
How To Use Mercantile In A Sentence

  • Not many cities, unfortunately, have been means to announce such certain mercantile headlines in the stream business climate. Editorial: chattem commits to city, growth
  • In taking the nationalistic, idealized and ancient form of the epic and combining it with a narrative of mercantile discovery, Camões embodies early modern epistemological anxiety.
  • Next to the Mansión de don Aurelio Ibarra (# 15) is don Aurelio's old, two-storey mercantile building, built at the end of the last century. El Fuerte in Sinaloa, Mexico, was once the capital of Arizona
  • But still my wishful dreams persist, and in them the dead streets are resurrected in a bustling afterlife, the ravaged downtown neighborhoods dense with foot traffic and a lively mercantile carnival.
  • Until the arrival of the Spanish, the Apaches and the Pueblos had enjoyed a mercantile relationship: Pueblos traded their agricultural products and pottery to the Apaches in exchange for buffalo robes and dried meat.
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  • Korais was born in Smyrna (1748 – 1833) to a mercantile family, but fled to Montpelier, France, in 1782, in an effort to escape the '... conservatism, formalism, and religious fanaticism of the Ottomans' (Velios, 1998: 10). Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • The Emperor agrees that British subjects shall be allowed to carry on their mercantile pursuits, without molestation or restraint, at these designated cities and towns.
  • It also represents the Min-Yue culture characterized by its contacts with the outside world and great emphasis on mercantile entrepreneurship.
  • Previous efforts to establish equities-type exchanges in this market have failed in the face of strong opposition from most banks, despite heavyweight backing, most notably from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Reuters. Necessary and neutral
  • Yet from about 1500, mercantile capitalism began revolutionizing European societies, as expressed by the scientific and commercial spirit of the Renaissance.
  • Like his father, his political career was hampered by his adherence to fair trade and his mercantile Birmingham roots.
  • Fred gazed slowly at the greying wood buildings, the three or four patient horses drowsing at racks amid clouds of flies, the wagon outside a building labeled ‘Mercantile’ loaded with sacks of flour and sugar.
  • The only vessels in view were mercantile ones, moving about their business as though nothing at all were amiss. KING OF DREAMS
  • Just as the ‘country’ banks regarded the notes of the eastern mercantile banks as equivalent to specie, so did the state banks regard the notes and drafts of the Bank of the United States.
  • Animals like tigers, rhinos and elephants are hunted for the high mercantile value they attract in the international markets.
  • Elation returned after 27 months' drought when he won his first ranking tournament at the Mercantile Credit in Bournemouth last January.
  • The part you don't understand comes from this long-winded, self-impressed sentence which demonstrates how wordy he wants to be by hitting us over the head with as many adjectives as a thesaurus can muster: "There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
  • Amboyna shows signs of commercial prosperity in the crowded _passer_ and the busy Chinese _campong_, for the enterprising Celestial forms an important element of the mercantile community in the Clove Island. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • This close analysis of commercial patterns and practices not only supports the author's thesis about regional identity, it also offers a first-rate case study of mercantile practice on the frontier.
  • Antonio is a member of the new rising class, the mercantile capitalists.
  • He returned to London, taking up a post as a statistician in the Mercantile and General Investment Company.
  • With a portfolio valued between 10 and 20 lakhs of rupees, Mullah Badr al-Din was considered the "richest" merchant in Kabul, was honorifically referred to as baba or father by Dost Muhammad, and figured prominently in the trade between Russia and Bukhara. 50 Mullah Badr al-Din's son Khair al-Din also enjoyed a glowing mercantile reputation in Central Asia. Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
  • Some Confucianists asserted that Confucianism was anti-mercantile.
  • There is no obvious reason to expect economic agents to act like colliding molecules, and indeed the random repartitioning of kinetic energy is a fairly strange template for mercantile transactions.
  • William did not assume his grandfather's title, which had lapsed on his death, but he did inherit the residue of the baronet's extensive property, and his mercantile and shipbuilding businesses at Kittery.
  • The urge of these acolytes is not dramatic, but mercantile - to traduce all personal history, to subvert all perception or insight into gain, or the hope of gain.
