How To Use Meloid In A Sentence
Carabidoid: applied to the second stage of a meloid larva, when it resembles that of a Carabid.
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The larva of the Meloidæ, before reaching the nymphal state, passes through four forms, which I call the _primary larva_, the _secondary larva_, the _pseudochrysalis_ and the _tertiary larva_.
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
Enamel, or enameloid tissue covering tubercles, was clearly described in Ordovician vertebrates such as the ostracoderms.
Cantharidin: the substance that gives the meloid beetles their blistering power composition, C10H12O4 (von Furth).
Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
The locals don’t really mind our getting around like this as long as we don’t bring any vehicles into Kalara or frighten the chuchaki —those cameloid critters over there.
The Best and The Brightest
Two Zonites, both visitors of the eryngo-heads during the heats of summer, are among the Meloidæ of my part of the country.
The Glow-Worm and Other Beetles
In the USA, several species of nematodes are also of importance, in the southern states five species of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) cause considerable losses, while the reniform nematodes (Rotylenchus reniformis) also cause severe damage in some areas.
Chapter 30
This cameloid looks like what I imagine a sandworm might. tee hee.