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  1. a faint constellation in the polar region of the southern hemisphere and containing part of the Large Magellanic Cloud

How To Use Mensa In A Sentence

  • This species is also closely associated with colonies of various seabirds and marine mammals; it feeds among birds and seals and has been considered a commensal of those colonial animals.
  • `The bacteria in the cytoplasm are commensal, but not symbiotic - they help the cell respire and metabolize its food. VITALS
  • Nalaqtuk niqiliriiq nirriyaktuqtuq tugagauyuk-tigutuinnaq complementary restricted commensalism Climate change impacts on Canadian Inuit in Nunavut
  • These blend sociability and conversation, keynotes of the Scottish Enlightenment, with more universal practices such as commensality and drinking. OUPblog
  • He uses terms like commensalism and epiphyte, and primary and secondary forest, and crepuscular; and our brains scramble to keep up. Valerie Tarico: Madagascar: West Knows Best
  • The scene captures the moment when, during a mass in the Sta Croce in Gerusaleme Church in Rome, Pope Gregorius the Great experienced a vision of Christ of Dolours at the altar mensa (superaltar), validating theological speculations on the actual presence of Christ in the holy wafer.
  • Consumer can combine a part joltily with the hand when the choose and buy, especially the joint such as mensal horse, examine have without shake a phenomenon.
  • For example, the Latin word for a table is mensa.
  • We saw several fist-sized sea squirts which were bright pink in colour, and only when studying the photographs afterwards noticed that each was attended by a number of well-camouflaged commensal prawns, also pink.
  • Hanc mensam indignam noverit esse sibi: that is to say: Whosoever loves to missay any creature that is absent, it may be said that this table is denied to him at all. The Golden Legend, vol. 5
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