

[ US /ˈmɛmɝəbɫi/ ]
[ UK /mˈɛməɹəbli/ ]
  1. in a memorable manner
    Horowitz could play Chopin memorably

How To Use memorably In A Sentence

  • At the medical-pharmaceutical-political blog Black Triangle this entry, Incurable tyrants, mentions an interesting historical diagnosis: that Adolf Hitler suffered from the long-term effects of encephalitis lethargica (aka 'sleepy sickness' or von Economo's encephalitis), whose delayed sequel was a severe syndrome of parkinsonism, memorably featured in the Oliver Sacks book and film Awakenings. Archive 2004-07-01
  • But above all, and most memorably, he ran down the pitch and just belted the length ball back over the bowler's head.
  • Perhaps our best birder poet, he has written memorably about chickadees, towhees, titmice, owls, great blue herons, pelicans, kingfishers, and many others, always effacing himself before the glory of the thing seen.
  • The word baffled the aging establishment at the BBC, with one executive memorably demanding to know about the 'Go On Show'. Comic Book Urban Legends Revealed #156 | Comics Should Be Good! @ Comic Book Resources
  • David Trimble memorably refused to shake Adams's hand, saying the handshake originated from two adversaries wanting to show each other they were not carrying weapons.
  • Massive uncertainties arise because, as Stephen Jay Gould once memorably put it, classifying is not a “glorified form of filing,” but a proposal about the nature of reality itself. The Constant Gardener
  • I've often wondered if you, Frank Bruni, Kit Seeyle and others, (I won't even mention Judy Miller, whom you so memorably shivved once it was safe to do so) who did so much to inaugurate and perpetuate the glorious Bush years, gather to exult in your accomplishment. Maureen Dowd Devotes Whole Column To Edwards' Hair
  • Ali withstood similarly appalling punishment in his three wars with Frazier, and most memorably during his immortal Rumble in the Jungle with George Foreman.
  • Similarly bold plans have misfired elsewhere, most memorably with the U.S. firm Iridium, whose scheme to provide global satellite phone coverage failed spectacularly.
  • Sure, what can go wrong when we allow hundreds of thousands of people who have been, as Mark Steyn memorably described, "marinated" in a "sick death cult," who voted for Hamas, and 55% of whom support suicide bombings live here and at the American taxpayers 'expense: On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
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