  • Smith shared the objection of the French physiocrats to the mercantile system, but he did not share their view that land is the sole source of wealth.
  • As to negligence it was true that Moorgate Mercantile had been careless in failing to register their hire purchase agreement.
  • Tripoli; and as Tunisian corsairs had never depredated upon American commerce, the Mediterranean sea was now opened to the mercantile marine of the United States. Washington and the American Republic, Vol. 3.
  • Along with Bombay, also part of the unhappy Catherine's dowry, it marked the furthest limit of what Charles had conceived to be his imperium, the latest, and soon to be greatest, mercantile power in the world.
  • While the objectives of the German navy remained similar to those of World War One, the battle against Britain's mercantile lifeline was generally fought away from inshore waters.
  • The economic infrastructure to support its mercantile potential is not in evidence in Dublin.
  • In the space of a generation we changed from an agrarian to a mercantile culture, from a stay-at-home society to one on the move.
  • February crude oil rose 66 cents to $ 19. 18 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.
  • It is sufficient that he was acting within the ordinary course of business of mercantile agents generally.
  • You will readily discern that, what with the public market and municipal headquarters, the two leading city churches, and the main mercantile domain that centres up on King Street, this central sector clearly focuses the civic and business life of the new city. The Life of a New City: Toronto, 1834
  • The Mercantile invests for long-term capital growth with emphasis on emerging companies worldwide.
  • It is likely, then, that he had no source of income other than family money, although his adult male relatives were all engaged in mercantile operations, the navy, or the professions. back Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Here the universe of the stereotype is starkly revealed in all its mechanical and mercantile glory.
  • Thus at one time the whole of the silver currency disappeared; the shroffs and sirkars had bought it up, so that persons in business were induced to offer premiums for silver; without which mercantile concerns could not proceed.
  • Like Bowen & McNamee (or Bowen, Holmes & Co., their later firm), they led in political, as well as in mercantile enterprise, and these two houses, like Calpe and Abyla, were for years set over against each other as the trade representatives of the Northern and Southern sentiment. The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Major towns had specialized guilds for different trades and London had a great variety of both mercantile guilds, such as grocers, goldsmiths, and vintners, and manufacturers like tailors and saddlers.
  • In the old Fort area of Bombay, where the British once had their mercantile offices, is a stately stone building called Bombay House.
  • Though not a rich man, my brother had earned a sufficient income in mercantile pursuits.
  • England's successful wars against the French, its growing overseas empire, its social stability and its mercantile hegemony were all interpreted as the blessings of a beneficent providence on a Protestant people.
  • Major towns had specialized guilds for different trades and London had a great variety of both mercantile guilds, such as grocers, goldsmiths, and vintners, and manufacturers like tailors and saddlers.
  • As prices fall further, bank loans turn sour, and one or more mercantile houses, banks, discount houses, or brokerages fail.
  • William Chambers wrote in his Edinburgh Journal in 1840: "It seems mankind are forever destined to live under some alarming apprehension ... at every interval of three, four, or five years, the community is plunged into the greatest tribulation from the number of bankruptcies and general mercantile stagnation, while ruin stares everyone in the face. Britain's Economic Performance
  • The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal: the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile coexreligionist excompatriots: the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: the ineffability of the tetragrammaton: the sanctity of the sabbath. Ulysses
  • The mercantile and trading community might thus share power with other interests.
  • Despite its great girth, Mr. Chernow's opus is less suitable for more advanced students, particularly those of a mercantile or financial bent.
  • William did not assume his grandfather's title, which had lapsed on his death, but he did inherit the residue of the baronet's extensive property, and his mercantile and shipbuilding businesses at Kittery.
  • They were not people of fashion, as we readily perceived, but kindly-looking mercantile folk, and ladies painted as white as newly calcimined house walls; and all gravely polite. Familiar Spanish Travels
  • I suppose they and the Bengalis are the backbone of Indian mercantile business. From Edinburgh to India & Burmah
  • The paw trade has damaged hunting traditions with deep roots in Siberia, the taxidermist said, turning a hallowed male winter ritual into a mercantile exercise.
  • Suppose the students at Mercantile High develop a craving for Banana on a Stick and buy out his entire supply every afternoon.
