
How To Use Merchandise In A Sentence

  • Secondly, he makes the team too much money, raking in ticket and merchandise sales like crazy.
  • She recommends that retailers merchandise the fixture in four vertical segments according to absorbency and stack the brands horizontally.
  • And the site cheekily suggests filling party bags with items cheaper than the show's official merchandise. The Sun
  • To broaden mass appeal, the shelf-stable milk, packed in 32-oz. cartons, will be merchandised in refrigerated sections.
  • Chic jeans and related sportswear, which are primarily targeted to women, are marketed in mass merchandise stores.
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  • That might mean a claim for sale or purchase of stocks, merchandise, or real estate, or the receipt or repayment of a loan.
  • sale merchandise is nonreturnable
  • All that is left is a grim arena where matter is collected by scavengers and transformed into useful merchandise.
  • Throughout Thursday, the rush on Celtic merchandise in the big shopping centres of Dublin was frenzied.
  • General Merchandise, Sports Goods , Drawnwork & Embroidered Articles , Silk, Cloth Garments.
  • There used to be, and belike is yet, a custom, in all maritime places which have a port, that all merchants who come thither with merchandise, having unloaded it, should carry it all into a warehouse, which is in many places called a customhouse, kept by the commonality or by the lord of the place. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccaccio
  • Most merchants can live with thin margins if they have to, as long as merchandise is flying off the shelves. Times, Sunday Times
  • Customs duty is a toll payable on merchandise imported into the country.
  • Towns arose with no other purpose than to collect and dispatch merchandise.
  • Plaintiff sold and delivered to Smith the merchandise described, on the dates and for the prices shown on the itemized statement of account attached as an exhibit.
  • An they wish for gold, they shall have gold; and should they wish for silver, they shall have silver; or an they prefer for merchandise, I will give them merchandise; and to whom I owe a thousand I will give two thousand in requital of that wherewith he hath veiled my face before the poor; for I have plenty. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Puerto Rico, Japan and Mexico all are rich in baseball history and tradition, with a ready-made fan base eager to snap up tickets and pony up for licensed merchandise.
  • The merchandise cannot compete with cheaper imports.
  • It gives me exclusive rights to manage and merchandise her.
  • She apparently also used her contacts there to peddle a catalog for a merchandise corporation.
  • Ever since signing with Nike, the 125-year-old club's merchandise bas been easily accessible to American soccer fans.
  • The last day was grim, with a succession of closeout sales clearing out all but the most shunned of merchandise.
  • Elsewhere, however, or in fur and jewelry boutiques that lease space in department stores, salespeople working on commission are often allowed leeway to move merchandise, he said.
  • Yes, I'm aware they are online but I like to go in and paw the merchandise.
  • Women dress up for men, but blokes hardly ever merchandise themselves for us gals.
  • By February 1999, the warehouse system still couldn't track inventory, causing Department 56 to ship unordered merchandise, to fill and ship the same orders multiple times or to fail to ship orders completely.
  • Burned in recent years by huge unsold inventories of movie merchandise and fearful of the slowing economy, everyone from toymakers and retailers to moviemakers has cut back.
  • The wide-ranging exercise is believed to have involved stocktaking of products, including food and drinks, an examination of the tax status of employees and the sale of band-related merchandise.
  • The rugs, scarves, mittens and other merchandise have all been produced through Snow Leopard Enterprises.
  • During that year he sold both goods raised on the farm and general store merchandise similar to that sold at the family store on Huguenot Street.
  • ROST) is an opportunistic merchandiser, meaning that it scoops up surplus clothing from manufacturers and other stores and sells it cheaply.
  • What's a better way to celebrate than by selling some brand new merchandise in the SA Store?
  • York was once renowned for its individual shops selling unusual merchandise, that is what the visitors expect.
  • According to the Federal Trade Commission's latest calculations, complaints about unordered merchandise and services skyrocketed 169% from 1998 to 2000.
