How To Use Membership In A Sentence

  • They renewed their membership
  • Now, its membership has soared to more than 200, with monthly meetings in a north-west hospital.
  • As for you, the membership, many of you have offered an ear to listen, time to reflect, and many hours of friendship and support.
  • Mar–Oct; £8.50 per person per night plus £3 YHA membership fee per person per night or £14.35 per year; 07747 174293If it weren't for the fact that Latin is a long-dead language, you could be forgiven for thinking that the phrase multum in parvo much in little was coined specifically with The Buzzards in mind. The 10 best secluded campsites
  • This enables more active forms of mobilization, with many memberships engaged in various forms of collective action, often for the first times in their history.
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  • So far we can answer this question only for membership on the review and appeals board. MANAGEMENT: task, responsibilities, practices
  • One club rejected her application for membership on the grounds that she was too famous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Owing to the loss of the church records for some years after 1698, Mr. Burleigh is unable to trace when this James Cook left Ednam to “better himself,” but he would take with him a “testificate of church membership” which might possibly, but not probably, still exist. The Life of Captain James Cook
  • $10 for premium membership in usafurniture. org only for DP member. not only get quality link from PR3, but you can get buyers, we have top 3 in keyword "usa furniture". just one time fee, you will be in our USA furniture directory. Digital Point Forums
  • Tables of lexicographers and of the group memberships of lexicographers are created and maintained by the database administrator.
  • Many cinema groups offer membership schemes with priority booking. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Nomads played at the club on Thursday and proved very popular with the membership.
  • Could be used for light - weight Super - Precision business card printing and membership card.
  • The society has a large membership.
  • His reapplication for membership of the Party has stretched on for seven years.
  • As at the last election, one percent of voters had active party membership, with the biggest age bracket listed as those over 60.
  • Detectives who searched his home found a holdall, items snatched from the post office, a police scanner and his bingo membership card.
  • The very idea of a “man of God” and a “preacher” making six figures, driving luxury cars and living in gated communities, with expense accounts, country club memberships and obese bodies is laughable and obscene. Think Progress » Hatch Warns Tea Party Activists: Work With The GOP…Or Else
  • The membership of the party have no say over the policy and direction of the party.
  • With an inclusive membership it has provided a forum for the exchange of views on a broad range of issues.
  • She found that the membership list with which Hilary Roberts had supplied her was a not entirely accurate document.
  • Of critical importance, Du Bois wrote, is his financial success, his efforts to increase church membership, and his personal popularity. American Grace
  • The working class is under-represented in membership, and the professional middle class is over-represented.
  • Moreover, candidacy for technical membership has to be proposed and endorsed by council members.
  • Getty Images The membership of Tom Coburn R., Okla. in the group prompted a skirmish with antitax activists. Senate 'Gang' Hashes Out Deficit Plan
  • Thus sign; the membership demand curve is negatively sloped for and positively sloped for, as shown in Fig. 1.
  • The apparent rejection of collective action has lead to trade union membership remaining low.
  • He then quitted the Congress membership, finding that sainthood is tarnished by too close contact with politicians. Changing India
  • A less rigid membership and more open selections will, of course, loosen party affiliation as well as broaden it. Times, Sunday Times
  • This hideously overworked cliché alone is enough is enough to bar you from membership of the young-old club.
  • You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership.
  • The dilemma for most eurosceptics who oppose British integration into a EU superstate — that political chimaera which is finally being brought into being by the EU constitutional treaty — has always been the assumption that EU membership is a take-it-or-leave-it deal. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • According to the Pechanga constitution, full membership requires proof of lineal descent from an original Pechanga member and a family line contained in the official enrolment book.
  • Her friendship with the fashion glitterati would be endangered by Ronan's cowboy sense of style, his membership at the golf club threatened by her wild and wanton ways.
  • This is no mean achievement as it means achieving Guild membership consistently for five successive years.
  • The shire's existing bowling club has become too expensive to maintain, especially with the price of labour and of materials such as fertiliser and weedicides constantly rising thereby putting more burden on a declining membership.
  • The bishop, as spiritual elder, officiates at baptisms, weddings, communions, funerals, ordinations, and membership meetings.
