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How To Use Mending In A Sentence

  • Last month, Najib said the government would establish a bi- partisan parliamentary committee to review changes to electoral rules, and that authorities would also consider amending laws governing censorship of print media. -- Top News
  • I went to my room and calmed myself with some invisible mending.
  • Care should be exercised in wording the sections providing for amending the constitution, etc., to avoid such tautology as ”amend, or add to, or repeal, ” or ”alter or amend, ” or ”amend or in any way change. 11. Miscellaneous. 68. Amendments of Constitutions, By-laws, and Rules of Order
  • If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said.
  • He comes down from mending the roof of his barn for this interview. Times, Sunday Times
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Master English with Ease
  • The jury added a rider to their verdict recommending mercy.
  • That lady, having discovered that her guest's gloves needed mending, was working over them with pieces of Indian-tanned buckskin and beeswaxed thread, the picture of domestic content. The Ranch at the Wolverine
  • Using three works - two entitied Shad Fishing at Gloucester on the Delaware River and Mending the Net - they found underdrawings in graphite directly related to existing photographs.
  • As a single woman and dating coach with a closetful of red dresses, I have been recommending that women wear red on their first dates with men for many years. Julie Spira: Why Wearing Red on a First Date Attracts Men
  • At sea, the sailors are continually engaged in "parcelling," "serving," and in a thousand ways ornamenting and repairing the numberless shrouds and stays; mending sails, or turning one side of the deck into a rope-walk, where they manufacture a clumsy sort of twine, called spun-yarn. Redburn. His First Voyage
  • At every halt of the wagons a shoemaker would be seen searching for a lapstone; a gunsmith would be mending a rifle, and weavers would be at their wheels or looms. The Lions of the Lord A Tale of the Old West
  • The day after his address, a report of the select committee recommending a detailed survey of a 119 mile expansion westward from Porus to Montego Bay and north-eastward from Bog Walk to Port Antonio was presented before the council.
  • I came across her blog recently when the google alert I have on my agent's name dinged, and I left her a comment a couple of posts back not feeling inclined to touch the one about life sucking, recommending she cool it, or at least protect her identity. Authors Behaving Badly?
  • He has delivered a papal brief recommending it to that prince that he will take the same steps in this matter.
  • And he said not appearing, but "commending," that is ` proving. ' NPNF1-12. Saint Chrysostom: Homilies on the Epistles of Paul to the Corinthians
  • It's an interesting bit of fence-mending for the former Democratic National Committee chairman, whose race for the gubernatorial nomination with Moran last year got pretty nasty. McAuliffe to campaign with former rival Moran
  • Fence mending is what she is best at; she's a wonderful listener.
  • The former Prime Minister insists that politicians from all parties should be focused on mending the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her mother looked up as if startled, then shook her head and returned her attention back to her mending.
  • Because they can see nothing in front of them but cooking and scrubbing and mending ... and endless babies.
  • In 1969, there was even an official report recommending that Japan embark on a weapons programme.
  • So increasing numbers of systems integrators are junking product sales in favour of recommending software to their clients.
  • What Mr. Obama was really doing was a lot of fence-mending, because the United States was seen as the principal obstacle - and Mr. Obama as the footdragger-in-chief - that prevented any ambitious agreements from being signed. NYT > Home Page
  • It is very convenient to do cash withdrawal, accounts checking, cipher amending and funds allocating, etc.
  • Jacob Dolan, sheriff in and for Garrison County for four years, beginning with 1873, remembered the summer of 1875 to his dying day, as the year when he tore his blue soldier coat, and for twenty-five years, after the fight in which the coat was torn, Dolan never put it on for a funeral or a state occasion, that he did not smooth out the seam that Nellie Logan McHurdie made in mending the rent place, and recall the exigencies of the public service which made it necessary to tear one's clothes to keep the peace. A Certain Rich Man
  • But he stopped short of recommending a maximum daily dose of electronic games. Times, Sunday Times
  • I felt much better than I had earlier that day, my bones mending and bruises healing.
