
How To Use Melodrama In A Sentence

  • Instead of a crime-does-not-pay melodrama, the play became an acute study of marital and psychological disintegration
  • At the bottom were the Théâtre de la Gaieté for pantomimes and harlequinades, the Porte-Saint-Martin Theatre for melodramas, and the Théâtre des Variétés for ‘little plays of the bawdy, vulgar or rustic genres'.
  • I don't really agree with some of Cosby's reasoning or melodramatics, but his crux is excellent.
  • Well, then, seriously, melodrama was the correct ticket and all that in 1840, but we've outgrown it; it's devilish demode to chuck things in people's faces. Lady Baltimore
  • ‘It's meant to be’ jibes Danilo as he storms off the Westmorland Hall stage with such splendid melodrama he almost pushes conductor Wyn Davies into his illustrious players.
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  • And no, a filmmaker doesn't need to resort to cheap tricks and melodrama to tell the story.
  • Every band's either got good vibrations or doomy melodrama.
  • In fact, these kinds of films need melodrama; they need action or events that externalise the emotions driving the story.
  • If you're a fan of the theatre, don't mind luvvies being luvvies and enjoy an elongated version of a Sunday night period melodrama, with an abundance of tomfoolery, then this should tickle your fancy.
  • On the negative side, the author's voice is too chatty and the dialogue is overly melodramatic.
  • In her films, Wishman employs standard melodramatic plot lines and then inverts the parameters to impose illicit acts and criminal vice into the fray.
  • They imitated the Hollywood genres of comedy, melodrama, musicals and Westerns.
  • It is an old-fashioned, admirably reticent film that succeeds not through daring but by avoiding the seductions of sentimentality and melodrama.
  • But everyone said, “Come on, you are such a melodramatist.” 2007 March : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation - Part 2
  • As for the role of men in this movie, let me say that, for the most part, they are not depicted as melodramatic villains.
  • From time-to-time, an unevenness in tone is evident, as the movie swerves between bawdy farce and melodrama.
  • And so on the City College campus a vague and indistinctly demarcated intellectual struggle assumed, amazingly, the form of melodrama.
  • It is not a thriller or a mystery or an action film or a crime film, nor any kind of ordinary drama or melodrama.
  • The video was seven minutes of high camp and melodrama.
  • Their melodramatic arrangements, cascading strings and faintly histrionic vocal performances reflected the films' camp excesses.
  • The narrative material is obviously shaped in order to wring the audience's melodramatic heart.
  • This beautiful, green-eyed film star with the perfect cheekbones might seem more obviously at home in a ballgown in some 1940s Hollywood melodrama or film noir than in a pinny in a school in northern Scotland.
  • The Arian crisis, both for its longevity and its melodrama, puts modern-day soap operas to shame.
  • I'm almost totally over yesterday's melodramatic tantrum.
  • The acting style is melodramatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The festival is based upon the story told in the Book of Esther, a tale of humorous and melodrama parody of palace intrigue, in which the brave Queen Esther and her uncle, Mordecai, save their people from the twisted genocidal plot of the wicked vizar of Persia, Haman. Archive 2006-11-26
  • Ziggy 4 - yep, he's the fourth Ziggy-pup Meldrum has owned - made his fame by going completely berko when Dicky Knee appeared during the Molly's Melodrama segment. | Top Stories
  • Most of you must know that Udayakumar, a contemporary of Rajkumar, was famous for his highly melodramatic performances.
  • Breath itself is melodramatized in summoning the so-called verb of being. Phonemanography: Romantic to Victorian
  • He does well connecting with a scene, but often comes across as melodramatic and hokey in this silly musical.
  • McFay, a carpenter, who had distinguished himself at the previous trial by the melodramatic quality of his testimony, proved the peskiest witness of all. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • We may well imagine that such scenes were preceded as well as accompanied by a fearful racket within (a familiar device of our low comedy and extravaganza), the effect probably heightened by tempestuous _melodrama_ on the _tibiae_, as both the scenes cited are in _canticum_. The Dramatic Values in Plautus
  • Inevitably you pay a price for treating the novel as helter-skelter melodrama.
