How To Use Melt In A Sentence

  • On land, giant reservoirs holding saline water could be built to offset the rise in sea levels caused by the melting of the polar ice-caps.
  • I could perceive no trace of a metallic vein, so thoroughly had it been worked out, but scattered over the hillside with schist, talcose slate, and fragments of quartz, was a great deal of scoriae, showing that metal of some kind had been excavated, and that the smelting had been done on the spot. Wanderings by southern waters, eastern Aquitaine
  • The use of steam-driven bellows in blast furnaces helped ironmakers switch over from charcoal (limited in quantity) to coke, which is made from coal, in the smelting of pig iron.
  • So there is mounting concern at the top of government about how close to meltdown the prison system is. The Sun
  • Toast sandwiches in a dry skillet over medium-low heat until outside is golden brown and inside is delightfully melty, about 3 minutes per side.
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  • The rest of the explanation seeps out gradually as midnight melts into the early hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • Organic carbon mineralization was studied in a large humic lake in northern Sweden during a well-defined summer stratification period following high water flow during snowmelt.
  • It was a smile Elizabeth had never seen on her husband's face before; one so full of love and tenderness that her heart melted.
  • ‘We tooted and tooted,’ says Harry, ‘until the white sugar lump melted into the pale horizon.’
  • White snow gently fell onto the glass of the skylight, melting away.
  • The deep grief and guilt of the mother as well as the hatred and home-sickness of the daughter permeate the story and eventually melt away due to the abiding family love.
  • Season of the Inundation: Sweet, black silt mingled with holy myrrh, melilot, hyssop, spikenard, balsam, cedar, and a hint of melting snow from the Abyssinian hills. Thor's Day
  • It was grey with pain, already almost a death mask and beginning to melt invisibly into the charnel of the killing field. WALL GAMES
  • The altitiude sickness and diamox can suppository alkalinization of the urine, decreased melt excretion, and unsafe hypercalciuria. Wii-volution
  • The opposition melted away after their leader died.
  • It caused differential melting and sublimation on the surface, according to the patterns it happened to fall in and the mixes of ices it clung to, until it was washed away or encysted. The Clique
  • First, melt two ounces of butter.
  • Fire covered the carriageway and melted more than 600 sq metres of tarmac before the blaze was extinguished. The Sun
  • Flight Through the Ages, which opened with a picture of Icarus and his wax wings, melting when he flew too close to the sun. ANASTASIA KRUPNIK (3-IN-1)
  • The presence of extrusive volcanic rocks during the rifting stages suggests that a large volume of melt may also have been added to the crust intrusively.
  • there is little likelihood of a meltdown comparable to the American banking collapse in March 1933
  • Cook the cauliflower until almost melting - if it is slightly crunchy, it won't liquidise to a velvety consistency.
  • She gives me a look so scathing that it melts the froth on my cappuccino. Times, Sunday Times
  • This change of colour serves them well unless they are still white when the snow melts. Times, Sunday Times
  • As darkness drew near I joyfully and thankfully watched the pinks, purples, blues and golden colors of the sky melt together into a picture-perfect sunset.
  • Tightly woven wool, wool melton, felted or boiled wool, leather and suede along with faux leather and suede all can be clipped, snipped, slashed or punched without fraying.
  • Even when Tina smiles she looks as if she's about to have a complete and utter mental meltdown.
  • The best way of getting pulses down my gullet is with dhal, in which split peas are completely melted, boiled with curry powder, garlic, chili, and then topped off with cumin seeds and garlic fried to a crisp which both add that magical aroma. Pinto beans, three ways | Homesick Texan
  • Warm a large pot over a gentle heat and melt the butter. Times, Sunday Times
  • This ought to have been fine - if Phaethon had not been like a rock-star's child with a new red Ferrari, scorching off the track, shrivelling crops, turning forest to desert, doubtless melting ice-caps if the Greeks had known about ice-caps, and only stopping when Zeus called a halt with a well-aimed world-saving thunderbolt. Peter Stothard - Times Online - WBLG:
  • Yet other experiments suggest that the change in strength at the CMF is due to dilatancy hardening at low melt fractions.
