
How To Use Mental illness In A Sentence

  • It was, in fact, the accidental discovery of several mind-altering drugs in the middle of the 20th century that drew me into research on brain functions and mental illness.
  • Her periods of withdrawal and mental illness increased. Hemingway in Paris - Parisian walks for the literary traveller
  • Debut novelists will make up nearly half of the Orange prize for fiction longlist, which this year tackles strikingly difficult subjects: incest, sadistic cruelty, polygamy, child bereavement, hermaphroditism and mental illness. Orange prize longlist tackles difficult subjects – and alligators
  • They will also support pregnant women and new mothers with existing mental illness. The Sun
  • If this was a documentary about fame, it was also one about mental illness. Times, Sunday Times
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  • An organization that accepts the antipsychiatry mantra that we have medicalized everything, and their devotion to confronting abuse, but rejects their position that mental illness does not exist. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • The legislation would require corporate health plans to treat mental illnesses the same as physical ailments.
  • Mental illness: When people believe they change into an animal form theriomorphosis, or possess supernatural non-human animal traits, the term clinical lycanthropy is often used. Therianthropy
  • Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse.
  • How can one pick out the symptoms of mental illness in patients who seem otherwise normal?
  • Parents' sense of identity and self-worth can also be damaged if their offspring have a disability or mental illness. Growing Through Loss and Grief
  • A common sign of a schizophrenia is when the person with the mental illness starts referring to themselves as “we” or starts talking about himself or herself in the third person. Think Progress » Army spares single mother from a court-martial, but still demotes her and revokes benefits.
  • Interestingly enough, when adrenochrome is injected into normal human subjects, temporary psychotic states resembling those of mental illness are produced. The Human Brain
  • Solms discovered that patients who had had a prefrontal leukotomy, a common surgical procedure for mental illness in the 1950s and 60s, reported loss of dreaming.
  • In mental illness, there is a complex relationship between cause and effect .
  • It is also often comorbid with other mental illnesses such as bipolar, major depression, anxiety, avoidant personality disorder, OCD, OCPD, to name a few.
  • Symptoms similar to Parkinson's disease - known as Parkinsonism - can be a side-effect of some medications, such as anti-sickness drugs and drugs used in the treatment of mental illness.
  • What is more, the closer a nation approximates to the American model - a highly advanced and technologically developed form of modern capitalism - the greater the rate of mental illness amongst its citizens.
  • When the group split up he was broke and unemployed again and sank back into mental illness and became increasingly reclusive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research indicates that stigma, shame and prejudice result in people delaying treatment and families denying that a family member may have a mental illness.
  • In 1931 there were no medications to treat mental illness (lobotomies came into vogue in 1935, for example) and psychiatry was divided between those doctors treating state hospital patients (many of whom had paresis or were schizophrenic/bipolar) who were considered “organic” and those who were more psychoanalytic, mostly in big cities. The Volokh Conspiracy » Jerome Frank on Oliver Wendell Holmes:
  • Factors related to mental illness can interfere with the treatment of other illnesses and frequently co-occur with cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, cancer, and other noncommunicable diseases.
  • This is a tale of a nervous breakdown that may betoken a mental illness such as psychosis. 2009 April 27 « One-Minute Book Reviews
  • A 35-year-old lawyer faces financial ruin resulting from a serious mental illness.
  • All her daughters also claim mental illness, although only one seems to suffer from anything more serious than poor self-esteem. Times, Sunday Times
  • If someone doesn't have a mental illness, if they're not certifiable, I suppose, under the Act, then there are very few avenues where they can go for treatment.
  • Indeed, psychiatrists do not talk of insanity but prefer to use terms such as mental illness or mental disorder.
  • Some epileptics produce normal scans, while abnormal ones can be caused by other conditions such as migraine or severe mental illness.
  • The legislation would require corporate health plans to treat mental illnesses the same as physical ailments.
  • Some scientists now believe that smoking may store up liability to stress and cause mental illness as well as physical decay.
  • This Institute brings together for the first time the basic neurosciences with psychiatry and neurology to investigate the fundamental neuronal basis of mental illness.
  • Mental illness is a very complicated subject.
  • In the case of "outsider" artists, such unconventional rendering is attributed to mental illness, lack of training, or marginalization in society.