  • All the prisoners were put into one great boat, and in another of the biggest they placed all the women, plate, jewels, and other rich things: into others they put the bales of goods and merchandise, and other things of bulk: each of these boats had twelve men aboard, very well armed; the brulot had orders to go before the rest of the vessels, and presently to fall foul with the great ship. The Pirates of Panama or, The Buccaneers of America; a True Account of the Famous Adventures and Daring Deeds of Sir Henry Morgan and Other Notorious Freebooters of the Spanish Main
  • From comics to card games, movies to merchandise, X-Men is undoubtedly one of the worlds most marketable brands.
  • Eighteen ships having arrived, with merchandise and five thousand five hundred Chinese on board, besides five hundred more who remained in this city from last year, I ordered the cabildo and regimiento of the city, if Chinese were necessary for the public service, to enter petition therefor within four days, giving a memorandum of the number necessary and the duties that they were to perform. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 14 of 55 1606-1609 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of The Catholic Missions, As Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Freighting merchandise is less expensive than mailing it.
  • It's not so much on the real rare, high-end comics or artwork but the bad economic news seems to be prompting a downturn in, as one of them put it, "the kind of merchandise that the guy across the aisle is also carrying. WonderCon | Thoughts on Day Three | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • shopworn merchandise at half price
  • They had finally reached an old door, behind boxes full of merchandise, which was a light blue with a hint of white, an almost cloudy color.
  • Meanwhile, by setting up sub-accounts, we can expand the accounting of the social transfer of physical merchandise and the real final consumption index for both household and the government sectors.
  • The retailer is also going back to basics within its stores by returning merchandise that customers missed during an effort to give stores a crisper look. Wal-Mart Explores Selling Large Appliances
  • BUSINESS WIRE) -- MasterCard Worldwide and Major League Baseball Advanced Media today announced the launch of Priceless Perks (www., an online portal that offers MasterCard cardholders and MLB fans special offers and exclusive savings on premium game tickets and team merchandise, as well as access to exclusive MLB fan experiences. Business Wire Travel News
  • The newcomer is touted on pack for its ability to open sinus passages naturally and will likely be merchandised in drug aisles, and not alongside other vitamin/supplements.
  • The internal qualities once said to embody manhood - surefootedness, inner strength, confidence of purpose - are merchandised to men to enhance their manliness.
  • People merchandise - television performers merchandise their children.
  • Makouran, whose merchandise they were escorting on its way to Timbuctoo, begged me to write a letter to the Sheikh of Ain-Salah, one of the oases, which is in direct commercial relations with Ghadames. Travels in the Great Desert of Sahara, in the Years of 1845 and 1846
  • The series, so very loosely based on the Eastman and Laird comic book creation, spawned a cornucopia of merchandise, some feature films, and a live action TV show.
  • I would guess that there actually is float in the present setup, however, because I'd bet that the payment contracts for e-merchandise have inherited payment terms boilerplated from contracts written for physical merchandise. Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • Special codes found on the bottles can be entered into the site for points redeemable for merchandise.
  • If he/she now has to expend the cost of trucking the merchandise to an auction hall and preparing it for auction, that means added costs for labor, and a delay on the return on the initial investment.
  • Research shows that dealers who effectively advertise and promote name - brand merchandise enjoy higher sales and profitability.
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Shoppers complained about poor quality merchandise and high prices.
  • He said very soon, he would start the work of electrifying the market as the marketeers were willing to be selling their merchandise during the night.
  • Part of the reason may be the increased role that supermarkets and mass merchandisers now play in carrying fresh and potted flowers.
  • A central character in the tale is Reuben Kemper, who came down the Mississippi from the Ohio Territory in a merchandise-laden flatboat, accompanied by a business partner, John Smith. When the Bayou Broke Away
  • Are modern movies simply FX and merchandise?
  • Bigger ships known as carracks, mixing square and lateen sails and weighing up to 1000 tons, could sail further and carry more merchandise than ever before.