  • Accepting the badge of a Little Octoberist, a title honoring the October 1917 revolution led by Lenin, was the first rite of passage for every Soviet citizen, to be followed by membership in the Young Pioneers, the Communist Youth League and finally, for some, the Communist Party itself. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Baptism implies full membership of the Church and must never be separated from that understanding.
  • Especially good right now because half-price membership is available if you join before August. The Sun
  • In other words, all of our members must fulfill our membership requirements before they can apply for membership.
  • A key provision in the Act criminalized knowing membership in an organization that advocated the forcible overthrow of the government, and imposed a penalty of up to twenty years of imprisonment.
  • Millett J. concluded that the treaty was a membership agreement, not one forming an agency relationship.
  • This phase of religious intensification began in the late 1950s and early 1960s when church membership began to grow across all denominations.
  • Cameron and Hague both continue to shilly-shally on this topic which makes many suspect that they will seek to avoid the issue if they can, knowing that a vote then to reject the Treaty would open up the whole issue of our membership of the EU at a stroke. Archive 2008-03-02
  • Paying a fee doesn't automatically qualify you for membership.
  • hundreds of thousands of wisconsin union membership residents would be happy to donate. where would you like the checks sent? bitterweed wrote: Reuters: Press Release
  • Membership of East Berlin's Akademie depended on government approval more than on artistic merit.
  • To improve the real-time performance for visual navigation of the mobile robot, a parallel color image segmentation algorithm using peer group filter(PGF) and fuzzy membership is studied.
  • You should carry your membership card with you at all times.
  • 11, Liberal Party 10 note: for certain purposes, the parliament divides itself into two chambers and elects one-fourth of its membership in the Lagting and three-forths of its membership in the Odelsting The 2007 CIA World Factbook
  • She refers to a clear recollection of documentation relating to her annual membership renewal frequently being late in completion.
  • Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association?
  • You are asked to list recreational interests and activities, membership of clubs and societies.
  • We did do the maths and we both reckoned we were going to lose quite a lot just because of the way the membership renewal works. Times, Sunday Times
  • But unlike their counterparts at Nissan and Toyota, none enjoys the full benefits of trade union membership.
  • Her mum Joy, from Bramley, said Carolynne's membership of the team's dance troupe did cause some family ructions.
  • A compromise was reached whereby Lapsley would commit himself not to publicly associate with the ANC, while he would not have to "foreswear" his ANC membership. Contents
  • It is the first time that membership of a far-right group has been outlawed. Times, Sunday Times
  • The current position with both of the bowls clubs is the membership is in decline.
  • Prompt response to requests would help to ease the pressure as would a concerted effort being made to increase membership.
  • Grant recipients may be Rotarians, although membership in a Rotary club is not re - quired to apply.
  • His honorary club membership runs out next spring. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could result in a lifetime membership of misery and droopy mammaries.
  • If Mr Howard is unopposed, he will immediately become leader without having to put himself before the party membership.
  • Only 45 % said they felt that their country had benefited from membership.
  • However, membership drives had built up the numbers and a stronger voice was available for dealings with the government on matters such as the imposition of sales tax (1933), the customs charge of primage (1935) and censorship. Book & Print in New Zealand: A Guide to Print Culture in New Zealand
  • They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
  • GATINEAU, QC, Nov. 26/CNW Telbec/- Striking workers from the Museum of Civilization and War Museum voted overwhelmingly to reject a final offer from the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation this evening, at a membership meeting in Gatineau. Undefined
  • International SOS members should call the number on their membership cards for assistance.
  • Entry to the show is free to members on production of their membership cards.
  • The church has doubled its membership in the last five years.
  • In 1939, membership was broadened to include physicians with an interest in tuberculosis who did not work in sanatoria, and the name was changed to American Trudeau Society.
  • Many investors and companies view Ireland as the gateway to the market of 370 million people, which comprises the membership of the European Union.
  • Membership of a group may provide an individual with a sense of belonging.
  • Visits to Amnesty's US website reportedly increased sixfold, donations threefold and the rate of new memberships twofold.
  • Please, once again, remind all your present members to renew membership and try to enrol as many new members as possible.
