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How To Use Menace In A Sentence

  • The rage and the disappointment of the admiral were beyond all bounds; what to him was the value of the capture of Aisa, of the Turkish alcaid, of the ten thousand of the baser sort; nay, what to him was the value of "Africa" itself when once again like a mocking spirit Dragut had glided beyond the sea horizon to devastate, to plunder, and to slay once more, the scourge and the menace of Sea-Wolves of the Mediterranean
  • The cola report isn't formally tabled, but no heads will roll for this menace to public health.
  • A man who drives fast is a menace to other people.
  • A dozen or so greenish boulders lurked with angular menace below.
  • Police, park rangers and animal charities say that dangerous dogs are being used by gangs as status symbols and becoming a growing public menace. Times, Sunday Times
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  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • As the path dipped in a fold in the field the barn rose higher in his vision to dominate the skyline and the arrogance became menace. A TROUT IN THE MILK
  • His violent menaces had extorted his readmission into the church, against which Cyprian protests with much vehemence: ne pecuniae commissae sibi fraudator, ne stuprator virginum, ne matrimoniorum multorum depopulator et corruptor, ultra adhuc sponsam Christi incorruptam praesentiae suae dedecore, et impudica atque incesta contagione, violaret. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire — Volume 1
  • _Educated rascality is infinitely more of a menace to society than ignorant rascality_. Pushing to the Front
  • Even more important, they might fail to notice a menace or threat which if not guarded against might harm or even destroy them, their regime, and possibly even the state as well.
  • Damn it I must seem like I'm raving like a lunatic about the red menace.
  • Himalayan balsam's pink flowers are an attractive sight on the river's edge but it is a menace that needs to be stopped in its tracks.
  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • With the no-doubt unintended effect of suggesting that Wallace's menace and ensuing mayhem might, in hindsight, be laughed-off like a good-ol'-boy joke, "George Wallace: Settin 'the Woods on Fire" takes part of its title, and its misguided musical leitmotif from a wacky, Hank Williams party-hearty song. Film/Television: Lost Highways
  • Well, no one wants to have their brain rotted out, and we certainly don't want any menaces, that's for sure. Archive 2007-06-01
  • The very kernel of our identity is menaced by the prospect of genetic engineering of the human germline.
  • Encountering the art of Roxy Paine, we always expect to be dazzled by the technical intricacy and detail of the work, while being seduced by it's beauty to closely approach despite a hint of menace. Mark Wiener and Linda DiGusta: Magic Mushrooms and a Tree of Steel -- Roxy Paine @ James Cohan Gallery
  • If the result bears little musical resemblance to the original, it does capture the same hedonistic menace.
  • To both roles he brings a studied, low-voltage menace that electrifies the storyline. Times, Sunday Times
  • To protect you all from the menace of information underload, here's my latest piece for the Guardian. Shameless Self Promotion
  • He said: ‘Strictly, to knock on doors and demand with menaces is blackmail.’
  • And a few bright shopkeepers had actually sussed that more people actually went into their shops to look, and then maybe buy, if they weren't being menaced under duress to do so.
  • This is a much more predictable menace, however, at least to those in major league baseball.
  • And his response, of course, contained the requisite doses of hard-man menace necessary to maintain his image as an intimidator.
  • But a menace we have until now seen only from a distance has stepped right up to face us.
  • In a statement, they said, They react in fury and menace to our intention to show the film and have boasted that their threats of aggressive demonstrations prevented its previous showing in the Mother of Parliaments. Archive 2009-02-01
  • He was serious, too, claiming that society must distinguish between known menaces like heroin and cocaine, and alleged performance enhancers.
  • Wherefore do thou write him a letter and chide him angrily and spare him no manner of reproof, but threaten him with dreadful threats and menace him with death and say to him, ‘Whence hast thou knowledge of me, that thou durst write me, O dog of a merchant, O thou who trudgest far and wide all thy days in wilds and wolds for the sake of gaining a dirham or a dinar? The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • You are not only fratricidal, but matricidal, ecocidal and suicidal, dangerously in denial, certifiable, a maniacal, omnicidal menace not only to yourself and other animals, but all of the life on the planet. You Are What You Eat
  • Mr O'Donoghue insisted that just a handful of vagrants were causing trouble for people and that he was not insisting that all were creating a menace in the boom city.
