How To Use Mental health In A Sentence

  • Genetic factors, scientists believe, account for 70% of cocaine addiction, making it as heritable as schizophrenia and other mental health conditions.
  • Environmental health officers hope the cotes will keep pigeons off the streets and discourage them from feeding on waste food and titbits offered by tourists.
  • There is no known cure for hebephilia and no effective initial screening mechanism, says psychologist James Cantor, who leads a team of researchers from Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and other hospitals in studying the role of the brain in causing pedophilia and hebephilia. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • People most at risk are those with an autistic spectrum disorder, a developmental problem, not a mental health problem.
  • I'm concerned for his mental health and would recommend counselling or possibly medication. Times, Sunday Times
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  • It aims to group existing GP practices in a location which will allow the expansion of primary care services including mental health services, district nursing and health visiting, podiatry and minor operations.
  • Her GP and the young person 's mental health team are trying to help her. The Sun
  • It attracts men beset by alcohol, drug and gambling woes along, increasingly, with those tormented by serious mental health issues.
  • First, there are not enough mental health services to meet the needs of patients.
  • The organisation also campaigns to raise awareness and understanding of mental health conditions and improve services. The Sun
  • We welcome further research into this subject as perinatal mental health is a huge issue for many mothers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was taken from his home in Brentwood and sectioned under the mental health act.
  • Actually, reminds me of some mental health "user-led" training I went on once, where the trainer arrived as "Dr Beverly Crusher" in full Star Trek uniform and proceeded to check us all out with her tri-corder. Free at Last... plus sex, pain, poles and Danger Girl
  • They suggest that use of this approach led to a reduction of aggressive incidents and that the approach has broader application to other forensic and mental health settings.
  • This chapter is concerned with the mental health of older people.
  • The government 's policy on mental health care is getting an increasingly bad press.
  • We were attempting to offer consultation to a professional group of nonpsychiatric mental health oriented consultees who were anxious and felt inadequate in this area. Humanistic Nursing
  • This can trigger mental health problems as well as physical disabilities. The Sun
  • They found that less than half of those with bipolar disorder -- also known as manic-depressive illness -- received mental health treatment during their lifetimes.
  • Time and again, in prose unsparing and unsentimental, Liz has allowed readers a peek into her own mental health struggles.
  • So too with the cost of mental health care and of rehabilitation programs for drug users and for alcoholics.
  • They hold that the problem of mental health in a society is only that of the number of 'unadjusted' individuals, and not of a possible unadjustment of the culture itself. Bruce E. Levine: Thinking Critically About Scientology, Psychiatry, and Their Feud
  • This awful record probably has something to do with how have turned mental health into a system. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mental health can be a taboo subject to talk about. Times, Sunday Times
  • This adds to the comorbidity, meaning they have more mental health issues, because they can't figure out why they are being invalidated. The Bilerico Project
  • Belmarsh also had a team of mental health specialists including three psychiatrists and three psychiatric nurses.
  • There has been a disturbing rise in the number of young, female and lone parent claimants, and a third of new claimants cite mental health conditions.
  • Like a zealot who demands a public flagellation to expiate his sin, Martin's thirst for punishment grows until his mental health is in doubt.
  • There is real cause for concern," says neurochemist Annette Kirshner at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at Research Triangle Park in North Carolina. The Hidden Toll of Traffic Jams
  • Should the mental health state continue, then the condition is likely to be primary, with the alcohol problem being secondary.
  • A flashback is a sudden, vivid memory of a bad trip and can be very frightening, sometimes causing mental health problems.
  • Objective To investigate the mental health of breast cancer patients after breast conserving surgery and modified radical mastectomy respectively.
  • Should attach importance to the family and kindergarten children's mental health problem.
  • Few, if any, studies in special education have taken a broad look at the social contexts and special education placements experienced by large numbers of urban youth with mental health problems.
