How To Use Mergus In A Sentence

  • Species such as eiders, oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis), common merganser (Mergus merganser), and red-breasted mergansers (M. serrator), are hunted by set seasonal open and closing dates. Management and conservation of marine mammals and seabirds in the Arctic
  • Latin name of the diver, or didapper, ‘mergus,’ by saying that it was so called, ‘a mergendo,’ from its diving, which doubtless was the origin of the name, though not taking its rise in the fiction here related by the Poet.] The Metamorphoses of Ovid Literally Translated into English Prose, with Copious Notes and Explanations
  • Bird surveys have recorded 306 species, including black-hawk eagle Spizaetus tyrannus, ocellated crake Micropygia schomburgii, greater rhea Rhea americana, Brazilian merganser Mergus octocetaceus (CR) and dwarf tinamu Taoniscus nanus (VU). Cerrado Protected Areas, Brazil
  • A number of waterfowl species including goldeneye Bucephala clangula, goosander Mergus merganser, wigeon Anas penelope, teal Anas crecca and bean goose Anser fabalis breed in the area. Virgin Komi Forests, Russian Federation
  • Response: This is an adult female Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus, with her newly-hatched chicks in tow one is riding on her back. Mystery bird: Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus
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  • Threatened species include lesser nothura Nothura minor (VU), dwarf tinamou Taoniscus nanus (VU), Brazilian merganser Mergus octosetacues (CR), yellow-faced amazon Amazona zanthops (VU), white-winged nightjar Caprimulgus candicans (EN), rufous-sided pygmy-tyrant Euscarthmus rufomarginatus (VU), cineous warbling finch Poospiza cinerea (VU), marsh seedeater Sporophila palustris (EN), and black-masked finch Coryphaspiza melanotis (VU). Cerrado Protected Areas, Brazil
  • Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus, photographed in Brasil, South America. Mystery bird: Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus

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