  • As the evening comes on, an incomprehensible feeling of disquietude seizes me, just as if night concealed some terrible menace toward me.
  • Firstly, no child, however level-headed and mature, is safe from the menace of drugs.
  • Being alone in the office with her boss evoked the scene with the father and the sense of enigmatic, inexplicable menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • ; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: With all their brow-beating and blood-thrust, how different are these extremist Christians and their demands for total submission than the "Cripps" and "Bloods" who are considered menaces to society? Why Is It Christians Need So Gawd Damn Much Saving?
  • Matt, if you want higher inflation just pretend this is 1979 and you live in a time before the invention of the three key weapons we now use the combat the evil inflationary menace: substitution, weighting, and hedonics. Matthew Yglesias » (Part of) The Case for Higher Inflation
  • Then potential menace turned to pure joy as two more orcas joined the first and together they porpoised toward the setting sun.
  • The State Department, however, was meeting the Red menace with “basic timidity,” he complained to a friend, and Dean Acheson, who became its secretary in 1949, was a “pantywaist,” he told Jones. Wild Bill Donovan
  • But the iguanas in dinosaur costumes, super-sized dimetrodons, superimposed supposed menaces, don't cut it.
  • They became a menace after most people were blinded in a meteor shower. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel that it is not necessary for me to go further to convince any one of my readers that the lustfulness of the priestcraft is a menace to the chastity of womankind, for if this nun has told the truth, and which I know from past experiences is true, and which I also know is a recital that could be intensified ten thousand times over, if the whole truth could be told, but which cannot be told in this volume, as I have too much respect for my readers to recite what I have seen with my own eyes and what I have had repeated to me by broken-hearted "sisters" who have come to me with tears in their eyes and with sighs in their throats to tell me of their miseries. Thirty Years In Hell Or, From Darkness to Light
  • The selected candidate will be responsible for CREEPS Inc. corporate messaging and branding to advance sales of our cheap to manufacture, high profit margin line of big name consumable products such as ANXIETY, FEAR and TOTAL IGNORANCE as CREEPS continues its decades of success to crush and destroy the capacity of ailing competitors selling OPTIMISM built using expensive High Hopes processes based on inclusive collaborative methods that prop up the menace of human decency and shared values. Progressive Bloggers
  • Children are the most vulnerable to this menace, but their health will not even be considered in this penny-pinching exercise.
  • They also are seen as clannish and as a criminal menace.
  • January 28th, 2009 at 1: 26 pm the danger the northern menace poses to the US has lessened now that the looney is back down to 83 cents. Matthew Yglesias » My Long-Awaited Revenge
  • Y'know, after watching Wednesday's RNC festivities, I'm rather annoyed with myself that I titled dismayingly chimpy Dubya notwithstanding, at least Fred Thompson can sometime muster up the ornery menace of an aging silverback. Ghost in the Machine
  • You could smell him in the stalls - and the stench was of malice, menace and danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.
  • If the person making the demand has in fact a claim of right to the money, then it does not constitute the offence of demanding money with menaces because the circumstances do not amount to stealing.
  • This is a much more predictable menace, however, at least to those in major league baseball.
  • It's the only way to deal with the menace of drug dealing.
  • Patriotism, hounded on by Prussian Terror, by Preternatural Suspicion, roars tumultuous round the Salle de Manege, all day; insults many leading Deputies, of the absolvent Right-side; nay chases them, collars them with loud menace: Deputy Vaublanc, and others of the like, are glad to take refuge in Guardhouses, and escape by the back window. The French Revolution
  • Another man, grossly overweight and wearing thin, green, tie-dyed trousers with a black and red striped mohair Dennis the Menace jumper. BEHINDLINGS
  • In the 14 years since the Montreal Protocol banned most ozone depleters, a catastrophic global menace has begun to recede.
  • Influenced by anxiety about the future, every faction across the political spectrum found something to feel menaced by.
  • Once thought to be a terrible menace, some experts now advise to ignore these bulges which appear in the stems of all types of citrus trees.
  • Throughout the book there is a pervading sense of menace.
  • No state is better acquainted with the porcine menace than Texas, where more than 2 million rampaging hogs cost landowners some $52 million in damages annually, and where lawmakers recently debated a bill that would have allowed private hunters to gun down pigs from the air. The Boar War
  • Although the sight of road-ragin 'celebrities -- particularly if they're young and terribly thin and have been in rehab or married to failed rappers -- might still be reason for the heart to beat faster, a new road menace has quietly arisen. Sunday Reading
  • The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
  • He sometimes has the hip-shake, but never that lovely, slinky, catlike sexual menace we see here, that seductive creep.