  • What's stunning about Flower and Garnet is how minimally all these complex emotions are communicated and how Behrman skillfully negotiates the volatile path of his story without lapsing into melodrama or sentiment.
  • Max Ophuls 'second English-language picture, plays on the surface like an exemplary melodrama, "woman's picture," "weepie," what have you. In The Company Of Glenn
  • Coat an already harrowing scene with live music and well, we're talking out-and-out melodrama, and you definitely don't want that.
  • The commentary became less melodramatic as it went along. Times, Sunday Times
  • Transplants are a romantic, ready-made melodrama for the sort of medicine that shows hospitals at their best, how we'd like them to be, but they are also a minute percentage of health-service operations.
  • Like some Fifties melodrama hero, Will is a lost lover returning from the past, none of the doors are expecting him, all are deadlocked.
  • Thus, to dismiss writer-director Darren Aronofsky's hyper-ambitious third feature The Fountain - a heady fusion of science fiction, metaphysics and a melodramatic quest for immortality both romantic and spiritual - for simply believing in its own sentimental grandiloquence is to deny one of the most exquisite and strangely moving trips to the multiplex this year. GreenCine Daily: Interview. Darren Aronofsky.
  • Yet what should be a tragic ending just comes across as melodrama. Times, Sunday Times
  • They believe that they can recreate the depth of emotion found in some 1940s melodramas by reproducing or reinventing a certain set of narrative devices and by clever casting and design work.
  • One moment there's a duff melodramatic twist. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like the 1939 classic it adores, Australia is stiltedly comical, sweepingly starry-eyed, and melodramatic in its approach to war and racism. Buzzine » DVD Roundup
  • It was a part that captured a peculiarly repellent side of the Reagan-Thatcher era and it rightly brought Michael Douglas an Oscar for outdoing the hyperactive villains his father, Kirk, played in postwar melodramas. Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps – review
  • Already, we've got presumptuous soccer powerhouses in flames; clotheshorse managers who appear to be angling for invites aboard Valentino's yacht; referees under siege; and unforgettably melodramatic acting. Now Appearing in South Africa: Les Mis
  • Not to be melodramatic, but the empire awaits your decision.
  • The audio is solid, although the voice acting is overdone and melodramatic.
  • The very first melodramas were characterised by incessant music - ‘melos’ in Greek - that accompanied the action, and so it is here.
  • That might sound rather melodramatic, but that was what the cold war was about. Times, Sunday Times
  • Another long pause of silence, not due to shock or confusion, just because they'd done this before and neither felt it necessary to repeat melodramatics.
  • Worlds collide and find themselves already interwoven ... there's more going on than interfamilial melodrama, and Shafak's ambitions do not stop with an airing of Turkey's century-old dirty laundry ... The Bastard of Istanbul: Summary and book reviews of The Bastard of Istanbul by Elif Shafak.
  • But on the subject of American slavery, film-makers have always had an enormous sea of sentimentalism and melodrama to cross before even considering the subject.
  • It both underplays and overplays the melodrama of the scene at once, capturing something real and raw in what might've been a stock bit of overemoting schlock. Archive 2008-01-01
  • La Movida first showed the world that Spain — which now conjures up images of Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum, Pedro Almod ó var's melodramas and Ferran Adri à 's foams — could mean more than castanets, bull fights and suntan lotion. In Madrid, the Party Goes On, Austero Style
  • It couldn't make up its mind whether to be intentionally, camply sneery and sniggery or just boldly melodramatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thou art the only true melodramatist of the stage and off the stage! Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, October 9, 1841
  • Using wry wit where melodrama would have sufficed, she externalises her character's grave desperation with mettle.