  • To the other is the official Open merchandise shop, where surely they will sell cheaper souvenirs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was important to have both parents," says Ms. Cashman, a merchandiser for a greeting-card company in Carlsbad, Calif. The Child-Focused Divorce
  • These figures represent sales in supermarkets, drug stores, and mass merchandisers.
  • It'll probably be merchandised like hell, but it definitely feels less mercenary than a lot of other children's entertainment.
  • He build up a big load of debts(sentence dictionary), then skipped town with all his merchandise.
  • We also do focus groups, telephone surveys, and keep tabs on how our merchandise is selling in the marketplace by looking at the attendance numbers.
  • ‘The range of merchandise sold in the current shop has improved dramatically and it is now time to extend the services we offer to our customers,’ she said.
  • Food, drink and merchandise are very pricey on site so to avoid overspending set a budget for each day and stick to it. The Sun
  • The traders had to pay toll on all the goods which they brought to the fair, in addition to the payment of stallage or rent for the ground on which they displayed their merchandise, and also a charge on all the goods they sold. Vanishing England
  • Tourists wishing to claim their tax refunds must obtain tax forms from the authorized VAT store where the merchandise was purchased at the time of purchase.
  • Consumers have more merchandise choices and information than ever, much of it literally at their smartphone-gripping fingertips, searchable and buyable in a moment.
  • Every time you pay a bill, buy something, or have merchandise delivered, you give that company an opening to solicit you by phone for the next 18 months.
  • Wells proves an excellent researcher, concerned not only to evoke the smell of the greasepaint and the roar of the crowd, but also to itemise and describe the fashion-driven merchandise of the day.
  • Hiring enough stockers and clerks to keep merchandise flowing into shopping bags may be the right call.
  • Other entertainment included talented mimes, beauty contests and other on-stage performances, boxing, water sports competitions and loads of local and regional merchandise displayed along Beach Road.
  • So, if a son that is by his father sent about merchandise do sinfully miscarry upon the sea, the imputation of his wickedness by your rule, should be imposed upon his father that sent him: or if a servant, under his master's command transporting a sum of money, be assailed by robbers and die in many irreconciled iniquities, you may call the business of the master the author of the servant's damnation: but this is not so: the king is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of his servant; for they purpose not their death, when they purpose their services. The Life of King Henry V
  • Frank Preziosi and others threatened him with not only complete expulsion form all future HMGS conventions but to have him forcibly ejected from the con by security - sans his merchandise (which I assume would be boxed up by the convention staff). Cold Wars 2010 wrap up « Third Point of Singularity
  • Eight days. And there they were, begging to be fleeced, and there I was with an ankle like a full wineskin and my merchandise days away. A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990
  • Bigger discount stores carry name-brand merchandise at low prices.
  • When arrested, Ryder was found to have not only store merchandise in her purse, but a virtual pharmacopeia.
  • Interacts and cooperates with all sub section in the storeroom, merchandise receiver, merchandise deliverer and with receiving clerk.
  • For at home there is but one buyer, and abroad but one that selleth; both which is gainful to the merchant, because thereby they buy at home at lower, and sell abroad at higher, rates: and abroad there is but one buyer of foreign merchandise, and but one that sells them at home, both which again are gainful to the adventurers. Leviathan
  • At the last Olympics, sports seemed to be less important than the blatant commercialism of the merchandise suppliers.
  • merchandise
  • PW Comics Week talked with Galbraith about the nature of Japanese fandom and the history of the term otaku and how this Japanese subculture of cool stuff-from manga, anime and cosplay to gaming, toys and related merchandise-has evolved and changed in recent years. Undefined
  • The company earns a lot of money from live gigs and merchandise. Times, Sunday Times
  • There will be live entertainment throughout the day and a wide range of Greenpeace merchandise will be on sale.
  • Most merchants can live with thin margins if they have to, as long as merchandise is flying off the shelves. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's difficult not to appear as a sleazy slave dealer looking over the merchandise.
  • The taxation of transport and of sales of merchandise, for example, was the exclusive prerogative of the king and his agents until the middle of the ninth century.