  • Yet in his dark glasses and overcoat he exuded menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the wake of a spate of racist attacks, Lewis asks if the menace of racism simmers under the surface of the city?
  • But his movement was a constant menace to Leeds. The Sun
  • I wanted to be sure that there had been no false menaces concerning that letter. THE MARSHAL AND THE MURDERER
  • Jensen Ackles brings a suitable cocky menace to the title villain, but he too sounds a bit like a Will Friedle, who played a protege of the elder Bruce Wayne in the futuristic Batman Beyond. Scott Mendelson: Blu Ray Review: Batman: Under the Hood (2010)
  • Bovell and his band conjured up an atmosphere of potent menace and seething sensuality.
  • But underneath the play is the brooding menace of the occupying forces who could rip people's lives apart with the threat of concentration camps or postings to the Russian front.
  • But navigation devices have increased the menace. The Sun
  • That low beam is a menace! I keep hitting my head on it.
  • The chestnut blight fungus and a bacterial disease menace chestnut and oak. Times, Sunday Times
  • Madame Waddington opened the Ouvroir Holophane on the 15th of August, her first object being to give employment and so countercheck the double menace of starvation and haunted idleness for at least fifty poor women: teachers, music-mistresses, seamstresses, lace makers, women of all ages and conditions abruptly thrown out of work. The Living Present
  • For a number of centuries after the decline of the Roman Empire, the coast was menaced by Saracen pirates, and the local population took refuge in the inaccessible mountain hinterland.
  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • The first seven issues kept setting up massive, earth-shattering menaces, only to have them just sort of go “pfft.” Justice League of America #14 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • Menace has always stalked his fiction. Times, Sunday Times
  • I promise you the effects he writes of succeed unhappily; as of unnaturalness between the child and the parent; death, dearth, dissolutions of ancient amities; divisions in state; menaces and maledictions against king and nobles; needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of cohorts, nuptial breaches, and I know not what. Act I. Scene II. King Lear
  • An increasingly vocal group of critics sees a deep menace, for example, in the Internet.
  • Tuami and his people have escaped from the perceived menace of Neanderthal man, whose humanity they do not recognise.
  • His concentration wavered, yet he still closed with sufficient menace to suggest he may recapture his pomp. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bedecked in chains and leather studded collars, their ears hacked down to nubs, these dogs served as accoutrements in the young locals' tireless cultivation of their personal menace.
  • The European states retained a latent capability to menace Britain's own security.
  • United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
  • The council claims skateboarders are a menace to pedestrians and cause damage running in to tens of thousands of pounds.
  • She tries to sense the household imp, that unseen menace, but it must be scared by the commotion of guests. CONFESSIONS OF AN UGLY STEPSISTER
  • The presence of an "invulnerable" nation among nations that are "vulnerable" means inevitable aggression and war, a perpetual menace to civilisation and humanity. Essays in War-Time Further Studies in the Task of Social Hygiene
  • United looked woefully short of menace in attack.
  • ‘To not give up,’ Isabel added quietly, a certain menace and finality somewhere in her voice.
  • The title personalities of the lead character gave actor James Nesbitt plenty of fun, and there was a creeping menace to events hinting at darker deeds to come. The world does not owe you a living
  • Then potential menace turned to pure joy as two more orcas joined the first and together they porpoised toward the setting sun.
  • The setting for detective stories was crucial to the atmosphere of menace and suspense, she said. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pei-Shih is particularly interested in the derealisation of menace and believes that this condition shows both the ignorance and carelessness with which first world countries treat the rest of the world. Art Knowledge News
  • Zoo chiefs threw in the rusty old banger to highlight the menace of pollution to animals in the wild. The Sun
  • On air, Colbert has chided the pope as an "ecu-menace" for his outreach to other faiths, referred to non-Catholics as "heathens and the excommunicated" and calls those who believe in evolution "monkey men. The Quiet Faith Behind Colbert's Right-Wing Funnyman
  • This youth and his family are well known for stealing cars and are nothing but a menace to the community.
