
How To Use Mendicant In A Sentence

  • Historically, orders of friars could not own property, and individual friars were beggars hence the term mendicant, although this was changed insofar as the orders were concerned by the Council of Trent. No Uncertain Terms
  • Almost all come from monastic or mendicant milieux, and are passages in annals or chronicles of the writer's abbey. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Another group of monasteries grew up around friars who although taking the triple vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience were mendicants who moved about the country using any house of their own order as a base.
  • Now, Lackaday in his manuscript relates this English episode, not so much as an appeal to pity for the straits to which he was reduced, although he winces at its precarious mountebankery, and his sensitive and respectable soul revolts at going round with the mendicant's hat and thanking old women and children for pennies, as in order to correlate certain influences and coincidences in his career. The Mountebank
  • Saniotis takes us to one of Northern India's most famous Indo-Muslim shrines, a place where religious mendicants, known as faqir, gather to worship through mystical communion with saints.
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  • Essentially, the azad were itinerant mendicants who regularly practised extreme ascetic styles of religious devotion, as a mark of their ‘other worldliness.’
  • The only hangers on are a handful of mendicants who are stretched out on the cool stone floor of the mandapam or seated on the benches inside the park.
  • Early in the thirteenth century, the monastic map of western Europe was transformed by the emergence of the mendicant friars.
  • The late Robert Brentano examines the interaction of the countryside and the city in terms of the mendicant friars who lived in and moved between both worlds.
  • [FN#82] The Arabic word fakir means literally, "a poor man;" but it would appear, from what follows, that Uns el Wujoud had disguised himself as a religious mendicant and was taken for such by the people of the castle. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
  • And there is no reason for the perpetration of these crimes, except in the pitiable case of the mendicant journals, at the sanctum door of 'which the wolf of bankruptcy is always growling. EDITORIAL CRIMES – A PROTEST
  • They saw him slouch for'ard after breakfast, and, like a mendicant, with outstretched palm, accost a sailor. LOVE OF LIFE
  • It was something that a mendicant fakir might wear, a wandering beggar who told fortunes in the marketplace for a couple of crowns. LORD PRESTIMION
  • If there was no man in the house at the time these unwelcome visitors made their calls the female inmates were often greatly frightened, for the mendicants, if they were refused help, were not particular in the choice of their epithets.
  • This new form was provided by the mendicant orders, the friars - mobile missionaries whose international organization cut clean through diocesan and parochial boundaries.
  • In my way home through the Borough I met a venerable old man, not a mendicant, but thereabouts; a look-beggar, not a verbal petitionist; and in the coxcombry of taught charity I gave away the cake to him. Selected English Letters
  • Then one, two, three bronze figures dash down a steep ravine below the Convent walls, and plunge into the river – a shrill chorus of voices, growing momentarily more audible, is borne upon the wind – and in a few minutes the boat is beset by a shoal of mendicant monks vociferating with all their might Ana Christian ya Hawadji! A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • I thought of Dorothy Wordsworth who coined the phrase, ‘the rant and cant of the staled beggar’, as she complained of the mendicants she encountered in England's beautiful Lake District.
  • The mendicants enjoyed rapid and phenomenal success, attracting support not only from the crown and aristocracy, who frequently employed them as confessors and advisers, but also from urban patrons.
  • The mendicants called such a life of poverty and itinerant preaching the vita apostolica.
  • Whether we're aware of it or not, our homes are veritable wildlife parks, from the obvious predators such as rats and mice to the more discreet dust mite or the mendicant bluebottle.
  • After the poisonous fumes from the factory blurred his vision and life two decades ago, the tailor in Nawab Nagar became a mendicant.
  • They gave up, it is said, their desire for sons, for wealth, and for the worlds, and led the life of religious mendicants.
  • Those who renounce worldly goods and become sannyasi, wandering holy mendicants, as the boy claims to have, are greatly respected in Hindu society. Hindu holy man, 13, keeps the faith after parents abduct him
  • That's not to say you can't wander the world as a mendicant, or weigh 400 pounds and happy, or live alone and unlaid...but you won't COMPLAIN about it, will you? Archive 2008-03-01
  • When an old man tells him that there is a flaw in the wall as in all material things, the Sultan leaves his throne and becomes a traveling mendicant.