  • A person's membership may be revoked for cause, other than nonpayment of dues, by a two-thirds vote by ballot of the Board of Directors.
  • Britain has also persuaded our partners to welcome new countries who apply for Community membership.
  • The membership handily voted it down, but the very fact that the union bureaucracy has introduced the proposal signifies that it is laying the groundwork for an outright surrender…
  • But unlike their counterparts at Nissan and Toyota, none enjoys the full benefits of trade union membership.
  • It was disappointing to read two recent articles: ‘Summer events threatened by dearth of helpers’ and ‘Guild disbands as membership falls’.
  • But that membership entitles cardholders to special benefits, one of which was admission to the unveiling of a new special-edition Maserati Quattroporte designed with the Centurion theme. MotorAuthority - Latest News
  • Bushmen also maintain an informal dining club, membership of which he enjoyed for the rest of his life. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is because many recent recognition agreements were at companies that had previously derecognised the union, but where membership remained at relatively high levels.
  • You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership.
  • It contained a registration card for the Republican party and a membership card to the National Rifle Association.
  • You are asked to list recreational interests and activities, membership of clubs and societies.
  • They were chucked out of the club for failing to pay the membership dues.
  • Led by Sweden, these states began to broach the question of membership of the EC.
  • He renewed his membership about two months ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • For Marshall, citizenship expresses full membership in the national political community.
  • I've met many of these, and believe me you wouldn't like to earn your gold membership card here.
  • Publication Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W 3 C Membership.
  • I'll hand in my membership card and become a monk, take the vow and never return.
  • It's largely because the U.N. has focused more on expanding membership than on finding ways to ensure that corporations honor their commitments.
  • In fact, he has stood trial from 1993 on charges of corruption and membership of the Mafia.
  • Ronnie looked through the information in the printout: National Insurance number, post code, shoe size, acronyms listing memberships of RAC, RSPB, N (ational) T (rust). The Obald, Book 1: 1983. Chapter 1: Tuesday November 1 « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • One becomes a Friend by "convincement" and by asking one's local monthly meeting for a committee on clearness to accept your membership in the meeting. Blind Faith?
  • Our membership may refuse to discuss the matter.
  • With an annual membership fee of 6,000 ngultrum, roughly $130, Bhutan's golfers are mostly limited to the upper echelons of society - government officials and diplomats, plus a few stray Japanese tourists.
  • It was this view that obstructed his election to membership of the elite photographic co-operative Magnum. Times, Sunday Times
  • They knew that he wielded considerable power over the membership. A Conceptual View of Human Resource Management: Strategic Objectives, Environments, Functions
  • They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
  • Membership of the union could prove advantageous.
  • The committee will debate whether to lower the age of club membership to 16.
  • Presbyters, our membership may be of much benefit to Tai-hoey. Forty Years in South China The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D.
  • Montreal's just a really big and fun city, it's easy to get to, but most importantly it's bilingual and we are trying to encourage more francophone membership.
  • Membership of the club had dwindled away to nothing.
  • In 1836, after several weeks of prayer and contemplation, he was converted and baptized into the membership of a Baptist church.
  • How much is a membership in the Institute of Advanced Drivers worth in terms of being a safer driver?
  • The Club is now selling annual membership to its weekly lottery.
  • Party membership has increased by more than 4 , 000, 000 since then.
  • The country has also been granted membership of the World Trade Organisation.
  • Residence in the area qualifies you for membership.
  • The membership level provided everything in the nonmembership level plus access to an Ask an Expert platform, where clients could submit questions to any vendor partner in the network, gain access to vendor partner white papers and intellectual property, and get more extensive educational content. The Power of Co-Creation
  • She says she once applied for membership in the party, but never knew whether she had been accepted.
  • They argue that the membership of the Council does not reflect the racial make-up of the city.
  • The health club charges an annual membership fee .
  • We had a sharp increase in membership. Times, Sunday Times
  • We get the money from annual membership fees.
  • By our full and equal membership of Tai-hoey, being associated with the native members in the various offices, and in all kinds of committees, the native members have been more efficiently instructed in the manner of conducting business in such assemblies, than they could have been if we had only given them advice. Forty Years in South China The Life of Rev. John Van Nest Talmage, D.D.