  • One of the menaces, a favourite one according to Mr. Rider Haggard, was that those who did not attend should be made "biltong" of when the country was given back. South Africa and the Transvaal War, Vol. 1 (of 6) From the Foundation of Cape Colony to the Boer Ultimatum of 9th Oct. 1899
  • If you were being menaced by a bug-eyed monster but lacked a phaser or psionic powers, your last hope might be a shuttle-craft to get you off-world.
  • So there I was, behind bars, only 21 but already a dangerous criminal, and a menace to society, according to papers and television.
  • Still, his steely blue eyes did have a certain menace about them.
  • It came screeching out of the darkness, and not even the thunder could drown the scream of its menace.
  • Spam has become such a menace to the Internet that the Federal Trade Commission should take swift steps to stanch the flow of bulk e-mail, three consumer groups said Wednesday.
  • The bunkers are so well placed and pose real menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • he menaced the bank manager with a stick
  • He believes that anxiety has not concrete object, for its object is the fontal menace, which is " nihility ", which is the religion anxiety, which comes from"original sin".
  • His taking us into an illegal war stoked the very menace he warns about. The Sun
  • That man's a menace to society . He should be locked away.
  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • A few months later that system collapsed, to the immense benefit of everyone living under or menaced by it.
  • Who was to know anything of this strange new menace of the twentieth century — China, old China, rejuvenescent, fruitful, and militant! THE UNPARALLELED INVASION
  • Though "Eli" is new territory for the Hughes brothers — still best known for their debut film, "Menace II Society" — they took the same approach to the violence in that 1993 film as they did in their latest. Denzel Washington Trained With Bruce Lee’s Disciple For ‘The Book Of Eli’ Fight Scenes » MTV Movies Blog
  • The inquisitor may cross-question, but he will not inflict a fine; the threatener may hurl his menaces, but he will do no mischief — that is why they take it all so easily. Memorabilia
  • Hugo Weaving, playing a baddy, injects way much menace as he spits out “Mister Anderson.” Cheeseburger Gothic » A few quiet ales with the crew… and a special guest from America.
  • Real menace at times with powerful bursts. The Sun
  • They suffered, with unapproving acquiescence, solicitations, which they had in no shape desired, to an unjust and usurping power, whom they had never provoked, and whose hostile menaces they did not dread. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12)
  • Et il n'y a ni eu ni menaces, ni allêchement qui ayent sceu esbranler les nobles et libres coeurs besançonnais, pour quicter aucune chose de leurs libertez, quelques couleurs de grandeur et de richesses qu'on leur ayt mis audevant pour se laisser annexer au comté de Bourgogne, et avoir un parlément, et se mettre auxpieds ce qu'il ont aux mains. Holidays in Eastern France
  • Thousands of battle Droids get ready to march out under the cover of their large landing ships, to invade the planet Naboo in this scene from 'Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.'
  • He knew the arguments which would be deployed, the alternating cajolery and menace. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • The communists remain a potential menace to the stability of the government.
  • In the lakes of the midlands, the jet-skier is the menace of the local fishermen and boaters.
  • Hit the bar with a thunderous header on a raid forward and looked a menace on the overlap with his pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, McAlister and Pearson raised the same issue with Mr. Loughnan a second time, this time when all three were en poste in East Gippsland, and with some menace. Ugly Horsewhipping Episode in East Gippsland
  • 'Phillis' (Sonnet xi.), warns lovers of the ruin that menaces all who A Life of William Shakespeare with portraits and facsimiles
  • The scanty light glozed them with the glory of day, and, forgetful of pain, and thirst, and hunger, and of the menace of death, they sank upon the floor and cried, keeping fast hold of each other the while. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Actors, directors and producers gathered in the city the other day to check this menace.
  • There was a hint of menace in his voice that made him uneasy.
  • The fire of course revives the torpid scorpion, which then menaces Margaret but is eventually subdued when they manage to throw it into a pot of boiling water.
  • This was at the height of the submarine menace, when men were losing their lives daily to bring in supplies, and this maldistribution just didn't seem right.
  • His accent is a weird mixture of Robert De Niro and Jimmy Durante, radiating guignol menace and barbaric handsomeness, especially when called upon to make an exhibition of himself as the grotesque civic celebrity he has become.
  • Hurricane Hugo menaced the US coast for a week.
  • You could smell him in the stalls - and the stench was of malice, menace and danger. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is this a tent, a house or a public menace? Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘People who drink and drive are a menace to themselves and other road users,’ Mr Diment said.
