets, Complete
  • King Arthur hid his treasures here and Merlin enchanted the cave so that nobody should ever find them.
  • It is a story from the news about their local ‘bird guy’ who must help goshawks, great-horned owls, sharp-shins and merlins as his daily work duties.
  • A pair of kestrels kept the grouse quiet but I didn't see any merlins though perhaps heard the plaintive cry of the other fashionable bird hereabouts, namely the golden plover.
  • Similarly I can recall seeing blackcock, grouse, ring ousel and merlin on Exmoor until the mid sixties.
  • This is a composite image from Chandra, Hubble, VLA and MERLIN that shows the jet from a black hole at the center of a galaxy striking the edge of another galaxy, which in 2007, was the first time such an interaction has been found. Where In The Universe #87 | Universe Today
  • Great, I'm scouting for the best SMV on the net, and to Drupal being the base for the government's website, says a lot of good things about it. salvia better open source CMS by merlin2288 on October 28, 2009 - 10: 04am Goes Drupal [Updated]
  • Ionu i agree but as i have seen the red dot is usually enough as some people think they are guns not tasers and quite often they will not take a chance and give up (maybe we should all get laser pens)! on March 5, 2009 at 10: 25 am | Reply Merlin “Ruralshire Constabulary to get TASER on the front line” « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Next time you visit Fenland Aviation Museum, make a point of looking at the photograph albums pertaining to the Merlin's strip-down.
  • Birds such as grouse, crows, quail, partridge, nightjars, cuckoos, shrikes, larks, pipits, merlins, harriers, kestrels and buzzards would all have been seen.
  • Boasting buzzards, merlins, kestrels, peregrines, and ospreys, the county has ten of a total UK species of 15-making it one of the nation's key habitats.
  • But we perceive that the obviously mutilated prophecy of Merlin the Magician and the apocryphal chronogram of the Venerable Bede had come under her notice. The Life of Joan of Arc, Vol. 1 and 2
  • And anon as he was come, Merlin desired of King Arthur that Sir Gawaine should be sworn to tell of all his adventures, and how he slew the lady, and how he would give no mercy unto the knight, wherethrough the lady was slain. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table

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