  • The first episode sees teams selling printed merchandise to unwary punters. The Sun
  • The merchandise is reasonably priced and offers exceptionally good value.
  • Many are reducing the volume of merchandise they sell on EBay, if not ending their participation altogether.
  • Interacts and cooperates with all sub section in the storeroom, merchandise receiver, merchandise deliverer and with receiving clerk.
  • And the companie shall do well hereafter in taking of seruants to be sent hither, to see that they be such as haue discretion, and be something broken in the world, and seene in the trade of merchandise, and one (if they can get some such) as can speake the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Now her eyecatching design will grace school letterheads, sweatshirts and merchandise in coming months.
  • They had a mixed cargo of general merchandise picked up here and there on subcivilized planets, in which nobody on Tanith was interested. Space Viking
  • Internet Retailer calculates that web merchandise sales made up 26% of total revenue for the quarter, compared with 26.6% in the Q3 2009.
  • No one will buy merchandise bearing this logo. The Sun
  • The 33-year-old Italian noticed that one of the biggest problems his clients faced was how to sell their leftover merchandise.
  • Rafts on the river and caravans on the land carried merchandise far and wide -- men made their way to the "Sea of the Rising Sun," as they called the Persian Gulf, and to the "Sea of the Setting Sun," as they called the Mediterranean. A Book of Discovery The History of the World's Exploration, From the Earliest Times to the Finding of the South Pole
  • In addition, it can be difficult to judge the quality of some merchandise from a photo on a Web page.
  • If we contend for nothing, the gentlemen who are opposed to us do not contend for a great deal; but the question is, whether the five percent ad valorem, on all articles imported, will have any operation at all upon the introduction of slaves, unless we make a particular enumeration on this account; the collector may mistake, for he would not presume to apply the term goods, wares, and merchandise to any person whatsoever. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Part 3 of 4
  • Mr. Tsuji created a line of character merchandise designed around gift-giving occasions.
  • For those who think this is not such a bad thing, check out this merchandise, link courtesy of InstaPundit.
  • The cries of street vendors hawking their merchandise rose above the hubbub.
  • It suspects the merchandise range would have been slightly smaller. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was highly probable, too, that among the victims about to be transported were many who had been his own subjects; for these African potentates do not scruple to make merchandise of their own people, when cash or "cowries" run short, and their enemies have been too strong to be captured. Ran Away to Sea
  • We are offering reductions on merchandise in an effort to drum up trade.
  • Don't handle the merchandise
  • Between 1850 and 1890, urban growth spawned giant emporiums that sold vast arrays of merchandise at fixed prices and provided services and amenities that encouraged customers to linger and browse.
  • We are committed to partnering with those vendors willing to ship ticketed merchandise.
  • After walking a few blocks, the merchandise began to look similar, nothing grabbed my attention, until I came upon a Redneck-Zen bonsai booth wedged between a home-made apple-butter stand where a woman in old-fashioned attire churned butter and a photography exhibit of local waterfalls. Truth at a Bonsai Booth
  • I especially want to go to the Graphic Novel cafe and buy anime and manga and merchandise relating to anime and manga.
  • This was no other than poor Jack Butts, who is a sort of small artist and picture-dealer by profession, and was a dayboy at Slaughter House when we were there, and very serviceable in bringing in sausages, pots of pickles, and other articles of merchandise, which we could not otherwise procure. Men's Wives
  • This is not a commercial activity," Mr. Della Valle insisted at a Rome press conference, rejecting what he called erroneous reports that Tod's would benefit commercially from exclusive use of the Colosseum image for his company's merchandise. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Toothpaste is stock merchandise in a drugstore.
  • They would also be able to bid for contracts to produce Olympic merchandise and to build new sporting facilities in London and elsewhere.
  • The merchandise pushers have invaded the commons of childhood, the free open spaces of imagination and play, and turned them into a free-fire zone of commercial importuning.
  • We did not have officially licensed merchandise in those days.