  • The people are being menaced by the threat of war.
  • The bunkers are so well placed and pose real menace. Times, Sunday Times
  • He exudes an air of shyness, mystery and slight menace - not to be confused, say colleagues, with sophistication.
  • Upon entering her sister's front yard Kathy is surprised to find Josh and herself being menaced by two strange dogs whose behavior seems highly territorial yet inappropriately so.
  • Real menace at times with powerful bursts. The Sun
  • The idea that raw-milk cheese poses a public-health menace in the same category as cigarettes borders on the absurd.
  • There must be consistent action again the menace, only then will a jail term deter others. Analysis
  • They became a menace after most people were blinded in a meteor shower. Times, Sunday Times
  • New lad this, brawny enough but young and without that air of menace as hung about the chucker-out as used to be here. City of Glory
  • It is hardly surprising that our historical hackles rise when we see the phantom menace taking shape once more. Times, Sunday Times
  • Posey was a menace all night, recording two sacks and three quarterback hurries.
  • He had felt the menace, known that it existed, and the slogan ringing always in his ears, the Whispered "Death to the Gray Seal" had taken on a deeper significance, had brought him a more acute and imminent sense of peril than ever before; but it was only last night, for the first time, that he had equally _felt_ that he had had any concrete knowledge of, or contact with this new antagonist. The Further Adventures of Jimmie Dale
  • Perhaps “Now the land is once again menaced by the shadow of fear.” Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » (Updated) These six openings usually fail
  • Proverbially wily, coyotes are also a little demonic, and their dogginess only adds to the sense of lurking menace.
  • The menace of uninsured drivers also warrants a new law, according to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Huge white paw prints on the ground do not betoken the menace that might be expected.
  • As Mr. Hermes puts it: "Except for the Japanese break-dancers, the botanically advanced weed, the Republican mayor, the iPods, the pocket-sized Flip video cameras, the openly gay kids, and the relative lack of menace, it seems not unlike the old days" in present-day New York. New York Rock City
  • This is music of longing, menace, and rue, often spiced with mordant or grisly humor.
  • They also want to enjoy their prosperity without fear of robbery, violence and the menace of drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • He uses interiors and outdoor locations which are believably drab yet shot through with unidentifiable menace.
  • Cumulatively, however, the proliferation of obscurantist bunkum and the reaction against reason are a menace to civilisation.
  • The erstwhile ‘Goodbye Mosquito’ programme, which depended heavily on chemical sprays and fogging to tackle the menace, had turned out to be a fiasco.
  • Their physicality seems further diminished by the glass vitrines within which they dangle, boxes that lend them a disturbingly contradictory sense of hapless menace.
  • Without the crutch of music, self-doubt menaced him, and he was a reluctant public communicator.
  • He was among the worst sledgers during the first phase of his career, and till the final legs of the captaincy, allowed his men to indulge in this menace.
  • McDonagh menaced him into believing he was in danger of being attacked.
  • He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.
  • There is already the offence of blackmail, which penalizes the making of unwarranted demands with menaces, and this should be the starting-point.
  • Multi-dimensional "Wrongness of Space" anomaly attacks our system, alien menaces and mad scientists pop out of every wrinkle of time and space, flying around (some will say chaotically) in droves, driving the serial to its bang-up finish - incomparable Edmond Hamilton destroying the planets Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus with an atomic disintegrator ray in his "Armageddon in Space". Ultra-Rare Serials from "Fantasy Magazine"
  • But then, this is nirvana for these gamers, whose eyes gleam with menace as they extinguish yet another virtual life.
  • Zoo chiefs threw in the rusty old banger to highlight the menace of pollution to animals in the wild. The Sun
  • The buzz of menace the incident initially transmits, though, sounds a keynote.
  • Whether slitting an employee's throat with a box cutter or taking out what's left of the Mexican drug cartel with a poisoned bottle of tequila, Gus was always a portrait of menace. Breaking Bad Postmortem: Giancarlo Esposito Reacts to Season 4's Explosive Finale
  • The comparison might be very useful for likening a certain government to a Hitlerian menace.
  • Underage drunken youths are a menace to the serenity of The Green, Castledermot.
  • Now with his daft prison ideas he is worse than a menace. The Sun
  • Sentencing him to six years, he told him: ‘This kind of crime is a plague and people like you are a complete menace.’