  • At length, making my prayers, and recommending my selfe to God in the name of Iesu, I entred, and saw such swarmes of dead bodies there, as no man would beleeue vnlesse he were an eye witnesse thereof. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • I did all kinds of jobs for myself, from mending a pair of boots to hooping a barrel.
  • My friend Keith has been visiting from New York this week, which means we've been having a grand old time gossipping, eating, criticizing and recommending books, going out for coffee or drinks, etc. Breakfast in Bed
  • The main thing recommending the commuter village of Uplawmoor is its proximity to Glasgow.
  • According to, the company Booklamp has just launched a new service based on their own algorithm for recommending reading. BookLamp: Pandora For Books
  • These work well as mending plates or for light-duty wood-to-wood splices.
  • The first thing the dice told me to do was raise wages across the board thirty percent and write commending personal letters to everyone. THE DICE MAN
  • The Wise Woman was at home; from afar the King saw her sitting outside the Hovel mending her broom with a withe from the Bush. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • Cases in point see again the horrible treatment of Santhi Soundarajan by IOC affiliate organization Olympic Council of Asia (OCA), as well as recent media coverage about the IAAF strongly recommending gonadectomy (castration) for Caster Semenya on spurious "medical grounds" and the IAAF's scandalous public offer of "free surgeries" for Caster Semenya. Indymedia Ireland
  • Tbe preceding extracls fufficiently manifeft this writer's waL It the fennel we do not find Efficient proofs of fuperiour judgment or erudition, to authorize our recommending his work to the attention of young clergymen as a guivte in their flu dies, rhef r clerical duty, or their peifonal conduit, home of the author's fuggtftiont may claim attention* particularly the letter on the compofitiori and delivery of fermons; but the general fubieel of tliefe letters has been much better treated by bUhop Burnet, archbifhop Seeker, Dr. Napletoa, and others. The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and Foreign, on an Enlarged Plan
  • He comes down from mending the roof of his barn for this interview. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are expected to stop short of recommending full structural separation, opting instead for a legal separation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Roger; and shall prescribe the moderate use of this exercise to all my country friends as the best kind of physick for mending a bad constitution, and preserving a good one. Days with Sir Roger De Coverley
  • (CHMP) adopted a positive opinion, ** recommending to grant a marketing authorisation for the medicinal product Scintimun 1 mg, kit for radiopharmaceutical preparation, intended for scintigraphic imaging, in conjunction with other appropriate imaging modalities, for determining the location of inflammation/infection in peripheral bone in adults with suspected osteomyelitis. Undefined
  • The tinkers live by mending pots and pans, telling fortunes and selling horses and ponies at the various fairs throughout the country.
  • His wife, bent over his topcoat, pulled her needle in and out mending the latest damage to its right sleeve.
  • Medieval and modern writers wrongly take it for granted that the charism existed permanently at Corinth — as it did nowhere else — and that St. Paul, in commending the gift to the Corinthians, therewith gave his guaranty that the characteristics of Corinthian glossolaly were those of the gift itself. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • The big problem with recommending genre books for readers who either intentionally do not read genre or deny that they do, even when some of the books they have read clearly fit into the speculative fiction rubric, is understanding that the reading mentality in these individuals is different from people who actively and avidly read speculative fiction. MIND MELD: The Perfect SF/F/H Books to Give to People Who Don't Read SF/F/H
  • Many of the gypsies ignored her, sitting outside their tents, preparing a meal or darning a sock or mending a hem.
  • The fifth dentist caved , and now they're all recommending Trident?
  • RENEE MONTAGNE, host: Hamid Karzai goes to Washington this week for a long-awaited fence-mending visit with President Obama. Afghans Want Karzai's U.S. Trip To Be Fruitful
  • Diners must sign a disclaimer recommending ‘protective gloves and eye wear’ - but even sweating testers in safety gear were blinded by tears for 30 minutes.
  • However, as someone who is still studying, I have no hesitation in recommending this book.
  • The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.