  • The words “memorial,” “memorize,” and “membership” are all etymologically linked: To memorialize is to remember, and to remember is to recall one’s own or another’s membership within a human community. Beginner’s Grace
  • President Georgi Purvanov says Bulgaria does not want to be tied to laggard countries in its bid for European Union membership.
  • Membership would lower the island's high food prices, but it might reduce local control over land and sea resources.
  • The scheme could be a one-off pledge or renewable annually as a type of debenture or membership fee.
  • Membership of NATO is one of the country's long-term political aims.
  • Other benefits include discounted crèche facilities at five nursery schools in the region, subsidised gym membership and a free concierge service. Times, Sunday Times
  • They can provide discounted corporate memberships or services such as fitness and wellness assessments and follow-up consultations.
  • Membership qualifies you for a discount on purchases.
  • With a new and substantially devalued drachma, it would have a better future emerging from the ashes of a failed experiment in euro membership. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pluralism or membership of associations, he suggests, provides the individual with the participation lacking in a liberal democracy.
  • Although the club was formed only after the 1970 death of Jim Hendrix, it has grown to include those who qualify for membership and who predeceased him, if they died at the age of 27. Maggie Van Ostrand: Amy Winehouse: Newest Member of Club 27
  • His academic background, previous employment, professional organisations and committee memberships, publications and speaking engagements are so extensive that he must be the catman of medicine -- he has to at least have lived nine lives. Effects of Family Stress on Children
  • The task of the Commission, as noted in the Olympic Charter, is to examine each candidature for membership of the IOC and to establish a report on each candidature to the IOC Executive Board.
  • As it turns out, the membership is now eager to get fezzes again, as they are now taking orders to ‘go in’ on a gross of green fezzes with white tassles. Showing Colors « Third Point of Singularity
  • Membership in the Centuriate Committee required certain economic status, and power was heavily vested in the first eighteen Centuries; the Centuriate Committee was dominated by the First and Second Classes.
  • Membership qualifies you for a discount on purchases.
  • the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership
  • It was the poster child and cover Kitagawa such craft cards and membership cards.
  • I just submitted your comments to KKK, they say your membership is approved. Think Progress » Iraqi Speaker, Defended By White House, Claims America Invaded Iraq ‘With A Pure Zionist Agenda’
  • Then the experiment introduced another possible classifier: coalition membership.
  • All memberships are now being recorded through the Internet, leading to huge savings in time and energy - not to mention the prevention of errors in retyping the bad handwriting of players…
  • Don't forget that club membership fees for the 2004 season are due soon.
  • The new charismatic fellowships have warm fellowship and regenerate church membership.
  • In other words, all of our members must fulfill our membership requirements before they can apply for membership.
  • It is clear that the meteoric growth in its membership was due to official coercion and patronage. Fascists and Conservatives
  • And a country club membership. Times, Sunday Times
  • External Affairs; with a Nominations Committee to advise on board membership.
  • September 10th, 2008 at 1: 38 pm jason bonham thinks mccain is engaging in selective outrage. maybe we should get him a premium membership to the daily kos.
  • Membership fees of £2 are now due for members of the Youth Club and an admission fee of 50p per night will also be charged.
  • Membership also provides extra ammunition to defend the pound if currency markets take fright at the election result.
  • Membership almost doubled in two years.
  • There are 23 Clubs throughout the U.S., and your membership entitles you to enjoy all of them.
  • The Guild reinstituted a health care package during its annual membership meeting on December 2-4 in Austin, Texas.
  • It is that Ireland needs to expand its view of the European Union membership beyond the basic economic imperatives.
  • The EU's political andeconomic activities in Central and Eastern Europe, including its plans to open EU membership to a number of new countries in Europe, will help promote a democratic and prosperous post-Cold War Europe and will complement NATO expansion. Fact Sheet On The European Union Eu
  • There are a growing number of countries queueing up for membership.
  • The Institute is also the largest vexillological membership organization in the world.
  • Leaders of the former communist countries awaiting EU membership cheered Ireland's decision to endorse the EU's eastward expansion.