  • Elderly women score more favorably on measures of mental health and college-aged women report less loneliness if they live with pets rather than alone.
  • Deanne Taylor is the program director of the bioinformatics graduate program at Brandeis University, as well as a research scientists in biostatistics at the Harvard NIEHS Center for Environmental Health. rENNISance woman is the blog of Cath Ennis, research development facilitator at BC Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver. Nature Network Looking For Non-North American Non-European Science Bloggers
  • Screening for mental health problems in prison receptions is often poor. Times, Sunday Times
  • I know she has mental health problems, but her bipolar condition won't be helped by taking illegal drugs and boozing. The Sun
  • Physical health is not always easily separable from mental health.
  • Are there enough mental health professions to deliver the therapy that is needed?
  • To rebut Bernet's testimony, Robinson called in his own expert: psychiatrist Terry Holmes, the clinical director of Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute in Chattanooga, Tenn.
  • The effort lowers your blood pressure, improves your mental health and reduces your susceptibility to man flu. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the functions of day services is to maintain people in good mental health and to prevent relapse.
  • Each process had to undergo careful scrutiny by the Environmental Health Department, and the cooks had to pass medical tests.
  • They have become important unifying symbols in Western green politics, representing environmental health and social vitality, as metaphors and metonyms for the whole of ‘nature’.
  • Malnutrition, parasitic infestations, maternal and child morbidity and drug abuse are more important priorities and reflect on the allocation of resources for mental health services.
  • Objective To explore reasons for adolescent self-abuse behaviors and to provide basis for adolescent mental health education.
  • About 500 military personnel are medically discharged from the armed forces each year because or mental health problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mental health wards are often so appalling that they make patients worse rather than better. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two broad groups control the nation's mental health agenda: antipsychiatry and psychiatry. DJ Jaffe: Psychiatry vs. Antipsychiatry: Call to action
  • Last year, when my parents decided it would be a good idea to call community mental health and the cops due to my insane behaviour Plato still got fed.
  • However, there are concerns about waiting times in audiology and secondary mental health services, demonstrating that additional investment is very much needed.
  • We shouldn't overlook the mental health of young people.
  • Women who used prior mental health services are more likely to use additional drug treatment modalities beyond detoxification.
  • Soldiers or Marines who show signs of problems can be referred for mental health care at warzone clinics by commanders, or even ordered to seek help. USA TODAY reporters offer answers on Baghdad shooting
  • A collection at the local church recently for Sligo Mental Health raised E319.58 from the church-goers.
  • The results of most of them show a tendency for mental health professionals to overdiagnose women's depression and underdiagnose the disorder in men. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Certainly, many actors and comedians with mental health issues have talked about their problems. Times, Sunday Times
  • In a speech, the duke said that mental health should not be a taboo subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • The second relevant statute concerns guardianship under the Mental Health Act 1983.
  • Indeed a scenario of resources being drawn from the mental hospitals into the non-mental health budget might be readily anticipated.
  • The kitchen where Willie did his Jamie Oliver act makes the one he'll have to share at college look in need of a visit from environmental health.
  • MORE than half of youngsters picked on over mental health problems say their pals are the ones who bully them. The Sun
  • When the Board's mental health franchise was introduced, franchised firms could approve their own ABWOR representation and register it with the Board.
  • Improving training for front-line caseworkers to provide early recognition and referral to mental health professionals for persons with mental and emotional disorders.
  • Mary winkler, with zero evidence of her abuse, gets 67 days in a mental health facility and Owens, with a mountain of evidence including medical records, gets the death penalty. Top Stories |
  • But neighbors say his dire circumstances and what they describe as his diminished mental health make him vulnerable to exploitation. The Seattle Times
  • It also stipulates that if a mental health-care provider does testify, the testimony is limited to the custody or visitation case in question.
  • The numbers of those with mental health problems being sent to prison has increased sevenfold since the introduction of ‘care in the community’ policies, cutting back on specialist psychiatric provisions.