  • This was a very serious calamity to the Dominicans, for as they, like the Franciscans, belonged to what were known as the mendicant orders, and depended for their daily bread upon what they could beg, they were reduced to extremity. Las Casas 'The Apostle of the Indies'
  • As mendicants, they were accustomed to travel and not interested in personal gain.
  • Unlike the other mendicant orders founded in the thirteenth century, the Franciscans were blessed, and burdened, by having a profoundly charismatic founder.
  • Be this as it may, Bonaventure received in 1248 the "licentiate" which gave him the right to teach publicly as Magister regens, and he continued to lecture at the university with great success until 1256, when he was compelled to discontinue, owing to the then violent outburst of opposition to the Mendicant orders on the part of the secular professors at the university. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • The mendicant orders, of course, had always laid heavy emphasis on the spoken word in preaching and teaching.
  • So the monks that were members of this order were wandering, mendicant monks, using the Shakuhachi as a tool of enlightenment, as a tool of spiritual practice.
  • I am a poor mendicant friar," answered the wounded man; "a strange gentleman gave me a zechin to -- The Ghost-Seer; or the Apparitionist; and Sport of Destiny
  • An ancient tale tells of four mendicants who had chosen to abandon wealth, possessions and ambition in hope of benefiting the world.
  • Furthermore, the universities quickly became a locus of conflict between the regular clergy and the newer mendicant orders, especially the Dominicans and the Franciscans.
  • The appeal of wandering mendicant religious teachers like the Buddha lay partly in the contrast between their message and that of the Brahmans.
  • What I did not know until tonight, whilst reading Downloading Midnight by William Browning Spencer (a so-far excellent cyberpunk novelette) was that mendicant is a real word and not a made-up construct. Mendicants Can't Be Choosers
  • Eighty mendicants, we are told, sat down each day at her table, and blessed her name.
  • By the fifteenth century, the spirituality of the mendicant orders had thoroughly permeated Florentine society, not only through preaching, but also through private reading and meditation.
  • Others attribute authorship to the mendicants who provided spiritual counsel to women in the Liege diocese.
  • The dargah was popular among travelling fakirs (religious mendicants).
  • He showed us his favorite statue, that of an old philosopher turned mendicant, and I think I shall always associate him - in his shabby but clean old gray suit - with this particular piece of Buddhist statuary.
  • A hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, especially one who performs feats of magic or endurance.
  • Originally, the community of bhikus was a mendicant order which travelled extensively, other than during the rainy season, and required only limited necessities.
  • mendicant friars
  • jesse smith - a mendicant is a beggar. the buddhist may be a special case in that he does it silently and has a spiffy name for goodwill, but he is doing the same thing. Give It Up: The Best Gift is Nothing at All
  • Out on the sidewalk of Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz's main shopping street, the normal carnival of pedestrians, loiterers, court jesters, fools, and mendicant troubadours milled and mingled on a warm spring afternoon.
  • The mendicant orders, particularly the Dominicans, developed a supranational organization directed by provincial and general chapters and ultimately subject to the papacy.
  • Possibly it was sheer vanity and love of easily-won applause that drove him to act out the role of mendicant campus guru.
  • They all sink into the lowest class of religions mendicants, or retainers; or live among their friends as drones upon the land; while the manufacturing, trading, and commercial industry that provided them with the comforts, conveniences, and elegancies of life while they were in a higher grade of service is in its turn thrown out of employment; and the whole frame of society becomes, for a time, deranged by the local diminution in the demand _for the services of men and the produce of their industry_. Rambles and Recollections of an Indian Official
  • His role as a peripatetic mendicant allowed him a freedom to see every way of life and every corner of his civilization.
  • Their descendants are beggars from the cradle; but they beg with a good grace, and not with a curse or an insult like the European 'asker' when refused: moreover, the mendicant pest is not now over-prevalent. To the Gold Coast for Gold A Personal Narrative in Two Volumes.—Volume I
  • With a cloth over his mouth to prevent his breath from inhaling any airborne creature, he spent the following nine years as a wandering, barefoot mendicant.
  • Clerical control seems to have ensured coherent planning of subject-matter and compositions throughout the choir; indeed he finds the cathedral glass remarkably free of lay influence, or of trends favoured by the mendicant orders.
  • It may be true that there are among Buddhist mendicants, living on alms in dirt and penury, some who feel perfectly happy and do not envy any nabob.
