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mental strain

  1. (psychology) nervousness resulting from mental stress
    the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him
    his responsibilities were a constant strain

How To Use mental strain In A Sentence

  • In the sensors, small acoustic vibrations or environmental strains induce frequency and intensity modulations.
  • The mental strain of sharing an office with Alison was starting to tell.
  • Abuse and mental strain flow through the story, but Eugene's crazed influence is balanced against the sincere love his family feel for him.
  • Ant will provide insight into the physical and mental strains they are enduring. The Sun
  • The Boer ultimatum, by making it impossible for the British Government to be any longer cajoled into an elusory settlement by Boer diplomacy, had relieved Lord Milner of a load of anxiety, and closed a period of unparalleled physical and mental strain. Lord Milner's Work in South Africa From its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902
  • Overcrowding imposes mental strains.
  • The mental strain of sharing an office with Alison was starting to tell.
  • I think everyone I know is suffering from that mental strain.
  • the mental strain of staying alert hour after hour was too much for him
  • Some scientists believe that we are running out of sleep, put under mental strain by work stress, caffeine and late-night internet distractions.
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