How To Use Menopausal In A Sentence

  • We found that tallness is also probably linked to increased risk for ovarian, pancreatic and pre-menopausal cancer as well," said Willett. Diet, Growth Are Major Cancer Causes | Impact Lab
  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • Hormone replacement therapy, also known as postmenopausal hormone therapy (PHT), definitely increases your [breast cancer] risk," says Julie R. Gralow, MD, the director of breast medical oncology at the University of Washington and Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. News
  • Preventing sarcopenia, as well as minimizing bone loss, can improve the health of postmenopausal women.
  • As to what to call yourself, you are not "menopausal". Menopause Defined
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  • The minute I turned fifty, doctors started hawking the premenopausal hormones right away. Roseanne Archy
  • Moreover, we know that premenopausal women are very protected from sleep apnea.
  • For the new study, almost 200 postmenopausal women who reported having at least 28 hot flashes a week were randomly selected to receive either a placebo or a daily flaxseed bar for six weeks. Flaxseed fails as treatment for hot flashes
  • This dose of oestrogen has previously been shown to be the minimum required to prevent bone loss in normal menopausal women.
  • Interestingly, these higher levels of bioavailable (or bioactive) testosterone after menopause are not due to an increase in testosterone production but rather due to a decrease in sex-hormone binding-globulin (SHGB), possibly resulting from the menopausal decline in estrogen levels (a powerful stimulator of SHBG). How Menopause Turns Women Into SWANs | Dr. Sharma's Obesity Notes
  • Because no positive relationship has been shown to exist between estrogen levels and sexual activity, coitus is not hypothesized to restore or maintain estrogen in postmenopausal women.
  • Differentiated thyroid cancer occurs much more commonly in women than in men, largely in the premenopausal years.
  • My wife refuses to see anything is amiss, and doctors support her view that it is menopausal.
  • Doctors previously used the term hormone-replacement therapy (HRT), which carried the connotation that menopausal women were missing something essential. The Seattle Times
  • It is recommended that both men and premenopausal women get at least 1,000 milligrams. The Flex Diet
  • In more complex cases, your options range from adult diapers to urethral plugs or from surgery to hormone therapy for menopausal women.
  • Post menopausal bleeding requires evaluation by a gynaecologist.
  • How could such a strategy be explained to older premenopausal women, who are at the same risk of ovarian cancer as their postmenopausal peers?
  • A lower proportion of highly stressed women than less stressed women were premenopausal and used oral contraceptives.
  • Even supplements that are touted as treatment for menopausal symptoms, such as soy or black cohosh, have only conflicting data at best supporting their use, he said. Perimenopause: The change before 'the change'
  • HRT therapy is one of the most commonly prescribed drug regimens for postmenopausal women in the United States.
  • And for those who still have their uterus, natural progesterone (often prescribed as Prometrium brand of micronized bioidentical FDA approved progesterone) or progesterone-like opposing progestin (such as Aygesten brand or Norethindrone generic) on a periodic basis, can be adjusted to each woman's life style and estrogen dose required to feel her best, keep the uterus healthy and avoid menopausal symptoms. Ricki Pollycove, M.D.: Estrogen During Menopause: To Take, Or Not To Take?
  • In marketing products for postmenopausal women, he had interviews set up with doctors as well as women themselves about the change of life.
  • For good menopausal health, start with soy products, which are high in estrogen-like activity.
  • In a separate study, 22 post-menopausal Danish women ate a low-fat muffin, either with or without flax seed-derived lignan, every day for six weeks. Flax Seed: A Natural Alternative to Statins?
  • There was the hormone estrone, a form of the estrogen prescribed to help menopausal women.
  • Doctors generally avoid prescribing hormone replacement therapy to postmenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus because of a widespread belief that exogenous oestrogens make the disease worse.
  • This association was not observed among premenopausal African-American women.
  • This dose of oestrogen has previously been shown to be the minimum required to prevent bone loss in normal menopausal women.
  • With the rectal exam, I was taught that a rectovaginal exam is mandatory in postmenopausal ladies because sometimes it can detect ovarian cancer. Performing the Pelvic Exam
  • Hot flashes are the most common symptom of menopause, occurring in 80 percent of women during their menopausal years.
  • Because of the plant's reputation, it is popularly consumed for all manner of fatigue- and stamina-related conditions, such as those related to menopausal depression.
