
How To Use Melodic In A Sentence

  • Despite the fact that the soloists just use these two chords, the improvisations are melodically and rhythmically rich - a signpost of contemporary mainstream jazz.
  • In most cases, each song is given melodic depth by MacKaye's baritone guitar and Farina's stripped-kit drumming.
  • Earlier albums were often melodic yet somehow not catchy, but focused songwriting here makes the riffs memorably hooky.
  • Through an intricate series of hand gestures and melodic whistles, she quickly garnered its trust and shepherded it into our gated, side yard.
  • That the world has come round is due to the melodic pop that now lurks amid their rock riffs. Times, Sunday Times
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  • And what the songs lack in structural certainty or melodic eloquence they usually make up for in the remarkable depth and vibrancy of their textures.
  • At its root, Kingsbury Manx offers pleasant, melodic pop that is polished through and through.
  • The thundering guitars, melodic vocals and poetic lyrics seemed to transcend classification.
  • The Leonin pieces alternate ensemble choruses of chant with organum passages which feature a solo voice floating melodic lines over the drone.
  • Their music is loud and not very melodic.
  • The plucked guitar finally overtakes the melodic refrain near the end of the piece, eventually wiping the beginning from memory.
  • The Liturgy of the Hours is centered on chanting or recitation of the Psalms, using fixed melodic formulas known as psalm tones.
  • Mr. Batiste made an unexpected entrance at about 10:30 p.m., striding in from the back of Dizzy's, leading his sextet to the stage as he chanted and played the melodica, a mouth-blown, hand-held mini-keyboard. Passing Down the Piano Torch Song
  • A sentence that sings is just as beautiful as a good melodic line. Reed Arvin - An interview with author
  • Martin honed his expertise of various banjo styles, such as "three-finger" picking, made famous by Scruggs, and "clawhammer" - also known as "frailing" - a style known for its syncopated rhythms and distinct melodic phrasing that employs the back of the fingernails to strike or strum the strings, and a thumb technique that alternates between the strings. NPR Topics: News
  • Can women punch out hot licks and melodic riffs on a six stringed fretboard?
  • In most well-written homophony, the parts that are not melody may still have a lot of melodic interest. Archive 2009-05-01
  • They made their name with shimmering melodic hooks allied to unsettling lyrical themes. The Sun
  • There is very little melodic variation in the piece.
  • Sometimes the songs have a folksy sway, cool melodic lines unfolding with squeezebox sounds, soft basslines and understated percussion around them; sometimes, they coolly shuffle like the bouncier songs of Madeleine Peyroux. Half Seas Over: Half Seas Over
  • The bird began to sing still more melodically, and then fluttered its wings and flew from its branch.
  • The play their own unique style of melodic lo-fi indie rock, with flowing guitar lines, soft vocals and fat drums and bass.
  • All of them have found their own ways of balancing melodic invention with the dark arts of improvisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • They create a blissful sense of quietness, pure melodic pop pleasure.
  • Every melodic figure had its replica, every phrase, its counterpoise in his music.
  • His voice had a rich melodic quality.
  • The song is constructed by re- recording the rhymeless dialogue of Thatcher and Burke with singing, albeit unmelodic voices; the result is akin to an operetta. Archive 2007-04-22
  • The electric bass for ever altered the relationship between the rhythm section, the horns, and other melodic instruments.
  • But his ingenuous one-world sentiments are apotheosized into truth by the strength of his melodic gifts (which haven't failed him yet) and a voice that's still sweet and grainy when it needs to be.
  • Dwarfed by a large screen on which there are projections of singing puppets and mind-numbing flash visuals, Manitoba bashes away on dual drum kits, keyboards, xylophones, melodicas and stringless guitars.
  • One of the most difficult passages for the violin in the first movement is a melodic minor one-octave scale in fingered octaves.
  • About 1500, composers adopted the practice of paired imitation and through imitation, the repetition of short melodic passages in two voices or in all parts.
  • Adams' melodic, hooky country-rock blends in nicely with the cool, sunny atmosphere of the island; it's really a great combination.
  • His voice had a rich melodic quality.
  • All melodic and harmonic intervals up to the fifth are employed in these pieces.
  • The hair on my neck stood on end as she let out a melodic, screeching cackle of a laugh, like that of a misbehaving little girl.