  • The mental health charity Turning Point and homeless charities were astonished by her ease with people shunned by society.
  • Neighbours saw a 44 year old bloke trooping about with a guitar; police were called and now the bloke is in a local hospital under the mental health act.
  • The appellant suffers from paranoid schizophrenia which is a mental illness within the meaning of the Mental Health Act 1983.
  • Stress has an effect on both your physical and mental health.
  • The authority confirmed that environmental health officers had visited the site last week.
  • These courses are recognised as preparation for professional registration and students can choose either general nursing or mental health nursing.
  • A pile of studies have shown that our surroundings impact on our mental health for good or ill. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term insane is outdated parlance in the mental health community. The Full Feed from
  • These demographic variables are experienced in addition to high levels of physical dependence, frailty and mental health problems.
  • His physical and mental health had got worse.
  • The self - identity has a close relation with the human mental health.
  • For people with mental health problems, a sympathetic ear and understanding is an essential part of their rehabilitation.
  • Early intervention in psychosis is a relatively new concept in mental health.
  • Many have mental health problems and are unable to adjust to civilian life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The results show that the mental health problems of undergraduates mainly exist in the respects such as interpersonal relationships, compelling, hostility, crankiness etc.
  • In Dr. Vaillant's "decathlon" of mental health-10 measures, taken at various points between ages 18 and 80, including personality stability at ages 21 and 29, and social supports at 70-you have ranked in the top 10 of the Grant Study men the entire way through, one of only three men to have done so. Adrian Monck
  • The book radically challenged the public's perception of mental health and its treatment.
  • Many mental health counselors point out that the proliferation of analeptics on college campuses is partly a matter of demographics.
  • So I'm starting to suspect that fretting about bloatware is more of a mental health problem than a software problem.
  • He has always been drawn to unfashionable causes, from mental health to disability, just as he champions here overlooked countries and struggles. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, I then began to read the therapist notes, the daybooks, and the expert reports by a variety of mental health professionals.
  • In mental health areas this has largely been the more articulate and less seriously disturbed group of sufferers.
  • This manual is used by mental health care providers to diagnose psychiatric illnesses.
  • His lawyer, Giovanni Gebbia, said that the 40-year-old priest from southern India was completely "demoralised" by his arrest Thursday and expressed concern about his client's mental health. PunjabNewsline News
  • The girl who left school without an O-level to her name now harboured a quiet ambition to study psychology and mental health. DIANA
  • If it's a bivariate regression of mental health vs. those various other measures, that's essentially the same as a correlation and those are reported in the paper in the first table. Role Player Study released
  • People who get stuck find that their mental health and wellbeing are affected so the phase is very important. Times, Sunday Times
  • I accept that he did suffer from some aggravation of his existing mental health problems.
  • A similar process occurred with the Richmond Report in the 1980s, which paved the way for the closure of mental health institutions.
  • Women with DCIS were also a third less likely to die of mental health or metabolic problems as well as ovarian or cervical cancer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Marsh spoke on a panel of four mental health provider organizations.
  • To the name jacker – ditto – but with the recommendation that you find a site devoted to mental health and therapy for sociopathic behavior. Think Progress » Congress to hear the inconvenient truth.
  • If Viagra is any indication, the righting the mental health ship begins a change in perception, championed by advertising. Sarah O'Leary: The Marketing Genius of Erectile Dysfunction
  • Some of us may inherit a predisposition to mental health vulnerability. Times, Sunday Times
  • Because of the implications of the above findings, we resurveyed our rural respondents to assess if any changes had occurred in their need and actual use of mental health care services.
  • An individual's capacity for such visual working memory can be predicted by his or her brainwaves, researchers funded by the NIH's National Institute of Mental Health have discovered.
  • So police and environmental health officers this week raided his home and seized his TV, stereo and all sound equipment.
  • Screening instruments are used commonly in specialty clinics and mental health settings.