  • Flames melted a lead pipe and ignited leaking gas.
  • Proper melting, whiteness, and browning are still problematic in manufacturing low-fat mozzarella.
  • No matter what anyone thinks or says the meltdown is here. Page 4
  • No doubt Mr Mutley is well aquatinted with the way dogs mate, having mounted the lady dog the chap dog turns around and then they commence to perform the filthy act facing away from each other, having smelt pedigree chum on a dogs breath I cant say that I blame them. Double Jeopardy
  • Layer two sheets of filo, brushing each with melted butter.
  • `As I said... Jayson's very good... "Words melted into words like some psychedelic mirage in his mind. THE DEVIL'S DOOR
  • As for the hot sammies, I liked the ‘New York-style’ tuna melt, which isn't open-faced (as I had hoped), but rather a ‘closed’ round sandwich, well grilled.
  • And despite herself, Matilda gives in to Ric's charm - she's totally melting for the guy!
  • Schumacher opens the film in terrific style with a black and white section set in 1919 Paris, which gradually melts into a full colour flashback to the bustling 1870s.
  • They can be melted at a low temperature and shaped into a mold as they cool back into a solid.
  • I stayed there for three days, until the snow began to melt, dripping in stealthy drops from my little roof.
  • Horses clattered through the whiteness, their backs and foreheads sporting melting ice dribbling over their dished faces.
  • When he died in June from cancer, investigators from Liquidators Cork Gulley were called in and soon smelt a rat.
  • her resistance melted under his charm
  • The voice struck a golden tone inside Doune's heart, and his insides melted.
  • Meanwhile, cream the yeast in a bowl with the water and milk, then stir in the butter and keep stirring until it has melted into the mixture.
  • Watch as paperclip melts hole in nail. Times, Sunday Times
  • The action of salt on ice causes it to melt.
  • Melt the butter with the oil in a spacious sauté pan and stir in the onions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fat crystals with high melting points ‘dissolve’ in this liquid fat and are taken along to the surface where they can recrystallise as spiky crystals.
  • And for the first time in his career, when he smelt burning wood pulp and looked down at the line of messenger boys with a ready-made frown and caught the eyes of Mickey, the "littlest," smiling impudently at him, Skinner's Dress Suit
  • Due to the demand for a pasta element in the mac n cheese melt we are adding acini di pepe to the cheese sauce. Cer Te Wants You To Pick Their Next Special Sandwich | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • And one evening we try crispy-crusted pig's-feet cakes, meltingly soft chunks of meat encased in polenta.
  • Plastic Lunch boxes, food storage containers, etc, may melt if stacked close to the heating elements.
  • The city seems to wait a week to see if the ice will melt before salting the roads.
  • She _smelt_, so to say, that there was something underneath the offer which was not to her advantage; but then the thought of thirty crowns a month, of all those coins chinking in her apron, falling to her, as it were, from the skies, without her doing anything for it, filled her with covetousness. The Works of Guy de Maupassant, Vol. 1 (of 8) Boule de Suif and Other Stories
  • If you warm ice, it will melt into water.
  • The writing pieces around the bag of melted ice had ink smudges all over them, enough for it to be illegible.
  • The colliquation of his spirits: My heart is like wax, melted to receive the impressions of God's wrath against the sins he undertook to satisfy for, melting away like the vitals of a dying man; and, as this satisfied for the hardness of our hearts, so the consideration of it should help to soften them. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • The hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats.
  • There is also a swifter motion of a different sort of fire which strikes and dilates the ray of sight until it reaches the eyes, forcing a way through their passages and melting them, and eliciting from them a union of fire and water which we call tears, being itself an opposite fire which comes to them from an opposite direction — the inner fire flashes forth like lightning, and the outer finds a way in and is extinguished in the moisture, and all sorts of colours are generated by the mixture. Timaeus
  • Satellite and ice measurements show the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are losing mass at an increasing rate, and mountain glacier melting is accelerating; 2010 February | Serendipity
  • The town walls melted into pink, families promenaded in the cooler air of dusk, and for a moment I seriously considered taking up a career in sardine fishing.