  • This disease is rare in premenopausal women.
  • Objective: To compare the impact of two different kinds of kinesiotherapy - jogging and dancing on bone metabolism and bone mineral density(BMD) in postmenopausal women.
  • One of those trials sought to determine whether estrogen replacement therapy would slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease in postmenopausal, hysterectomized women.
  • Withoutarulebook - See this blog post below for distinction between perimenopause and menopause - but if one is still menstruating and having menopausal symptoms with no other cause found, she is probably perimenopausal. Oprah's Talking Hormones
  • This new study factored in age, breast density and postmenopausal use of hormone therapy.
  • Continuous combined hormone replacement therapy regimens are safe and effective in the short term treatment of postmenopausal women
  • Sixty-seven percent of women included in the sleep study were classified as premenopausal (no change in menstrual bleeding regularity) and early perimenopasual (menses in the preceding three months with an increase in bleeding irregularity), 21 percent were identified as late perimenopasual (menses in the previous 12 months, but not in the previous three months), and Medlogs - Recent stories
  • He confirmed I was menopausal and gave me tubes of compounded triple estrogen gel and compounded 10 percent micronized progesterone gel, with orders to apply them regularly. Staness Jonekos: 10 Hormone Therapy Facts Every Woman Should Know
  • We may even worry that we're experiencing the early stages of Alzheimer's; however, the majority of perimenopausal memory loss problems are natural. Maddisen K. Krown: Perimenopause and the Fog of Forgetting
  • menopausal" symptoms like sleep disruption and hot flashes Thyroid Disease
  • But I had one post-menopausal patient in her 60s whom I put on a slightly higher dose of vaginal estriol and shortly after she began getting periods again. Marcelle Pick, OB-GYN N.P.: Can Hormones Keep You Young?
  • Because ovariectomy in rats results in significant decrease of BMD and cancellous bone remodeling, it has been used as a model for estrogen-deficient, post-menopausal bone loss.
  • According to some experts, the average woman gains about 10 to 12 pounds during the menopausal years.
  • Up to 75 per cent of women use herbal and complimentary medicines to treat their postmenopausal symptoms.
  • Very heavy bleeding sometimes called hypermenorrhea, menorrhagia, or flooding is often just an annoying part of perimenopausal change. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • Consumers could be putting their health at risk by using products like black cohosh and red clover, used by menopausal women to reduce hot flashes, and kava, which is used to treat anxiety and insomnia. News Feed
  • This multisite, one-CRO advantage also extends to special population needs, such as postmenopausal females. Featured News and Stories
  • Another approach is to use an anti-estrogen drug like tamoxifen preventively in postmenopausal women whose histories of breast problems indicate that they are at high risk of developing cancer; I am involved in a study that is examining this kind of treatment. Good News and Bad News About Breast Cancer
  • The list of supplements and botanicals that can help ease the menopausal transition and offer disease protection doesn't end there.
  • If you're premenopausal, this will cause premature menopause.
  • This was like what Nana had described as a menopausal hot flash. Fatal Circle
  • This inverse association was primarily confined to postmenopausal women.
  • Her efforts are bent toward finding a truer, more complex rationale for the character's pain than the script's menopausal musings.
  • A rare moment of lucidity from a bunch of shrill, menopausal white women. Clinton supporters scrap letter pressuring Obama
  • All premenopausal women who underwent hysterectomy and bilateral oophorectomy were given hormone replacement therapy.
  • A dry extract from the roots of rhapontic rhubarb (extract Rheum rhaponticum (L.); ERr) has been commercially available in Germany for over two decades to treat menopausal symptoms. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • As a practicing gynecologist caring for women in menopause, however, I find myseld a little more critical of the original study design, which enrolled primarily asymptomatic women on average 10 years post menopausal, which is not how HRT is generally used. The WHI through the Restrospectoscope
  • It's unfortunate because these are such common problems, not just in breast cancer survivors but in postmenopausal women in general," said Dr. Joanne E. Flaxseed fails as treatment for hot flashes
  • Levels seem to be higher in some peri- and postmenopausal women who experience hot flashes.7 Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • She also guided several important national clinical trials of potential new therapies, including chemoendocrine therapy for premenopausal breast cancer and antiangiogenesis therapy for advanced disease. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • It can help manage the hot flushes that many menopausal women complain of and can also help insomniacs get a better night's sleep.