  • But that no man should imagine that our forren trades of merchandise haue bene comprised within some few yeeres or at least wise haue not bene of any long continuance, let vs now withdraw our selues from our affaires in Russia, and ascending somewhat higher, let vs take a sleight suruey of our traffiques and negotiations in former ages. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Merchandise of gold and silver and precious stones: and of pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet: and all thyine wood: and all manner of vessels of ivory: and all manner of vessels of precious stone and of brass and of iron and of marble: The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete
  • This kind of value, which pursues merchandise unilaterally, caused problems such as the pollution of the environment, the ecosystem depravation and the shortage of resources inevitably.
  • Walt Disney decided that Shepard's sketches needed ‘adapting’ to maximise their commercial value in a series of films and spin-off merchandise.
  • Has realized from the merchandise control, the classification of goods and the inquiry, realizes to the shopping cart, user order form processing, arrives at the chatroom again, the manager system.
  • Indeed, they seem to sub-scribe to the oft-held belief that there is no such thing as bad publicity and that their over-paid bowsies fuelling ticket and merchandise sales.
  • I don't envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing.
  • So much modern merchandise is themed with bestselling books that it makes a logical extension to the stock profile.
  • The Truro-men also receive several duties collected in Falmouth, particularly wharfage for the merchandises landed or shipped off; but let these advantages be what they will, the town of Falmouth has gotten the trade — at least, the best part of it — from the other, which is chiefly owing to the situation. From London to Land's End
  • Meanwhile, by setting up sub-accounts, we can expand the accounting of the social transfer of physical merchandise and the real final consumption index for both household and the government sectors.
  • Regulars have wandered in from the pool table by the door, the annoying drunk has stopped yammering and approached the stage for a last minute autograph, and Jolie's mother is busily catering to a line at the merchandise table.
  • Pier B caters for US-bound passengers and the duty-free shop will reflect this market with a wider range of merchandise, including alcohol sales.
  • He waves his arm across his merchandise, The Price is Right style, but accidentally knocks most of the sunglasses onto the floor, where they connect with a plasticky bonk.
  • In 1979, Liquor Barn thrived as a discount merchandiser.
  • In short, Traffic puts together teams of people who are fans of bands willing to help promote that band in return for 'swag' - gig tickets, merchandise and other desirable stuff.
  • We were undressing the merchandise with their eyeball, all ogle, no cash.
  • So I left a cartload of purchased merchandise outside the bathroom and took the babe and my three-year old into the bathroom. Hold The Mustard | Her Bad Mother
  • The company earns a lot of money from live gigs and merchandise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Judean businessman knows the value of time very much, thinking that time is also a merchandise.
  • Then I entered into a contract of partnership with them and we chartered a ship and packing up all manner of precious stuffs and merchandise of every kind, freighted it therewith; after which we embarked in it all we needed and, setting sail from Bassorah, launched out into the dashing sea, swollen with clashing surge whereinto whoso entereth is lone and lorn and whence whoso cometh forth is as a babe new - born. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Time Warner, fiercely protective of its stake in the Harry Potter phenomenon, has been issuing licences to dozens of manufacturers to produce spin-off merchandise from the film.
  • The company distributes its products worldwide through a network of specialty retailers, mass merchandisers and foreign distributors.
  • ; p. 227, 'caboch' amended to _caboche_; p. 258, 'uniomargarifer' amended to _Unio margaritifera_; p. 298, 'mechandise' amended to _merchandise_: A Text-Book of Precious Stones for Jewelers and the Gem-Loving Public
  • A counterfeit or fraudulent cashier's check or corporate check is utilized to pay for merchandise.
  • A few years ago, the soft drink giant and its many independent bottlers around the world were increasingly relying on merchandise tied to sporting events to promote the brand.
  • Speed constraints on the World Wide Web can make downloading photographs of merchandise frustratingly slow.
  • Flat caps, by public demand, have been added to the list of official merchandise at the Commonwealth Games.
