How To Use Merited In A Sentence
The 'clawback' measures allow banks to recoup bonuses that turn out to have been unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times
DESERVE He claims that their success was not merited.
Parties are able to obtain relief when take place unmerited clarify and can raise objection and appeal, also possess the power of action for damages.
Unmerited as this seems, it will work wonders.
Times, Sunday Times
When he made use of such a phrase as that quoted above, it was to be presumed that he in some sort meant what he said; and so he did, and had intended to signify that Crosbie by his conduct had merited all such condemnation as was the fitting punishment for blackguardism of the worst description.
The Small House at Allington

Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi was one of the great Talmudic sages, a man so holy he merited visitations from the prophet Eliyahu (Elijah).
In contrast to his messy private life, his military career was one of unmerited success.
Times, Sunday Times
Closer examination, however, suggests that this assumption may not be merited by the evidence.
It may be that on that basis (though it is doubtful) the original award was merited.
In this taxonomy of transgression, original sin merited less punishment than did actual sins, as noted by the monk William in his debate with the heresiarch Henry of Lausanne (minori pena teneantur).
A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
A great deal of concentration is necessary for full appreciation but it is in this case merited.
Similarly, the reference to reactions in organic solvents merited further discussion.
Don't assume every complaint is petty or unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times
Does that mean that all the hype about Chile's rebirth is merited?
Pinochet's legacy
While we think of this protracted cruelty of the author of his imprisonment, it is some consolation to know that he met with what we may well call a merited retribution.
Roman Mosaics Or, Studies in Rome and Its Neighbourhood
Build self-esteem. This doesn't mean unmerited praise, but it does mean expressing support for a job well done.
Nothing but contempt is due to those people who ask us to submit to unmerited oppression.
This causal claim is only merited once the theoretical system is in place, and so cannot be a primitive element in any account of perception.
This was the issue I was raising with my statement that ‘the Christian Church sometimes understates the determinist viewpoint because it makes such harsh punishments seem more merited.’
Instead, he is 'fascinated' by two essays that he singles out for well-merited praise.
The Times Literary Supplement
Or was she penitently striving to make amends for the unmerited harshness she had dealt him?
The few boos - a traditional Pesaro bagatelle, methinks - that met the curtain-call were, however, unmerited.
Ollie Moran gave an exhibition of high fielding skills and Balla went on to record a merited victory.
Unfortunately my failure to treat the breakage with the gravity it merited tipped him into a state of near hysteria.
Whereas virtually every player deserved the award at Reading on Tuesday, nobody merited the accolade last night.
I do make myself believe that you may most uprighteously do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit; redeem your brother from the angry law; do no stain to your own gracious person; and much please the absent Duke, if peradventure 195 he shall ever return to have hearing of this business.
Measure for Measure The Works of William Shakespeare [Cambridge Edition] [9 vols.]
You occasionally need to do it, because their actions have merited such magnanimousness, but still … it’s weird.
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This is one of those passages for which the editor of that review has merited an abatement in heraldry, no such writing ever having been written; and indeed, by other like assertions of equal veracity, the gentleman has richly entitled himself to bear a gore sinister tenne in his escutcheon.
Historical Documentation Concerning the Radical Piracy of _Wat Tyler_
What we did was take a map of the United States and then we went head and pin pointed the members of congress that merited our attention and then we looked at those that might be politically vulnerable," said Joe Wierzbicki, a strategist with the conservative PAC Our Country Deserves Better, who are organizing the cross country Tea Party Express tour.
Dueling bus tours in health care debate
Where are the front-page stories merited by a situation in which the planet is quite possibly on the brink of a holocaust?
Their stories of disproportionate, unmerited suffering demand that when sufferers cannot feel the companionship of God, we try to assure them of it.
Upon the shattered standards of Austria he would confer the meed of merited applause for heroic, although unprevailing bravery.
The Stranger in France or, a Tour from Devonshire to Paris Illustrated by Engravings in Aqua Tint of Sketches Taken on the Spot.
She ordered a preliminary probe into whether Gore's White House calls merited the appointment of a special prosecutor.
You Can Call Him Caught
In the subtle interflow of good and evil; in the unmerited sufferings of innocence; in the disproportion of penalties to desert; in the seeming blindness with which justice, in attempting to assert itself, overwhelms innocent and guilty in a common ruin, -- Shakespeare is true to real experience.
Prose Masterpieces from Modern Essayists
Each room merited one 25-watt bulb hanging from the ceiling; as Paul drily observed, they affected the afternoon gloom about as well as a birthday candle.
