How To Use Mensch In A Sentence
Also, thankfully, Neil Diamond's Cherry Cherry Christmas includes a version of "The Chanukah Song" that should give that mensch Adam Sandler a whole lot of nachas.
David Wild: The Perfect Semitic Storm: Five Reasons Everybody Should Buy the New Christmas Albums by Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan And Barry Manilow This Season
You don't lose by treating colleagues, employees - or anyone for that matter - like a mensch.
These you term mensch, don't they require sleep?" she asked Haplo.
Into the Labyrinth
In the end, he is a mensch whose art and life prove that it is possible to be both a model of artistic freedom and a responsible and caring soul.
Re: [MarisolEnPlayas] what happens if i move to mexico leaving all my debt here in the u.s. would it i'm shocked marisol that you would counsel a potential criminal that what she is doing is ok. she only owes $40,000 and i would venture to say by the tone of her post that she just doesn't feel she should be obligated to her debt which she probably incurred because she had to have THINGS without thinking of the consequences of buying them on credit. before you jump on me i have a close relative with the same attitude "gee its not my fault all the banks and credit cards told me i could have this money to buy stuff-it's not my fault that i did it, it's theirs so screw 'em and all the other people who pay their debt's, i don't care if their interest rates go up because of me, i'm more important". there's an old yidish expression-be a mensch! her situation is not like your mothers so don't constantly turn other people's situations into ones you're familiar with-it doesn't wash in this case-open your mind to the fact that every situation does not compute with your own. kisses and cheers-pedro aka attilla the hun on this one
What happens if i move to mexico leaving all my debt here in the u.s. would it affect me there?
For these idiotic misanthropic right-wing Judeofascist patsies, perhaps in a conceited benevolent sort of a way which is not at all strange for any 'ubermensch' raised on the mother's milk of the 'chosen peoples' mantra, this pamphleteering in Jerusalem is being rather merciful in permitting a temporary reprieve to their Amelekites.
I think that kind of ubermensch is physically lithe.
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These two races of gods hated and feared each other and each sought to rule over those they called mensch: humans, elves, and the dwarves.
Into the Labyrinth
Wenn er aber wie ein Vieh behandelt wird, sagt er: Man ist doch auch ein Mensch!
February 1st, 2009
This agglomeration of old pseudoaristocracies (corporatist heirs to the colonial overlords and Confederate planterocracy), Nietzschean masters and slaves under a facade of Christianity, and miserable hypocrite Ubermenschen termed the GOP simply can not go quietly.
Matthew Yglesias » The New Filibuster
The nazis had strict rules on sex: Men could have sex with the "Untermensch", or "subhuman" females, such as Jews, Poles, or other Slavic races, gypsies, and the military bordellos were staffed with them, but women not.
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And yet for all their efforts Nazi scientists were unable to identify the "Untermensch" in a definitive manner that was not based on birth records -- put otherwise there was no clear biological distinction between Untermenschen and Aryans.
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Mensch yes, light rail at 100% overbudget, then brightwater at 100% overbudget, third runway 100% overbudget, schools, libraries, police stations all at about 100% overbudget (considering cuts in scope and increases in cost).
McGinn Says He’ll Veto Tunnel Agreement; Council President Says Mayor is “Grandstanding” « PubliCola
TSMD is a retelling of Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo, its protagonist one Gully Foyle, lumpenprole untermensch turned revenging angel in a world utterly transformed by the discovery that teleportation is a natural and teachable human talent.
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In that article, the suit contends, Burness described Danowski as a "mensch," a Yiddish word for a person of great integrity and honor that Pressler 's lawyers defined in their brief.
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Julie, you were a true mensch, the living proof of how one life touches another and another and another until, to paraphrase the Talmud, you have touched the world.
How could anyone fail to conclude that compared with Riemenschneider, Rodin is a cloddish show-off?
He's a hard worker, earnest mensch, family man, and tasteful patriot, everything you could demand of a sports hero.
Schultze also asks a provocative question, ‘Why do we talk about Internet geeks, hackers, and spammers but never about Internet mensches or saints?’
Menschen (The optical image in heterogeneous media and the dioptrics of the human crystalline lens), 1908, which was awarded the Centenary Gold Medal of the Swedish Medical Association.
Allvar Gullstrand - Biography
Menschen (The optical image in heterogeneous media and the dioptrics of the human crystalline lens), 1908, which was awarded the Centenary Gold Medal of the Swedish Medical Association.
Allvar Gullstrand - Biography
Note: 'Untermensch', like a lot of ideas attributed to the Nazi's, was stolen from others, either American author Lothrop Stoddard or German novelist and poet Theodor Fontane.