  • In 1970, I worked for a while for an outfit called Marvelmania International, which was selling posters and decals and other merchandise of the Marvel characters.
  • It has been immortalised in songs, films and tacky merchandise. Times, Sunday Times
  • We do not accept returns on any customized items, such as engraved or debossed items, for refunds or merchandise exchanges.
  • The company's operating margins have increased from 7.5% in fiscal 2008 to nearly 19% in fiscal 2010, and Teavana said it thinks they, too, could go even higher as it shifts its sales mix away from merchandise like teapots and toward higher-profit loose-leaf teas. Teavana IPO Rises 64% in Busy Week of Debuts
  • The couple run a family business: Steve takes care of the leathers and other merchandise, and Loz runs the cafe, which is a hybrid of Forties tea room, Fifties cafe and American diner.
  • While you were drinking the coffee, the dealer's helpers were wetting down the merchandise, giving a false impression of good luster and camouflaging the dings.
  • While his accomplices forged orders from local merchants, he picked up goods, paid-off draymen and fenced the merchandise in the city's black market.
  • It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise.
  • You control the inventory, you control the way that inventory is merchandised to your customers, you control the way the salespeople are trained.
  • BookPeople further distinguishes itself with other merchandise that accounts for 20 percent of store sales, including odd, one-of-a-kind items like refrigerator magnets that featured the tutued likeness of Leslie Cochran, the local homeless, cross-dressing celebrity. NYT > Home Page
  • In retail businesses, the merchandising of goods is a key part of the success of a store, which means that in many retail stores the merchandise is occasionally rotated - little changes that can make a big difference.
  • Whatever your political allegiance, there's almost certain to be a piece of merchandise to suit it.
  • Events on our dedicated stage with opportunities to win ANKAMA merchandise such as cuddy toys, T-shirts, posters, Mangas, artbooks and a lot more! IGN Complete
  • Farm wives would use butter as cash, exchanging their home-churned product for merchandise at the general store.
  • Offer includes full price merchandise only. The Sun
  • The designs will be used on Kentucky Derby and Kentucky Oaks tickets and officially licensed merchandise.
  • If the product is properly merchandised, it should sell very well.
  • As is custom for Valentine's Day, many businesses are offering heart-shaped merchandise. Papa John's Love (Pizza) Is A Lie - The Consumerist
  • Now it fortuned that one day, there came ships with merchandise, and all the merchants resorted to them to buy, and I went with them on board, when behold, there came two men out of the hold and setting themselves chairs on the deck, sat down thereon. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Overstock, based in Salt Lake City, is an online "closeout" retailer offering discount brand-name merchandise to its customers. Overstock Posts Loss; Shares Plunge
  • Japan exported $117 billion in merchandise to the US in 1999.
  • At the beginning of the year 1881, the committee on finances of the common council of Paris received a petition from the central committee of the syndical chambers asking for the establishment of an official exchange for merchandise and commercial transactions for the especial use of Parisian commerce. Scientific American Supplement, No. 664, September 22,1888
  • Still, Mr. Marden did say that when a store goes out of business or has its inventory damaged, a third party-called a "salvor" - takes over and brings the merchandise to stores like Marden's. The Adventures of Euan and Chris Is Brit Banker's Sitcom-a-Clef
  • US Congress targets 'murderabilia' sales of criminal merchandise TWO US Senators unveiled legislation today to quash what they described as the growing market in "murderabilia" - trinkets and trophies tied to notorious violent crimes. | Top Stories
  • United States is admitted into French ports on the terms aforesaid, the discriminating duties heretofore levied upon merchandise imported from the countries of its origin into ports of the United States in French vessels shall be, and are hereby, discontinued and abolished. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 7, part 1: Ulysses S. Grant
  • Serving as a middleman means paying vendors for merchandise, and then receiving payment from customers.