  • It meets a need, too, though the rather more humble task of mending stuff rather than ending the energy crisis. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mr. Chan holds a will granting Nina's entire estate to him. burned for good luck but not as a testamentary instrument - after amending earlier pleadings that Nina lacked capacity and Mr. Chan used Telegraph, the flamboyant Nina (dubbed in Hong Kong as "Little Sweetie" after a Japanese cartoon character because she favoured pigtails, colorful micro-miniskirts, bobbysocks and white PVC macs), had resisted attempts to have her late husband declared dead. Toronto Estate Law Blog
  • The visitor centre was shut, but all we needed was the information board recommending a range of walks.
  • We are running short of other items as well: wicks for candles, herbs and medicines, thread and yarn for mending, and nearly anything small, metal, and commonly-used.
  • I'm not even against people recommending placeboes for self-limiting medical conditions, to help you "feel better", where the main alternative is to wait to get better. "It Should Be Banned!" - Thoughts On Banning Things
  • A definition is just a definition, but when the definiendum is a word already in common use with highly favorable connotations, it is clear that we are really trying to be persuasive; we are implicitly recommending the achievement of optimal states. NYT > Home Page
  • She was sorting through Ian's worn practice clothes and mending or patching.
  • Told I have broken Borough policy by recommending custodial maximum on lad.
  • After losing money in his orchard business for three years Chang became one of the spidermen mending slits at the top of the slope and building water channels.
  • Second, he's recommending people kipe Wi-Fi service. Wi-Fi Networking News
  • I know I am recommending a pragmatic rather than a principled stand, but that is what national interest and foreign policy is all about.
  • At night I pointed this out to Lord Granville, and told him that the despatch was slipslop, and on the next day, October 24th, I managed to get a good many changes made -- one by telegraph, and the others by an amending despatch. ' The Life of the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles W. Dilke, Volume 1
  • How much do you charge for mending shoes?
  • Having once lived in AZ, and for a good many years, I can say with resolute authority that AZ is one of the best reasons anywhere to suggest a close reexamination of the second amendment, possibly with an eye to amending it to more appropriately fit modern times. Think Progress » Arizona militia recruiting veterans with ‘kill records’ to patrol border.
  • The man showed his gratitude by recommending him to the Bishop for ordination.
  • Adam threw the harness he had been mending to the floor, stood up, and advanced on Joe.
  • He comes down from mending the roof of his barn for this interview. Times, Sunday Times
  • The old cobbler who had been mending shoes in the doorway of a building was unexpectedly replaced by a stranger.
  • His half day off was invariably spent tinkering about the stuffy little flat -- painting, nailing up shelves, mending a broken window shade, puttying a window, playing with his pasty little boy, aged sixteen months, and his pasty little girl, aged three years. Gigolo
  • My spirit apprehends instinctively the right and the true; and through life I have relied on intuitions; which some have called a rashness, recommending colder cautions; but these latter have seldom paid their way. My Life as an Author
  • If there are any savings, hopefully we will be able to spend it on mending more footpaths.
  • She liked mixing gums and balsams more than she liked mixing rice and lentils, she liked rasping sandalwood more than she liked mending clothes. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • The jury added a rider to their verdict recommending mercy.
  • The hospital needs to focus instead, he said, on mending its various departments - and on improving service to emergency-room patients.
  • It comes as little surprise, then, that Ross has no hesitation in recommending that people join a club.
  • The market opens out into a harbour where people swarm everywhere, mending nets and building brightly coloured boats.
  • invisible mending
  • So first, let me emphasise that I really am, despite any subsequent assertions, counter-claims and nit-picking objections, recommending this book: it is enormous fun, and its authors' hearts are in the right places.
  • The former Prime Minister insists that politicians from all parties should be focused on mending the economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • But when I read Jon's letter again I saw he was recommending not a slavish imitation but an attempt to be plain-spoken and honest. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Runoff foe Fernando Ferrer backs him, but Green is still mending fences with hospital union chief Dennis Rivera, a Ferrer backer whose street muscle could offset Bloomberg's bankroll.
  • Nor had she, like many persons of great intellect, confined herself to theory, or stopped short where practical usefulness begins; inasmuch as she could ingross, fair-copy, fill up printed forms with perfect accuracy, and, in short, transact any ordinary duty of the office down to pouncing a skin of parchment or mending a pen. The Old Curiosity Shop
  • She glared at Glint, who was crossing the deck with an armload of mending, causing the semi-innocent lass to hurry off guiltily.