  • There is another parallel with Angela's Ashes, but one that shows how much better this book is: the deaths of no fewer than three Fuller children, and the unappeasable pain of these losses, are evoked with a shattering lack of melodrama.
  • Y.C. (2 stars) Limbo John Sayles explores Alaska in a schizzy tale that starts as an epic and ends, alas, as a claustrophobic, stuck-on-an-island melodrama. Critical Moment: Reviews
  • He managed to find the comedy in melodrama without undermining suspense or lapsing into self-referential cynicism. I need to read that “Secret Empire” story
  • The script tends towards melodrama.
  • At their worst, they devolve into a sort of constant New Yorker navel-gazing that is three parts cinema verite, one part melodrama (See In Treatment). Recent Adventures in Televised Entertainment
  • His inspirations are the slickly veneered melodramas of the 1950s and '60s.
  • Whether melodrama, farce, or even tragedy, it holds the attention.
  • It may be lurid melodrama at heart but a compelling mania makes this Technicolor film noir hard to resist. Times, Sunday Times
  • I think in general it's a great study of how to push right to the line that separates high drama, melodrama even, from parody.
  • This had been too halcyon a day to clutter up the memory of it with some backwoods bully's melodramatic bellowings. SOMETHING IN THE WATER
  • He exudes humility and forthrightness, as befits a melodrama Hero. James Scarborough: Snooty and the Beast, All American Melodrama Theatre & Music Hall/Screaming Mimi!, Act Out Mystery Theatre
  • It would be a melodramatic exaggeration for me to say that I fight this battle within myself every day.
  • These last four episodes finally deliver emotional depth and honest-to-goodness conflict, which sets up even deeper (or more melodramatic, based on your viewpoint) reactions in the viewer.
  • The Gaiety stuck to its well-tried popular repertory of melodramas, comedies, and musicals, though both theatres scheduled touring opera companies throughout the year.
  • They probably did so with melodramatic flourish, causing fear and speculation to run wild.
  • Several years later, these handmade melodramas gave way to the seamless perfection of her breakthrough "Untitled Film Stills."
  • Ozu himself hinted at a reservation: " This is one of my most melodramatic pictures.
  • No doubt it would have been better off there, but once conceived, the idea of the melodrama had overpowered both men. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON
  • Yeah, in defiance of the hoariest cliche in the Big Bumper Book of Onscreen Melodramatic Cliches, have your characters wander into the House of DeathFilled WithPossible Anomaly Monsters, unarmoured, unarmed etc etc. Primeval Season 3: What The Hell Happened? – Updated « INTERSTELLAR TACTICS
  • The film was a melodrama based on the rice fields of northern Italy and was a huge international hit. Calcio: A History of Italian Football
  • Their efforts are commendable, but the film's melodramatic story is heavy labour for viewers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A breezy first half soon gives way to melodrama when doomed marriages and love rivalries tear the trio apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • His success as a melodramatist may have been responsible for an occasional, unhelpful reliance on artifice, and for certain antiquated strains in the structure of books such as The Siege of Pleasure and Hangover Square. Giddy & Malevolent
  • Swimming Upstream is an interesting genre hybrid, part family melodrama, part sporting saga, part coming-of-age story.
  • There are no melodramatic trills or fluting crescendos in her everyday speech.
  • There was also a lecture-room, devoted principally to moral melodrama; and on an upper floor a large room was occupied by the cosmorama, -- an exhibition of pictures, usually of noteworthy scenery, foreign cities, etc., which were looked at through round holes, enhancing the effect of their illumination. Peter Cooper The Riverside Biographical Series, Number 4
  • You might not have heard of Bollywood, but the popular blend of Hindi music and melodrama has been around since 1931.
  • But somehow the melodramatic elements are transcended, and the movie moves you, as movies always should.