  • Craig Franklin at the University of Queensland says they can be "a great bioindicator of environmental health. Undefined
  • Similarly, psychotherapy promotes mental health and serves as a useful reality check.
  • In mental health illnesses, visitors can and do play a very important role in aiding patient recovery.
  • She battled mental health issues and drug addiction for many years. The Sun
  • We judge public figures with mental health problems by entirely the wrong standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm concerned for his mental health and would recommend counselling or possibly medication. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stress of completing a questionnaire and attending these medicals often worsens the condition of claimants with mental health problems.
  • I don't know whether this "tsar" idea started over here (UK) or over there (US) but if the record of our drugs tsar, mental health tsar and the like are anything to go by, he (or might it even be a tsarina?) won't make any difference one way or another to the war. Four year anniversary; ongoing tragedy.
  • The tour raises money for the Wesley Institute, an Upper St. Clair nonprofit organization that provides services to Southwestern Pennsylvania youths with mental health and behavioral challenges.
  • Physical health is inextricably linked to mental health.
  • No amount of curative health measures can offset the harmful effects of poor environmental health planning for communities in emergency settlements.
  • Significantly all of these doctors speak of the urgency for a paradigm shift in New Zealand mental health, and are part of a growing number of mental health professionals who are seeking to rehumanise what psychiatry has dehumanized through current brain disabling "treatments" of drugging and electroshock. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED
  • This can trigger mental health problems as well as physical disabilities. The Sun
  • Should the mental health state continue, then the condition is likely to be primary, with the alcohol problem being secondary.
  • It's a sad reflection of the low priority given to mental health. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ironically, during the time of a recession, absenteeism will decrease but presentism, that is being at work but not performing at optimum capacity, will increase and this not only affects the mental health of staff but also the profitability of the company," Prof Cooper said. - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • And he warns that people need to take steps to avoid long term mental health problems caused by seasonal frazzled nerves, frayed tempers, and over-indulgence.
  • The most widely used specialty applications are mental health, dermatology, cardiology, orthopedics, and emergency room/triage services.
  • Personnel who suffer mental health illness must receive proper compensation. The Sun
  • We also agree with the president's remedy for reviving the ailing economy by strengthening its fundamental health rather than giving it a shot in the arm.
  • It called for more help for mental health services and better care for those bereaved by the deaths in its interim report. The Sun
  • The turkey dinner, not provided for in the mental health budget, is furnished by the Alliance for the Mentally Ill.
  • This can trigger mental health problems as well as physical disabilities. The Sun
  • We discuss how the relation between income inequality and these physical and mental health conditions compares with the relation between family income and health.
  • I do NOT believe that he has crossed the line into a state of self-induced illusion wherein he actually believes what he is saying, although the final judgment on that would have to come from a mental health professional. Heroes or Villains?
  • ‘One mental health nurse had been regularly abused and then started getting death threats,’ she said.
  • The figures come after an inquest jury found last week that mental health services and the prison system had failed a man who electrocuted himself in prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mental health has long been considered the Cinderella of the health service.
  • He has been imprisoned some 20 years in the mental health system. Times, Sunday Times
  • An innovative scheme to promote good mental health will be offered to Swindon residents next month.
  • But the kind that presents to general practitioners and is counted in statistics as part of the growing crisis in mental health is a different kind of malaise, better described as affluenza than depression.
  • Briony Norris, an environmental health officer at the pollution control unit, said around 50 per cent of people who lodged complaints had a genuine grievance.
  • These are ‘isolated incidents,’ mental health professionals like to say, and focusing on them itself leads to stigmatizing the mentally ill.
  • ‘These are people who feel the schools have no place futzing with their children's mental health,’ she explained.
  • And they have poorer mental health than the people in the country they've migrated to.