  • She was sorting through Ian's worn practice clothes and mending or patching.
  • Whereat I stood musing and commending to my selfe the ingenious and apt inuention of the Arthist, in the vse of such a stone, which of his owne nature to contrarie proportions affoorded contrarie coulers, and in such sort as by the raysing vp of hir small plummage aboue hir seare, hir beack halfe open, and hir toung appearing in the middest thereof, as if she had beene resolutely intended, and eagerly bent to haue gorged hir selfe vpon it. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • There's no point in amending FISA if FISA doesn't apply, so Gonzales clearly understood that it did apply. Balkinization
  • The UN Secretary General is on a fence-mending mission.
  • He had already won Lady Spilsbury's heart by recommending to her the _honan tcha_, or Tartar tea, which enables the Tartars to digest raw flesh, and tinges water of a red colour. Tales and Novels — Volume 07
  • Her employer and friend, Susan Drake, sat mending below, awaiting her husband's return.
  • Meanwhile, the troika—the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank and the European Commission—trots from country to country, marveling at the accounting ingenuity of the countries that have been bailed out, tut-tutting at the failure of each to meet its targets, and recommending a heavier dose of the medicine that is enfeebling the patient. Southern Europe Could Learn From Ireland
  • In previous years, my post San Diego experience was one of physically mending from the physical exertion that I went through during the show. PvPonline » Archive » Sad Diego
  • It is not an essential part of the route we are about to suggest, and we would rather decline the responsibility of recommending it to the attention of any one who is not a practised cragsman. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
  • I cannot leave this case without respectfully commending the handling of this case by Her Honour Judge Mowat and the judgment she gave.
  • There is a good argument for amending clause 28 on Report to enable institutions such as those in Croydon to bid direct.
  • Her own response illustrates the power of a dominant discourse to effectively disable her reading of a review recommending important work in basic writing scholarship.
  • I cannot leave this case without respectfully commending the handling of this case by Her Honour Judge Mowat and the judgment she gave.
  • Gqozo later issued a decree amending the homeland's constitution to allow sovereignty to be relinquished.
  • Officers are recommending the scheme, which is near to the proposed home/office development on the site of a former gasworks, for approval - subject to 36 conditions.
  • Recommending adjustments to munitions stockage levels. FM 9-6 Chapter 2
  • Haec illi portate, — — — [5464] he desires to confer with some of her acquaintance, for his heart is still with her, [5465] to talk of her, admiring and commending her, lamenting, moaning, wishing himself anything for her sake, to have opportunity to see her, O that he might but enjoy her presence! Anatomy of Melancholy
  • A blue-ribbon panel is recommending that NASA shelve its goal of rapidly returning to the moon and instead focus on nurturing a robust commercial space industry that can handle short-term objectives of the nation's space program, such as ferrying cargo and crew to the international space station. Panel Urges NASA to Reset Priorities
  • Only an immediate dissolution and a fresh Parliament can have the requsite authority to begin mending that which they have broken. The Moving Finger Wrote
  • You see governments amending their laws and reinterpreting their laws to adapt to the new situation.
  • The possessors and a considerable part of the patricians complaining that a person at the head of the state was recommending himself by his tribunitial proceedings, and that he was making himself popular by giving away other persons 'property, had transferred the odium of the entire affair from the tribunes to the consul. The History of Rome, Books 01 to 08
  • And when the Supreme Court ruled in 2006 that the Geneva Conventions, which broadly prohibit all mistreatment of wartime detainees, applied to al-Qaeda, the OLC lawyers wrote still another secret opinion recommending that President Bush issue an executive order that would "authoritatively" establish that the CIA's tactics did not violate the laws of war — simply because the president said so. The Torture Memos: The Case Against the Lawyers
  • If the two treaties have identical parties the subsequent treaty is regarded as amending the earlier.
  • When he called upon James, the bishop's commissary in Williamsburg, the latter expressed doubts about recommending him, his ostensible reason being that his knowledge of Greek was inadequate.
  • When she introduced the previous amending bill, we said she did not have a bolter's hope of registering the 70,000 chemicals and substances that were required to be registered by the deadline.