  • Hormonal therapy for postmenopausal women using chemicals such as tamoxifen is cytostatic, meaning it stops estrogen from stimulating breast cancer cells.
  • Investigators studied the effect of dry-roasted soy nuts on blood pressure in post-menopausal women.
  • Dong quai is a Chinese herbal supplement touted for treatment of menstrual cramping, irregular menses, and menopausal symptoms.
  • Although women report that hormone replacement therapy improves various menopausal symptoms, randomised clinical trials have proved that it is effective for only vasomotor and urogenital symptoms.
  • Ostarine is believed to increase lean body mass and improve muscle strength and performance in post-menopausal women, elderly men and men and women with cancer cachexia, which is body wasting brought on by cancer. National Business News - Local Business News | bizjournals
  • He then became the first to help post - menopausal women conceive, prompting the Vatican to denounce his actions.
  • Cysts are a common cause of palpable breast masses in premenopausal women older than 40 years.
  • In addition, diuretics can be effective in retarding osteoporosis in postmenopausal patients.
  • These ovariectomised animals are a good model for study of the menopause as the loss of oestrogen from the ovaries mimics the natural reduction in oestrogen seen in menopausal women," explained lead researcher Robin Chiou from the National Chiayi University in Taiwan. NutraIngredients RSS
  • You are perimenopausal from the time from when you first start having variation in your menstrual cycle length to one year after the last menses. Menopause Defined
  • The subjects were healthy premenopausal women with regular menstrual periods.
  • Moreover, mammograms can miss cancers in premenopausal women due to the density of their breasts, and also fail to detect cancers smaller than half an inch. Samuel S. Epstein: Breast Cancer Unawareness Month: Rethinking Mammograms
  • Thus managing postmenopausal health is a key issue for all health professionals, not just gynaecologists.
  • In fact, women in these populations spend nearly half of their adult lives postmenopausal.
  • Scientific papers "ghostwritten" for drug maker Wyeth may have led to hormone replacement therapy being recommended to healthy menopausal women New Scientist - Online News
  • Such products include black cohosh and red clover, used by menopausal women to reduce hot flashes, and kava, which is used to treat anxiety and insomnia. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Among the participants, 73 were classified as premenopausal and 48 were postmenopausal.
  • The study was restricted to premenopausal women aged younger than 50 at the time of diagnosis.
  • One night in the bathroom, looking in the mirror at my naked bad self for the umpteenth time in my life, I went "oh yechy", and determined to lose some of this post-menopausal weight gain. Friday Night Miscellany
  • These results may not be extrapolated to a normal menopausal population due to the presence of chemotherapeutic medication.
  • It is commonly used for irregular menstruation, PMS, breast distension and lumps, leukorrhea, menopausal disorders, uterine bleeding and chronic hepatitis.
  • But after she concocted a homemade granola cereal using soybeans and a grain called flaxseed, her menopausal symptoms went away. CNN Transcript Jun 23, 2001
  • The most common reason motivating women to take hormone replacement therapy is the relief of menopausal symptoms.
  • Researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle surveyed 1,437 post-menopausal women, 988 of whom had been previously diagnosed with breast cancer, about perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms including hot flushes or flashes, night sweats and insomnia, vaginal dryness, irregular or heavy menstrual bleeding, depression and anxiety. Hot flashes, night sweats may reduce breast cancer risk
  • With menopausal symptoms, I may also add black cohosh and red clover extract. Hyla Cass, M.D.: You Don't Have to Live with PMS!
  • This illness may be almost exclusively the province of peri- and postmenopausal women because of the rapid drop in estrogen production that affects the small blood vessels. Healing the Female Heart
  • It is commonly used for irregular menstruation, PMS, breast distension and lumps, leukorrhea, menopausal disorders, uterine bleeding and chronic hepatitis.
  • Compounding these problems, missed cancers are common in premenopausal women due to the density of their breasts. Samuel S. Epstein: Breast Cancer Unawareness Month: Rethinking Mammograms
  • They analyzed 796 patients with postmenopausal breast cancer who had not received hormone therapy.
  • And these "wicking" jammies for menopausal women will keep you cool through the hottest flash (wildbleu. com). CHECKLIST
  • Post-menopausal women were required to obtain medical clearance from their physicians to participate in the study.
  • She toys with the idea of buying a present for Hugh's ailing and menopausal wife, whom she does not much like.