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If you're going to have your picture in GQ, you're going to invite a certain amount of comment, she continued, grinding any notion of sisterhood under her booted-heel to make a sideswipe at her fellow panellist, Tory backbencher Louise Mensch.
Committee's solution to attacks on female politicians: 'just get on with it'
Purists may cavil at the liberties taken with scientific objectivity, but as a memoirist, he is a mensch, a prince among primates.
Swindlery and Blackguardism have stretched hands across the Channel, and saluted mutually: on the racecourse of Vincennes or Sablons, behold in English curricle-and-four, wafted glorious among the principalities and rascalities, an English Dr. Dodd, (Adelung, Geschichte der Menschlichen Narrheit, para Dodd.) -- for whom also the too early gallows gapes.
The French Revolution
That the reporting of hundreds of deaths in Lebanon has received vastly less coverage from an anti "Untermensch" media than they have given to the thousands murdered in Kosovo under NATO rule.
Universal Values
Erstens handelt es sich um Menschen mit schweren Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen: Herzinsuffizienz, Angina pectoris, Erkrankungen des Gehirns Verkehr (Schmerzen im Herzen mit Last fizichekoy oder allein, Gedachtnis und geistige Leistungsfahigkeit).
Matthew Yglesias » What Might Have Been
Auto-sadism, or "auto-erotic cruelty," that is to say, injuries inflicted on a person by himself with a sexual motive, has been investigated by G. Bach (_Sexuelle Verrirungen des Menschen und der Nature_, p. 427); this condition seems, however, a form of algolagnia more masochistic than sadistic in character.
Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 3 Analysis of the Sexual Impulse; Love and Pain; The Sexual Impulse in Women
These writers can all be described by the Yiddish word "mensch", it's in their makeup to give of themselves to help us guys coming up, and it's something that has made a big impression on me.
The Dark, Dark World of Dave Zeltserman
She is a lucky girl to have had such a mensch for a dad, and to learn about it, perhaps later than sooner.
Dieser Mensch, der von Gott recht und wohl geschaffen war, ist durch seine eigne Schuld in die Suende gefallen, und hat das ganze menschliche Geschlecht mit sich in diesen Fall gezogen, und solchem Elend unterwuerfig gemacht.
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
Dieser Mensch, der von Gott recht und wohl geschaffen war, ist durch seine eigne Schuld in die Suende gefallen, und hat das ganze menschliche Geschlecht mit sich in diesen Fall gezogen, und solchem
The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
I'm also suprised he didn't call the riders themselves "Untermensch" because that's what he seems to be getting at here.
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Wait till the worst's past- the operation and some of the treatment - and I can face you like a mensch.
Raevmo, did you believe Hitler when he called Jews Untermensch or only when you find cherry picked quotes designed make a master manipulator look like something he was not?
Darwin Strips Reality of Purpose?
Im Video dazu sah man Matt & Kim, zwei bildhübsche, junge Menschen, die mit ihren Instrumenten in ausrangierten Kühlschränken steckten, in Müllcontainern sassen und unter der Dusche ihre Keyboards und Trommeln begiessen liessen - und sie lachten.
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All in all, you get a problem similar to the one Walter Kaufmann dealt with in translating Nietzsche, leaving "ubermensch" untranslated, rather than using "superman" because of the pop culture that had accumulated around the latter term.
Max Headroom
Joyner, ever the mensch, nearly always grants the wish.
Leafy branches hover above the shrine figures in the altarpieces of Tilman Riemenschneider and his contemporaries.
If nothing else, I want to go out, I want to die like a man, like a mensch, like a good person.
[The term Untermensch was soon to embrace a whole philosophy toward the Russians, and in particular toward prisoners of war and forced labour.
Prudie thinks you should take the high road, be a mensch, and send the significant ex a handwritten note letting her know you've tied the knot.
The German people in the 1930s and 1940s were systematically brainwashed on National Socialist racist propaganda that portrayed the Jews as "Untermensch" - a subhuman scourge that was responsible for the woes of Germany and needed to be eradicated.
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If you want to be a real mensch, try to help get her into counseling and treatment.
On a completely unrelated note, HuffPost Hill's grandfather -- a real mensch -- always liked to note that mixing scallions, onion slices and Christian blood makes for a FABULOUS schmear.
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A mensch is someone who won't turn the dial in the Milgram experiment no matter what the experimenter says, and who will tell his boss that some basic practice of the organization they both work for is stupid and immoral.
Tina, I just wanna know how you can call yourself an existentialist, and still agree with Nietzsche's doctrine of the Ubermensch.
Even lower level Ubermensch know that only IDiots believe in dualism and that it is anything but emotionally reassuring.
