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How To Use Merganser In A Sentence

  • Inman followed the woman, noting that she stepped with inturned toes, a style of walking often said to be favored by Indians, though Inman had known many a Cherokee, Swimmer among them, who walked splay-footed as mergansers. Cold Mountain
  • The three sawbill ducks - smews, goosanders and red-breasted mergansers - have been spreading through the country on large lakes and reservoirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hahaha, when I was reading the article I was thinking the same thing: Make it a challenge, take merganser! Best Tasting Ducks
  • The smallest merganser, the Smew of Eurasia sometimes visits America's northeastern shore.
  • The Red-Breasted Merganser is also a bold world traveler, plying icy waters where usually only scoters and eiders dare to tread.
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  • The male hooded merganser, with his distinct gibbous moon crest, demands immediate attention.
  • In fall and winter, look for bald eagles, American dippers, mergansers, red-shafted Northern flickers, red-tailed hawks, and Townsend's solitaires.
  • The unofficial culling of pelican populations and, to a lesser extent, the merganser began in 1924.
  • I just realized that our wood duck box had hooded mergansers in it and our bluebird boxes are full of swallows.
  • This stamp by Albert Gilbert shows a hooded merganser. Hunting Duck Stamps
  • Response: This is an adult female Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus, with her newly-hatched chicks in tow one is riding on her back. Mystery bird: Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus
  • Other animals such as the great blue heron, American merganser, snapping turtles, otter and mink can prey upon black crappie young and sometimes adults as well.
  • These ducks are diving, not just dunking, but really diving under the water head first, going completely under like a merganser or bufflehead, and not appearing to be surface feeding at all.
  • Hooded mergansers scuttled away as the Mackenzie type drift boat floated downstream.
  • This duck is the smallest merganser commonly found in Washington.
  • In the large cove before us she identified the scattered ducks: golden eyes, canvas backs, mergansers, immature herring gulls.
  • As well as many types of gull you will see eider ducks, mergansers, black guillemots (known as tysties in Orkney) shags and cormorants.
  • Threatened species include lesser nothura Nothura minor (VU), dwarf tinamou Taoniscus nanus (VU), Brazilian merganser Mergus octosetacues (CR), yellow-faced amazon Amazona zanthops (VU), white-winged nightjar Caprimulgus candicans (EN), rufous-sided pygmy-tyrant Euscarthmus rufomarginatus (VU), cineous warbling finch Poospiza cinerea (VU), marsh seedeater Sporophila palustris (EN), and black-masked finch Coryphaspiza melanotis (VU). Cerrado Protected Areas, Brazil
  • Neophytes at duck identification often confuse a bufflehead with a male hooded merganser when the latter's crest is raised showing a large patch of white feathers.
  • Fish forms an inappreciable portion of their food, with the two notorious exceptions of the goosander and merganser, though anglers are much exercised over the damage, real or alleged, done by these birds to their favourite roach and dace in the Birds in the Calendar
  • We drifted past a pair of mergansers, treading water in a streamside eddy.
  • Common Mergansers have come under fire for preying on salmon, but studies in British Columbia show that the most common prey item there for Common Mergansers is the sculpin.
  • Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus, photographed in Brasil, South America. Mystery bird: Brazilian merganser, Mergus octosetaceus
  • Well -- it's called a merganser in the books," said Mr. Kincaid. The Adventures of Bobby Orde
  • In fall and winter, look for bald eagles, American dippers, mergansers, red-shafted Northern flickers, red-tailed hawks, and Townsend's solitaires.
  • These narrow bills, hooked at the tip and set with numerous horny denticulations, are adapted for catching fish, a merganser's primary source of food.
  • There were painted mallards, wood ducks, and mergansers carved where possible in and on the armrests, in fact.
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
  • I was startled out of my dream state when a pair of mergansers flapped their way down along the creek's surface, turning skyward in front of me like training jets.
  • In fall you'll see Northern flickers, herons, kingfishers, downy woodpeckers, and lots of ducks (common goldeneyes, mallards, mergansers).
  • The mergansers were distant, but in the scope I could see the male's golden eye.
  • In fall and winter, look for bald eagles, American dippers, mergansers, red-shafted Northern flickers, red-tailed hawks, and Townsend's solitaires.
  • Species such as eiders, oldsquaw (Clangula hyemalis), common merganser (Mergus merganser), and red-breasted mergansers (M. serrator), are hunted by set seasonal open and closing dates. Management and conservation of marine mammals and seabirds in the Arctic
  • Last fall brought another disaster, with the corpses of thousands of loons, mergansers, other ducks, and gulls washing up on Lake Erie's shores.
  • As it grows in the river from an egg, it's bothered by brown trout, preyed on by goosanders (ducks with serrated bills) and cormorants as well as mergansers (another type of salmon-persecuting duck).
  • At a sale hosted by Christie's in New York in 2007, a record $856,000 was paid for a red-breasted merganser hen made in the 1870s by famed carver Lothrop Holmes, who worked as a cemetery superintendent in Massachusetts. Decoy Market, After Decline, Tests Its Wings
  • The band spotted plenty of ducks, ring-billed gulls, several bald eagles, turkeys, greater yellowlegs and mergansers. Undefined
  • The female merganser, more subtle than her mate, may be slower to draw the eye, but is just as beautiful.
  • Real chefs like a challenge, so when I walked through the door I'd have a common merganser on my duck strap. Best Tasting Ducks
  • These ducks are diving, not just dunking, but really diving under the water head first, going completely under like a merganser or bufflehead, and not appearing to be surface feeding at all.
  • This area affords excellent views of Burrard Inlet and rafts of offshore ducks. scoters, scaup, mergansers, goldeneye and buffleheads are all good possibilities.
  • A family of mergansers and a lone muskrat were spectators as the fledgling splashed about until his body was cooled and invigorated.
  • Sheldrakes are today's mergansers, while the Wilson thrush, known today as the veery is only a migrant on the Cape but a resident of New England's woods.
  • We drifted past a pair of mergansers, treading water in a streamside eddy.
  • A strong wind is pushing the surface water inland against the direction of the sea's retreat and the farther channel is specked with whitecaps among which the only bird currently visible – a merganser – bobs unconcernedly. Country diary: South Uist
  • Bird surveys have recorded 306 species, including black-hawk eagle Spizaetus tyrannus, ocellated crake Micropygia schomburgii, greater rhea Rhea americana, Brazilian merganser Mergus octocetaceus (CR) and dwarf tinamu Taoniscus nanus (VU). Cerrado Protected Areas, Brazil
  • Sheldrakes are today's mergansers, while the Wilson thrush, known today as the veery, is only a migrant on the Cape but a resident of New England's woods.
  • Check your field guide to identify gadwalls, widgeons, wood ducks, hooded mergansers, ringnecks, and maybe a scalup or a canvasback.
  • A number of waterfowl species including goldeneye Bucephala clangula, goosander Mergus merganser, wigeon Anas penelope, teal Anas crecca and bean goose Anser fabalis breed in the area. Virgin Komi Forests, Russian Federation
  • Other interlopers included 2 red-breasted mergansers, a single white-winged scoter, and a common loon. Archive 2009-05-01

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