A Covert Affair
unmerited treatment of a potentially fine subject
-- But for this precious seed, the chosen people would have resembled the cities of the plain, both in degeneracy of character and in merited doom.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
In 1872, despite a case of epizootic influenza that basically sidelined all the fire department's horses, the city didn't want to rent horses to pull fire engines, deciding that it was better to send an officer to see if it merited dragging a hose to the fire, leaving the engine in the house.
This Day in History, 1904: General Slocum Tragedy
We're very very proud, and he beat a very merited beautiful silver tabby.
The penalty of unmerited food had produced an autotoxic anaemia, and she was pale and weepy, easily fatigued, sleeping poorly, with the boggy thyroid and overactive tendon reflexes so common in subacidosis.
Our Nervous Friends — Illustrating the Mastery of Nervousness
I'd end up giving another high score that might be unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times
The accusation that Rachel "gadded" as much as other girls of her age was obviously an unmerited one.
The Arbiter A Novel
I do make myself believe that you may most uprighteously do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit, redeem your brother from the angry law, do no stain to your own gracious person, and much please the absent duke, if peradventure he shall ever return to have hearing of this business.
Act III. Scene I. Measure for Measure
Italy producing fine disciplined rugby, and Wales playing like flounders in the Severn, and at the end a thoroughly-merited win for the Azzurri and a deserved pasting for the Welsh.
Some jurisconsults, indeed, have wisely held that the contumacious person ought not to be condemned unless the crime were clearly established; but other lawyers have been of a contrary opinion: they have boldly affirmed that the flight of the accused was a proof of the crime; that the contempt which he showed for justice, by refusing to appear, merited the same chastisement as would have followed his conviction.
A Philosophical Dictionary
received an unmerited honorary degree
Engrossed by the pride of self-defence, and the indignancy of unmerited unkindness, the disturbed mind of Camilla had not yet formed one separate reflexion, nor even admitted a distinct idea of Edgar himself, disengaged from the accusation in which he stood involved.
_Et quid Pandoniae_ -- thus, little book, I charge you to poultice your more-merited oblivion -- _quid Pandoniae restat nisi nomen Athenae?
Both policy and personnel would be the subject of well-merited suspicion that they had learnt nothing.
Times, Sunday Times
I strongly disagreed with her on some issues but she merited respect, and her natural popularity and her informality may also show where those of us in politics may be going wrong!
The combined assault of the Liberals and the Socialists upon "clericalism" fell flat, and against the Government's contention that the extraordinary and incontestable prosperity of the country merited a continuance of
The Governments of Europe
This is one of those passages for which the editor of that review has merited an abatement in heraldry, no such writing ever having been written; and indeed, by other like assertions of equal veracity, the gentleman has richly entitled himself to bear a gore sinister tenne in his escutcheon.
Historical Documentation Concerning the Radical Piracy of _Wat Tyler_
The respect he’s merited from the Pentagon and from his commanders — particularly Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. Ray Odierno — is both commensurate with the steps he’s taken to visibly support them, and the result of being a reality-based man in a fantasy-based administration.
The only pity was that he didn't actually crown his display with the goal his efforts and skills merited.
Perseverance is an unmerited gift of grace, just as is also the initial turning of the will to God in faith and penitence.
It gave the home side a draw they more than merited and strengthens their bid to see out the season mixing it with the big boys.
Neither could the needs of any other man whatsoever have merited this union condignly: first, because the meritorious works of man are properly ordained to beatitude, which is the reward of virtue, and consists in the full enjoyment of God.
Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
I do make myself believe that you may most uprighteously do a poor wronged lady a merited benefit; redeem your brother from the angry law; do no stain to your own gracious person; and much please the absent duke, if peradventure he shall ever return to have hearing of this business.
Measure for Measure
Would not such a disjunction between achievement and status have made the notion of grace as an unmerited gift more attractive than can be the case among wage-earners today?
This isn't to say that such hesitancy is entirely unmerited; just as there are Christians who seem to have the sole mission of converting others to their religion, there are many atheists who only engage with people of faith in hopes of convincing them to abandon their tenants.
Chris Stedman: Interfaith Dialogue Must Include Atheists
I think it is probably more colourful language than is merited.
Its primary purpose was to pack these pages and obscure the simplicity of your primary argument, if that's a name merited by your bald assertion that verily this is that.
What the OPR Torture Report Will Not Say
That brave deed merited a better reward.
“cockyleeky,” a cock stewed with leeks, which merited high praise.
The Underground City
He identified four areas of complaint that in his judgment merited consideration by the full court and granted leave.
“I meant not, madam, to infer, that the subject or indeed that the object merited your deliberate attention; I simply wish to explain what may have appeared mysterious in my conduct, and for what may have seemed still more censurable, to beg your pardon.”
