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How To Use Meld In A Sentence

  • Try to see it on a big screen for the full effect of its magnificent, cheerless vistas, which meld ice and sky in a horizonless prospect, highlighting the drama as if on a modernist stage.
  • I have sent the curious lepidopteron case to Mr. Meldola. More Letters of Charles Darwin — Volume 2
  • The shadows seemed to meld together, and shape a human form - Damion!
  • I like trying to meld together these parameters, to create an illusion, at least, of balance between modes of expression.
  • It seems obvious, but food manufacturers were originally catering to a mainstream taste that they tried to meld together from focus groups and other research methods.
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  • As in basic rummy, a meld is a combination of cards from your hand which you place face up on the table, where it stays until the end of a hand.
  • He melded country music with blues to create rock and roll.
  • The zizz from him melded with the buzz from the cocktail in a most remarkable way. Haunted Honeymoon
  • With the family space more precious than ever, Beth began a decade-long design process that melds a simple, well-composed look with ingenious storage and space-saving ideas.
  • We were trying to meld together the best of the two diverse philosophies: the approach of the Hon Doug Graham and of Dianne Yates.
  • Inside clouds tiny vortices created by the wind spin water-sodden dust particles into clusters, where they meld to form raindrops, say the authors.
  • If you refer," said Meldon, "to my intention of calling civilly on Sir The Simpkins Plot
  • Imelda broke off a bit of rusk and gave it to Juliet, who was teething. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • I have been described as a 'closet nationalist', and as a Melders-like 'pinko' - which has caused eyebrows to be raised amongst some of my more Conservative friends. A Right-Winger - Moi?
  • New benzoquinone-based antioxidants nächste Meldung Innovations-report
  • At almost the same instant, Dranymire lost control of the meld. TREASON KEEP
  • Ziggy 4 - yep, he's the fourth Ziggy-pup Meldrum has owned - made his fame by going completely berko when Dicky Knee appeared during the Molly's Melodrama segment. | Top Stories
  • Not surprisingly, fusion cuisine continued to be popular, melding tastes from different cultures into one melting pot.
  • The luxurious tones and melded colors demonstrate the paintings' slow facture and encourage contemplative viewing.
  • Nor, perhaps, did they wish the supernatural to meld with the sexual, as otherworldly beings turned out to be alluring mortal women in flimsy garments. Scott Repatriated?: La Dame blanche Crosses the Channel
  • To make it on the stove top, sauté the onion and garlic, parboil the potato and then let everything simmer for as long as possible to let the flavours meld together.
  • Poe's general modus operandi was to meld together facts with fiction.
  • This innovative sonnet sections itself into two quatrains and a sestet, making it a gentle melding of the English and Italian sonnets. Great Regulars: She then hears a voice as she attempts
  • Let me call on the demons bonded to my bloodline to create the meld. TREASON KEEP
  • Many of Imelda's shoes are now in a museum, including the pair of simple canvas espadrilles she was wearing at the time she had to literally run from the palace to escape the revolt.
  • With a promo for " Worst Case Scenario " for the Discovery Network she melds live action and graphic illustration, nicely using typography to annotate the footage.
  • Mr Meldrum said it was what was called a sheathbill, and not good for eating, which made Frank regret all the more having killed it, especially when its mate hopped up to him presently -- as if asking him why he had shot her husband! The Wreck of the Nancy Bell Cast Away on Kerguelen Land
  • A meld can be started with three or more cards and built up to a canasta by adding cards on later turns.
  • Stomach-squeezing fear swirled and melded with hateful memories, growing into a harsh burden too large to fight. Healing the Highlander
  • For me that photo - which is very straightforward in a way - just kind of crystallizes such a major moment for me personally, the melding together of punk and rap, black and white, etc. Any thoughts on that whole timeframe and era?
  • Presumably, many of the big-name SF/F authors, editors and publishers you have featured in other Mind Melds are bibliophiles and have amassed a large collection of books over the years. SF Signal is Looking for Mind Meld Topics - What Do You Want To See?
  • The days have kind of melded together," said Bernie Broering, 48. Cincinnati.Com - All Local News
  • His 12.5-inch Combat Axe melds Medieval styling with modern-day design cues, bringing the art of chopping up to a new level.
  • Back in the 1990s a friend, tired of the usual fan's attempts to bring about victory for Middlesbrough using the paraphernalia of lucky clothing and the like and, to be honest, during the higgledy-piggledy reign of Bryan Robson even Imelda Marcos would have exhausted her wardrobe in pursuit of something that would halt a post‑Christmas slump, determined on what appeared a foolproof scheme – a retrospectively effective charm. The winning secret of Sir Alex Ferguson's lucky underpants | Harry Pearson
  • Melanie Wilson is such a distinctive performer, melding sound and words to spine-tingling effect. This week's new theatre and dance
  • Each player's score for the hand consists of: the total value of any bonuses they are entitled to, plus the total value of all the cards they have melded, minus the total value of any cards remaining in their hands.