  • Solemn exorcism is an extremely unusual step to take and can only be done after every other possibility, including mental illness, has been discounted.
  • Two psychiatrists then gave evidence that Ashman's mental illness directly caused him to commit the offences.
  • The newer, so-called atypical medicines are helping change the face of mental illness, experts agree.
  • But rather than planning to create a future generation of workaholics, Dr Richmond said the new research could be used to study mental illness.
  • I hated the whole religious kit and caboodle at such a young age, and still often wonder where the line of demarcation is between suffering from regular mental illness and just being Jewish. Roseanne Archy
  • Deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.
  • The appellant suffers from paranoid schizophrenia which is a mental illness within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983.
  • She reports that about half of the people with mental illness are chemically addicted.
  • Fenton dismissed this talk of Judgement Day as mental illness and prayed that his father was having a brief delusional episode.
  • She was purposefully trying to destigmatize talking about mental illness in polite society.
  • The obsessive behavior may be channeled into positive activities in mentally healthy prisoners, but people with mental illness can become obsessed with negative actions, such as self-mutilation.
  • He was a sane, rational, bright young man with no history of mental illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the adoptees themselves the most highly creative showed an excessive rate of mental illness - as much as 30 percent.
  • Kraepelin rejected the psychoanalytical theories that placed innate sexuality or early sexual experiences at the root of mental illness.
  • Yes, but I believe he is using them to self-medicate his mental illness. Think Progress » The Right-Wing Backlash Against Glenn Beck: Stop Being A ‘Clown’ Who’s Trying To Divide Conservatives
  • Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3.
  • When the interviewer asked,'How are you able to be in ministry with mental illness? Christianity Today
  • Mental illness has always faced a struggle to get itself taken seriously. Times, Sunday Times
  • Today, as a result of a settlement, inmates with the most serious mental illnesses are banned from the supermax and are cared for at Garner.
  • They will also support pregnant women and new mothers with existing mental illness. The Sun
  • The book is also limited by restricting the accounts of personal experience of madness to extreme mental states, such as mania and psychosis, and not mental illnesses such as unipolar depression or anxiety disorders.
  • But most mental illness lacks any clear physical symptoms and is recognizable only from the patient's abnormal behaviour.
  • APF will also be increasing the size of its endowment for scholarships and existing grants in areas such as serious mental illness, neuropsychology, child psychology and the elimination of prejudice such as homophobia.
  • Some of those volunteers will develop cancer, heart disease or mental illness.
  • The attack is a sad comment on the public's understanding of mental illness.
  • Norwegian scabies occurs predominantly in elderly, infirm, or immunosuppressed people and in those with mental illness.
  • Psychiatrists may suggest that my mental illness was a significant factor explaining my irrational behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Research from Britain indicates that poor quality housing can increase the incidence of stress and mental illness.
  • The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.
  • Mental illness can exist for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth.
  • In mental illness, there is a complex relationship between cause and effect .
  • Along with the addiction is the mental illness, systemic poverty, scary lack of parenting skills, and *illness*. Conservative Government sets its sights on Insite «
  • Psychiatrists and those who believe their mendacities claim that mental illnesses are brain diseases, on a par with neurological diseases, such as Parkinsonism and stroke.
  • Based on her experience as a therapist and member of a family with mental illness, Suzanne is currently working on a book called Surviving a Dysfunctional Family: Ten Ways to Make Peace With the Past and Create a New Future. Suzanne Gold biography
  • In the medical profession the stigma around mental illness has rarely been addressed.
  • Tran is supposed to be on psychotropic drugs to control her mental illness.
  • A report from Western Australia has uncovered a scandalous neglect of the physical health of people with mental illness.
  • He nonetheless manages to touch in a few reference points and landmark experiences: broken home, petty crime, trauma in Vietnam and prison, mental illness, and induction into the weird, anonymous freemasonry of map-trading.
  • The legislation would require corporate health plans to treat mental illnesses the same as physical ailments.
  • Mental illness is still a taboo subject.
  • It almost seems too emotionally manipulative for a horror show, it doesn't truly rely on scares or spookiness just loss and pain and the suggestion of mental illness.
  • Experts claim web addiction can be a symptom of mental illness. The Sun
  • Will a person who is wrongly diagnosed with a mental illness be covered by this?