If we believe that any amount of unit cohesion is enough to end the debate, we thus, by definition, believe continuing the policy is merited.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Relative Risks of HIV Infection Among Gay and Bisexual Males
Likewise, Maurice-Quentin de la Tour's monumental pastel portrait of the magistrate Gabriel Bernard de Rieux, who looks up from reading in a book-strewn study as a clock keeps time behind him, is the essence of the erudite professional whose industriousness has merited him his elite stature and surroundings.
With All the Time in the World
The defender's control let him down, the inviting chance lost, yet such spontaneous invention fully merited the resultant applause.
But she was married to the first princelet who happened to catch the eye of Empress Frederick, namely Prince Bernhardt of Saxe-Meiningen ” aye, and she was hustled into matrimony in such a hurry, too, as to give a sort of foundation for some shameful and base slanders, cruelly unmerited, but which one hears even Germans who profess loyalty to the crown repeating to this day.
The Secret Memoirs of the Courts of Europe
It was the same with the "cockyleeky," a cock stewed with leeks, which merited high praise.
The Underground City
I'm not sure, having seen other Hughes bros films, whether it was merited, but at the time I found it incredibly sad.
However, those concerns were unmerited then and will be again when the ease with which stunning events appear arouse doubts.
Times, Sunday Times
a merited success
That stated, it has to be reported that it held the first night audience's attention and justly merited their cheers.
He was committed in custody for sentence to Burnley Crown Court after the bench said the theft merited custody.
Similarly, the reference to reactions in organic solvents merited further discussion.
Let me tell you, madam, that you have merited severe punishment; you have broken the laws of dolldom, wherein we all swear never to speak or show a sign that we can understand the human world.
The Children's Book of London
Baptism was forced upon all Saxons; any public pagan practice merited a death penalty.
Your suggestion merited our consideration.
If he have a son that is a favourite, or has merited well, he may, if he please, as a token of his favour and in recompence for his services, settle some parts of his lands upon him and his heirs for ever (v. 16), provided it do not go out of the family.
Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
But that delusive passion has subsided, and among the unmerited mercies for which I have to be thankful is that, in my frantic pursuit of Clara Day, I was not cursed with success!
The Hidden Hand
Self-pity is a totally contemptible vice and I have throughout many vicissitudes and much unmerited disappointment avoided it as a plague.
The second related to a new duty placed on all teachers to assist school heads in assessing whether their colleagues merited receiving the award.
_Et quid Pandoniae_ -- thus, little book, I charge you poultice your more-merited oblivion -- _quid Pandoniae restat nisi nomen Athenae_?
The notion that Didier Drogba's dismissal was both unmerited and instrumental in the result of the game will surely be discounted by Mourinho as he attempts to find the measure of cool Frankie Rijkaard and his side for the second leg.
But the vituperation and demands for redress are unmerited.
Times, Sunday Times
Unlike clashes between workers which often resulted in disciplinary lay-offs, these cases frequently merited the ultimate sanction of discharge.
Her "immaculate conception" in the womb of her own mother—i.e. her miraculous preservation from original sin—made her, in a unique way, what we all become at the moment of our baptism: a vessel filled with God's unmerited grace, which in the primary sense is nothing other than his divinizing love.
Mary and EENS
Though all religions recommend values such as generosity, selflessness and charity, increasingly people resort to religion only to secure limitless and unmerited advantages in this world and the next.
His widow might continue to hold her pious faith in him, and refuse to believe that his name merited obloquy; his child knew better.
The Whirlpool
I think it is probably more colourful language than is merited.
As I understand him, he felt silence to be sufficient where scorn was merited, and he did not sit at all, let alone on a fence, but rather strode, in a style famously like no other, forward to a frontier fenceless, literally and figuratively, beckoning the rest of us follow.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Our Own Randy Barnett Talks to Prof. Glenn Reynolds (InstaPundit) About Whether ObamaCare Is Constitutional
The death of this one figure merited endless comment from, seemingly, every columnist.
What was asked of the Christian was simply faith, itself an unmerited gift from God, and at the root of that faith was the Bible - which, like Jesus' sacrifice, was also sufficient and complete.
He believed the tribunal's investigation into the awarding of the licence was wholly unnecessary and unmerited.
Men who have merited this last distinction are to be suffered to pass all guards and sentinels which officers are permitted to do.
Not until years later would he earn the respect his achievements merited.
A man should exercise an almost boundless toleration and placability, because if he is capricious enough to refuse to forgive a single individual for the meanness or evil that lies at his door, it is doing the rest of the world a quite unmerited honour.
On Human Nature
Jack thought it was a turning point, but did not think the foul merited the punishment.
Towards the close of the supper, which, like every thing else round him, was worthy of Sardanapalus, he addressed himself to me, and giving a most gracious personal opinion of what my "services had merited from the English minister," said that, "limited as his own means of rewarding zeal and ability might be, he begged of me to retain a slight memorial of his friendship, and of our day together on the heights of
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 340, February, 1844
As importantly, this ensures you view changes in your own life with well-merited optimism.