  • As one who has endured my share of perimenopausal night sweats and hot flashes, I'd say let's get moving on those studies, please. Hot flashes, night sweats may reduce breast cancer risk
  • Conclusion Decreased PKC positive cells in the preoptic area may be associated with endocrine disturbance in postmenopausal women.
  • A 2001 study suggested that short-term topical use was free from side effects but provided little relief from menopausal flushing or night sweats. Can Supplements Ease Menopause Symptoms?
  • That's where I got into the perimenopausal stuff. Perimenopause: The change before 'the change'
  • This dose of oestrogen has previously been shown to be the minimum required to prevent bone loss in normal menopausal women.
  • N. N. Sarkar, “Low-Dose Intravaginal Estradiol Delivery Using a Silastic Vaginal Ring for Estrogen Replacement Therapy in Postmenopausal Women: A Review,” European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care 8, no. Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • Some patients during the perimenopausal period register a high level of estrogen one month, but the next, their levels will plummet, Noland said. Perimenopause: The change before 'the change'
  • All premenopausal women who underwent hysterectomy were given hormone replacement therapy.
  • One study evaluated paced respiration, muscle relaxation, or biofeedback control in 33 menopausal women with frequent hot flashes.
  • Older, postmenopausal women are now often prescribed a newer class of drugs called aromatase inhibitors, which block estrogen released in body fat, experts said. Tamoxifen wards off breast cancer's return for more than a decade
  • That means long narrow Pederson specula for postmenopausal ladies and large Graves specula for the more ample women, along with standard sizes of both for most patients. Performing the Pelvic Exam
  • There was the hormone estrone, a form of the estrogen prescribed to help menopausal women.
  • This illness may be almost exclusively the province of peri- and postmenopausal women because of the rapid drop in estrogen production that affects the small blood vessels. Healing the Female Heart
  • The roots and rhizomes are widely used in the treatment of menopausal symptoms and menstrual dysfunction.
  • Multiple other studies have shown that post-menopausal women with greater lean body mass live longer and have a better quality of life than those who are sarcopenic. Another China study | The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
  • Menopause and a long postmenopausal life are evolutionary oddities that people and killer whales developed independently.
  • I have never written to an "agony aunt" before, but we are about the same age and I was hoping you could give me advice about how to stay positive when depressed, very hormonal and perimenopausal. Dear Mariella: I'm depressed, perimenopausal, newly single and facing years of caring for relatives. I'm overwhelmed…
  • Outline •Risk management (RM) •Postmenopausal health care (PMHC) •RM in PMHC: What could go wrong in PMHC? Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • When you're postmenopausal and overweight, losing weight is a good thing.
  • A reader who requested anonymity to spare his wife encloses a leaflet for the Estring brand vaginal ring, used to replace oestrogen for post-menopausal women: "The Estring vaginal ring is not recommended for use in children," it says. Cheers! English wine challenges champagne with sparkling results
  • There is no such thing as a physiological cyst in a postmenopausal woman, therefore, because there are no follicles or luteal cysts in the postmenopausal ovary.
  • What not to do: Label your colleague as "menopausal," make jokes about menopause or discriminate against her. Work & Family Mailbox
  • My tribute to a certain type of writer, one that is apparently knows what people want and don't want to read (e.g. "people don't want to read about menopausal women.") In honor of old-school skiffy
  • Some postmenopausal women swear that dietary soy protein combats their hot flushes.
  • Effect of estrogen plus progestin on risk for biliary tract surgery in postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease.
  • Also, not surprisingly, routine premenopausal mammography is practiced by no nation other than the U.S. Samuel S. Epstein: Breast Cancer Unawareness Month: Rethinking Mammograms
  • What's striking is that while everybody recognizes that Estrich's hysterical in both meanings of the term attack on Michael Kinsley was pure menopausal hot flash, the Axiom of Equality -- the assumption that any inequality disfavoring non-white males is the product of discrimination and must be alleviated -- is so engrained in public discourse that you just know Estrich is going to win in the end. Heather MacDonald on "Diversity Mongers Target the Web" on NRO:
  • Treatment with water pills in post-menopausal women will concentrate uric acid and result in gout.
  • Only the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy have been clinically proven: It guards against heart disease and osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.