  • She was engaged in the homely occupation of darning socks, and what with her size, her loose untidy dress – serge of the colour of boiled spinach, with dibs and dabs of embroidery here and there – and a green scarf that belonged to the dress, and a rust-coloured one she had put on in a fit of absentmindedness, and her mending-basket, and a scatteration of socks, she pretty well filled the old-fashioned sofa. The Key
  • MCINTYRE: In the memo, Rumsfeld ruminated about, but stopped short of recommending, some radical ideas, which he called illustrative options, such as having U.S. troops only patrol where they are welcome and withholding aid from violent areas of Iraq, the kind of tough-love approach advocated by some of Rumsfeld's political adversaries. CNN Transcript Dec 4, 2006
  • Although medication is often part of a successful treatment approach, school personnel are usually not directly involved in recommending a prescription.
  • To avoid any future problems he is recommending that joint submissions on behalf of colleagues should be countersigned by the councillors concerned.
  • Another reason for commending the book is that it represents the first major response by competent Christian scholars to the new challenge of more scholarly Mormon apologetics.
  • Any statute or ordinance can be revised or repealed by a majority of the appropriate legislative body, but amending the Constitution requires approval by two-thirds of both houses of Congress and then ratification by three-fourths of the states. The Conservative Assault on the Constitution
  • But discussing its permutations also aids in elaborating the theory I am commending.
  • The citated document with date and its later amending list(exclude mistake) or the recision are not situated this standard.
  • Her shoulder was mending, but it was a slow process.
  • Officers, however, are recommending the scheme because it is considered to have a minimal impact on the rural character of the area.
  • The afternoon would then find her in the practice yards in the drilling lines, or in the fields, erecting new buildings, or at the walls, mending a break or adding to the ever-thicker wood and stone barriers.
  • ‘Once a week they had Troops Day when they could bring their mending,’ she says.
  • Not that good sense alone will be sufficient j for that conbiderable part of it, emending a comipt text, there must be a certain sagacity, which is siO dis - tinguishing a quality in Dr. Bentley. Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
  • However, amending the constitution is not a simple process.
  • I'll get round to mending it eventually.
  • A detailed planning application with amendments will be considered by the Council's regulatory and appeals committee tomorrow and officers are recommending councillors to support it.
  • The front end was crumpled in and the whole left side needs mending. The Sun
  • My broken leg is mending
  • The Monetary Authority sent banks a circular recommending they use a second type of identification to protect customers using Internet banking transactions.
  • ’Tis like a chime a-mending; with terms unsquared, Troilus and Cressida
  • As with autos, a technician will diagnose problems by plugging in a handheld computer that interrogates the engine and all other boat systems, revealing the cause of the problem and in many cases, recommending the fix.
  • We reject any suggestion that the law needs amending.
  • An additional £43,000 is to be spent on repair and remedial work including mending a roof leak, broken glazing and general cleaning.
  • They are celebrating and even drippily expounding upon Kesler's love note, and are recommending it to all. Midge Decter: The Mother Sheehan of the Right
  • He said that this is not going to be a fence-mending mission to Europe.
  • The Commission could have responded to the petition by amending the guide to define "remanufactured, Deceptive Environmental Claims: How Should The Federal Trade Commission Clean Up Advertising Pollution?
  • If no amending legislation is enacted within 180 days, the Clinton administration is free to proceed as planned, Riggs said.
  • looking careworn as she bent over her mending
  • Mr Graville is also recommending that two brass swan-necked lights and two spotlights be removed from the restaurant as they are ‘alien and inappropriate’ to the listed building.
  • At the end of them a ruthless villain had smashed beyond mending the remains of the useless hand and had galvanised me into a resurrection of the spirit and the impetus to seek what I'd had since, a myoelectric false hand that worked on nerve impulses from my truncated forearm and looked and behaved so realistically that people often didn't notice its existence. Come To Grief
  • The front end was crumpled in and the whole left side needs mending. The Sun
  • The apostle never flattered his friends, but he took pleasure in commending them, and speaking well of them, to the glory of God and for the excitement and encouragement of others. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • By the way, the government in Britain appears to err on the side of caution when it comes to recommending minimum daily intake of vitamins. The Vitamin Fact Finder
  • The next day I was mending, though it took another two weeks to recover fully.