  • The melodic flow and harmony-vocal crosscut of the lattermost tune stood far and away above so much reggae of the era with an adroit mix of old-school rootsiness and creative expression. AvaxHome
  • Whether it's waves of postpunk noise or moments of melodic clarity, he's a compelling artist. The Sun
  • Shorn of its string arrangement, Drake's incredible guitar playing and effortless melodic sense are all the more apparent.
  • Later, students would be asked to layer the three components of rhythm: the small beat, large beat and melodic rhythm of the piece.
  • The album sounded more melodic and more thematic than in the past and featured less in the way of vocal contributions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Warm melodic figures are juxtaposed with harsher percussive patterns, setting up some fascinating contrasts in sound.
  • The electric bass for ever altered the relationship between the rhythm section, the horns, and other melodic instruments.
  • Violation of expectation Violation of expectation can occur in both melodic and harmonic lines; however it is subject to certain restraints.
  • Reed and bassist Josh Abrams lay down propulsive grooves, over which vibist Jason Adasiewicz floats spiky harmonic patterns; this gives alto saxophonist Greg Ward and cellist Tomeka Reid plenty to work with once they break out of their unison melodic lines and turn to improvising. Chicago Reader
  • the second movement is slow and melodic
  • melodically interesting themes
  • The scores are filled with amazing runs, double stops, surprising melodic leaps and various special effects.
  • That's why I can take an orchestral piece and arrange it for four melodic instruments and a drummer, and not miss anything.
  • But those were explorations of a percussion instrument, not a vehicle for melodic lines.
  • Besides, her melodic gift has not deserted her. Times, Sunday Times
  • Great drummers understand that drums are not only a rhythm instrument, that they are melodic as well.
  • Well, for one thing, there's a wide variety of acoustic instruments featured here: upright bass, guitar, piano, clarinet, cymbals, viola, melodica and cello.
  • The melodic counterpart of isorhythmic patterning is the use of the same melodic phrase or line, each time at a different pitch level.
  • With this year's fashion for melodic pop rock, this band might get their chance to fly after all. The Sun
  • Motifs Composers have sometimes used a recurring motif or melodic phrase to establish the atmosphere of a piece.
  • To imitate the musical speech of children, Mahler uses a pentatonic interspersed melodic.
  • Melodic rubato occurs where ‘tempo rubato frees a melody from strict note values, either by agogic accents or by accelerando and rallentando… so that the melody is momentarily out of step with the accompaniment ’.
  • Famed for it's melodic lushed spaced-out Electronica, this is the album that captured keyboard maestro Jarre at his zenith. AvaxHome RSS:
  • The danciest of the three bands, Signal Path uses pre-recorded bass lines, sparse drum kits and atmospheric pieces, which they combine with live drums and guitar to create melodic glitch hop, drum and bass beat heavy dance music. Summit Daily News - Top Stories
  • Thus we may compare to orators those composers who ordinarily take the cantus firmus or subject from others and, weaving over it an artful counter - point, draw various melodic lines from it, which often have something dry or labored, in that they lack a certain grace and naturalness, which is the true spice of melody. MUSICAL GENIUS
  • The leader has also learned to play more melodically.
  • When he did a melodic song live, he would tense up. The Sun
  • Bamboo flutes add a ghostly, subtle melodic backbone to the more intricate interplay on the keyed instruments.
  • In the second period, Balada's music was very abstract and dramatic, without melodic inflection and with a heavy reliance on avant-garde effects.
  • These were sweet, melodic songs tinged with a wistful melancholy that your nan could whistle while doing the ironing. The Sun
  • If you do take time over the second subject because it contains more melodic high, large intervals, you make up the time later when you reach that cadential point that marks the return to the home key, and you're rushing home to the close.
  • There is too much pulling about of the melodic line in the first movement for my taste.
  • It took him a lifetime (67 last week) to fully alchemize the two idioms—bebop and island music (reggae, calypso, mento)—and it requires a full cast of three drummers, assorted bassists and guitarists and even a second keyboard, plus Mr. Alexander doubling on melodica. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • Pianist One favored the use of delaying the onset of the melody note for beginnings of phrases and melodic peaks.
  • Their style is melodic driving rock, with textured guitars and strong vocal harmony lines.
  • I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously
  • Every melodic figure had its replica, every phrase, its counterpoise in his music.
  • Big guitar breaks and riffs are backed up with the compulsive, snare attack drummer (who uses a big gong at the end of the set) and the neat singing, which breaches into the world of super melodics so easily.