  • Uncomfortable though these may be, they do not constitute a mental illness, and they are menstrual, not premenstrual problems.
  • Suddenly rejected by publishers as well, he began to suffer from recurrent mental illness, spending the rest of his life confined to hospitals. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Born as identical twins in Wales, they grew up in the UK with a mother with major mental illness and a shared history of abuse.
  • One common feature of mental illness is that sufferers keep their symptoms to themselves. Times, Sunday Times
  • All too often we preferred to deny their existence than acknowledge the presence of mental illness.
  • Plan B was to feign mental illness. The Sun
  • It is sometimes described as a neuroleptic or a 'major tranquilliser', though this last term is fairly misleading, as this type of medicine is not just a tranquilliser, but has many actions in a variety of mental illnesses. Lecture On The Legislative Process
  • No one who suffers mental illness can be cured by the knowledge that the condition is widespread. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new law would not extend to those with degenerative mental illnesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw. Fran Lebowitz 
  • In his questioning of Osterhaus, Shepherd asked whether DCF had a means to determine whether prospective adoptive parents are susceptible to mental illness, drug abuse or domestic violence -- or whether such risks were '' unascertainable. '' Family Court
  • Most people presumed, that like most hallucinatory drugs, it was originally made to help alleviate the symptoms of mental illness, but as soon as it hit the streets, it spread like wildfire.
  • Unfortunately in their rush to medicalize "lived-experiences" they have, like antipsychiatry become the driving force behind the movement away from funding services, research and programs for serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia, and instead have encouraged diverting those dollars to fund mental anything. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • Too many cling stubbornly to the notion that mental illness is a ‘White thing’ that just doesn't happen to them.
  • The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.
  • Because many of them are infirm, some suffering from mental illness, special prisons are being built or fitted with stairlifts and other facilities fitting to the disabilities of the elderly.
  • Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3.
  • How to integrate disciplines including sociobiology, ethology, neuroscience, and endocrinology to examine behaviors such as aggression, sexual behavior, language use, and mental illness.
  • Scientists now understand that vulnerability to mental illness has a genetic component, which acts in conjunction with various environmental and non-genetic factors.
  • For generations, people who suffer with mental illnesses have had to endure a terrible stigma.
  • But back in 1936, when Freeman performed his first leucotomy, the only alternative treatment for severe mental illness was prolonged institutionalisation, and the procedure did seem to liberate many patients from this fate.
  • She has only told you about the latest episode in a long history of mental illness.
  • Yes, there is still a major role for psychotherapy in treating mental illnesses.
  • We are talking here about brain damage, quadriplegia and paraplegia, mental illness and loss of limbs, eyesight, hearing and sexual function.
  • Complete recovery now possible for patients with 'untreatable' mental illness WASHINGTON - An innovative therapy has offered new hope to patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • His mother, who suffered from bouts of mental illness, was an usherette, at the cinema before she got married, after which, he says, ‘she got out of the movies for good’.
  • The armoury against mental illness is still small. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stigma is often internalized by individuals with mental illness, leading to hopelessness, lower self-esteem, and isolation.
  • I think it's also worth asking why it is that we sympathize with clinical forms of mental illness, but condemn the subclinical forms. Brian Hall - An interview with author
  • They said the stigma of mental illness had declined and that empathy was high.
  • The club was set up for and by people who have suffered through mental illness in the past.
  • A third of families have a member suffering from a mental illness, while mental problems account for nearly half of absenteeism at work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her family observed how her typically extroverted brother had become soft-spoken and withdrawn while living with the mental illness.
  • The exhibit looks at the lives of people living with mental illness within mental institutions.
  • Mental illness or a family history of suicide can also contribute. The Sun
  • A convicted arsonist with a history of mental illness has been set free despite threatening to set fire to a block of flats.
  • His diatribes preserve the syntax of logical argument but are devoid of sense, which I think is symptomatic of a form of mental illness.
  • She's now on the road with her one-woman play, Wishful Drinking, a funny autobiographical story about addiction, mental illness and being the product of what she calls "Hollywood in-breeding. Back in the bikini? Carrie Fisher drops 50 pounds with Jenny Craig
  • What is your experience with mental illness? Christianity Today
  • Born as identical twins in Wales, they grew up in the UK with a mother with major mental illness and a shared history of abuse.