  • Not all the té Ortyn demons are part of the dragon meld. HARSHINI
  • Guide us through themaze of old cow paths and Indian trails that have been transformed into highways, roundabouts, and cloverleaves to the acclaimed digerati with whom we have come to mind-meld. I’m Working on That
  • In 1885 Meldola became professor of chemistry at Finsbury Technical College.
  • With a unique take on post-punk dance music, Maximum Joy meld punky choppy guitars, disco-funk beats and basslines, skronk-y jazz elements, reggae and dub effects, polyrhythms and (more!) cowbell. Hit me with your best shot (Music (For Robots))
  • We should be able to disagree with a certain level of civility, but I do not agree that we are obligated to become a passive melded blob of single opinioned, mindless butt-kissers. Leave the political S*** somewhere else!!!
  • The bidder gets to score the amount of his bid and his meld, the player that misplayed loses all meld and takes a single set, and the third player scores only his meld.
  • The work is filled with other puzzles - a desert landscape melds into a snowscape, which in turn can be seen as a strangely stretched image of a contemporary Sphinx-like woman.
  • Their music melds together a scuzzy, squally blend of rebellious gospel/folk that at times possesses the radiant buoyancy of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes, and in quieter moments the seeping warmth of M Ward or intelligent, lovely meanderings of Elvis Perkins. Heather Browne: Drew Grow Brings Rock and Roll Salvation
  • Between the end of the war and the onset of the blacklist, a handful of progressive Hollywood filmmakers tried to meld the emerging noir style with overt political content, especially concerning fascism and antifascism. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • In the example above, the left meld would get the low card bonus - the fives tie and the six beats the seven.
  • The melding of image and sound is a potent mix, perhaps unrivalled anywhere else in graphic design.
  • Bonuses for red threes and canastas do not count towards this minimum - it must be achieved by means of the value of the cards in the meld.
  • Note 15: Und zü einem male hatte man nüwe gemelde in dem core gemacht, und daruff was ir begirde also sere gerichtet, das si es als gerne hatte gesechen, das es ane masse was. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Sure, babies are difficult, but I wouldn't exactly call melding families with a 15-, 14- and 9-year-old still at home any easier. The Full Feed from
  • The flavors kind of melded and bloomed I had let them cool, and then put them in a ziplock bag for overnight storage. Cranberry Orange Cookies | Baking Bites
  • To what extent did Blunt succeed in melding the old-fashioned qualities of the "perfect" ranch wife with the ideals set forth by the feminist movement sweeping through the county in the 1960s? Breaking Clean by Judy Blunt: Questions
  • Sylvan­shine's intuitive perceptiveness is melded with the related talent of another character, the ability to count the number of words in any speech or conversation: I've said 2,742 words right now since I started. A Cure for Head-Exploding Brilliance
  • The drama, which focuses on a backstreet abortionist, was crowned British film of the year, while its star, Imelda Staunton, took the best actress accolade.
  • It will meld social software into the larger BI platform capabilities to tap into what Gartner calls a groundswell of interest in informal collaboration. CIO News
  • Manx was so inspired that he promptly moved to India to track his soon-to-be mentor down, and for the next few years learned to meld together the sounds of the East and West.
  • As they cook, the banana and pear slices fall into each other's arms, melding together in a luscious soft compote, while keeping their textural identities.
  • They meld beautifully with the electric guitar (played by a violin bow of course).
  • Treasury was also challenged in melding different operational models of the legacy telecommunications systems of our bureaus into a single model compatible with the managed service nature of TNet. How Treasury, AT&T botched billion-dollar network upgrade
  • Marcos's widow Imelda broke down in tears but her daughters Imee and Irene maintained their composure.
  • All of these systems meld together to create what we feel is the most accurate depiction of siege warfare and castle life ever portrayed in a computer game.
  • His teacher, Imelda Mulligan said: ‘Brian was a boy who loved life itself and his eyes were full of devilment.’
  • George Tsypin's sets, Kyle Cooper's digital projections and Eiko Ishioka's costumes have been melded into an exquisitely exact stage equivalent of the sharp-angled, high-contrast drawing style of the Marvel comic books in which Peter Parker and his web-spinning alter ego first came to fictional life. Spidey's Green Glimmer of Hope
  • Each is studded with liquor-soaked prunes, adding soft, sweet little bites that meld perfectly with intense dark chocolate.
  • The basket allows the berries to breathe and thus prevents melding.