  • It issued currency supported by adequate specie reserves, accepted deposits, discounted mercantile notes, and turned a respectable profit for investors.
  • As to negligence it was true that Moorgate Mercantile had been careless in failing to register their hire purchase agreement.
  • The deposition states that this rating had prevailed for a number of years in all mercantile transactions.
  • Merchant and pirate were for a long period one and the same person. Even today mercantile morality is really nothing but a refinement of piratical morality. Friedrich Nietzsche 
  • This is one of my favorite if that's the word mercantile ghosts. Archive 2006-06-01
  • While broadcasting from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange he accused the Obama administration of "promoting bad behaviour" and subsidising "losers 'mortgages". How the Tea Party movement began
  • The landed gentry had some sympathy with popular resentment of the activities of moneyed and mercantile entrepreneurs.
  • It's not even romantic --- it's big business, it's ruthlessly mercantile. RESCUING ROSE
  • On the other hand, her growing ability to compete commercially led her mercantile interests to incline to the British view and stress the importance of free access to the whole of China.
  • Sedan - chairs brought him and his father to the door of the West Szechuan Mercantile Corporation.
  • His preferences ran to luxe and volupte, but not calme; his designs teem with a mercantile profusion.
  • Now, FHA insured about 30% of home purchases as good as 20% of refinanced mortgages in mercantile 2009. Archive 2009-11-01
  • Attracted by the spice trade, English mercantile interests spread first to the Far East.
  • APRO STONE MERCANTILE retailer of high grade onyx ash urn.
  • The butter factory, recently incorporated, is one of the manufacturing enterprises which flourish, and for the past twenty-five years Etna has not been behind her neighboring villages in mercantile enterprise or in the educational advantages furnished by her excellent school. Living in Dryden: Etna's history, to 1897
  • Dun & Bradstreet is the largest mercantile agency in the United States
  • One biographer assumes that he was a boy of somewhat ordinary talents that would fit him only for the mercantile trade.
  • mercantile system
  • By appointing queens, the mercantile oligarchs were attempting to capture the legitimacy the tyrant's power had generated, but to limit the use of that power.
  • The Mercantile invests for long-term capital growth with emphasis on emerging companies worldwide.
  • Both the Grace Lines and the International Mercantile Marine Company built large liners accommodating as many as 750 revelers strictly for what was euphemistically called “the intercoastal trade.” LAST CALL
  • The policy itself, however, was a devastating blow to China's coastal economy and her once thriving maritime mercantile ventures, creating a void later to be filled by the European trading powers.
  • By mercantile usage, a bank has a lien over commercial paper deposited by the customer in the ordinary course of banking business.
  • For all its overwhelming industrial and mercantile dominance, the United States remained a tenth-rate military power (except for its navy) until galvanized by Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor.
  • Here the universe of the stereotype is starkly revealed in all its mechanical and mercantile glory.
  • The weight of the gold extracted from the ore calaverite (Calaveras County, California) might be expressed in troy weight, after Troyes, France, a mercantile center where weight standards were established. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 4
  • At first, the rights of the Dutch were maintained, and many prominent families, such as the De Peysters, who were descendants of Dutch patroons, continued to be a cultural, mercantile, and political force.
  • In this respect, A Chaste Maid in Cheapside seems in effect to mirror an early phase of the radical expansion and rise to economic prominence of London's commercial and mercantile estates.
  • There's a kind of joyful hopscotch, a cavalierism, a dandyishness, an enrichment, about alien presences in English, which otherwise remains for me a chewed, utilitarian, mercantile language. THE FOREIGN IN ENGLISH.
  • However, the point is that like ‘queer’ the epithet can be reappropriated by those against whom it is used, and subverted into a positive term, indicating that those who cast it as a pejorative are the ones whose honour should be doubted, and mercantile privilege questioned. Pirate: the definition
  • This may seem a little absurd since the buyer in possession may well not be a mercantile agent.
  • mercantile theories
  • preached a mercantile and militant patriotism
  • As influential voices like the Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries, the International Energy Agency and Saudi Arabia pointed to signs that recent high prices may already be reducing demand, front-month crude futures fell $3.67, or 3.3%, to settle at $106.25 on the New York Mercantile Exchange. A Sudden Chink in Oil Prices
  • By the time they reached the mercantile store, practically everyone on the street had stopped and were simply staring at the Cartwright brothers as they pulled the buckboard and the horse to a halt.