  • Thus few priests by the 1920s were commending ‘periodic continence’ to their most troubled penitents, although it was licit for them to do so.
  • There is something right about commending the body to the care of the earth, letting the earth from which we came work its quiet dissolution.
  • This Pope has put a lot of energy into mending historical rifts. Times, Sunday Times
  • On May 12, 1988 the Department of Public Service filed comments on the service, recommending that the Commission change the ANI tariff to require that one service component, Pay-Per-View (PPV) service, be tariffed rather than priced on an individual case basis.
  • Over the next 24 hours after the President's speech, company executives received emails from lawmakers commending the company, and news reports that evening cited Siemens as a major hirer of military veterans. Shrugging Off Bribery Case, Siemens Gains Favor in U.S.
  • Seigl said, amending the harshness of his words, "Most people are mistaken about most things, Alma. THE TATTOOED GIRL
  • Elli trounced out, and Melida called after her, ‘Don't forget the mending!’
  • There is no shame in amending ambitions to take account of aging.
  • Two have already submitted reports recommending it go ahead and the third is said to be'in complete unison with them '. The Sun
  • For most OPEC members, common sense dictates that the cartel should at least try to work together, meaning there will be some fence-mending efforts in the coming months. Saudi-Iran split fractures OPEC's dominance of oil market
  • In addition to the moderately heavy labor of hoisting boxes and loading vans, I do some craft-ish archiv-y handwork as well: simple conservation treatments (paper mending and repair), construction of protective enclosures (custom boxes), and all manner of things to do with exhibit preparation, fabrication, and installation. “work forms us, and deforms us” | clusterflock
  • Amending Shakespeare, he gave Sam and the others a crash course in mineralogy, pointing out that “nothing that glitters is gold . . . gold in its native state is dull, unornamental stuff, and that only low-born metals excite the admiration of the ignorant with an ostentatious glitter.” LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • Now, I declare the Mid - term Commending Assembly of school year 2008 - 2009 ends.
  • I was gobsmacked to read what a supposedly "artisan" apiarist is recommending people use on the bees in their care. Bee-wise or Greed-driven
  • The art would be to carry it, if possible, to some indirect flattery; such as commending those virtues in some other person, in which that prince either thinks he does, or at least would be thought by others to excel. Letters to his son on The Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman
  • In recommending a ban on sex selection, the UK authority that regulates reproductive technology reveals its deep distrust of infertile couples.
  • If there is a solution to the pensions crisis that stops short of recommending compulsion, it will clearly involve employers and company pensions schemes.
  • He gets a real kick out of mending something so that it can be used again.
  • We support this bill as amending one wrong and unjust law on a spectrum of wrong and unjust laws.
  • The Wise Woman was at home; from afar the King saw her sitting outside the hovel mending her broom with a withe from the bush. Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard
  • She noted with tenderness all the makeshifts: the darned chair-arms, the patent rocker covered with sleazy cretonne, the pasted strips of paper mending the birch-bark napkin-rings labeled “Papa” and Main Street
  • A snorting sound, which, accompanied by a terrific clatter of old iron and the crunching of road-mendings, had been steadily growing from distant to near, and from loud to deafening, now reached a pitch of utter indescribability; and as a large splay-wheeled, tall-funneled, plowing engine rolled off the Bensley highroad and lumbered in upon the right-of-way, the powerful bouquet of hot lubricating oil nullified all other smells, and the atmosphere became opaque to the point of solidity. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • You seemed a bit hesitant about recommending that restaurant - is something wrong with it?
  • Abdul Kader, the tailor who had attached himself to me, as a man ready-handed at all things, from mending a pair of pants, making a delicate entremets, or shooting an elephant, but whom the interior proved to be the weakliest of the weakly, unfit for anything except eating and drinking — almost succumbed on this march. How I Found Livingstone
  • The front end was crumpled in and the whole left side needs mending. The Sun
  • He is emending classical authors.