  • Provides a much broader range of services vital to an aging population including prescriptions, vision, hearing, dental, fitness, mental health, and alternative health benefits such as podiatry and chiropractic services. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Advanced practice nurses include nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists for psychology and mental health, certified registered nurse anesthetists, and certified nurse midwives.
  • Hidden health complaints like heart disease, pneumonia and mental health problems claim hundreds of lives a year. The Sun
  • Shoot, even Exxon-Mobil is considering cutting off funds to the denial groups … that’s huge … What we’re seeing (I think) is a tipping point in the industrial community — they’re finally recognizing that economic growth and environmental health aren’t conflicting goals, or even mutually exclusive. Archive for » 2006 » November : Sustainablog
  • The figures come after an inquest jury found last week that mental health services and the prison system had failed a man who electrocuted himself in prison. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's no question about it - the tax-funded mental health system is merely welfare for the mental health experts, namely shrinks and therapists.
  • Services such as foot care and mental health worsen as patients get older. The Sun
  • Many not all mental health commissioners oppose Laura's Law before implementation because they fear losing the ability to cherry-pick the easiest to treat for admission to their programs. DJ Jaffe: San Francisco Mayoral Candidates and Mental Illness
  • ‘Voluntary work is very therapeutic for people with mental health problems,’ she says.
  • A team of neurosurgeons at Heidelberg University Hospital and psychiatrists at the Central Institute of Mental Health (CIMH), Mannheim, performed the world's first operation on the habenula of a 64-year-old woman, who had suffered from the common psychiatric illness since age 18. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Psychiatrists have a social role in controlling mental disturbance through the Mental Health Act.
  • Alternatively, you could use discriminant analysis: find the hyperplane in role playing, sexual orientation, minority group space that best separates those with mental health problems from those without. Role Player Study released
  • The mental health specialists at the university health service were apparently otherwise engaged.
  • The city's mental health services were ‘deinstitutionalized’ in the 1960s and again in the 1980s without adequate community health facilities.
  • Mental health wards are often so appalling that they make patients worse rather than better. Times, Sunday Times
  • He said that frail older people with physical and mental health problems were at particular risk of loneliness and isolation at this time of year. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well as new drug withdrawal and mental health programmes there is access to the Samaritans, Alcoholics Anonymous, Rape Crisis and other agencies.
  • A mental health orientation places greater emphasis on the former to the detriment of the latter.
  • While working on environmental issues, from food safety to energy and climate, I've seen a recurring theme: the federal regulatory agencies that are charged with monitoring big industries and guarding our public and environmental health wind up cowing to the interests of those industries over sound science and public safety. Rebecca Tarbotton: Is the EPA Afraid to Piss off King Coal?
  • The commission will also be able to arrange for an independent review by a Mental Health Tribunal of all decisions to detain patients on an involuntary basis and each decision to extend the duration of such detentions.
  • This chapter awakens our appetite for greater understanding and use of social communication in mental health with regard to promotion, prevention and care.
  • Deficiency leads to pellagra, a condition characterized by dermatitis, diarrhea and certain mental health problems.
  • This chapter is concerned with the mental health of older people.
  • There could also have been analysis of the mental health questions that arise from conflict.
  • An investigation by a South Yorkshire environmental health team which revealed condemned meat was being siphoned back into the food chain is to feature on TV.
  • In a speech, the duke said that mental health should not be a taboo subject. Times, Sunday Times
  • We're the ones who created the word "codependency" and turned the adult children of alcoholics ACOA movement into a grassfire that changed the face of the mental health field. Dr. Tian Dayton: Recovery Movement Grassfires Ignited
  • The organisation also campaigns to raise awareness and understanding of mental health conditions and improve services. The Sun
  • Treatment is carried out in most departments, including orthopaedics, paediatrics, outpatients (day patients), women's health and mental health.
  • The Mental Health Review Board must conduct a review between four and six months after instigation of the order.
  • Time and again, in prose unsparing and unsentimental, Liz has allowed readers a peek into her own mental health struggles.