  • Mental illness or a family history of suicide can also contribute. The Sun
  • Forsberg recently released her book Fall To Pieces A Memoir Of Drugs, Rock 'N' Roll, And Mental Illness, which detailed the former couple's relationship - and she revealed the singer called a masseuse during the birth of their first child in 2000. - Celebrity Gossip + Lifestyle Magazine
  • In crude terms, the causes of mental illness seem to be of three main kinds.
  • Mental illness is still an embarrassing taboo subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • In mental illness, there is a complex relationship between cause and effect .
  • Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.
  • However, empirical evidence and professional norms do not support the idea that homosexuality is a form of mental illness or is inherently linked to psychopathology. Think Progress » Cuccinelli: Homosexual ‘acts’ are a ‘detriment to our culture.’
  • And in our psychiatric rehabilitation centres for men and women of all ages recovering from mental illness.
  • Some people go through something called kundalini awakening, which can be feel like mental illness (link below). Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • It seems that in the 1930s, when Egas Moniz was doing the first lobotomies on humans, treating mental illness was urgent for some reason.
  • I believe that optimal management of serious mental illness requires the combined efforts of both psychiatrists and psychologists who have different skills and techniques.
  • Sure, some fatties are fat for reasons they can not control (bad thyroid, mental illness of some sort, etc).
  • Certain forms of mental illness can be triggered by food allergies.
  • Of course many things classed as “mental illness” can be found to have neurobiological causes— because all brain states and characteristics are neurobiologically caused. The Volokh Conspiracy » Don Boudreaux Wins Szasz Award:
  • Mental illness can create a sense of alienation from the real world.
  • Similarly, if someone develops a mental illness that forbids them from owning guns, the courts can find out if the individual owns weapons.
  • The Mad, well there are bloomin loads of these, thanks to over use of amphet and cannabis mental illness and psychosis is common. Keep The Coffee Coming « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • A woman is being driven to self-mutilation by mental illness, brought on by a disastrous relationship.
  • Mental illness is a very complicated subject.
  • Mental illness can lead to poverty and crime, and nipping that in the bud is a very proactive decision by the government. 2008 August 19 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Mental illness can rob a person of peace of mind, relationships, and sense of purpose in life.
  • The decline in numbers was also driven by changes in attitudes towards mental illness. Times, Sunday Times
  • This job, more than any other, has really opened my eyes to just how rampant and unchecked mental illness is these days.
  • She has only told you about the latest episode in a long history of mental illness.
  • Attitudes to mental illness have shifted in recent years.
  • Former Socialist prime minister Michel Rocard said on Monday that Strauss-Kahn has a mental illness ... Strauss-Kahn back home, faces frosty welcome
  • Apparently, mental illness is one of the few diseases requiring hospitalization where those afflicted are released before they are cured.
  • There is a popular association between mental illness and dangerousness.
  • The Halloween triple-murder in Bono, Ohio of William Liske, Jr., his wife Susan, and son Derrick has again focused the public's attention on what to do to prevent violence by people with serious and untreated mental illnesses. DJ Jaffe: Largest & Longest Study: New Treatment Law Helps Mentally Ill Avoid Incarceration, Homelessness and Hospitalization
  • But in the case of mental illness, people are inclined to shut their minds to it, or, even worse, accuse the sufferer of malingering.
  • Certain people may be predisposed to mental illness.
  • A large psychiatric unit will have admission wards specific to people with mental illness, continuing care areas and rehabilitation facilities.
  • Many "supermax" prisons subject inmates to prolonged isolation in tiny cells, which frequently fosters mental illness.
  • Several newspapers have emphasised a claim that he suffered from bouts of mental illness.
  • In her book, she draws on her first-hand experience of mental illness.
  • Mental illnesses may be cured in the future if we look at non-physical causes of these illnesses, and help people understand what they're going through.
  • Mental illness was rooted in a loss of existential freedom, leading to alienation and social exclusion.
  • The centre provides help for people suffering from mental illness.
  • More, to this freaking day, too many people equate epilepsy with mental illness and before I really do go nuts, let me say this one last time, epilepsy is not a mental illness.
  • The psychological discourse is organised around the signs and symptoms of mental illness.
  • Deviant behaviour is one of the features of certain types of mental illness.
  • The denial rate is high among people with severe mental illnesses.