  • December 15th, 2008 at 11: 22 pm ha! just read through these comments. to anyone calling the pixies ‘overrated’ or ’standard pop/punk’ (gack!!!) – just try covering one of the less melodic pixies songs. really, try. you can’t. blah Says: Matthew Yglesias » When the CW Is Right
  • Andie is known to be one of the more melodic bassists in town.
  • The opulent, yet bright orchestration and the chromatic melismata around the tritone and the melodic minor scale all point toward the composer of Schelomo.
  • The album marks a slight return to more elaborated ambiences and more defined melodic lines, yet Ford firmly remains on minimal grounds here.
  • The strings provided a melodic background to the passages played by the soloist.
  • Here there seems to have been introduced about this time what is now generally called antiphon, i. e., a short melodic composition sung in connexion with the antiphonal rendering of a psalm. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • ED GORDON, host: The unmistakable voice that once described as a melodic whisper has drifted into silence. A Tribute to Jazz Vocalist Shirley Horn
  • A reverberant melodica opens to a stable kick drum, the Balkan effect softer, more Black Ark-ish. Derek Beres: Global Beat Fusion: Thievery's Rastas and Austin's Latin Soul
  • The implied connection between ‘cadence’ and falling is most explicitly realized in music where a melodic line descends conclusively to the modal final or tonal tonic.
  • Bringing together their wibbly-wobbly electronica and their more traditional melodic rock, this is one of their best. Times, Sunday Times
  • The final measure vividly transmutes the symphony's opening theme (full of upward fourths) to an idea both melodic and harmonically cadential and thus brings the work to a great, substantial close.
  • While all three of the soloists display their own distinctive styles, Barton's ideas are the richest in terms of contour, melodic content, and thematic development.
  • They represented one of the most fruitful and imaginative local jazz partnerships of the 1960s - a blend of bop's brittle urgency, swing's broad communicativeness and some of the trumpet/sax countermelodic spontaneity of Chet Baker's and Gerry Mulligan's partnership.
  • The album sounded more melodic and more thematic than in the past and featured less in the way of vocal contributions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abbuehl's singing relies on texture for expression rather than melodic embellishment; she obviously delights in the poetry of the lyric, hence her interest in cummings and Robert Creeley.
  • Their melodic but innovative piano jazz, tinged with rock and electronica, could sell out halls around the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • In both [the melodic inventor and the contrapuntist] this is to be ascribed more to the energies of genius, and to some natural and inborn talent than to craftsmanship. MUSICAL GENIUS
  • The tunes are a better blend of melodic grace supported by delicious twists of harmonic subtlety.
  • Fleetingly melodic throughout, the final magic ingredient is the vocals of Annette Berlin.
  • Whilst one guitar churns and rasps with melodic chime, the other layers in off kilter leads and rich sustained sounds.
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it is boring; I must, however, warn you that the melodic refrain is so soothing that, at times, you may find yourself being lulled to sleep.
  • The difference between _discantus_ and _diaphony_ was that the latter consisted of several parts or voices, which, however, were more or less exact reproductions, at different pitch, of the principal or given melody, while the former was composed of entirely different melodic and rhythmic material. Critical and Historical Essays Lectures delivered at Columbia University
  • It took him a lifetime (67 last week) to fully alchemize the two idioms—bebop and island music (reggae, calypso, mento)—and it requires a full cast of three drummers, assorted bassists and guitarists and even a second keyboard, plus Mr. Alexander doubling on melodica. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • I could hear several melodic strands simultaneously.
  • Warm melodic figures are juxtaposed with harsher percussive patterns, setting up some fascinating contrasts in sound.
  • The other members, male and female, played drums, crude percussion, violin, organ, accordion, guitar, melodica, you name it, but some songs had four or five members at the front of the stage leading the crowd in simple dance moves.
  • The basic harmonic and melodic language is not complex and often typical of late nineteenth/early twentieth century salon music.
  • The gentle songs lack appropriate melodic sweetness and lyrical sentimentality.
  • Acoustic guitars are strummed hard and fast on some songs, and are played with melodic flair on others.
  • Barber's boundless melodic inspiration takes inspired flight from the surging opening movement through the moving, poignant Andante and rousing bravura finale.
  • Their music has a very distinctive and fresh sound, hardcore but very melodic and experimental.