  • The STRAW terminology folks actually wants to make "postmenopausal" mean any time after the final menstrual period, but we can't really date that till we know it's final - which means 12 months later. Menopause Defined
  • The participants were post-menopausal and had become resistant to certain hormone drugs called aromatase inhibitors that block production of estrogen. Drugs Keep Tumors at Bay
  • Postmenopausal women receiving estrogen replacement therapy may also present with breast pain caused by fibrocystic changes.
  • A small study found this herb helpful in easing menopausal symptoms, including sexual difficulties.
  • Its actions in this capacity are reflected in its long established benefits to menopausal women suffering from hot flushes and night sweats. Lower Your Blood Pressure in 4 Easy Stages
  • Another possibility is that women with premenopausal breast cancer may simply have a higher risk of miscarriage.
  • Unlike tamoxifen, aromatase inhibitors do not cause menopausal symptoms, but they may increase risk of osteoporosis.
  • A large somatotype at age 7 was found to be associated with decreased postmenopausal breast cancer risk. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Again, exceptions are often made in premenopausal women with early stage uterine cancers, and some of these women are being treated hormonally rather than with surgery. Ovaries - If they're Normal, Leave them Alone
  • The tipping of Melanie's once admirable polemical style into a kind of menopausal hysteria has now become tediously dogmatic. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • If you are premenopausal, the doctor may say that the lump is just fibrocystic, a word that has unfortunately become a catchall term for non-cancerous lumps of fibroglandular tissue in younger women. OUR BODIES, OURSELVES
  • She plays Cecile in a manner that can only be described as menopausal.
  • Colorectal cancer, breast cancer in menopausal women and endometrial cancer accounted for 65% of all cancers linked to being fat. Obesity could become top cancer cause for Western women
  • But this dog, this precious little dog, is to be the crowning glory in my postmenopausal incarnation. Roseanne Archy
  • The image of all these ex-hippy, menopausal women screaming that HRC was CHEATED is so laughable ..... plu-ease get a grip. New York newspaper endorses Clinton for VP
  • The taller a postmenopausal woman is, the greater risk she faces of developing cancer, according to a new study.
  • She begins to feel like an unwanted post-menopausal monster in his home.
  • I am premenopausal, but my periods have stopped since the chemo. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still denied by the ACS is clear evidence that premenopausal mammography poses significant risks of breast cancer. Samuel S. Epstein: Breast Cancer Unawareness Month: Rethinking Mammograms
  • The more abundant cellular infiltrate in the tumors from the 2 older groups might reflect an involutional process comparable to the involutional changes of the breast parenchyma in postpartum and menopausal women.
  • Levels seem to be higher in some peri- and postmenopausal women who experience hot flashes.7 Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause
  • Menopausal women sometimes complain that with the cessation of ovarian function their femaleness is being stripped from them.
  • The World Health Organization's criteria for the densitometric diagnosis of osteoporosis strictly apply only to white postmenopausal women.
  • Only the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy have been clinically proven: It guards against heart disease and osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.
  • For while NARAL and other more established pro-choice groups may be headed by the so-called menopausal militia, there are still plenty of younger women involved with the cause. Remember Roe? Young Activists Say They've Never Forgotten.
  • Dietary phytoestrogens, found in soya bean and linseed, are thought to help relieve vasomotor menopausal symptoms.
  • Also, if you are premenopausal, it's best to schedule your screening exam during the week following your menstrual period, when your breasts may be less tender.
  • Women who exercised either during their reproductive or postmenopausal years had a reduced risk of developing breast cancer.
  • French researchers have revealed that a flavenoid called phloridzin, abundant in apples, may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may even increase bone density. The Full Feed from
  • Painful intercourse has been found to reduce frequency of coitus in a large community-based sample of menopausal women.
  • Hereditary breast cancer commonly occurs in premenopausal women and is more frequently bilateral than nonhereditary breast cancer.
  • The authors conclude that 100 mg per day of isoflavone effectively relieved menopausal symptoms, especially vasomotor instability.
  • If the individual is a prepubescent or post-menopausal female the risk of pregnancy is quite low.
  • One study evaluated paced respiration, muscle relaxation, or biofeedback control in 33 menopausal women with frequent hot flashes.
  • For some people, that's too high: The RDA for iron, for example, is 8 milligrams for men and postmenopausal women. Multivitamins: So Many Types, So Many Labels
  • The drug was originally approved for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Times, Sunday Times

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