  • When the cast electrodes of air-melted steel are remelted under vacuum and deoxidized with carbon, the product has significantly improved purity.
  • LaComunidad verzamelt wekelijks de 5 meest originele, actuele en spraakmakende virale video's, concepten en games in binnen - en buitenland. Marketingfacts
  • The ice cubes can then be drained into glasses for drinking water as they melt.
  • When workmen put salt on icy roads, the salt makes the ice melt and so the roads become safer for cars.
  • The manhole covers had gone, leaving the streets pockmarked with gaping mantraps, while one abandoned tank was vanishing day by day, melting away "as if its armour-plating had been made of ice". Rereading: Naples '44 by Norman Lewis
  • This heating would melt the wax and allow it to be poured off or voided, leaving a hollow mould.
  • The largest shift in molecular weight occurred during the melting stage, but matrix glycans remained at moderately high molecular weight even in overripe fruit, and were not depolymerized to small size.
  • And hedgehogs released into areas of excellent habitat hightailed it out of there if they smelt badger. Times, Sunday Times
  • My idea of a desert is an eternal agony, plotted by the fury of the aridity, by the implacable confusion of a sun which, trampled by the wind, melts with the sand, until there is no other landscape than the sand dominating the sky, the ground, the wind. Flowers in the Desert
  • This cake can also be iced: melt together 150g dark chocolate with 150 ml double cream and 25g butter.
  • I want this town to melt in delirious euphoria over a World Championship, and celebrate it every day for a year -- New Orleans style. Archive 2007-10-01
  • As the petuntse, which can only be found in China, melts, it is the kaolin that helps retain the piece's shape. Xml's
  • Break up the chocolate and melt it.
  • The effect of his language was till knaw, what skaith they had done, whow many they had won to ther oppinion sen their last meting, what succes the melting of the pictour had tane, and sic vain toyes. The Witch-cult in Western Europe A Study in Anthropology
  • While caramels melt, push Popsicle sticks into stem area of the apples.
  • Temperatures high enough to melt silicates and make droplets of glass are commonly found near surface bursts.
  • The room smelt strongly of polish.
  • Other coloring materials were prepared in approximately the same way: mixing the coloring source with a fondant and perhaps other ingredients to improve its qualities, followed by multiple melting, cooling and regrinding steps, until the coloring material was determined to be good enough for use. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • Wood provided fuel for domestic heat and cooking, and for industrial processes such as brewing beer or smelting iron.
  • The concert is part of this Meltdown Festival curated by Morrissey.
  • Theirs are the roofs on which the snow melts first because the occupants are heating the sky. Times, Sunday Times
  • They fear snow at its peak will melt and cause a deadly mudflow. The Sun
  • The biopic is the actor's opportunity to shine - to blend with his character, melt into the role.
  • Melts form at the highest temperatures and lowest pressures resulting in large volumes of tholeiitic magma that form shield volcanoes such as Mauna Loa.
  • His offer smelt of a clear trap.
  • Food is at its most plentiful during the short summer months, when the snow melts to uncover the higher mountain pastures.
  • I gorged myself on yummy dulce de leche desserts, tried crocodile (see above picture), ate steak, sampled every type of empanadas, found the best alfajores, fell in love with croissants filled with melted cheese and ham … everything was excellent … 2009 January archive at
  • When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.
  • That sinking feeling we'd experienced as we watched the snow fall when it was supposed to be melting dissipated.
  • The concentrates are refined by smelting - they are melted, and the impurities are removed as a slag.
  • Warm and melty from the oven always always always beats purchased cookies. Chocolate Truffle Cookies | Baking Bites
  • The veteran car and safety equipment manufacturers' ideas of melted nylon webbing in the belt are logical, according to Melvin.
  • Napped with melted butter, and scented with rosemary and mint, that kebob had a tantalizing flavor.