  • Annie Evetts life IS a melodrama and she has recently begun searching for the dude in the black cape and twirly moustache. The Opposing Force « Write Anything
  • His gritty naturalist dramas shocked European theatre audiences, who had become used to a diet of melodrama and light opera. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many things of this nature had been done by the new commonwealth; but, alas! she did not drape herself melodramatically, nor stalk about with heroic wreath and cothurn. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • Adding drama to the downtown scene are the melodramas and vaudeville revues presented at the Gaslighter Theater.
  • Director Reid Davis and his cast turn in a decent effort, but this adaptation is just a bit more stageworthy than the bulk of lugubrious versions that melodramatize Chekhov. The Berkeley Daily Planet, The East Bay's Independent Newspaper
  • But overblown melodrama soon bursts any intensity apart. Times, Sunday Times
  • The film's clobbering delivery of this soap opera is not made any subtler by the anguish Christoffer feels at losing his humanity and, in the process, his wife: this is simply the cue for yet more dreary melodramatics.
  • He takes a relatively restrained approach to potentially melodramatic material and scenes in which she is unswayed by bribes or beatings make a considerable impact.
  • But however melodramatic or cartoonish Palmer's characters seem to be, their sentiments are real enough.
  • The way in which O'Connor's work embodies a particular interpretation of Catholic doctrine has always seemed to me the least interesting subject of inquiry into her fiction, and, as Anderson does correctly note, most non-scholarly readers remain unaware that it even is a subject relevant to the fiction, so fully isthat fictionotherwise focused on its depiction of its Southern mileu, grotesque characters, and perversely melodramatic events. Signature Elements
  • This play is a whinge about whingers; a melodrama without drama.
  • Adding drama to the downtown scene are the melodramas and vaudeville revues presented at the Gaslighter Theater.
  • Instead of watching a comedy with sinister undertones, we're force-fed a melodrama with no tones at all.
  • Despite the broken-backed attempts by his contemporaries to reinvent his fiction in the form of parodies, continuations, burlettas, and melodramas, the novels themselves appear to have always won the day.
  • Minorities, especially ethnic minorities, are used to authenticate the affective, melodramatic component of contemporary narratives.
  • This overly long melodrama from the Philipines suffers technical flaws like poor dubbing, patchy performances and a meandering narrative.
  • My character is really melodramatic, in that one minute she is throwing a tantrum and the next she is laughing hysterically, but I wasn't at all like that.
  • The audience titters nervously, not laughing with the melodrama, but at it.
  • Only the writers get the virtual slap on the wrist for artificially inserting too much melodrama into a story that should have been a comic romp.
  • Those scripts had occasional moments of truth but were stuck in a rut of creaky sentiment and melodramatics.
  • Greta Garbo played tragic lovers, exotic temptresses and steely heroines, anchoring many mediocre melodramas and haughty period pieces like a pro.
  • There seems to be no way out and rack my brains as I did, I could not see an answer to the question, other than the improbable melodrama of her embracing a closed religious order.
  • These virtues could have been accompanied by a bit more melodramatic fervour, but they still make for a satisfying movie. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if one divides Fassbinder's writing for the theatre neatly into obvious categories - the unpublished early problem plays, the radical experiments at the limits of linguistic performability, the aggressive adaptations of classical and traditional plays, and the late operatic melodramas - it is not easy to make sense of the breakneck evolution of his theatrical and dramaturgical ideas or of his place in the literature of West Germany .... GreenCine Daily
  • As has been extensively detailed elsewhere, the melodrama, along with music and comedy, became synonymous with the cinema in Latin America after the introduction of sound.
  • True, I have chosen somewhat melodramatic examples; but there are plenty of others, less melodramatic but equally apropos - especially, perhaps, in the realm of sexual morality.
  • As far as "overacting" comment, I thought they were perfect these characters are very melodramatic and I thought Rob and Kristen were totally on point! Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • And since I'm making melodrama, contriving a plot is hardly a betrayal of that.