  • There is no reason why a gifted aircraft designer should also be a capable pilot. In the same way, a brilliant pilot can be a menace behind the wheel of a car.
  • The Tower on the Hill, that is the meaning of the word "Dunster," and the name fittingly describes it; for it dominates many miles of beautiful and fertile country, and stands feudally above the village, perceptible from every angle of the street, at once a guardian and a menace. Lynton and Lynmouth A Pageant of Cliff & Moorland
  • Yes, I was a criminal, a drunk, a drug dealer, an addict and a menace to society.
  • A deep, squelching beat suffused with vibes and marimba stutters behind her, balancing the simple innocence of her words with skin-prickling menace.
  • As long as populations are menaced by banditry, civil war, guerrilla campaigns, and counter-insurgency by beleaguered governments, they cannot be secure.
  • It's those damned cyclists speeding up behind without warning, scaring the living daylights out of you as they whizz past, that are the menaces.
  • Famous for such musical showpieces as the Soldier's Chorus and the sparkling Jewel Song, its Romantic indulgence in magic and menace, sex and religion still have a compelling charm.
  • His taking us into an illegal war stoked the very menace he warns about. The Sun
  • He is a whiner, a whinger, his air of menace punctured by the feeling that he is moderately preposterous. Times, Sunday Times
  • While rats may not seem like a huge menace, they have a terrible effect on neighborhood morale and the quality of everyday life.
  • But the plot is a thin compilation of Brother Cadfael and Inspector Morse, with a pinch of alien menace not very satisfactorily explained. August Books 1) To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee
  • Yet the sense of space, of distance, the remoteness of the places through which one travelled never contained a hint of menace.
  • In France & Flanders, our thinly guarded, inadequately munitioned lines, were quite incapable of successfully resisting the menaced German “push,” every paper brought news of further mis-management and ill-success, every post news of some friend or relation who had been killed. The Complete Stories
  • According to SELF contributor Maryn McKenna, author of Superbug: The Fatal Menace of MRSA, we should at the very least be cautious and aware.
  • She is a vivacious American actress who pulls off portraying anything from menaces to twaddlers, and whose versatility and range have earned her a solid reputation in a business that otherwise focuses on exteriors and beauty in female performers.
  • Kay said this habitat would be ‘menaced’ by the construction of a multi-lane coastal road and large-scale opencast pits.
  • Her work, A4 size drawings in red sumi ink, often inspired by news stories or from her own life, is described as ‘quirky with humour’ rooted in a sense of menace’.
  • They are burglars, dealers, vandals, thugs, muggers, arsonists, a menace to society.
  • The menace of uninsured drivers also warrants a new law, according to you. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although men provide more menace to the basis of a society, it is women who are instructed in how to behave.
  • They also want to enjoy their prosperity without fear of robbery, violence and the menace of drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • She's being menaced by her sister's latest boyfriend.
  • Hit the bar with a thunderous header on a raid forward and looked a menace on the overlap with his pace. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was time for Britain to acquire submersibles and find out just how much of a menace they might be.
  • Or somebody's told them something,' said Wolters, no vaudeville menace but quiet, with weight. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Is this a tent, a house or a public menace? Times, Sunday Times
  • The road safety minister, Mike Penning, said: Britain has some of the safest roads in the world but we know how important it is to tackle the menace of drug-driving. Drug-driving law could be toughened
  • Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.
  • The rough bare boards of the walls, naked but for one old picture of a horse cut from a magazine, carefully pasted upside down, and probably designed chiefly to cover some defective spot that was admitting too much coldness; the crazy table shaking with every gust and causing a tiny kerosene lamp to flare up and menace the dim religious darkness by depositing even more lamp-black than was its wont on its already negrine globe; the meagre board of dark bread, "oleo," and molasses; the weird minstrelsy of the hurricane -- the whole a harmony of poverty and war. Labrador Days Tales of the Sea Toilers
  • It is alleged that at various addresses - including a McDonald's restaurant in the city's Argyle Street - he "menaced" the man by sending a text claiming to be Miss Shah's abductors and making threats to kill Mr Shah and his wife unless he followed instructions. The Daily Record - Home
  • Some will argue that this is to develop an atmosphere of doom-laden menace - the gathering thunder, both political and spiritual, looming on the horizon.
  • His intellect, and the craft thereof, favored the slow and cautious meeting with the thing that menaced and which he could not see. All Gold Canon

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