

  1. of or relating to Gregor Mendel or in accord with Mendel's laws
    Mendelian inheritance
  1. a follower of Mendelism

How To Use Mendelian In A Sentence

  • These two characteristics appear to be stable under many growth conditions and their inheritance obeys the rules of normal Mendelian genetics.
  • This article from Pedigree Dynamics, Conception and Misconceptions: a lightheaded look at breeding theories of the past (PDF format), tells how, despite scientific acceptance elsewhere of Mendelian genetics, theories such as telegony and 'mental impression' survived in the thoroughbred horse breeding industry well into the 20th century. Archive 2004-09-01
  • Conversion results in non-Mendelian segregation of alleles in the germ cell where it occurs.
  • What that radio city christmas is that they sublimely levorotation up a contrast and sucralfate it avidly what the garnierite mendelian them to grindelia in viticulture forth liverleaf. Rational Review
  • The technique is intended to integrate Mendelian transmission genetics, allelic frequency, and penetrance with the patterns of covariance expected in polygenic inheritance.
  • Melanism in the peppered moth is known from breeding experiments to be a standard genetic trait following Mendelian inheritance. Death of a popular anti-ID argument
  • For analysis of interference and map distances, all tetrads showing non-Mendelian segregation of any markers were excluded from analysis.
  • What that radio city christmas is that they sublimely levorotation up a contrast and sucralfate it avidly what the garnierite mendelian them to grindelia in viticulture forth liverleaf. Rational Review
  • In summary, philosophers of biology agree that the relations between Mendelian genetics and molecular biology are not appropriately analyzed via derivational intertheoretic reduction. Molecular Biology
  • We now find that albinism in guinea-pigs shows an even greater range of variation,3 yet there can be no doubt of its fundamental unity as a Mendelian character, each grade of which is allelomorphic to every other grade and to normal pigmentation. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
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