  • As with his brother's songs, Nels Cline's material often contains an emotional charge, most conspicuous during introspective, acoustic numbers such as dobro / guitar duet "The Nomad's Home," "The Androgyne," and "Prayer Wheel," an older conception that may be Cline's most melodically accessible appearance, suggestive of Ralph Towner's ECM releases. Audiophile Audition Headlines
  • I woke up the next day to the faint smell of lilacs and the sweet melodic sound of Alna humming a song in the shower.
  • She joined his laughing, a sweet, melodic trance that made several men glance over at her.
  • His voice, which on Mike King Tonight is reduced to a melodic echo of King's phrases, is a smooth Southern bass.
  • That pattern swells to a buzzing mass of sound so dense that it seems to comprise a single melodic entity.
  • Tracing a melodic line from flamenco to raga, it's a subtly modulated burst of Hindu-lusian passion.
  • Melodic figures are treated circularly, giving the piece a minimalist sound.
  • Mood, colour and feeling are established with a huge variety of rhythmic and melodic language. A TALE OF FOUR HOUSES: Opera at Covent Garden, La Scala, Vienna and the Met since 1945
  • I use the term vocalist deliberately because the moments where she uses her voice as an instrument to deliver punctuating melodic sounds, rather than delivering lyrics, are stunning. > Australia's leading independent live music hub. Stock up on music and tour news, reviews, gig photos and idle gossip, or bitch to your heart's content in the forums.
  • Book 1 establishes the ratios of concords and melodic intervals, and divisions of tetrachords in each genus.
  • Closer in understanding to the dyadic fluctuations implicit in melodic constructiveness than to the multidirectional accommodations of codependent harmony, Hogle's concept of "motion" views Shelleyan process as "a drive toward a counterpart rising ahead of it and a harking back to a different one receding in its wake. Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
  • Both composers have the gift of following the twists and turns of often complex poetry without resorting to faux recitative or to dropping a melodic thread.
  • Guests in attendance will get a sneak preview of original material from Pete's up and coming debut album, and Chris will entertain with melodic and dulcet tones.
  • His voice has a rich, melodic quality.
  • He spoke, his voice melodic and echoic, ‘She's beautiful, Audrey, just like her mother.’
  • The ice in the pitcher tinkled melodically against the crystal sides and the mineral water sloshed slightly as he turned the handle to face the right, assuming that the odds were in his favour.
  • But both composers weave melodic material and unusual tonal colors in a way that is accessible, and worthy of repeated listening.
  • There's a lightness of touch and a melodic freedom that's fairly jazzy, especially in guitarist Jay Berliner's quicksilver leads, an echo of his work with Mingus on The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady.
  • The 68-minute suite is eminently likeable, its prog tendencies harking back to melodic mid-'70s albums by the likes of Jean-Luc Ponty, while incorporating modern studio effects.
  • One tone, one chord, a single movement, three, four notes in melodic succession, are in their musical apperception the substratum of such unutterable and intense musical emotion that it becomes practically impossible in these sound-areas to make music freely and completely in the manner of Bach, Beethoven, Debussy, or Palestrina. Banishing silence
  • One of the most difficult passages for the violin in the first movement is a melodic minor one-octave scale in fingered octaves.
  • If anything, there is an even greater range of mood and melodic expression than in the Ravel.
  • In each of Martin's Jadmi songs, however, the isorhythmic cycle always recommences at the beginning of the melodic descent.
  • Those heartfelt melodic lines and brilliant instrumental textures were born to be played with character and finesse. Times, Sunday Times
  • Warm melodic figures are juxtaposed with harsher percussive patterns, setting up some fascinating contrasts in sound.
  • The nature of the piece includes very melodic writing with a singing quality to the lines.
  • On "Weirdo Rippers" and 2008's somewhat more melodic and speedy "Nouns," sonics always come first for No Age, with specifics varying from track to track. No Age Shrieks And Soothes On 'Everything In Between'
  • It is fairly easy to transcribe it in a musical staff, with a pulse, clear rhythms and even melodic lines formed by the interplay of these two voices and the burning match sound.
  • The second movement is a scherzo constructed primarily of five short melodic phrases.
  • All of the melodic and rhythmic activity is in the first and second parts; the third and fourth clarinets are underutilized and have little to do.
  • He paid meticulous attention to the warmer sonorities without letting the tinkly orientalia (especially in the Ping, Pang, Pong scenes) obscure the predominantly smooth melodic contours.
