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How To Use Melodious In A Sentence

  • She spoke in a quietly melodious voice.
  • the melodious song of a meadowlark
  • After churning out some of Bollywood's most melodious tunes, music directors and partners Jatin-Lalit are all set to go.
  • Tasteful decor, melodious songs and shafts of sunlight from the ample windows provide the perfect ambience for appreciating the subtleties and splendours of curry cuisine.
  • Although first cousin to the melodious mockingbird, a catbird's song is seldom musical.
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  • `Danlo," came a melodious voice from the room's depths, `Ni luria la, ni luria manse vi Alaloi, Danlo the Wild, son of Haidar. THE BROKEN GOD
  • And then we were amazed to hear the sound of singing -- amazed, for it was not the uncouth singing of negroes (who in happy circumstances delight to uplift their voices in psalms) nor yet the boisterous untuneable roaring of rough seamen, like Vetch's buccaneers, but a most melodious and pleasing sound, which put me in mind (and Cludde also) of the madrigal singers of our good town of Shrewsbury. Humphrey Bold A Story of the Times of Benbow
  • A melodious music movement a cute cartoon may contain a mind weapon.
  • Running her tiny fingers on the keyboard, Ksemya plays such melodious music that the after-effect lingers on for a while.
  • Among the acts that took to the stage were hilarious novelty acts, rhythmic dance routines, some melodious individual singing, harmonious duets and even a few notable musicians.
  • In Asha's case, it was her melodious voice that led her to Carnegie Hall.
  • She spoke Galactic with an exotic accent and in a voice that was strong, melodious and full of authority.
  • The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
  • Dylan Thomas's Under Milk Wood is melodious, lush, and dense with meaning.
  • Instead of the melodious tones of an Irish brogue, the exaggerated drawl of an angry young man spat from the earpiece.
  • Not to mention the unmelodious and meaningless songs they parrot.
  • The one monkey I liked, and that at a distance, was the wa-wa, whose voice was very sweet and melodious, like the soft bubbling of water; but it was a very melancholy animal, and never seemed to possess the fun and trickishness of the more common sorts of ape. Sketches of Our Life at Sarawak
  • Josef Suk can always be counted upon to produce good, well crafted and melodious music and these three compositions certainly live up to that description.
  • she sings rather unmelodiously
  • Her voice modulation is of the highest caliber, very melodious, full of harmonious unity and solid stamina.
  • It makes it all deliciously, dialectically melodious. HBO's 'Sunset Limited' review: All aboard the theological choo-choo
  • The conductor and the orchestra have played the melodious and popular classics ad infinitum and they want a change.
  • The melodious chirps, chirrups, tweets, twitters and warbling notes from the winged visitors blend well with the incessant hum, buzz and drone of innumerable insects, to produce the effect of being inside a vast forest.
  • The valley reechoed her clear and melodious singing.
  • The second, with its mixture of monosyllables and disyllables - listen, walking, chamber - sustains the alliterative flourish of Melting melodious words.
  • In its native habitat, the Canary Islands, the bird is a nondescript greenish songster with a melodious warble.
  • In her clear, melodious voice, she stated that she was naturally empathic-she could feel the emotions of others- and that she was a telepath.
  • It was something after the order of the purple martin's melodious sputter, only the tones were richer and fuller and the music better defined, as became a genuine oscine. Birds of the Rockies
  • The mother said, her accent giving her speech a melodious tone.
  • Melodious tunes rang out through the day until late afternoon, entertaining streams of visitors and fellow students.
  • He has added feedback, distorted organs and drones to his melodious soundscape, and his folk songs have become all the more beautiful yet disturbing in their increasingly gothic strangeness.
  • I also enjoyed Howard Shelley's playing in the concluding Allegro moderato which is also very melodious.
  • Although first cousin to the melodious mockingbird, a catbird's song is seldom musical.
  • The decision was made for me as the violin quartet over in one corner of the bookstore started to play something soft and melodious.
  • This recording is exciting, gorgeous, weaving the rhythm of the drum with melodious strings, wind instruments and female chant.
  • The cold morning breeze and a festive ambience, the chime of bells and melodious carols signal the arrival of Christmas.
  • That means also that the world round them has again returned to the Greek conviction, that all nature, especially human nature, is not entirely melodious nor luminous; but a barred and broken thing: that saints have their foibles, sinners their forces; that the most luminous virtue is often only a flash, and the blackest-looking fault is sometimes only a stain: and, without confusing in the least black with white, they can forgive, or even take delight in things that are like the [Greek: nebris], dappled. Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870
  • ‘It's pop, rock, grunge, heavy, melodious, punk - a mix of all this,’ says the singer.
  • Her voice was soft and melodious, hypnotizing and somehow beckoning.