2009 November - Telic Thoughts
Here, it seems two ubermensch from a Luftwaffe squadron have washed up on an American beach.
Superhero Prose Fiction: Secret World Chronicle - Invasion 02 Prologue 1
The genius (such as it is) resides in the system, not in a string of Ubermensch at the top gazing in horror at the imbecile masses.
Reading "Gossip" is like watching Norman Mailer begin one of those sentences whose ending is not yet known to the author, the difference being that Mailer liked to pose as a Nietzschean Ubermensch taking leaps into existential voids while Mr. Epstein is a rambling boulevardier who just isn't sure yet where he'll eat lunch.
Boulevardier's Delight
Barry Manilow proves he's a mensch of a pop star, spending an entire week with the contestants as they try to master his material.
… and getting my H1N1 jab! that my internist is an unbelievably kind and gentle mensch
Felix et errabunda XLVII
Alles tritt in Spiel ein, wenn ein kreativer ein Gestein gegen das Format eines Stuhls und das unglaubliches bringt, das wir gewöhnlich in den schönsten vom Menschen geschaffenen Plastiken sehen, wir können sie in Prozess in diesem vulkanischen Stuhl beobachten.
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The evening of the event, Appelbaum told the crowd, "This man is a mensch," referring to the Yiddish word for an authentic human being, one of high integrity. rss feed
Well, Herr Barbour, go down the road in plainclothes and try to get one single black man to shake your hand and come away with a clear notion of who the untermensch is ...
DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
Not to mention that she'd never shown any interest in a man like him before, a gentle, nurturing, sweet-tempered mensch of a man.
The camp provided the Germans tautological proof of the necessity of imprisoning Untermenschen: the disgusting state of the Haftlinge of Auschwitz demonstrated their inferiority and justified their murder.
Poor endo, down to trying to pretend he is the "ubermensch"!
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Jemanden mit einem Schuh zu schlagen oder ihm die Schuhsohle zu zeigen und ihn einen Hund zu nennen - ein Tier, das im Nahen Osten als unrein gilt - das sind in der arabischen Welt die vielleicht schlimmsten Arten, einen Menschen zu beleidigen." thanks Karim
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Menschen (Introduction to the methods of the dioptrics of the human eyes), 1911.
Allvar Gullstrand - Biography
Remember, the ladies will always go for a real mensch no matter what.
Here's the thing that comes along to complicate any strict feminist criticism of objectification in the images of Prommenschenckel lying prone: She has a condition known as spasmodic torticollis.
Miss Ability lays down on the job
Eplboim, 32, certainly can be called a mensch - Yiddish, for an admirable person.
According to Nietzsche, man could be saved by a new type of man, the ‘Übermensch,’ the Superman.
The other, lesser races, whom we call mensch'the humans, elves, and dwarves-worshiped us as gods.
The Hand of Chaos
‘He's a mensch (a real man),’ says one former ambassador to Paris, now a dovish academic.
`superman' is a calque for the German `Ubermensch'
It also found that the "ubermensch" has an average IQ of 103.
Slashdot: Science
ORIGIN 1930s: Yiddish mensh, from German Mensch, literally ‘person.’
"Gloves come off: Mitt has 'choice' words for Giuliani."
The continent of Drevlin was flat and featureless, a hunk of what the mensch called "coralite" floating in the Maelstrom.
The Hand of Chaos
My grandmother would say, ‘You've got to be a mensch, ‘and that has to do with what we used to call character.
I was trying to kick everything and she made me feel like a mensch, you know?
But Torre got more chances to manage, in large measure because he is such an unbelievable mensch.
People who join the National Front consider force a globally acceptable tool and consider some of us rightless untermenschen.
Shameless Self-promotion Sunday #45
He is a certified Ubermensch and an all-round badass.
The Telegraph's Sean Rayment, interviewed a British officer who said he believed the US approach to Iraqis was to treat them as "untermenschen", the Nazi term abhorrently used to describe Jews as "subhuman".
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To begin with, you'd strive for being a mensch by giving cheerfully and compassionately and not grudgingly.
As an example, the Germans created a kind of ubermensch, a phony science of racialism taught and endorsed by scientists.
Sigmund, Carl and Alfred
The Reich Race and Settlement Head Office in 1942 distributed a pamphlet "Untermensch" of which 3,860,995 copies were printed.
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You'll be known in the narrow world of what you do as a mensch.
George was a mensch, like Holly Whyte or Jane Jacobs, seeing cities in intensely human, interactive terms.
Die einzige, die den Zauber wieder rückgängig machen und den Pilzmenschen ihre Gestalten zurückgeben könnte, ist Prinzessin Fliegenpilz , die Tochter des Pilzmenschenkönigs.
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