
How To Use Melville In A Sentence

  • Guess you've heard by now that Jackson showed up to his child molestation trial wearing his pajamas, apparently, down in the back, while Judge Rodney Melville threatened to have his bond forfeited -- in other words, land him in jail and Jackson miraculously was healed and showed up. CNN Transcript Mar 10, 2005
  • Jean-Pierre Melville, né Grumbach, took his name from his favourite author.
  • Te coniuro et retineo cum formulae abraxas he te teth noguroth pesh et cum nominibus klarkash-ton petrestraub klyvabarker et chynnna'melville! Calls For Cthulhu - Episode 1
  • Melville wore a Stetson and drank Coca-Cola.
  • In his poem "Shiloh" (the first massive battle of the Civil War with almost 24,000 casualties), Herman Melville writes "What like a bullet can undeceive". Unarmed, This Time
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  • Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
  • Categories: alan catlin nancy caldwell sorel | herman melville & nathaniel hawthorne January « 2010 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • She glared at Miss Melville as if she were Circe and Salome rolled into one. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Formerly Melville had been an ardent democrat.
  • Thus, it is no surprise there are frequent references to Milton in Melville's fiction.
  • His place in the film is ambiguous, and one gets the sense that he's there only because Melville was naturally drawn to that kind of noirish image, a predecessor of Alain Delon's cold/cool hitman from Le samourai. Archive 2007-12-01
  • Contact you dream? you listen? spoken word? nancy caldwell sorel | herman melville & nathaniel hawthorne Nancy caldwell sorel | herman melville & nathaniel hawthorne « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • a critical analysis of Melville's writings
  • She glared at Miss Melville as if she were Circe and Salome rolled into one. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Then Melville himself came in, brushing back his white tufted burnsides and licking his lips and blinking his eyes -- looking for all the world like a cat at its toilet. The Deluge
  • Few readers are likely to finish his latest novel, Phone Rings (Melville House Publishing) thinking it does not provide a comprehensive and intensely realistic account of its characters and their circumstances, and of the family relationships the novel chronicles, but many if not most will have concluded that fidelity to the stages in Freytag's Triangle has very little to do with its realism. Realism in Fiction
  • The whale then becomes a fine symbol for Melville because it is for him neither fish nor mammal.
  • I have seen an ingenious model, contrived and executed by General Melville, which imitates or surpasses the art of antiquity.] 82 The description of this mausoleum, or mole, in Procopius, (l.i. c. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Yesterday, the defence revisited the issue and tried to get the instruction removed, but Mr Melville did not change his mind.
  • While Andrew Melville has other claims on the lasting honour of his countrymen than the part he took in securing for Scotland the ecclesiastical system which has been the most powerful factor in her history, it may be held as certain that where this service which filled his life is disesteemed, his biography, if read at all, will be read with only a languid interest. Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series
  • Miss Melville took a cookie and nibbled at it.
  • Jackson's lawyers and prosecutors endorsed Melville's secrecy rulings, using their few public filings to lambast the media as purveyors of salacious stories aimed at a voyeuristic audience.
  • Melville called seasickness “that dreadful thing.” John Paul Jones
  • Naas might have gone further ahead in the ninth minute when another sortie involving Andy Melville and Fitzgerald was stopped short.
  • The so-called "oiliest place on earth" will be the first oil-based theme park, according to BP spokesperson Melville Tullan who describes it as "a fun-filled, fossil-fueled wonderland for kids from eight to eighty. Spencer Green: New BP Theme Park SuperPetrolFunland: The Oiliest Place on Earth!
  • The doctor had skipped bail on sex offence charges and Melville nabbed him while on port watch for the Special Branch in Le Havre.
  • Hardly what Miss Melville would have expected from a budding young executive. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • In another passage, Melville again contrasts the land with the sea.
  • Stung, perhaps, by the burgeoning of Greenside as the newest suburb where trendoids go to dine, Melville is reasserting its gastronomic credentials in late October with a two-day Meander.
  • Melville specifically denies at the beginning of his story that it is allegorical - which it patently is.
  • Here he allegorizes good and evil, much more in the manner of Spenser or Goethe than that of his American literary contemporaries Melville or Poe.
  • Drawn from Melville's experiences in the navy, it compellingly condemned the practice of flogging, and may have influenced its outlawing.