  • Then there were exchanged certain melodious acerbities, which proved that these ladies had entered the lists on previous occasions, and that each was well practised in the other's methods of warfare. In and out of Three Normady Inns
  • He spoke with his ladies in a friendly, melodious voice as he carried out boxes of expensive, impractical footwear for their pleasure and delight.
  • Brumm has studied how nightingales - famed for their melodious song - respond to the hustle and bustle in the German capital city of Berlin.
  • Rosewater greeted her with melodious warmth, asked how she was today.
  • I seem to hear pronounced by some of his kin at such a time his original wild name in some jawbreaking or else melodious tongue. Walking
  • Perceiving that we are watching him the grosbeak ceases his ringing tones and drops into that dreamy, soft, melodious warble, which is characteristic of this songster as it is of the catbird. Some Spring Days in Iowa
  • The songs are frequently manic and frenzied but just before you burn out they slow down and become melodious.
  • Thanks for adding your rich voice to this melodious group.
  • In the background I overhear Tom and Trisha exchanging a conversation in melodious polysyllables.
  • Then they tell me: ‘But when we go to the Shanghai Concert Hall, we hear mostly unmelodious noise which turns us off completely.’
  • A golden bird sang a melodious song as it sat, perched in a glittering green tree.
  • Heuberger's talent is of the graceful style; he is not very original but his waltzes and "Laendlers" have the true Viennese ring, and the kirmess in the first act is very characteristic; it is melodious and The Standard Operaglass Detailed Plots of One Hundred and Fifty-one Celebrated Operas
  • We look forward to a successful appeal, and hopefully in the not-too-distant future to hearing the melodious tones of the carillon once again.
  • The cassette has one soulful, melodious stretch of instrumental music that is sure to be soothing to anyone listening to it.
  • Organisers feel it is a great opportunity for the public to hear the pleasant and melodious jazz harmonies in a great natural environment and mountains during August summer nights.
  • Performing 'puja' and singing melodious religious hymns outside the temple compound, most of the Pandits said they will pray for absolute peace in their prayers. Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits,visit their homeland to pay obeisance at Kheer Bhawani in Kashmir
  • Instead of the melodious tones of an Irish brogue, the exaggerated drawl of an angry young man spat from the earpiece.
  • By comparison, their playing was straight, sometimes lumpy, with no attempts to arch the phrases in a melodious fashion.
  • A golden bird sang a melodious song as it sat, perched in a glittering green tree.
  • She could hear lots of laughter, endless and melodious, mingling with sweet beautiful music and songs sung by heavenly voices.
  • When those "Spring's delights" of which you melodiously twangle are a leetle more _en évidence_. Punch, Or The London Charivari, Volume 102, March 26, 1892
  • His poetry appears in exuberant colours and only rarely takes on the character of melodious music; but it is all the more plastic in the creation of forms suited to expressing feelings and ideas. Nobel Prize in Literature 1901 - Presentation Speech
  • They sang beautifully, several melodious old tunes I'd never heard before.
  • The decision was made for me as the violin quartet over in one corner of the bookstore started to play something soft and melodious.
  • It is a keen ear which remarks the melodious quality of a voice coming from a crowd.
  • Unfortunately, the silence was broken by the most unmelodious voice in history.
  • Since the word euphonious is an adjective meaning melodious, to say an euphonious keeps you smart would make a musician laugh and a professor scratch his head. Refreshment in Refuge
  • But even as she'd listened she'd known it was all a distraction from an unmelodious reality. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • In Jehovah’s name forbear; ” cried a shrill, but clear and melodious voice. One Wicked Impulse! Pieces in Early Youth
  • Miss Kendall will not disturb the class, I am sure, if she realizes that her humming is a source of annoyance," she said, her own really musical voice fluting in melodious minor cadences. Miss Pat at School
  • When the band was first formed, the idea of fusing rhythm based music from Africa and beyond with melodious trad from Ireland seemed like a curious and exciting experiment.
  • Sometimes the latter, when they were back at the rest camp, would hum slow melodious wordless songs, while Johannes drew. DREAMS OF INNOCENCE
  • Josef Suk can always be counted upon to produce good, well crafted and melodious music and these three compositions certainly live up to that description.
  • The river's flowing produces a melodious sound that gladdens their ears.
  • These nests and this large songbird's melodious, liquid calls are signatures of the Neotropical lowlands.
  • Tasteful decor, melodious songs and shafts of sunlight from the ample windows provide the perfect ambience for appreciating the subtleties and splendours of curry cuisine.
  • For the chorus, as throughout, she's joined by the unmelodious voices of the revellers.