  • She pursued, It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that Gharib, after giving robes of honour to the citizens of Cufa and com mending the Ryots to their care, went out on a day of the days to hunt, with an hundred horse, and fared on till he came to a Wady, abounding in trees and fruits and rich in rills and birds It was a pasturing-place for roes and gazelles, to the spirit a delight whose scents reposed from the langour of fight. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Now baffled, she walked back towards the table and sat, resuming her mending without another word to him.
  • They are expected to stop short of recommending full structural separation, opting instead for a legal separation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Within individual poems the meditative voice can operate dialectically, considering a position and then emending it, but the position of poems in sequence also constitutes a dialectic, an on-going conversation.
  • Thus few priests by the 1920s were commending ‘periodic continence’ to their most troubled penitents, although it was licit for them to do so.
  • He is particularly fond of hot beetroot, recommending it as an accompaniment to roast saddle of hare - a delicious combination.
  • Many orthopaedic consultants are also recommending this, although the scientific evidence is limited. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lady two: Yeah, I know the IT guy told me that the cobler blog was recommending we stay away from Dell. July « 2005 « BuzzMachine
  • There, after tilling and amending the soil, he planted roses, perennials, and a smattering of seasonal tubers, such as dahlias and tuberoses.
  • If someone didn't want to bring their mending to us, there were two ladies Mrs. J. and Mrs. S. who ‘sewed for the public.’
  • The need is for a clear and simple, appliable Tax Code which Everyone will be opposed to amending. lgl Single Tax Rate, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Now a York Council working party is recommending demolition and suggests the land could be landscaped or used for affordable homes.
  • It is a great encouragement to us, in commending the disciples to the Lord, that we can say, "It is he in whom they believed; we commit to him those who have committed themselves to him, and who know they have believed in one who is able to keep what they and we have committed to him against that day," 2 Tim. i. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Robert Lowell's famous poem ‘Mending Wall ‘evokes the quotidian pleasure of repairing a wall.’
  • ROGER; and shall prescribe the moderate use of this exercise to all my country friends, as the best kind of physick for mending a bad constitution, and preserving a good one. The Coverley Papers
  • For my patients who are BRCA carriers, I am still recommending oophorectomy. Ovaries - If they're Normal, Leave them Alone
  • Invented quirky "compromise sales of your own book" tactic number three by recommending somebody else's book* entirely... this, to said group of American tourists after getting caught inhaling pages of Péquenaud - French Word-A-Day
  • Nutrition has improved, doctors and the Easter Seals people recommending folic acid in hefty does to stave off preventable birth defects like spina bifida. Beth Kohl: The Downside of Prenatal Information
  • Americans now get so much junk mail that the post office is recommending that we buy bigger mailboxes.
  • Mr. Papandreou's apparent support for Mr. Venizelos would mark an instance of Greek fence-mending. Greece to Form a New Government
  • In December, the agency withdrew its 1987 guideline recommending regular mammograms for all women 40 and older.
  • All submitted comments are subject to the rules set forth in our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. from Evan! wrote 1 year 13 weeks ago good video, great lesson! mending is an over looked skill. yrs-Evan! New Video: Deeter's Cosmic Mend
  • How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes?
  • Most High and honoured the Captain commending his care and zeal and advancing him in rank. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Next day I turned up again by taxi, carrying my bag of bike tools, and got out, prepared for a sweating quarter of an hour mending a bike when I should have been at work.
  • The market opens out into a harbour where people swarm everywhere, mending nets and building brightly coloured boats.
  • Is it in the whitewashing of the battlements, the mending of the roads, the fountains, and all such trumperies? The Public Orations of Demosthenes, volume 1
  • The Author has been flattered by the assurance, that this naive mode of recommending arboriculture (which was actually delivered in these very words by a Highland laird, while on his death-bed, to his son) had so much weight with a Scottish earl as to lead to his planting The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • The provincial Minister of Agriculture is recommending that people stay away from dog and other small mammal urine, which could be contaminated with leptospirosis, the bacteria that causes fever and conjunctivitis.
  • This Pope has put a lot of energy into mending historical rifts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This river is unlike the fire before, more focused, cool and steadily pulsing and mixing with her lifeblood and mending her core.

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