  • One drink is too many and a thousand is not enough,' she writes in rather melodramatic fashion. Times, Sunday Times
  • This powerful period melodrama is set in the early years of the 19th century, right before the practice of sati was outlawed.
  • The plot elements partake of pure melodrama, but the treatment raises the story to another level.
  • Unfortunately, all of the melodrama and intentional plot convolutions don't add up to much.
  • The 12 songs here reveal a band that's cocksure but never cocky, moody but never melodramatic and musically adept.
  • You can hear the family influence: her brother's propensity for melodrama, mom's acute eye for telling lyrical detail, dad's mordant black humour, along with her own caustic imagery.
  • Anyone with fond memories of fluke jollities such as National Express and Something for the Weekend will be flummoxed by Absent Friends's Jacques Brelian melodrama.
  • Halfway home, the film bends to formula and delves into melodrama as it tones down the comedy.
  • No musical setting has survived for the words as they appear in extant published versions of the Obi melodrama. Introduction
  • It's not drama, it's melodrama, it's not theatre, it's opera.
  • O. Henry came very near to her, but did he not melodramatize her a little, sometimes cheapen her by his epigrammatic appraisal, fit her too neatly into his plot? Pipefuls
  • The actress is chirpy and loose as blowzy broad Dolores in a show that proves you can do worse than taking in a crass melodrama.
  • Though I might wax too melodramatic in saying so, Trust is even, perhaps, a story of what it is to be a flawed, human hero.
  • The film's only weakness is that the twists and improbable coincidences are almost too melodramatic for their own good. Times, Sunday Times
  • Shapiro's seriousness is not solemnity - the poems in this book do not allow for high-mindedness or convenient emotion - and his grief is not melodrama.
  • Everyone who saw him was in agreement that the triumph of his long career was Mathias, the guilt-ridden burgomaster in Leopold Lewis's melodrama The Bells.
  • The composer Zdenek Fibich - symphonist, opera composer, melodramatist, and composer of one of the most extended keyboard cycles written since Chopin - would have been l50.
  • Frequently theatrical and melodramatic, it captured the tensions of wartime Britain, thriving in enforced isolation.
  • The melodrama is also hobbled with being too episodic and old fashioned, but Frank Borzage directs smoothly and Pickford gets one fantastic scene when her ranch home gets attacked by vicious rustlers. 2009 April :
  • He saw only the necessary stages that had led to it, and to him they seemed natural; but to Adams, still living in the atmosphere of Palmerston and John Russell, the sudden appearance of Germany as the grizzly terror which, in twenty years effected what Adamses had tried for two hundred in vain, —frightened England into America’s arms, —seemed as melodramatic as any plot of Napoleon the Great. Indian Summer (1898–1899)
  • Yet the strongest melodramas are those without apparent villains, where characters end up hurting each other unwittingly, just by pursing their desires.
  • Overall though, Moneyball is more melodramatic than one might expect from the pen of Sorkin who massaged an earlier draft by Steven Zaillian, gooier in the middle and coshing the audience with emotional wallops. Moneyball – review
  • Tosca may be an audience-pleasing masterpiece, but apparently young singers no longer relate to its sweaty melodramatics.
  • Cruz gives a stoical performance that brings some tenderness to what is essentially a rather uncomfortably melancholic melodrama.
  • For all the hamminess, it has a kind of mad, melodramatic, mesmeric power, a thrilling sort of staginess – and of course, back in 1942, it was far from clear his threat would not be carried out. Mrs Miniver shares Downton Abbey's Julian Fellowes feeling
  • What would they have made of Edward D. Wood's horrifyingly inept cine-poems - or of Oscar Micheaux's melodramas, with black actors in whiteface?
  • Mr Posh was so miffed he flounced into training, lanky hair pushed back by an Alice band to show off his scar to the world, wearing the sort of sulk most three-year-olds would consider melodramatic.