  • Having already satisfied myself as to the several modes in which the four others attained felicity, I next set my mind at work to discover what enjoyments were peculiar to the old "straggler," as the people of the country would have termed the wandering mendicant and prophet. Twice Told Tales
  • In her study of mendicant sermons on the Magdalen, for example, Katherine Jansen finds no real difference between the various orders of friars, all of which were actively encouraging their lay congregations to confess.
  • The form is often associated with wandering mendicants, who sing at festivals and other auspicious occasions.
  • He also explains why the government closed down the friaries of the mendicant Dominicans and Franciscans--there was no money there because the friars were indeed living in poverty according to their rules--since the friars were preachers and teachers, urging the people to devotion and tradition. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The sight of a holy man, who seemed peaceful and content, finally inspired him to forsake palace, wife and family and become a wandering mendicant.
  • They are the patricians of the pavement - those few among the large group of urchins, alms-seekers and mendicants who have become part of the city's lifescape.
  • This was matched by a spiritual resurgence which we see very much in what was known as ‘the observant reform’ which was a reform of the mendicant orders like the Franciscans and the Dominicans.
  • The mendicants enjoyed rapid and phenomenal success, attracting support not only from the crown and aristocracy, who frequently employed them as confessors and advisers, but also from urban patrons.
  • The paduka or toe-knob sandals were usually worn by ascetics and mendicants.
  • Israelite and his dulcinea dejected in consequence of their disgrace, the poet absorbed in lofty meditation, the painter in schemes of revenge; while Jolter, rocked by the motion of the carriage, made himself amends for the want of rest he had sustained; and the mendicant, with his fair charge, were infected by the cloudy aspect of our youth, in whose disappointment each of them, for different reasons, bore no inconsiderable share. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • The mendicants often operated independently of local bishops, thereby becoming natural allies of the papacy, which in turn strengthened the hand of the orders in the university.
  • It was something that a mendicant fakir might wear, a wandering beggar who told fortunes in the marketplace for a couple of crowns. LORD PRESTIMION
  • Colonies also offered places in which to dump the increasing numbers of mendicants and criminals which thronged the cities of Europe.
  • However important the preached word was to the mendicants and the late medieval princes of the pulpit, it was still ancillary to the sacraments.
  • This decision was not unprecedented in India, and the samana movement - a counter-culture of homeless religious mendicants - was already well established by the Buddha's time.
  • Its topics included not only monks but canons, mendicants, and other groups.
  • Note 61: The Last Supper can be found in many iconographic programs of refectories, especially among later medieval mendicants. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Verastique's study is, at best, a broad text-book like survey of pre-Hispanic religion and culture and of the Christianization programs of mendicants and diocesan clergy.
  • That person would merely be known as a mendicant monk or bhikshu. Explanation of The Foundation for Good Qualities ��� Session Two: Further Points Concerning a Precious Human Rebirth, and Death and Impermanence
  • “almsman,” a mendicant monk who begs for his daily food; the feminine form is bhikkhuni: nun. Buddha
  • Somehow, it reminds one of The Beggars' Opera, in which professional mendicants hire crutches for a day's sponging, clobbering with a wooden limb anyone who gets in the way of them turning a pretty penny.
  • After all, Francis of Assisi and Dominic Guzman, not Innocent III, energized the mendicant movement that swept Europe in the thirteenth century.
  • Well, after it was put in the Mericy Cordial Mendicants’ Sitter-dag-Zindeh – Munaday Wakeschrift (for once they sullied their white kidloves, chewing cuds after their dinners of cheeckin and beggin, with their show us it here and their mind out of that and their when you’re quite finished with the reading matarial), even the snee that snowdon his hoaring hair had a skunner against him. Finnegans Wake
  • Expressions of ecstatic, unmediated emotional identification with a sacred figure were common in the art of the mendicant orders in general and in that of the Franciscans in particular.
  • If they were poor to begin with, they would scarcely be better off as mendicants wholly dependent on the charity of poor householders.
  • Another group of monasteries grew up around friars who although taking the triple vow of poverty, chastity, and obedience were mendicants who moved about the country using any house of their own order as a base.
  • The farmer’s dame lacked her usual share of intelligence, —perhaps also the self-applause, which she had felt while distributing the awmous (alms) in shape of a gowpen (handful) of oatmeal to the mendicant who brought the news. Chapter VI
  • With its mendicant and ascetic traditions, Buddhism has always been associated with non-violence, non-confrontation, and the inner or spiritual life.
