How To Use Mercator projection In A Sentence
Loxodromes appear as straight lines on the Mercator projection, while orthodromes appear as straight lines on the gnomonic projection.
Sometimes, you will be able to request data in the Spherical Mercator projection, and the data provider will project it for you — but don't rely on this.
Many people have a mental map of the world which corresponds approximately to the Mercator projection.
You can almost say that the "opposite" of the Plate Carree is the Mercator projection which stretches areas close to the poles in the opposite direction, making them look very big.
Mercator made many new maps and globes, but his greatest contribution to cartography must be the Mercator projection.
The Mercator projection gives a popular, rectilinear picture of the Earth's surface but grossly exaggerates dimensions near the poles.
The Mercator projection and the Zenithal Equal-area projection are shown in the form of screen dumps in Figure 4.7.
It shows the bands of sunrise/set and civil, nautical, and astronomical twilight on a Mercator projection.
For example, the Mercator projection is widely used by boats and ships because it produces a map in which lines of constant bearing are a straight line, which greatly simplifies navigation.
On a Mercator projection, Great Circle routes appear as curves.
Like the overlapping maps in a Mercator projection, where the ranges of different versions overlap, they predict the same phenomena.
Sometimes, you will be able to request data in the Spherical Mercator projection, and the data provider will project it for you — but don't rely on this.
The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each based on the Transverse Mercator projection.
The Mercator projection was developed especially for navigators, and presents straight lines as loxodromes.