  • The ambitious listener might better start from the level of Chopin's melodious piano music, or Grieg's northern elegiacs or Tchaikovsky's gorgeous colorfulness. Quincy Jones: Arts Education in America
  • The classical hendecasyllabic meter chosen for this lyric melodiously prompts us to seek ancient mythic analogues.
  • The 64 melodious polyphonic ring tones, which are composed on a Yamaha piano, offer a wide variety of choices, from classical to New Age and even funk.
  • Her voice, soft and melodious, carried throughout the small café easily so that there wasn't a single corner that wasn't untouched by her voice.
  • Her parents were Carnatic music teachers too, and her home was always full of melodious voices.
  • ‘As soon as the sled is brought out,’ wrote Bannister in the Alaska Geographic Quarterly, ‘the dogs gather round and, fairly dancing with excitement, raise their voices in about a dozen unmelodious strains.’
  • Intoxicated with the idea, she ran through many a melodious descant, till, touching on the first strains of 'Thusa ha measg na reultan mor', she saw Wallace start from his contemplative position, and with a pale countenance leave the room.
  • His voice used to be sonorous, melodious, and relaxing to her most of the time, but lately, he nearly always sounded impatient, stressed, or angry.
  • A music concert in the same locale that must have reverberated with her melodious tones centuries ago - the legendary singer could not have asked for a better tribute.
  • Melmoth spoke very slowly and very softly, and the melodious smoothness of his voice made a frightful contrast to the stony rigor of his features, and the fiendlike brilliancy of his eyes. Melmoth the Wanderer
  • Though not a regular phenomenon as in the state capital, the city does get to experience its share of melodious rendering every now and then.
  • It is not probable that she consciously deliberates; but she is… attracted by the most beautiful, or melodious, or gallant males.
  • People who come to hear him see only a little brown bird with speckled breast, and call him a thrush; but _I_ know he is Israfil, 'the angel of song, and most melodious of God's creatures;' and _he_ thinks that I have wings. Ideala
  • The songs are so melodious to listen and at the same time their picturisation would also be that impressive. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Daniel was quite busy playing a melodious viola-violin duet with Delia.
  • She may not have the usual melodious voice, but that is not a negative, she explains.
  • His melodious and lyrical voice cradled the cries of infants and raged passionately against the dying of the light.
  • The haunting sound of the large pan pipes, the melodious sound of the charango and the moving atmosphere created by the violin bring this diverse repertoire beautifully together.
  • Next he let loose with the melodious song of the goldfinch and followed this closely with the ‘whew, whew, whew, ‘of the greater yellowlegs, a migratory wading bird.’
  • For all true singing is of the nature of worship; as indeed all true _working_ may be said to be, -- whereof such _singing_ is but the record, and fit melodious representation, to us. Sartor Resartus, and On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and the Heroic in History
  • Some of the most popular and melodious Bulgarian hits invited everyone to dance even though there was little space for hand waving and impressive steps.
  • After a quaintly melodious prelude the third part opens with a terzetto and chorus ( "Thus Nature ever kind rewards"), an invocation to virtue and industry, and a quaintly sentimental duet ( "Ye gay and painted Fair"). The Standard Oratorios Their Stories, Their Music, And Their Composers
  • The gate was arched like a great hall and over walls and roof ramped vines with grapes of many colours; the red like rubies and the black like ebonies; and beyond it lay a bower of trelliced boughs growing fruits single and composite, and small birds on branches sang with melodious recite, and the thousand-noted nightingale shrilled with her varied shright; the turtle with her cooing filled the site; the blackbird whistled like human wight [FN#47] and the ring-dove moaned like a drinker in grievous plight. Arabian nights. English
  • Though untrained, she had a natural melodious voice.
  • About a year later Flagello wrote Sea Cliffs, which is a melodious, sentimental, short work for string orchestra.
  • Somewhere in the distance in the once quiet forest, a bird started to sing a melodious tune.
  • The folk rejoiced in her song with exceeding joy and my gladness redoubled, so that I took the lute from the damsel and preluding after the most melodious fashion, sang these couplets, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • His high range of melodious voice and the magic in it seemed spellbinding.
  • Liszt tells the poet's story with music that is memorably melodious and dramatic; this is one of the highlights among the thirteen.
  • An enterprising and chirpy Manju enthralled the crowd with her melodious voice.
  • With choice to select a melodious tune, they have captions with the style of the English language being flowery.
  • Teddy, still in coachman's dress, came in blowing a tin fish-horn melodiously, and the proud sisters each tried to put on the slipper. Little Men: Life at Plumfield With Jo's Boys
  • It made me realise why advertising tunelets are called ‘jingles,’ because it is jingling like a cluster of unmelodious bells in my brain.
  • They turned their backs on the divine to walk into the human, never to have the melodious experience that the hymnist describes: I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses, and the voice I hear falling on my ear the Son of God discloses. FROM THE CROSS TO PENTECOST
  • Trumpet him melodiously at first, but if he still obstacles your passage then tootle him with vigour.