  • Beyond all other men, he knows when to talk, and when to refrain from talking, -- how to throw the burden of negotiation on the seller, -- how to get the goods he wants at his own price, not at _his_ asking, but on _the suggestion of the seller_, prompted by his own politely obvious unwillingness to have the seller part with his merchandise at any price not entirely acceptable to himself. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 40, February, 1861
  • Santiago being a pilgrimage town, I fully expect there to be the whole gamut of Catholic tat merchandise: illuminated Pope busts, candles shaped like burning pyres, replicas of fragments of the true cross, and so on and so forth.
  • He who reported this to your Majesty deceived you, for there are not only a hundred houses occupied by Sangleys who remain here for negotiations with their merchandise, but more than [_blank space in MS_.] who live in the alcaiceria of this city, called Parián, and more than [_blank space in MS_.] [39] in all the neighborhood. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 07 of 55 1588-1591 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing
  • Three long years, hundreds of hours of private negotiations and planning sessions, shmoozy dinners, trips to Chicago and clammy handshakes all culminated in this moment: voting on a deal with Chicago-based Merchandise Mart Properties Inc. to build and operate a county-funded convention center and medical mart, this decade's can't-miss taxpayer-funded project. Cleveland Scene
  • A range of official Disney merchandise was on sale.
  • Merchandiser (6 month Contract) One of the most popular high street retailers is looking for a ladieswear Merchandiser to join their fast paced team. Undefined
  • The ministers, most of them African-Americans together representing thousands of congregants, are pressuring the city council to grant approval for a Wal-Mart "supercenter" - a store with a full grocery that also sells general merchandise-on the city's South Side. What's News US
  • As the amount and speed of distribution of merchandise increased, so ways of transacting business also changed.
  • They may buy the same or very similar merchandise. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • So, I mean, you can tell that they are kind of latching on to this and certainly using this as a way to move merchandise. CNN Transcript Jul 8, 2009
  • You control the inventory, you control the way that inventory is merchandised to your customers, you control the way the salespeople are trained.
  • On the contrary, by the sole selling of the native commodities abroad, and sole buying the foreign commodities upon the place, they raise the price of those, and abate the price of these, to the disadvantage of the foreigner: for where but one selleth, the merchandise is the dearer; and where but one buyeth, the cheaper: such corporations therefore are no other than monopolies, though they would be very profitable for a Leviathan
  • The costliness value, the high time limited efficacy merchandise ratio will increase quickly, and will make use of to gather to pack extensively .
  • Fitch notes that segments such as durables/electronics and home merchandise remained subdued, although these segments started to recover from Q3 Moneycontrol Top Headlines
  • Assist Merchandiser for daily work report to Merchandiser directly.
  • We would set up the merchandise on our ping-pong table as a showcase for the various buyers. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • It was the first movie to feature onscreen product placement for its own merchandise.
  • At golf's big annual merchandise show in Orlando, Fla., last month, I sat through several state-of-the-industry hand-wringing sessions. The Battle for the Soul of the Game
  • Throughout the volume, there are more general accounts of the form for merchandise, bills receivable and payable, cash, profit and loss, storage, and truckage.
  • Cheap merchandise was overpriced to start with, then sold on time with fantastic interest.
  • Graceful sampans, piled high with meticulous arrangements of fruit and vegetables, tables, urns and clay pots, float leisurely as they plied their merchandise.
  • Restatement also takes the position that the use of indicia of identity on merchandise is a use for purposes of trade. Archive 2009-08-01
  • But soon the rack was so overstocked that customers couldn't move the merchandise to see what was available.
  • Ideas merchandised to one of the largest TV audiences of the entire year.
  • The exchange, based in San Francisco, will initially specialize in buying and selling one type of merchandise: used communications equipment.
  • Some decorations and muniments there were which could not be procured even in Gaul, and these the pious founder determined to fetch from Rome; for which purpose, after he had formed the rule for his monastery, he made his fourth voyage to Rome, and returned loaded with more abundant spiritual merchandise than before. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • During the day she would go around townships selling all sorts of merchandise ranging from bottles, vegetables, fruits and maize which she carried on her head and in the evening go for classes.

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