How To Use Mellowing In A Sentence
Donovan took up partial residence at World Cafe Live last week, mellowing out at the bar Wednesday and Friday before and after his performance on Thursday.
All I could see were glowing puffs in the west: gloriously orange and then mellowing to a yellow and peaking to a pink: all the time silhouetting the city that stretched small in front of it.
The rest of the time I've been just mellowing out and enjoying life.
The growth of artistic expressions is a sign of cultivation of sensitivity, of mellowing, of humanism.
The look on her face changed, her fury apparently mellowing.
Gyllenhaal is also appealing as the love interest, but it's the mellowing Duvall who gives the film extra ballast and seasoning playing Wayne, the true-blue friend who helps Bad get clean and sober.
John Farr: Actor's Actor: A Birthday Salute to Robert Duvall
The preparation of an astringent extract, to produce, from spoiled home-made and foreign wines, a "genuine old Port," by mere admixture; or to impart to a weak wine a rough austere taste, a fine colour, and a peculiar flavour; forms one branch of the business of particular wine-coopers: while the mellowing and restoring of spoiled white wines, is the sole occupation of men who are called _refiners of wine_.
A Treatise on Adulterations of Food, and Culinary Poisons Exhibiting the Fraudulent Sophistications of Bread, Beer, Wine, Spiritous Liquors, Tea, Coffee, Cream, Confectionery, Vinegar, Mustard, Pepper, Cheese, Olive Oil, Pickles, and Other Articles Employ
Just as I lay down to fall asleep in my mellowing depression, the sun-shower stops.
Road Trip
It hesitated, its expression mellowing into doubt.
The Thief of Always
In this case, the wife is not merely Muslim, she’s a fanatic Muslim who, moreover, was just kind of mellowing along until her visit to the old country.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Wife’s “Anti-American Sentiments” (and Perhaps Anti-Semitic Sentiments)
On my next dive, I was just mellowing out and watching the occasional fish swim by when, out of the blue, came another whale shark, swimming straight towards me.
But 25 years of European exile and a gradual mellowing of the spirit have tamed the Australian rocker's legendary excesses.
Like teenagers who see their elders settling into a personal style of dress, these writers miss their elders 'subtle, but constant, experimentation with style, structure, music, etc., and see maturity as a sort of death or "mellowing".
the rays of the sun struck the earth mellowingly
iv On Easter Sunday, he did something he'd been putting off since the mellowing of the weather.
Actually, I have few problems with the politics here: I must be mellowing, or maybe I just don't have a political dog in this fight.
Archive 2009-04-01
And his voice seems to be mellowing into some kind of croon, which is odd in itself.
It's nice to know that he's mellowing in his old age.
I've been spending the past week ‘coming down’ from the holiday, just mellowing out and relaxing with Mel.
I have had a Madras-strength sore throat for the last three days but it is now mellowing.
You know you look about thirteen," Tesla said, mellowing her tone.
The thistles, sorrel and prickly lettuce have set seed in the midvalley; wild asters, sunflowers, and chamisa are blooming, the grasses catch and hold the mellowing sunlight in their tawny seedheads and the color transformation on the north facing slopes has started.
Aspen Times - Top Stories
A stone cross marks the most sacred point of the pass, the landscape beyond mellowing markedly from jagged, icy summits to rolling undulations.
In her comments here (amazingly enough not deep-sixed like Mallick's column -- Cruikshank must be mellowing), the Zerb said the following, cited here in context: the CJC marched in the Pride Parade.
Archive 2009-07-01
Could such circumstances have led to a de-mellowing of one's judgment, the core of which is that the building is not just inconceivably ugly on the outside but is, within, a soul-chillling cross between an airport lounge and a jail, a hell of angularities and hard surfaces devoid of human reference, except for the names of rich donors etched high on practically every wall?
De Young Museum 2: Architecture and Nature
A later search of Greek cookbooks revealed that there are two main variations on taramasalata, with either mashed potatoes or stale bread providing substance and mellowing out the strong taste of the roe.
A kind of mellowing atmosphere surrounds all objects in his pages, and tinges them with poetical hues.
Hours in a Library, Volume I. (of III.)
Old Reliable is touring in August, and then we're taking a break and mellowing out a little while.
But Winter went on to reject assertions that Ferguson is mellowing as he winds towards the end of an illustrious career.
Just when we thought it was kind of mellowing out it just hits us hard.
CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2006
Thank hevvins there was a mellowing out in the last four decades.
How to "pass" for a Mexican
The craggy, mellowing Eastwood directs himself admirably in this scenic, first-class oater, which strikes an ideal balance between character piece and action film as it portrays a rapidly changing way of life.
John Farr: The Hard-Won Legacy of Gene Hackman