  • The Villain Still Pursued Her," tells as plainly as a whole paragraph could that the playlet is a travesty, making fun of the old blood-and-thunder melodrama. Writing for Vaudeville
  • If your playlet is a comedy, make it a comedy throughout; it if is a deeply human story, let it end as it began; [1] if you are writing a straight drama or a melodrama, keep your playlet straight drama or melodrama all the way through. Writing for Vaudeville
  • I went reluctantly to Bingley Little Theatre's production of the Victorian melodrama with music East Lynne.
  • The calm humility present here allows us to be moved by the melodramatic aspects of the work more than they might usually.
  • There have been tart knife-edged satires like Dr. Strangelove and weepy but powerful melodramas like On the Beach. How the End Begins
  • The love passages are pauses in a course of violent action, the assassination of Rizzio, the murder of Darnley are not overcoloured melodramatically, and the scenes in and about the Studies in Literature and History
  • He wrote songs, operas, and operettas, pantomimes, melodramas, and in 1823, a History of Music.
  • In movies like this, there is a great temptation to lean heavily on the melodrama.
  • Actually, that's a bit melodramatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is difficult not to be drawn in by the melodrama of his Romantic narratives. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even if one divides Fassbinder's writing for the theatre neatly into obvious categories - the unpublished early problem plays, the radical experiments at the limits of linguistic performability, the aggressive adaptations of classical and traditional plays, and the late operatic melodramas - it is not easy to make sense of the breakneck evolution of his theatrical and dramaturgical ideas or of his place in the literature of West Germany .... GreenCine Daily: RWF/TLS.
  • He is a melodramatist who never penetrates below the surface. Eye candy #4 « Jahsonic
  • Films are a popular form of entertainment, and several Greek filmmakers and production companies have produced a body of melodramas, comedies, musicals, and art films.
  • In fact, these kinds of films need melodrama; they need action or events that externalise the emotions driving the story.
  • It's gripping, if a bit melodramatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • Don't you think you're being a bit melodramatic? Times, Sunday Times
  • (the monk of melodrama always has a bass voice), while excessive or precocious sexual indulgence tends to be associated with the same kind of puerile voice as is found in those persons in whom pubertal development has not been carried very far, or who are of what Griffiths terms eunuchoid type. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 5 Erotic Symbolism; The Mechanism of Detumescence; The Psychic State in Pregnancy
  • He was a melodramatist, infusing all those silly melodramas with style, with signs and meanings.
  • It is the metaphoric link between the melodramatic and the politic that America does so well yet, inevitably, gets so wrong.
  • Instead, the producers seemed to think Belle needed to be "humanized," which translates into much melodramatic angst and bemoaning the fact she can't have a romantic relationship while maintaining her call girl career. Jayme Lynn Blaschke's Gibberish
  • I knew even then, I think, that my histrionics teetered on hysteria, but my self-conscious melodrama only angered me more.
  • Clearly, the melodramatic plot is a vehicle for the wacky characters and witty dialogue, and the performances are crisp and funny.
  • Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive.
  • The tone, which veers from slapstick comedy to mawkish melodrama, is as volatile as nitroglycerine.
  • By evoking scenes from old Hollywood melodramas and thrillers, the images conveyed vague feelings of tension and threat.
  • I knew even then, I think, that my histrionics teetered on hysteria, but my self-conscious melodrama only angered me more.
  • -- At the close of the seventeenth century, a new dawn arose in the history of Italian letters, and the general corruption which had extended to every branch of literature and paralyzed the Italian mind began to be arrested by the appearance of writers of better taste; the affectations of the Marinists and of the so-called Arcadian poets were banished from literature; science was elevated and its dominion extended, the melodrama, comedy, and tragedy recreated, and a new spirit infused into every branch of composition. Handbook of Universal Literature From the Best and Latest Authorities
  • In roles that could be ripe for melodrama, they deliver performances of great dignity. Times, Sunday Times
  • His picture of rural life is more mellow than melodramatic; and his tale reaches a happy end, unchequered by anything more sensational than a mild outbreak of scandal from the local wag-tongues. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 152, April 11, 1917
  • We really don't need all this ridiculous melodrama!