  • The mountains quake before him, the hills melt; the earth is laid waste before him, the world and all that dwell therein…
  • the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster
  • The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid.
  • Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the sugar.
  • Kurt Wilberding/The Wall Street Journal A black doublefaced melton cape paired with a matching plonge shift. Long, Lean and Monochrome at Michael Kors
  • It was halibut, light but intense, melting but singing with flavour.
  • Subsequent melting of mica pyroxenite may produce potassic magmas as a result of orogenic or extensional, thermal or bark triggers.
  • It's no fun to have to remelt the entire thing and start again because there wasn't enough testing. Lipstick Making - Filling Containers & Labeling
  • Melt half the remaining lard in the pan and quickly brown the meat in three batches, adding extra lard in between. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is also possible that upper mantle mafic plumes acted as a heat source for, and made some contribution to, the melting of more felsic rocks in the lower crust.
  • At this point, something goes a bit wrong, and some of the melted butter resists my attempts at emulsification, leaving me with a recognisable hollandaise, and a fair amount of grease. How to make perfect hollandaise sauce
  • Ravages of age: Glacier National Park turns 100, but melting glaciers portend big changes resources | Recommend Latest World & National News & Headlines
  • The material used to form the pattern should be something which can be melted, volatilized, or burned off, such as wax or plastic.
  • The Coalbrookdale Company had smelted its last iron in the area by 1821, and that year had dismantled the Resolution steam engine that pumped water up the dale to power the furnace bellows.
  • Its first priority is to identify where permafrost is present and where mudslides and rockfalls are likely as it melts under the effect of global warming.
  • As I turned to face him, our surroundings melted and we were in a gazebo in a garden.
  • Theirs was the Prince of Wales carriage, an historic carriage of de luxe suites which smelt of cedar polish.
  • Melt the garlic in a mixture of olive oil and butter with salt and pepper.
  • In some states, the first frost has sparked a rush on rebates for heating equipment and funding for all appliances is rapidly melting away. Cash for appliances: Consumers snatch up rebates during cold snap
  • The shortage of rifles necessitated that the manual of arms be practiced in shifts, and six hours of daily drill in the melting snow turned the camp grounds into a bog.
  • Boxes and hunting lodges proliferated in market towns such as Melton Mowbray, where the hunting fraternity would stay throughout the season.
  • The Edinburgh team have discovered that at ‘high’ ice temperatures, for example - 5 degrees C, friction creates ripples in the ice surfaces because some ice has melted and then refrozen.
  • The spiv, the showman; Mr Blair promised a brave new world - a shining castle on the hill - very Reaganish... a promise he most certainly could not uphold as there was no hill, the castle was made of papier mache and when the rains came it melted away...... The coalition counts on blaming Labour for everything. Bad move| Rafael Behr
  • The room smelt of dust and the stale air was strangely warm. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no driver, either pressure or highly reactive chemical such as sodium, to force radiotoxic substances into the environment; and, since the fuel is already in liquid form, there is no chance of 'meltdown'. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • He could melt knicker elastic at 40 paces. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rachel could have brought the snow in and let it melt soas to distract attention from herself.
  • These prejudices are gradually and silently melting away; and it is cheering to see the better feelings of our nature effectively advancing the art to its legitimate place in education, under the guise of gymnastics and callisthenics. A Practical Enquiry into the Philosophy of Education
  • She was wearing a fur hood and a Melton cloth coat with a huge fur collar.
  • During the brief summer, it is warm enough for a few days or weeks to create meltwater; a few, inconsequential streams tumble down from the glaciers above the valleys.
  • I smelt the familiar cigarette odour as it attacked my nostrils, and clung on tighter.
  • Perhaps he smelt gas from his cell and when he came through to investigate he created a spark which ignited the trapped gas. CODE BREAKER
  • The story melted away her soul.
  • Such a rise in temperatures could melt ice sheets and glaciers. Times, Sunday Times
  • As glaciers shrink and meltwater lakes grow, the threat to nearby communities increases.