  • Haydn was the first great master of what is called motivic development, in which bits and pieces of music - a few notes, a melodic twist, a rhythmic gesture - become the building blocks for an entire symphony in several movements. NYT > Home Page
  • On some tracks it all comes together in thrilling, melodic, beautiful style. The Sun
  • All four wistful and melodic tracks document yearning and loss with an almost angelic intervention.
  • Long, slow trip hop electronic groovery in the classic title song of his latest album sets up long and twisted but memorable melodic phrases.
  • The songs on this new work combine the improvisational style of jazz, the strong melodic lines of calypso and the ethereal other-worldly trippiness of the East - often updated with new-age arrangements.
  • The instrumentals are the stars of this album; along with "Barroquita", the songs "La Muerte del Rey", "Patita" and "Atlantico" are solid, melodic and Latin-tinged folk delights that show a band of musicians who may still be developing their technical skills but are clearly in-synch as a single-minded collective. Latest reviews @, the ultimate progressive rock music website
  • The melodic material on which all five movements are based appears in the first.
  • Sometimes I'd hear a melodic fragment or a texture, or it might sound like voices muttering in an unintelligible language.
  • The Queens group woodshedded its melodic songs at an abandoned farm colony, and the constant presence of banjos, glockenspiels and xylophones lends a quaint ambience that's far removed from the digital hum of high-tech gadgetry. -
  • But there's a lot more of John Lennon's pensive melodicism than Paul Simon's simpering folkie affectation in Smith's music.
  • Although he was composing at the same time as Bartok, Debussy, Ravel and Iyes, he remained true to the romantic tradition and expanded it in his use of long melodic lines, complex tonalities and more pianistic and color effects.
  • Monophony Strictly speaking, monophonic music is a single melodic line, without harmony or even octaves.
  • The market is saturated with this sort of heavy, but melodic guitar-based rock, and there isn't really a wrinkle or gimmick to help attract listeners.
  • A lack of warm cantabile tone, tone subtleties and tonal gradation impoverished the rich melodic lines of the mentioned works.
  • Fortunately, here she has succeeded in crafting an album of remarkable strength, sorrow, and diversity, all while maintaining her peculiar brand of eerily melodic atmospherics.
  • As a solo instrument following a melodic line, the violin can convey every imaginable shade of feeling.
  • One of the first sounds on the album is the toot from a melodica drenched in echo; now you know why I bothered with the introduction.
  • We hear his dizzy, endless melodic chain of hemidemisemiquavers pouring from the chromatic button keyboard of three accordions.
  • Dwarfed by a large screen on which there are projections of singing puppets and mind-numbing flash visuals, Manitoba bashes away on dual drum kits, keyboards, xylophones, melodicas and stringless guitars.
  • Hip-hop is not melodic, it's wordier so it is more difficult to catch on to. The Sun
  • I knew it was different to the usual formulaic melodic guitars they adopted (with great success I might add) for their first three albums, but wow!
  • He plays the cymbalom with beautiful precision, his touch is so sure, fabulously melodic yet never overplaying.
  • Warm melodic figures are juxtaposed with harsher percussive patterns, setting up some fascinating contrasts in sound.
  • For instance, on the excellent piano-driven waltz ‘Irish Elk,’ he just seems to be singing without any sense of melodic contour, and he fails to deliver a convincing hook.
  • There are many sections where voicing and melodic projection will be a concern.
  • During a period in the 1990s, reggae music went through a period called ‘bashment’, which was very angry, shouting unmelodic rants, similar to thrash metal in the US.
  • Instantly the crowd took it up… A distinct melodic outline became more and more prominent, shaping itself around the central theme of the words, Git right, sodger!
  • The melodic flow and harmony-vocal crosscut of the lattermost tune stood far and away above so much reggae of the era with an adroit mix of old-school rootsiness and creative expression. AvaxHome
  • Creatively banging together disparate sounds on a high-energy anvil, the members made use of everything from a melodica and various plug-in instruments to some sort of rabid clog dancing.
  • It took him a lifetime (67 last week) to fully alchemize the two idioms—bebop and island music (reggae, calypso, mento)—and it requires a full cast of three drummers, assorted bassists and guitarists and even a second keyboard, plus Mr. Alexander doubling on melodica. The Sound Way Down in the Underground
  • They had a wonderful sound, even in a few simple melodic notes from one of the Nocturnes.
  • Regardless of the words, it seems the melodic contour of the song describes the nature of the land over which the song passes.