  • For a start, he's got a real temper on him, which some are marking out as a good attitude, but for a first proper Wimbledon appearance he seemed a mite melodramatic to me.
  • This cast and this production prove their superiority again here and serve the script well, neither overplaying the melodrama or underemphasizing the pain.
  • Immaculata, 19 years old and high-strung, appears at my bedroom door, hands on hips and nostrils flaring, every atom of her quivering with melodrama.
  • Now she's gone to broody melodrama, as a cop conflicted by love and honor in Ann Hui's new movie Jade Goddess of Mercy.
  • There was nothing in the least melodramatic about him; he never posed or attitudinized -- it would have required too much patience; but he was always piquant. Great Men and Famous Women. Vol. 4 of 8 A series of pen and pencil sketches of the lives of more than 200 of the most prominent personages in History
  • Instead of that film's repressed romances, Iron Monkey offers a gob of melodrama, slapstick comedy, cooking montages, and demonstrations of holistic medicine.
  • The most important point to make is that the aesthete and intellectual showed not the least reservation with flagrant melodrama.
  • And so on the City College campus a vague and indistinctly demarcated intellectual struggle assumed, amazingly, the form of melodrama.
  • The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.
  • The action slips from comedy to melodrama and finally to tragedy.
  • In fact, despite Katie Sketch's melodramatics (at times), her yearning howl is easily the most original thing here.
  • The page-count also gives manga artists room to unfold their stories, shaking the last driblets of pathos from the often-overripe melodrama.
  • Amid the laughter, the melodrama and hysteria, this is a play with a terrible, almost frightening undertow of sadness and helplessness.
  • It is full of moral speechifying and erudite detail and has a convoluted plot replete with melodramatic deaths and wonderful recoveries and coincidences.
  • In melodrama the characters are templates for the tracing of society's invisible or ideologically dissembled ministers of power, while the narrative unwinds the psychological machinery of their enforcement.
  • The Arian crisis, both for its longevity and its melodrama, puts modern-day soap operas to shame.
  • I began to notice how shamelessly melodramatic this film really is.
  • Even though it's riddled with melodrama, this is still a high quality internal affairs suspense thriller.
  • It's a magnificent, ridiculous song, equal parts grotesquery, sentiment and melodrama.
  • It's passionate but not overblown or melodramatic.
  • If Façade is a psychological drama, The Party will be a darkly comic social melodrama, along the lines of Desperate Housewives. Sex, Lies, and Videogames
  • Unlike any other character in the past, Suhana is the kind of bahu (daughter-in-law) who doesn't give a damn for joint families, fancy saris, chunky jewelry and the melodrama that accompanies Indian homes. What Women Want
  • These virtues could have been accompanied by a bit more melodramatic fervour, but they still make for a worthwhile film. Times, Sunday Times
  • He automatically steps into the room, casting a melodramatic look over his shoulder.
  • Thereafter, and especially during the decade between 1730 and 1740, Metastasio was engaged in the composition of his many melodramas (over seventy in number), his oratorios, cantate, canzonette, etc. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • He has paid his dues to the sentimental and the melodramatic, and is now ready to abandon these narrative modes.
  • Ged Dale, Eccles, LancsOne is a blowsy, overblown and preposterous melodrama played out to a hysterical score. Notes and queries: What's the difference between operas and musicals? Is getting there quicker cheaper? The house where Handel and Hendrix lived
  • Melodrama: "Sunset Boulevard" (1950), his blackhearted screed about the film industry. Periscope
  • Both characters offer opportunities (not taken here) to ground the lurid melodrama in a more humane reality. Times, Sunday Times

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