- the sensory structures of the inner ear including the labyrinthine receptors and the cochlea; contained within the bony labyrinth
How To Use membranous labyrinth In A Sentence
- Within each semicircular canal of the bony labyrinth is a semicircular canal of the membranous labyrinth.
- The last part contains the portion of the membranous labyrinth that is involved in hearing perception.
- The cavity of this membranous labyrinth is filled with a fluid, the endolymph; and within the utriculus, sacculus and lagena are masses of inorganic matter called the otoliths. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
- If the membranous labyrinth ruptures, the endolymph mixes with another inner ear fluid called perilymph.