  • I used to believe in meld until people disabused me of the notion. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • It's something of a rebus, though perhaps involving more associative skills than your average rebus and doesn't make sense except as a melding of personae.
  • Some play that if you have five nines in your hand and you have no meld (except perhaps deeces), the hand is thrown in and redealt.
  • He must have at some point wanted to work at a private school where the classes were small and melded to his wants, but he didn't have the credentials, and so he ended up in this hellhole.
  • Its interaction with glitchery, such as on the opening folk guitar of otherwise electrolytic single "Bootstrap" or on the Italo-western twang of opener "Transient" (the rare attempt at this style within electronica that doesn't tumble Jenga-style into self-parody) where the cigarette burns of the John Ford reel meld with the acetate and celluloid to make Brakhage collage, is oddly interactive, rather than deteriorative. PopMatters
  • The film's central character Vera Drake played by Imelda Staunton, who was nominated for a rash of best actress awards, is a char whose concern for her family and neighbours is the driving force of her life.
  • Each is betting his or her company's future on parlaying a strong niche position into an even stronger one by melding old-line and new-line businesses.
  • The room darkened, and Culley's outline melded into blackness beside her.
  • What we see in the banking and Wall Street sector is called corporatism - the melding and collaboration between government and corporations. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • He melded country music with blues to create rock and roll.
  • A further piece of veracity lay in the fact that Imelda could not embrace the concept of life without a husband.
  • We love the idea of melding sustainable style with green transportation, and Cycle Chic is a great online guide featuring ways to cycle safely while sporting some rather fashion-forward ideas. TRANSPORTATION TUES: Cycle Chic Takes to the Streets | Inhabitat
  • So I came up with the idea of melding pulp adventure novels with the early days of World War One. On writing The Moonlight Mistress
  • It goes without saying that South Park is a phenomenon fueled almost entirely by a coy balance of subversion and candor, and nevermore has that meld been on more beautiful display than when its crude primary color cut-outs are set to music.
  • In today's Dubrovnik, you can just make out the joins where new stone has been melded with old, like the scars of a past life.
  • She explained to the publican that this was a great English knight travelling from the Monastery to the court of Scotland, after having paid his vows to Saint Mary, and that she had been directed to conduct him so far on the road; and that Ball, her palfrey, had fallen by the way, because he had been over-wrought with carrying home the last melder of meal to the portioner of Langhope; and that she had turned in Ball to graze in the Tasker's park, near Cripplecross, for he had stood as still as Lot's wife with very weariness; and that the knight had courteously insisted she should ride behind him, and that she had brought him to her kend friend's hostelry rather than to proud Peter The Monastery
  • Imelda sat on at the table, her mind whirring with possible courses of action. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Note that in this version of Canasta, melds consisting entirely of wild cards are not allowed.
  • Shillinger said some officials at the U.S. Agency for International Development are also concerned their humanitarian programs could be "stigmatized" by direct links with the military, which has melded aid programs with combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan - wars unpopular in most of ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The building skin has been constructed, conceptually, from a melding of the two.
  • In later melds and when laying off cards on existing melds, jokers can be used freely to substitute for any card.
  • But despite these varying degrees of success, the three twisted tales meld together smoothly, forming one perfectly disturbing anthology.
  • One of those stories (they have all, ahem, melded together in my mind) remarked that if sustained in court, and quite possibly even if not, the fraud suit and the narrative it tells, has the possibility of significantly altering the perception of the financial crisis, or at least its relationship to complex derivatives. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Goldman Fraud Suit
  • Arguably, there are portraits that are likenesses and those that are not, but likeness often recedes into or melds with a more complex visual, ideological, and even magical and transhistorical body a nd self.
  • This Asian-style concoction melds multilayered tastes, unfurling hints of cardamom, cloves and anise on the tongue.
  • Not minding being the occasional butt of their jokes, I went along with their ribbing, and during social gatherings would adopt a typical Meldrew pose, throw in an ‘I don't believe it’ and carry on at length about some trivial irritation.
  • You must have at least one example of each type - natural, mixed, wild, sequence and sevens - completed with 7 cards in each, and you may also have additional canastas or smaller melds of any types.
  • The comic is described as melding action with mythology from India. Nicolas Cage is The Sadhu | Obsessed With Film
  • Then, Imelda caught her breath, began giggling uncontrollably … took off both her cobra-skin pumps and proceeded to beat Leona unconscious. Matthew Yglesias » In What Culture is Having a Shoe Thrown At You a Sign of Respect?
  • The show melds modern dance techniques and poetic prose narrative to illustrate her desperation.