  • Its attempt to comment on everything from politics to time travel, child abuse and mental illness makes most American films of the past year seem staid and unadventurous by comparison.
  • Asylum doctors divided mental illness into four categories: mania (with an important subcategory, monomania), melancholia, dementia, and idiocy.
  • No one who suffers mental illness can be cured by the knowledge that the condition is widespread. Times, Sunday Times
  • While ministers talked of ‘demonic possession,’ doctors attributed mental illnesses to an imbalance of the four bodily ‘humors’: blood, phlegm, choler, and black bile.
  • In the Middle Ages compassion and support for persons with mental illness subsisted along with the belief in demoniac possession as a primary aetiology of mental illness.
  • Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse.
  • Serious mental illness cannot be explained away as a social construct, an understandable way of dealing with an irrational world. Times, Sunday Times
  • Additionally it reinforces the negative stigmas of mental illness by manifesting them physically.
  • An estimated 4 to 7 percent of prisoners suffer from a functional psychotic mental illness
  • Foucault's final words on the late-eighteenth-century transformation of the treatment of mental illness describe it as "that gigantic moral imprisonment which we are in the habit of calling, doubtless by antiphrasis, the liberation of the insane by Pinel and Tuke" (p. 278). An Exchange with Michel Foucault
  • Up next, the emotional story of twin sisters who made sure the mental illness that divided their lives did not break their bond.
  • There are many heartbreaking narratives from families whose loved ones have died of mental illnesses.
  • Individuals with serious mental illness are, in fact, more likely to be victims, rather than perpetrators of violence.
  • Mental illness is a very complicated subject.
  • In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.
  • Since Laing refused to view mental illness in biomedical/clinical terms, he has often been labelled as part of the so-called 'antipsychiatry' movement, alongside figures such as David Cooper, Thomas Szasz and Michel Foucault. Spiritofnow
  • Mental illness by definition is less visible than physical ailment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Asylum doctors divided mental illness into four categories: mania (with an important subcategory, monomania), melancholia, dementia, and idiocy.
  • Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw. Fran Lebowitz 
  • In jail she receives neither treatment nor medication for her mental illness. Sociology
  • Films about mental illness do provide more than voyeurism.
  • There's no clear-cut distinction between severe depression and mental illness.
  • The layperson cannot really understand mental illness.
  • Mental illness can exist for years before families are forced to acknowledge the truth.
  • Stress can cause mental illness .
  • Whereas for an early confessionalist like Sexton, mental illness had its objective reality, for Graham schizophrenia is inherent in language itself. Anis Shivani: Philip Levine and Other Mediocrities: What it Takes to Ascend to the Poet Laureateship
  • Its students have Down syndrome, autism and mental illness.
  • In short, humanity faces a growing global mental illness crisis of epidemic proportions.
  • The dominant tradition in psychiatry espouses an individualistic and reductionist outlook, seeking to explain mental illness in terms of neuroanatomy or neurophysiology, genetics or, more recently, cognitive neuroscience.
  • There need to be more beds for those with acute mental illness. The Sun
  • A Scottish surgeon who caused controversy by amputating healthy limbs from patients suffering from an as yet unrecognised condition has won a major boost in his bid to get the disorder officially classified in the bible of mental illness.
  • The idea is that America has become a madhouse, but the film's idiotic storyline and grotesque stereotypes of mental illness undercut its intended social impact.
  • The centre provides help for people suffering from mental illness.
  • Its iron clad links to Big Pharma and taxpayer funded agencies intent on screening the entire American population for mental illness are terribly dangerous.
  • Rising mental illness seems an inescapable consequence of the kind of rapid, disruptive change driven by market capitalism.
  • Many people suffer from some form of mental illness during their lives.
  • Most paranoid psychoses are chronic rather than episodic, but Schreber had an initial mental illness lasting from October 1884 to June 1885 from which he made a good recovery.
  • Evangelicalism is the fastest growing mental illness in this nation. Think Progress » American Family Association: Government is more dangerous than al Qaeda, Tim McVeigh’s terrorism.
  • Mental illness by definition is less visible than physical ailment. Times, Sunday Times
  • She has only told you about the latest episode in a long history of mental illness.
  • Many people associate mental illness with self indulgence, weakness, and malingering.
  • In this type of mental illness, the usual pattern is bouts of depression alternating with elation.

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