  • Tight as any herring shoal or starling murmuration, they darted this way and that before melting into the naked woods. Times, Sunday Times
  • Top each burger with a slice of the provolone and allow it to melt.
  • I sank into it and smelt the stale air wafting up from the sheet. The Sun
  • If the wine smelt of soot, hot tarmac or burnt rubber, you knew it was a South African.
  • Can I suggest however that the Antarctic is not melting nor losing ice cover, in fact sea ice is growing and even the IPCC does not expect the Antarctic to sustain major ice sheet changes according to their models. Climate Advice - From NASA - For Obama - NASA Watch
  • Well, the way I see it, butter either comes melted and all oily and sticky or unmelted and thick and tasting so plain, it's disgusting.
  • But now, just a week before she steps down, the froideur may be melting. Times, Sunday Times
  • With a camelteer in view there is nothing to worry about, but I would not like to be left alone with a camel, let alone have to hobble a herd of bull camels at night.
  • When steel is made very hot, and suddenly immerged in very cold water, and moved about in it, the surface of the steel becomes cooled first, and thus producing a kind of case or arch over the internal part, prevents that internal part from contracting quite so much as it otherwise would do, whence it becomes brittler and harder, like the glass-drops called Prince Rupert's drops, which are made by dropping melted glass into cold water. The Botanic Garden A Poem in Two Parts. Part 1: the Economy of Vegetation
  • By the time Israel Zangwill's play of that name was published in 1908, the ‘melting pot’ had acquired all the burnish of an American ideal.
  • The Scottish Socialist Party, the sole ark of salvation to which 128,026 Scots look for emancipation from capitalist helotry, is in meltdown.
  • I pressed snow against my bruised face, and managed to melt more snow in my mouth to quench my thirst.
  • Smoke emissions from the smelter cover the town in a heavy sulphurous mist occasionally accompanied by fall-out of ash.
  • That flat stomach melts into soft library flab as library time takes precedence over exercise.
  • O rare outgate from the scorn of the causeway to the smelting-house of 'Him who hath His fire in Zion!' Samuel Rutherford
  • The crispy skin and the mouth melting taste , satisfying me the max!
  • The region has barely been explored, but as the polar icecap melts access is becoming easier. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is impossible to measure their bulk properties, such as color, malleability, ductility, melting and boiling points, and densities.
  • Mg.l_ {2} + 2Na = 2NaCl + Mg. It is now made by electrolysis, but instead of using as the electrolyte the melted anhydrous chloride, which is difficult to obtain, the natural mineral carnallite is used. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • The end pressure loss of LLDPE melt in short die extrusion and factors affecting the pressure loss were investigated by using a capillary rheometer.
  • The recent closures of the paper mill and the aluminium smelter at Invergordon lend weight to this argument.
  • Where it was melting a huge pile of boulder clay was built up, as a terminal moraine.
  • The pork trade has melted a little and baconers are running from around 90p/kilo upwards with lightweight porkers at 102p/kilo.
  • Fire covered the carriageway and melted more than 600 sq metres of tarmac before the blaze was extinguished. The Sun
  • Some people accidentally dropped their praline square into the melted chocolate, and tempting as it may be, it is not okay to fish for it with your hand.
  • Our own cares and concerns suddenly melt when one sees what others are sometimes having to endure.
  • landward, miles of rough grass marshes melt into low uplands
  • It is hard to imagine a summer diet that sounds more appealing: consume ice lollies and iced drinks and watch the pounds melt away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swollen with meltwater from the mountains, a stream rushed between reedy banks.
  • Meltdown is also designed to increase mental clarity and mood with minimal jitteriness while burning fat at an unprecedented rate.
  • They have a delicate filagree of intramuscular fat that melts when cooked and makes the absolute most tender, juicy, flavorful meats. Meathead Goldwyn: 12 Great Christmas Gifts for the Barbecue Lover
  • ‘We soon discovered iron-smelting debris - fragments of charcoal, slag raw iron and broken blowpipes on the floor of the furnace,’ says Mason.
  • Some of the guns were melted down and used to help build a statue.
