How To Use Menhaden In A Sentence
These larger animals include the great schools of fish, such as tuna, menhaden, cod and mackerel, which we catch for food.
(Left) The pungent corpses of Gulf menhaden fish, also called commercial pogy, rot in the sunlight along a one-mile stretch of Sea Rim Park on Wednesday, August 10, 2005.
Archive 2005-08-01
Native Americans' name for menhaden was "munnawhatteaug" -- a word meaning fertilizer, biologists say.
In Va., the lowly menhaden loses out to striped bass
Conversation stopped as Shemsen and the mermen each snatched a menhaden meal.
None of these small fish species -- menhaden, alewives and blueback herring -- have the widespread appeal of your average humpback whale or giant panda, but they do happen to sit near the bottom of the food chain.
Peter Hanlon: Little Fish, Big Help
Like tuna and salmon, menhaden contain high levels of omega - 3 fatty acids.
Frigatebirds feed primarily on flying fish (Cypselurus, Exocoetus), but will also take menhaden, squid or jellyfish.
Transient species that move in and out of the estuary include spot, pinfish, menhaden, flounder, white and striped mullet, and red drum (the official mascot of the North Inlet-Winyah Bay Reserve).
North Inlet-Winyah Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, South Carolina
The NRDC is spearheading an effort to get river herring (shorthand here for blueback herring and alewife) listed as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act, while the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) showed overwhelming support for new efforts to protect and rebuild the decimated menhaden stock.
Peter Hanlon: Little Fish, Big Help
These larger animals include the great schools of fish, such as tuna, menhaden, cod and mackerel, which we catch for food.
Prof. NYMAN: Some of the carbon being photosynthesized by some these marsh grasses today will be part of a menhaden that will end up in a piece of chicken that you then cook on your stove.
By Hiring Gulf Scientists, BP May Be Buying Silence
Sometimes, during periods of heavy fishing pressure when dozens of boats are slow-trolling live menhaden, anglers trolling dead cutlassfish do exceptionally well since the trolled offerings stand out.
But menhaden are not predators like blue runners and bumper, and can't be caught on sabiki rigs.
Atlantic silverside, Atlantic menhaden, mummichog, striped killifish, and winter flounder comprised more than 92 percent of the sample.
Kyle Rabin: A View to a (Fish) Kill: A Firsthand Perspective on Fish-Killing Cooling Systems
Fresh, fat squid make good baits, although most pier fishermen sling chunks of fresh menhaden or mullet, which hold the hook better in flight.
As for menhaden, in the 18th century they had their culinary fans, but these days you're far more likely to eat something else that has eaten menhaden whole in the wild, like striped bass, tuna and bluefish, or ground-up as fishmeal, like chickens, pigs or farmed salmon.
Peter Hanlon: Little Fish, Big Help
Fish species occurring in the numerous tidal creeks adjacent to the component include mummichog, white perch, spot and menhaden.
Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Maryland
They'd come prepared with a tub of mashed menhaden chum, but Chase wasn't ready to start heaving it over the side.