  • He had ample means at his command, and formed a copartnership with McSween at Lincoln, the firm erecting two fine buildings and establishing a mercantile house and the "Lincoln County Bank," there. The Authentic Life of Billy The Kid
  • An energetic ruler, he dispatched naval expeditions to Sri Lanka and presided over the military and mercantile expansion of the Pallava dominions.
  • Adam Smith coined “mercantile system” (mercantilism) for the eco - nomic policy of the seventeenth and eighteenth centu - ries. PERIODIZATION IN HISTORY
  • And suddenly, the classroom was like the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, with everybody swapping corn-futures contracts in a trading frenzy.
  • Siberian woolly mammoths made their way over the Bering land bridge to the New World long before mercantile ships made the journey.
  • The workers have also seen through the game plan of their paymasters who have reduced them to the state of a mercantile product.
  • The town's mercantile district featured several boarded up storefronts and a coffee shop hidden behind a dozen muddy pick-up trucks.
  • As to negligence it was true that Moorgate Mercantile had been careless in failing to register their hire purchase agreement.
  • - Where a mercantile agent is, with the consent of the owner, in possession of goods or the document of title to goods, any pledge made by him, when acting in the ordinary course of business of a mercantile agent, shall be as valid as if he were expressly authorised by the owner of the goods to make the same; provided that the pawnee acts in good faith and has not at the time of the pledge notice that the pawnor has not authority to pledge. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Liberties were conferred on cities, in order that feudal laws should not restrict trade and other important aspects of mercantile power.
  • The Marine Department's Mercantile Marine Office registers Hong Kong seafarers and regulates and supervises their engagement on board ships.
  • If the Legislature approves sweeping business tax reforms - replacing the business privilege and mercantile taxes with a payroll tax - the board wants to control money raised by the new levy.
  • Admiralty, and was able to state that, after two years of "frightfulness," the British mercantile marine was only a small fraction below its tonnage at the commencement. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, February 21, 1917
  • Judith Harris, author of "Pompeii Awakened," said Pompeii was a pleasure-loving mercantile town, at the mouth of a river by the sea, somewhat like New Orleans today. Pompeii's Life and Death on View in New York
  • Next to the Mansión de don Aurelio Ibarra (# 15) is don Aurelio's old, two-storey mercantile building, built at the end of the last century. El Fuerte in Sinaloa, Mexico, was once the capital of Arizona
  • The construction of a railroad inspired the establishment of freight and mercantile businesses, and farmers grew fields of hay for horses and other pack animals.
  • the mercantile North was forging ahead
  • This may seem a little absurd since the buyer in possession may well not be a mercantile agent.
  • This may seem a little absurd since the buyer in possession may well not be a mercantile agent.
  • The old realm of Caledor was eclipsed by other realms including the fast-rising mercantile city-state of Lothern.
  • The artificers and manufacturers of such mercantile states, therefore, would immediately be rivalled in the market of those landed nations, and soon after undersold and justled out of it altogether. IX. Book IV. Of the Agricultural Systems, or of the Systems of Political Œconomy, Which Represent the Produce of Land as Either the Sole or the Principal Source of the Revenue and Wealth of Every Country
  • Mr. McKim, with his usual good judgment and remarkably quick strategetical mind, especially in matters pertaining to the U.G. Railroad, hit upon the following plan, namely, to go to his friend E.M. Davis, who was engaged in mercantile business, and relate the circumstances. Life and Adventures of James Williams, a Fugitive Slave, with a Full Description of the Underground Railroad
  • It is sufficient that he was acting within the ordinary course of business of mercantile agents generally.
  • The Mercantile invests for long-term capital growth with emphasis on emerging companies worldwide.
  • The Mercantile invests for long-term capital growth with emphasis on emerging companies worldwide.
  • The methods were not always wholly admirable; but we must remember that the East India Company was a mercantile association, fighting for its existence under diamond-cut-diamond conditions; and we must remember also that, although its representatives at Madras were sent out to The Story of Madras

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