  • Swiegers said this week, he presented the meeting with an organogram indicating how he sees panelbeaters, spare part dealers and service stations joining the MIF to extend its membership to all players in the automotive industry.
  • In sinha, to take into accountcard printing and membership card making, General monochamus more stack.
  • To apply for Membership and to claim your free introductory book, simply complete, sign and return the Membership Application.
  • Few unions are wealthy enough that a significant loss of membership is not damaging to their cashflow. Times, Sunday Times
  • The scheme offers special membership benefits to participating firms, including referrals of new clients from over 3,000 business advice centres nationwide.
  • Participants must enroll in advance and pay a $ 40 annual membership fee.
  • Membership of the club is by invitation only.
  • The task of the Commission, as noted in the Olympic Charter, is to examine each candidature for membership of the IOC and to establish a report on each candidature to the IOC Executive Board.
  • The associate membership status has opened the door to a new and untapped market.
  • Mired in allegations of financial irregularity during his time in government, which he has rejected as a Labour smear, he is one of the least favoured in the party membership, where he is regarded as, at best, hypocritical and two-faced.
  • But the term membership does not express their relation to the church before they are converted. Bertha and Her Baptism
  • There is also concern over plans to centralise the party's membership system. Times, Sunday Times
  • He enrolled on a course in macrobiotics in London - and four years later, in 1993, left with a certificate from the London School of Macrobiotics and membership of the Macrobiotics Association of Great Britain.
  • The deindustrialization of the American manufacturing sector meant many Americans were out of jobs, and their labor organizations were faced with grave reductions to their memberships.
  • The craft brotherhoods of railway men, founded in the last decades of the nineteenth century with only-white membership clauses in their constitutions, enforced the racially segmented order of railroad work.
  • Those who join with college or university email addresses are offered free premium membership. Times, Sunday Times
  • There was also a call for ‘true’ family membership with joint names on the membership card.
  • Membership of the club is restricted to adults.
  • Some of these records include membership, awards, salaries and minutes of meetings.
  • He said the road to full EU membership was long and time was needed to complete the process.
  • But that year, he announced his membership in the Black Muslim movement and changed his name, and in 1967, he refused induction into the U.S. armed forces for service in Vietnam.
  • The working class is under-represented in the membership, and the professional middle class is over-represented.
  • A number of other institutions have recently applied for corporate membership.
  • We have been willing to do our share in shouldering the post-war responsibilities which membership in a "one-world" system entails, as we believe. A New Look At Canada
  • Personally, I see tithing as more like paying membership dues, but it's generous nonetheless.
  • The membership application came before the Council of Ministers in September.
  • Such membership then permitted the dominant society to make the slaves ‘rightless.’ The slaves were also designated by masters as ignorant, backward, lazy, and untrustworthy, among many other negative characteristics.
  • I canceled my membership in 2006 when I realized that someone was named AGU fellow who has published a lot of scientific nonsense all papers were peer-reviewed in the field of micrometeorology during the last five years. Archive 2008-02-01
  • New membership/programme cards are available at the meeting on payment of subscriptions.
  • Is it worth the drive out of town, the cost of membership and the prospect of your kitchen (or garage) filled to the rafters with bulk-buy boxes? Costco v the supermarkets
  • His name is left out of the membership list.
  • The tribe should be the sole determiner of membership and the Supreme Court has upheld this setup.
  • It was there that Letwin expounded the central ethos of the Cameron policy towards the EU, which amounts to a belief that that Britain needed membership of the EU. A very slight inconsistency
  • Then there are the ones you have to pay for, but get great value for your membership dollar.
  • The membership total is tallied by counting the number of people who have paid dues in the last 18 months.
  • A number of other institutions have recently applied for corporate membership.
  • Membership is free, so join today!
  • Membership Promotion During the Winter/Spring 1991/2 an advertising campaign was run to promote membership, generating over 1,000 enquiries.
  • Christian Catholic National Church is administered by a national synod which meets annually; besides the Old Catholic priests and the bishop its membership includes delegates elected by the parishes. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • And I'm finally going to use my gym membership before it lapses.

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