  • Absorption of vital minerals can be affected with many consequences to both physical and mental health, notably through vitamin deficiency.
  • Quite frankly, I am of the view that you will be able to better deal with those mental health issues in the provincial penal system as opposed to the federal penal system.
  • Knowing what is going on ‘back home’ is essential to mental health recovery.
  • CCA (chrome copper arsenide) preservative treated wood, recognizable with its greenish hue, will leach chrome VI (think ‘Erin Brockovitch’), fluor and arsenic — a serious threat to human and environmental health. FUTURESHED | Inhabitat
  • I did not have a physical reaction; no, I would not give anyone in the mental health profession any shred of evidence (if you will pardon the terrible pun on shred, which is what happened to the body of the individual fish-being I consumed) to credit some psychological theory about my meditation experience. CAMLAW : Complementary And Alternative Medicine Law Blog
  • Everywhere the supporters of mental health laws are psychiatrists and the relatives of so called mental patients.
  • Enduring such microaggressions can damage one's mental health, Franklin says.
  • Professionals should have a low threshold for enquiring about mental health issues in children as parents rarely raise these concerns.
  • Make Your Mental Health Care a Team Sport It's tough staying emotionally stable nowadays and many of you bridled at my suggestion that you trade in your one-on-one-$150-a-session-Ph.D.-accredited-shrink for a $50-per session group therapist. Paul Greenberg: Tips for Tougher Times
  • Women with DCIS were also a third less likely to die of mental health or metabolic problems as well as ovarian or cervical cancer. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wears such an infectious smile all the time that one finds it difficult to associate him with a subject as grim as mental health.
  • Some factors such as female, younger and lower education in family members of patients are not favorable for their mental health, whereas extroversive-stabi...
  • The sober exchanges between the two on tax credits, housing and mental health pleased some. The Sun
  • But again it's almost impossible to enjoy anything in naïve purity, there's always the follow-up of a cheerfully told story, this time the ominous description by environmental health scientist Joy Guillemot of "bioaccumulation," or why the buildup of heavy metals and toxins is so devastating here, accumulating in the fat of resident animals and people alike (it is largely a consequence of the way the ocean currents wash and dump toxins that travel up the food chain). Beth Kapusta: ...somewhere just south of the 79th parallel
  • You need to maintain your physical and mental health.
  • It is unlikely that anyone will care whether you start screaming and crying, unless they decide to have you sectioned under the Mental Health Act.
  • The external environment and psychological environment will place on the role of the mental health, trauma can not heal in time the disease can make obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • There must be complex mental health issues which need exploration and analysis.
  • Scientific studies have found that the hormone oxytocin, which is released when people cuddle or bond socially, can be beneficial to mental health. Times, Sunday Times
  • Each team consists of ten professionals or paraprofessionals, including a psychiatrist, linked to a hospital or community mental health center.
  • Any symptoms that affect your mental health require urgent medical attention.
  • Muto and other mental health workers talk about the decline of communication skills, the increasing anonymity of urban Japan and the collapse of a cooperative society.
  • Affirms that the human right to safe drinking water and sanitation is derived from the right to an adequate standard of living and inextricably related to the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, as well as the right to life and human dignity Peter H. Gleick: A Long Time Coming: The Human Right to Water
  • Elder abuse and neglect can have devastating consequences for older people, and a huge amount of long-term effects on physical and mental health, finances, living arrangements and family/whanau/aiga relationships. ScreenTalk
  • Mental health researchers who have examined suicide in adolescents and young adults are aware that while most suicides are associated with depression -- often combined with substance abuse -- or other severe psychiatric illness, some number of suicides among this age group are impulsive, often catalyzed by intoxication in conjunction with family or relationship conflict. Victor Schwartz: Disaster 101: Guns on College Campuses
  • Physical health is inextricably linked to mental health.
  • MORE than half of youngsters picked on over mental health problems say their pals are the ones who bully them. The Sun

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