  • Illustration by Joel Holland (Melville House) A diagrammed sentence (in this case, from an essay by Joyce Carol Oates) branches out like a growing tree, showing the balance and flow among the various elements. A Diagram for Graceful Prose
  • They didn't see Miss Melville, who rose from her stool on seeing them and concealed herself behind a monolith. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • Jean-Pierre Melville, né Grumbach, took his name from his favourite author.
  • Melville House was Fife's first mansion styled symmetrically with classical detail.
  • Oh aye? which team then" was he gonna get chibbed if he said "Heriots" only to find that the radge was actually a Stewarts Melville FP fan? Word Magazine - Comments
  • Territorial islands in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago include Banks Island, Borden Island, Prince Patrick Island, and parts of Victoria Island and Melville Island.
  • Floyd said the Johnson home in Melville was still receiving streams of visitors and appealed to people to make an appointment before visiting the boy.
  • Melville has combined these basic elements together very conveniently with the literary device of Ishmael, the narrator.
  • There are empty oil drums protruding from the bank, long steel girders lying above the waterfall (believed to be the old tramline tracks from Melville), and large blocks of concrete scattered around.
  • Wrapped in its national myths of splendid isolation and blessed innocence (chronicled insightfully by Herman Melville and Henry James), it held out.
  • Melville was in the house at the time, and on entering the room the dying boy embraced him and passed away with the words of the Apostle on his lips -- [Greek: didaskale, ton dromon mou teteleka] -- 'Master, I have finished my course.' Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series
  • Most critics and filmmakers acknowledge Melville's pervasive influence on postmodern noir.
  • Melville said most of the evidence could be used in the trial but warned the prosecution not to refer to the material as pornography, obscenity or erotic.
  • Herman Melville's short novel, Billy Budd, is a complex piece of writing that deserves to be read on its own terms.
  • No whale species is more active than the humpback, causing Herman Melville in Moby Dick to call them ‘the most lighthearted and gamesome of all the whales.’
  • Melville said: ‘The players are very honest and they share collective responsibility and no one is going to fall out over this.’
  • Robert Melville, who appeared to have been using some soothing language — “No! no! no! I tell thee, no! I will place a petard against the door rather than be baulked by a profligate woman, and bearded by an insolent footboy.” The Abbot
  • I hope you don't mind," she added anxiously, remembering, it seemed, that Miss Melville was once supposed to have had a tendresse for Felix. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • In 1801, as 1st lord of the Admiralty, St Vincent prosecuted an inquiry into theft in the dockyards which contributed to Lord Melville's impeachment in 1806 for malversation of funds.
  • When the macer had withdrawn, Melville left the manse, and, confiding his intention to only Andrew Melville Famous Scots Series
  • Brigadier Melville Jameson, the chief executive and producer of the tattoo, said a condition of the appearance in Sydney was that a replica castle facade was built.
  • He was already well-known in furry fandom for his thoughtful extrapolation of anthropomorphic societies when Chuck Melville and I commissioned him to create stories featuring his character Ironhand for our anthologies based on the Furkindred universe. Lirpa Loof Strikes Again
  • Though some of these works are significant Samuel Palmer's Arcadian landscape bathed in a pink-and-gold sunset; Arthur Melville's nightscape of Venice, golden stone rising through a velvet blue-black sky, they form in aggregate the least interesting body of work in the show. Medium is message at Tate Britain 'Watercolour' show
  • Melville adds as a footnote that the oil from the whale is used in the most important ceremonies including most coronations.
  • Te coniuro et retineo cum formulae abraxas he te teth noguroth pesh et cum nominibus klarkash-ton petrestraub klyvabarker et chynnna'melville! Calls For Cthulhu - Episode 1
  • The whale then becomes a fine symbol for Melville because it is for him neither fish nor mammal.
  • The novelist Herman Melville described the underworld vocabulary as ‘the foulest of all human lingoes, that dialect of sin and death, known as the Cant language, or the Flash.’
  • Having but an indifferent opinion of books ushered into existence by such charlatanical manoeuvres, we thought no more of Omoo, until, musing the other day over our matutinal hyson, the volume itself was laid before us, and we suddenly found ourselves in the entertaining society of Marquesan Melville, the phoenix of modern voyagers, sprung, it would seem, from the mingled ashes of Captain Cook and Robin Crusoe. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 380, June, 1847
  • It's a fable on good and evil with a heavy homoerotic subtext that wasn't in the original Melville novel.
  • My country is on the eastern side of Melville Island where people today hunt for magpie goose and go fishing for freshwater barramundi.