  • The highest ideal in Jainism is the wandering, possessionless, and passionless ascetic, which is why jinas are always depicted as mendicants or yogis.
  • It was something that a mendicant fakir might wear, a wandering beggar who told fortunes in the marketplace for a couple of crowns. LORD PRESTIMION
  • You had the mendicants, sycophants, lick-spittles, toadies, fawners all with their tin cups, looking for a handout of taxpayers' funds.
  • Well there’s not a lot of point in bothering with that gloop which I can get from the soaked mendicant at Croydon station. Archive 2007-12-16
  • In the Middle Ages, a growing emphasis on the humanity and passion of Christ led to ascetical practices based on an imitation of the physical sufferings of Christ, in particular amongst the mendicant orders.
  • The dargah was popular among travelling fakirs (religious mendicants).
  • Following the foundation of two mendicant orders between 1205 and 1220, for a pope to name himself after either Francis or Dominic would have been to choose sides between two formidable organisations.
  • The Capuchins had first begun in 1525 when Matteo da Bascio, a lone member of a Franciscan friary in the Marches of Ancona, sought a return to a stricter observance of the mendicant life and an urban ministry to the poor and the sick.
  • The Northern Congressman retreated before this pertinacious mendicant into his committee-room, and his pesterer followed him closely, nothing abashed, even into the privileged cloisters of the committee. Short Story Classics (American) Vol. 2
  • Walking among them was a wandering mendicant, with the usual orange robe, wooden staff, and begging bowl, his shaven head painted with the lines of Shiva.
  • One is not to be called a mendicant for his having only renounced his possessions, or for his having only adopted a life of dependence on eleemosynary charity. The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa, Volume 3 Books 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • When the mendicant friars arose in the thirteenth century, there was a need for more portable books, to accompany the wandering preachers in their work.
  • (alms), in shape of a gowpen (handful) of oatmeal, to the mendicant who brought the news. Guy Mannering — Complete
  • Yes, yes, I know you, modest mendicant , you ask for all that one has.
  • However, being a poor mendicant, I couldn't afford to buy any and so I just sat there, overpowered by the smell of delicious pakoras, eating my bag of rice.
  • The report of Dr. London nine days after the surrender, to the effect that the friary was a beggarly place and all that it contained would not suffice to pay its debts, is very much to the credit of this mendicant house.
  • The farmer's dame lacked her usual share of intelligence, perhaps also the self-applause which she had felt while distributing the awmous (alms), in shape of a gowpen (handful) of oatmeal, to the mendicant who brought the news. Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01
  • We meet unassuming mendicants who may turn out to be rishis in disguise, pilgrims who may be exiled kings, or noblemen undertaking acts of penance.
  • On the occasion of a severe famine in Burgundy, she collected a band of her mendicant friends in a stable, and burned them all, saying that '_par pitié elle hauoit faict cela, considerant les peines que ces pauvres debuoient endurer en temps de si grande et tant estrange famine_.' Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
  • The shrine also attracts Indo-Muslim mystics called faqir, religious mendicants who observe lives of poverty, chastity, meditation and prayer.
  • Such tunics were deliberately patched and made ragged to indicate their wearers' status as religious mendicants.
  • All over town, Franciscan monks - the order of mendicant friars which is St. Francis' legacy - were praying.
  • These experiences brought home to him the reality of suffering and the nature of the human predicament, and turning his back on family life he renounced the world and became a religious mendicant.
  • Mark Liberman of Language Log has an enjoyably discursive post on the use and misuse of the word fakir, properly 'a Muslim religious mendicant' (it's from Arabic faqi:r 'poor') but with an extended meaning 'Hindu ascetic or religious mendicant, especially one who performs feats of magic or endurance' (in the words of the AHD definition); when I asked my wife what image she associated with the word, she said "a guy lying on a bed of nails," which fits the second sense exactly and I think would be the most common answer if you took a poll. FAKIR/FAKER
  • A fakir is an initiate in a mendicant Sufi order.
  • He wrote: "De liberâ auctoritate audiendi confessiones religiosis mendicantibus concessâ", first edition, date and place of publication not given; later, 1479; and Paris, 1507. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne

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