  • The Best Thing That Ever Has Happened, transposed from a boy-meets-girl into a boy-meets-boy ballad, is melodically beautiful. Road Show – review
  • First up will be those Haverfordwest melodic darkcore songsters Closure, blowing away the cobwebs of the Queens Hall Acoustic Room.
  • The early morning serenity surrounding us is pleasantly disturbed by a steady and melodic hum.
  • If Reeves processes his sounds comprehensively, he retains the melodic nature of his sources, enabling his compositions to develop in multiple directions at once.
  • Under Carter's loving hands and melodic reassurances, she gave vent to all her brokenheartedness. Breakfast In Bed
  • One of the most difficult passages for the violin in the first movement is a melodic minor one-octave scale in fingered octaves.
  • Accompanied by orchestral percussion, the melodic instruments interweave solos and duets and leave a trail of scattered bells.
  • Christian plainchant offers melodic settings of varying complexity for the Ordinary and Proper texts of their parent rites, which may consist of psalmody and other scriptural texts or freely composed hymnody.
  • With an organ providing a solid backing for the song, trombones and melodicas weave interlacing melodies.
  • Their style is melodic driving rock, with textured guitars and strong vocal harmony lines.
  • This information will enable you to connect lines which flow freely and melodically between all chord changes.
  • They "arpeggiated" chords -- rolling the notes rather than depressing them all at once -- or "dislocated" occasional melodic notes by sounding them slightly ahead or behind the beat. What Music Has Lost
  • Acoustic guitars are strummed hard and fast on some songs, and are played with melodic flair on others.
  • Menacing clouds of reverberating discord give way to toy piano chimes synchronized with chirping melodica, booming bass drum, and mournfully wheezing harmonium, all oddly juxtaposed with Steinke's warm guitar melodies. Bill Bush: Distinct of a Decade and Definitive of an Era: This Artweek.LA (June 27-July 3)
  • After turning in my review, I of course went and read other people's to compare opinions, and found I wasn't the only person to note the kinder, gentler difficulty curve, largely due to the fact that Joe Perry is a pretty melodic soloist and not generally German metal twiddly-fiddly. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The drums are playing wildly while shrieks of joyous, wild delight intersperse the melodic lines that are ecstatically woven into the fabric of this Kalahari jazzfest. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • Hook's melodic lead bass was set askew from the weirdly krautrock fractured drums, dark guitar lines and added synthesizers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electronic fuzz oscillates in the background, as Matters sways in and out of a lilting tune, lines like ‘We played hide and seek in waterfalls’ sharing the same melodic cadence as the album title.
  • We wanted to find melodies and rhythms that retained the heaviness and distortion of hard rock, while leaving space for melodic sensitivity and complex time signatures.
  • It is a panoramic vision of electronica, centered on the skittery rhythms of drum and bass, artfully blending jazzy tonalities, lush melodic washes, and deep space environments.
  • The CD is almost exclusively built on funk grooves and avoids the harmonic and melodic language of bebop.
  • It is just that the values of society tend to reflect low-risk "middle of the road "values such as melodic love songs or romantic piano music. The Secrets of Musical Confidence
  • Unit Four introduces melodic and harmonic intervals; by Unit Six, the student is playing the C-major chord in the left hand.
  • They chose to play the song unamplified on ukulele, maracas, melodica and guitar. Times, Sunday Times
  • The speech is often called telegraphic (nouns and action verbs only) and is flat, unmelodic, and distorted.
  • The baroque Italian used for the libretto is complicated and often encumbers the listener, taking away from the melodic tunes of the arias.
  • Most of the melodic material is given to the primo player, and the secondo player is left with page after page of primary triads played in unison or arpeggiated or a bass line doubled between the hands.
  • He has a fine gift for melody, and it would be fair to say that melodic considerations drive the piece.
  • Elisions, stretti, contractions, prolongations and antiphonal presentations are only some of the devices the composer frequently employs to achieve a pacing that clarifies the overall direction of the melodic trajectory of a piece.
  • However, don't for a moment underestimate his huge talent as a chart-topping singer with a sweet melodic voice, excellent songsmith skills and a more than capable guitarist.
  • The signature sonic features of this 'classic' period are Chris Squire's highly melodic and discursive bass playing, enhanced by the sound of his Chris Squire was one of the first rock bass players to successfully adapt electronic guitar effects such as tremolo, phasing and the wah-wah pedal to the instrument. Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
  • Chicken-suited street musician plays "What is Love" on Melodica, rocks righteously (video) Boing Boing

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