  • The haunting sound of the large pan pipes, the melodious sound of the charango and the moving atmosphere created by the violin bring this diverse repertoire beautifully together.
  • Still more melodious is the call of the wood-shrike, which is frequently heard at this season, and indeed during the greater part of the year. A Bird Calendar for Northern India
  • But Sylvia had the sort of melodious and cultured voice which defied classification; her English and Afrikaans were of a high order.
  • But given the right platform, those blessed with a melodious voice can certainly go places.
  • As the name signifies, it will focus on either one of the more melodious Carnatic raagas or the works of a famous composer.
  • For 2002, this is going to be the first musical night with high voltage voices of Anuradha Sriram and Malgudi Subha and the melodious voice of Unni Menon.
  • Lamar's voice had a sweet melodious sound to it.
  • Boubil and Schonberg created a score with countless showstoppers linked with recitative that is melodious and easily understood.
  • The gate was arched like a great hall and over walls and roof ramped vines with grapes of many colours; the red like rubies and the black like ebonies; and beyond it lay a bower of trelliced boughs growing fruits single and composite, and small birds on branches sang with melodious recite, and the thousand-noted nightingale shrilled with her varied shright; the turtle with her cooing filled the site; the blackbird whistled like human wight47 and the ring-dove moaned like a drinker in grievous plight. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • It was accompanied by a voice so enchantingly tender and melodious, that its sounds fell on the heart of Osbert in balmy comfort: it seemed sent by Heaven to arrest his fate: – the storm of passion was hushed within him, and he dissolved in kind tears of pity and contrition. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne: A Highland Story
  • She found the melodious tunes unintelligible, just like some of the songs in their cold church. GWENDOLEN
  • `Danlo," came a melodious voice from the room's depths, `Ni luria la, ni luria manse vi Alaloi, Danlo the Wild, son of Haidar. THE BROKEN GOD
  • His tunes for the melodious music of Baiju Bawra and Mother India still hold listeners spellbound.
  • His recitative is more expressive, varying from something quite melodious to a fast-moving narration, in which individual words and phrases are expressed by astringent harmonies.
  • It's a good song, catchy and melodious with decent lyrics.
  • she sang melodiously
  • No sooner had the melodious Chopin finished when a newfangled Gershwin song was beating away.
  • ‘Our guitarist does backflips while he plays,’ says Brown, in a soft, melodious voice.
  • From 1912, this piece, in the key of E minor, is very expressive and melodious with an element of sadness.
  • Kitty's melodious voice broke into his thoughts.
  • You may easily discover this, Theotimus; for if this mystical nightingale sing to please God, she will sing the song which she knows to be most grateful to the Divine Providence, but if she sing for the delight which she herself takes in her melodious song, she will not sing the canticle which is most agreeable to the heavenly goodness, but that which she herself likes best, and from which she expects to draw the most contentment. Treatise on the Love of God
  • Fast-Day, in Boston, was operatically fêted with 'the light and melodious _Martha_,' by that arch-thief of melodies, Flotow. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 5, May, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • When the first course was taken off, the females melodiously sung us an epode in the praise of the sacrosanct decretals; and then the second course being served up, Homenas, joyful and cheery, said to one of the she-butlers, Light here, Clerica. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • Sternhold and Hopkins, under that melodious psalmodist my honoured The Parish Clerk
  • There's a lot of practice and determination, and loads of effort that go to create the melodious voice on the film music track.
  • It was chance, acting through the impulses of the War Office, which caused little Laurence to see the light on Irish soil; but though he was born in the melodiously named Valley of Honey, there was little of honeyed sweetness, and much bitterness as of gall and coloquintida, in his early boyhood. A History of the Four Georges, Volume II (of 4)
  • This engineering graduate has carved a niche for himself in Malayalam music with his melodious numbers.
  • It sounded like melodious chimes ringing into my ears.
  • Orangutans, pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), and the white-rumped shama (Copyschus malabaricus), with its melodious calls, can be seen or heard during the early part of the day. Borneo lowland rain forests
  • The turtle dove, Streptopelia turtur, is smaller than the others and has the most melodious song.
  • In contrast, the dances of Asia stand out for their splendid colour and costumes and melodious instrumental music and drum beats.
  • The songs are frequently manic and frenzied but just before you burn out they slow down and become melodious.
  • For instance, anyone who has heard Balinese gamelan knows that it is fast and furious compared to Malay (Terengganu) gamelan which is more stately, relaxed and melodious. Undefined
  • Unable to resist such a challenge, I waited for the crowd to thin out and finally introduced myself to an attractive woman with a melodious accent.

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