  • Smear 50g melted butter around a pudding basin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Re-melt the chocolate if necessary, and then drizzle over the icing.
  • Somewhere along the way, a pipe bursts in the reactor core and meltdown begins.
  • She's seen, caught, smelt and tasted millipedes before.
  • Together with his wife, Danielle, he spoiled us with rib-sticking main courses such as cassoulet or rabbit pappardelle they'll cater for vegetarians or special diets if you let them know in advance, and irresistible desserts like melting chocolate pudding or affogato with homemade ice-cream. Couples ski holiday in the French Alps
  • The snow had melted, showing sodden branches and clotted lumps of brown leaves through the woods.
  • I simply like pie crust too much to adulterate it by letting cheddar cheese melt all over the top. Apple Pie Coffee Cake with Cheddar Cheese | Baking Bites
  • Later in the day, the ice refroze, and by today it looks a little more like the North Pole at the heighth of the summer melt. Unthreaded #18 « Climate Audit
  • ‘Basi yunai’ (sugar-wrapped taro) is cooked over the fire with taro and sesame in melted sugar, which creates a transparent golden crust with a caramel flavour.
  • Glaciers, permafrost and polar ice caps are melting, and droughts, floods and more extreme storms are occurring more frequently in many parts of the world.
  • When a bride walks down the aisle to a stirring tune, even the iciest of hearts melt.
  • Salts conduct electricity well when melted or when dissolved in water or some other solvents but not when they are solid.
  • Bricks have always been used for years by the construction industry, and for lining of ore smelting furnaces.
  • Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a gentle heat.
  • The debris protects the ice from melting and sustains a thin body of ice that would otherwise have melted away.
  • Add the ghosts and put back into the oven for 3-4 min until melted but so the shape of the ghosts is still intact. Times, Sunday Times
  • The water acts as a simple flux to lower the melting point of some minerals.
  • Combine graham cracker crumbs with melted butter and stir.
  • For a sweeter zwieback, we melted 4 tablespoons of butter with 1/4 cup sugar and 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon and brushed the mixture onto one side of the cut slices before baking them, which took 10 to 15 minutes longer because of the extra moisture.
  • Okay, maybe they should be called ladybug eyes, but they are definitely huge and heart-melting. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • In the psychiatrists office I sit by the wall and think about melting a lot.
  • The natives had probably smelted it themselves in their rude bloomeries, or obtained it from the Industrial Biography, Iron Workers and Tool Makers
  • In a large, heavy skillet, melt butter over moderate heat.
  • Their fate is still in the melting pot.
  • 7: Nice touch of science, but it'd have to be a pretty high room temperature for cesium, francium, gallium and rubidium to melt--the lowest melting point among them is francium's 300 degrees Kelvin, which is 80.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Archive 2007-04-01
  • For the crispbread triangles, melt the butter over a low heat. Choice cuts from Moro
  • I am from Alaska where the permafrost is now melting (” perma” frost – it never melts – but wait? huh? never? well the permafrost is melting now!) – something my grandparents (who also lived in Alaska) never saw in there lifetimes. Think Progress » Global Warming Skeptics Engage In Denial And Spin Over New Academy Report; Gore Responds
  • Spherulites are ideally spherical mineral growths formed by initial crystallization of a seed crystal, or crystallite, within a melt or a solution that grows outward in all directions.
  • They are burnt, diced or melted in acid in front of onlookers who react with polite applause.
  • Melt the butter over a medium heat in an ovenproof frying pan. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often the algae accumulate in a thin layer on the underside of the ice sheet, dispersing when the ice melts.
  • He will examine the application of non-invasive light scattering techniques to predict formulation stability, using zeta potential, melting points, virial coefficients, and polydispersity measurements of the dilute solution. R&D Mag - News
  • I know from experience the grill from a 350 degree deep frier can melt our portion bags. Ziploc Omelet
  • I spend the afternoon wallowing in the tub, feeling the aches of physical exertion melt away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Melt half the butter in a shallow pan and cook the onion till soft and tender, stirring from time to time.

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