  • Formerly Melville had been an ardent democrat.
  • Consequently, this concept prompts Melville to emphasize the importance of contrasts in every aspect of life.
  • But also Melville is given a chapter, and I think he was a very important figure and one of the leading figures in what I call the wilderness within. The Creators
  • Also of note is the way in which Melville shaded the entire film towards the blue end of the spectrum.
  • If there was anything Miss Melville abhorred, it was applying the terminology of games to the serious situations of life. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • The only time that Melville allows the three husbands something for themselves is the opening of the second act, when they discuss the prospects of matrimony with her.
  • Possibly, if you do answer it, and direct it to Herman Melville, you will missend it -- for the very fingers that now guide this pen are not precisely the same that just took it up and put it on this paper. Memories of Hawthorne
  • Consequently, this concept prompts Melville to emphasize the importance of contrasts in every aspect of life.
  • Melville uses the eyes of the whale to suggest something of the duality of nature as opposed to the Singularity of man.
  • Oh, I agree with Diane in that regard, that I think it's going to be a lot shorter than people think because of the way Melville conducts himself.
  • The resistance of writers such as Hawthorne and Melville to the novel was a resistance to a form in which subjectivity was already compacted by history.
  • Melville is best known for his eight noir features, all of them stylish and artificial in a way that seems utterly foreign to the more physical and neorealistic surfaces of Cisco Pike is a movie in which the optimism of the 1960s slips into the disappointing loneliness that Los Angeles can cultivate like no other city, "writes Robert Towne, who's just completed his latest screenplay," about a real-life American adventurer in the Philippines during the Second World War, "tells the Chuck Palahniuk explains why he loves" a certain breed of horror movie. GreenCine Daily
  • Dundas, created Viscount Melville in 1802, put severe pressure on liberals while conceding some radical demands.
  • Consequently, this concept prompts Melville to emphasize the importance of contrasts in every aspect of life.
  • Mr Thomas is now a consultant at Liverpool firm Quinn Melville, which is also representing him in this case.
  • Equally apparent is the skill and artistry with which Melville transcends his influences.
  • She glared at Miss Melville as if she were Circe and Salome rolled into one. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • We asked celebrity colorist and blonde expert Rick Wellman of Patrick Melville Salon in New York what it takes to get the perfect blonde hair color -- and he should know!
  • How better to ensure that Faulkner and Melville remain unread by the young than to invoke their names in praise of some new bore every week? A Reader's Manifesto
  • It sounds like the opening line to a Jean-Pierre Melville scenario and the film has a similar starkness to it.
  • Although the strip only ran for 6 weeks, Caprioli had proven himself a fine illustrator of sea-faring sagas and was immediately offered another, adapting 'Moby Dick' from the novel by Herman Melville. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Novelist Herman Melville at one stage in his life wanted the Republic itself to promote cohesion and mission.
  • And what's so impressive is that Parini manages to create Melville's homoerotic yearning and despair in the context of 19th-century attitudes about sexuality, a pre-Freudian age that had not neatly divided the world into gay and straight, but also had no words for the feelings of love between men that Walt Whitman was so bravely yawping about. Melville's stormy seas
  • The doctor had skipped bail on sex offence charges and Melville nabbed him while on port watch for the Special Branch in Le Havre.
  • Kind of like those queries from the next Nabokov, "Hemmingway," and/or Melville, whose work will shortly be adapted by Spielberg for the big screen. Archive 2010-04-01
  • The crooner was a hit with fellow salon-goers at the Melville salon in Manhattan's Rockefeller Center when he sat down for a cut and began belting out tunes. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Categories: alan catlin nancy caldwell sorel | herman melville & nathaniel hawthorne January « 2010 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • This explanation was really unnecessary; his debts to both films are obvious, including Melville's insistence that the policier is the only remaining vehicle for tragedy - at least for a French film-maker.
  • In the book's impressive chapter on Melville and "Moby Dick," the authors argue that the wildly changeable tones and shifts of subject matter in the novel are a key to its meaning. The Gods Return
  • Italics indicate lines scored in the left margin by Melville in his text of Paradise Lost.
  • Miss Melville took a cookie and nibbled at it.
  • Those studios, although illegal, had been cheap and spacious and, in a way, Miss Melville had envied their ` Bohemian " atmosphere. MISS MELVILLE REGRETS
  • But even Melville might have blenched at Browning's final exordium.

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