Times, Sunday Times
There was a time when a grazed knee in the playground merited a quick visit to the school nurse, a dab of TCP and a sticking plaster.
Their rising greatness, to the merited disgrace and death of Piers de Gavestone and his profligate minions! and their final exaltation to the highest honours of the British peerage, which they have now enjoyed for five hundred years, to the strong hand and unblenching heart with which they have always welcomed the assaults of their most powerful enemies!
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 354, January 31, 1829
Finally, elitist condescension, however merited, helps cement Bush's bond to the masses.
I am unwont to praise when praise is not merited; and I here most unavowedly express my firm opinion and conviction, that no troops in any battle on record ever behaved more nobly; – British and native, no distinction; cavalry, all vying with H. M.'s 16th Lancers, and striving to head in the repeated charges.
The Autobiography of Liuetenant-General Sir Harry Smith, Baronet of Aliwal on the Sutlej, G. C. B.
Church, since she has merited it in the prosperity of nations, by the very great beneficence of Christ, our Redeemer and banisher of slavery, and cause of true liberty, fraternity and equality among men.
The Journal of Negro History, Volume 2, 1917
Government lawyers said the case was neither merited nor admissible.
There is a genuine global appetite for the unlucky defeat, for the utterly unmerited victory; in short, for cruelty.
Times, Sunday Times
Corporate governance watchers said the ouster of independent directors is unusual and merited an inquiry.
An epiphonema reminds at last every one that the good and the wicked shall receive the retribution each has merited.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
A neighbourhood menace who threatened police with a pickaxe could soon be free again instead of serving the two-year jail sentence his crime merited, a court heard.
While he did catch him in the head, the hack in no way merited a suspension.
That stated, it has to be reported that it held the first night audience's attention and justly merited their cheers.
Such conjugal uncourtliness elicits its merited censure in the cool satire of the accompanying motto: --
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 396, October 31, 1829
And should this not be enough, I will add how Donatello (who, with the permission of Master Michael, was one of the first modern ones who in sculpture merited fame and name in Italy) never said anything else to his pupils, when teaching them, but draw, telling them in a single word of doctrine: ’Pupils, I give you the whole art of sculpture when I tell you — _draw!
Michael Angelo Buonarroti
The spectacle is declared by the Americans themselves to have been one of the highest moral grandeur, if not of sublimity; and, though our cousins on this side of the water are somewhat too much in the habit of using fine words and indulging in hyperbole, no one who witnessed the long lines of busy men, neglecting their business for awhile to attend to the more important business of the State, and waiting patiently in the street amid the fog and rain until it came to their turn to deposit their balloting-paper in the appointed box -- using no jostling in pressing, indulging in no altercation with each other on the exciting subject which drew them together, and in every way behaving with as much subdued dignity as if they were attending a place of worship -- can deny that the encomium is abundantly merited.
The Presidential Contest in America
He merited all the praise which had been given to him.
Now, that which is thus merited, which is of debt to be bestowed, we do not say that it may be bestowed, but it ought so to be, and it is injustice if it be not.
The Death of Death in the Death of Christ
Len called it "boogaloo," but Carrie Ann insisted it was "old school hip-hop" but whatever it was, two of the judges -- Carrie Anna and Bruno -- felt it merited a perfect 10 points while Len gave him a 9 for a dance total of 29 and a night's total of 56 points.
'Dancing with the Stars' penultimate night: We watch so you don't have to
By now the trend is prominent enough to have merited a New York Times Magazine cover story.
Integrity, validity and reliability merited one mention each and objectivity got two.
In addition, many patients are being denied alternatives to thyroxine even when this is merited.
Archive 2008-08-01
All this would have merited some serious attention from Peter.
his decision merited the approval of any sensible person
A few drops of urine on the floor by his slop pail merited a scientifically aimed punch at his kidneys from the guard.
Some dispute whether Christ in his human nature merited any thing for himself or no; but, not to immix ourselves in the niceties of that inquiry, it is unquestionable that the highest glory was due to him upon his accomplishment of the work committed unto him in this world, which he therefore lays claim to accordingly, John xvii.
In the days prior to the fall which my haughty spirit merited, I was vain in the handling of a boat, and my little knowledge proved most dangersome to Paddy and others.
Last Leaves from Dunk Island
Do not then any longer fear to part with thine existence, it will at least put an end to those richly merited torments thou hast inflicted on thyself; _Death, in delivering the earth from an incommodious burthen, will also deliver thee from thy most cruel enemy, thyself_.
The System of Nature, Volume 1