  • They learnt the Buddhist and Taoist traditions of India and China and melded it into their own Shinto philosophy to obtain Bushido, which is in my opinion, the most powerful words I have seen written about how a man should live. Western Press Vilifies Princess' Decision to Marry
  • Mr. Shindo's film appeals on many levels, but what makes it irresistible is its exquisite melding of stark black-and-white cinematography and intensely evocative sound design, in which the continually rustling vegetation is virtually an additional character. Haunting Films From Japan
  • Besides, in a world where consumerism and profit have melded into a homogeny of blandness, any uniqueness should be cherished.
  • The valid melds are sequences and groups as in Carousel.
  • Worldmind tells him that it will wake him if he is needed, but unfortunately, the nature of their meld is a little unique. Nova #2 | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News
  • To meld is also to lay down a set or run in Pinochle. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • Heech Tablet, melding architectural form and geometric abstraction, extends this conceit using a bronze slab whose surface is incised with rows of small rectangles meant to evoke a cuneiform inscription.
  • James Blake in his melding of lounge R&B and electro, collates this outrageously good label sampler with contributions from Quadron and his own archives. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
  • The minute we saw it, we felt it was just right for the site - all our ideas seemed to meld together.
  • ‘Oh, drat,’ I muttered, doing my Victor Meldrew impression.
  • It is abstract; she used her big, fat paint pens, and the bright colours somehow melded together to emulate, almost perfectly, a pattern I recognize from a tie-dyed sarong I wore on the beach in Dahab. Spelling Bee
  • Meldrew and Greengrass, though, are the exceptions rather than the rule, she says.
  • Many of these directly incorporate works of art - the art of the wheelchair bound Horibe, whose paintings meld the plant and animal worlds.
  • He melded country music with blues to create rock and roll.
  • Where your whole life, being a famous surfer's daughter who's been surfing since she was four but pursued acting, dancing, singing -- NOT surfing in other words -- you don't get to meld the two loves together. Abigail Spencer: Ride the Wave
  • Once in the body, they could meld and warp the body to grow wings.
  • I think there is also a problem (though not necessarily in box office terms) when the diegetic and non-diegetic are 'melded' this way. NAACHGAANA
  • I, for one, who sent a son through that university and have dealt with the Temerlin Advertising Institute since its inception, strongly believe that SMU is an acculturative institution taking the best of “eastern academia” melded with midwestern practicality and common sense. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » TEDxSMU A Resounding Success
  • He notes the use of services to indicate a single service (this is common throughout the United States); the decay of reverend to revernor, reverner, revenor or revener; the use of confirmand to designate a candidate for confirmation; the use of to announce to indicate notifying a pastor of an intention to partake of communion (Ger. sich anmelden); and the use of confessional-address (beichtrede.) Chapter 4. American and English Today. 2. Differences in Usage
  • You can lay off cards on your own melds, and on those of your partner and opponents.
  • Sure, the information superhighway is supposed to meld all these technologies into a torrential digital stream. Technology: Changing the Way We Communicate
  • My hubby chose the fish of the day Thai spiced tarakihi with lemon butter and capers plus vegetables - a tasty meld of broccoli, beans, carrots and cauliflower.
  • Samba is a variation in which it is possible to meld cards in sequence in a suit as well as sets of equal cards.
  • The line is being described as melding “sci-fi with the prehistoric.” BWE Exclusive: A Graphic Interview With Paul Pope | Best Week Ever
  • Imelda broke off a bit of rusk and gave it to Juliet, who was teething. DEATH OF AN UNKNOWN MAN
  • Some of these difficulties melded or contributed, in some respects, to some of the behaviour exhibited by the appellant in relation to his contacts with the complainant.
  • Together they meld their knowledge of geography, satellite navigation, and weapons systems technology into a readable blend of techno-thriller and futures analyses.
  • From behind the building, a Mind-Melder floated around the corner, slaloming through invisible gates.
  • Luke Meldrum found plenty of ball in the rucks, while Travis Eddie is in good form, finding space on the wings.
  • The basket allows the berries to breathe and thus prevents melding.
  • However, you are only allowed to go out if your team has melded two sambas, or two canastas (pure or mixed ones), or one samba and one canasta.
  • He was captivated by the combination of art and lab technique and its melding of craft with experimentation and became a full-time serigrapher in 1980.
  • The cavaliers were a truly astounding sight - each horse was jet black and melded into the shadows while running.
  • When he brought Imelda her drink she gave him a genuine, sweet smile of thanks.
  • The streetlights along the track cast a pale whiteness upon the silent train; I experienced a familiar wee-hour grogginess that melded so eerily with the shadowy black and whiteness of the scene.
  • Unless you believe that this three-word zinger popped into the mind of every Toronto leftie through some kind of progressive mind meld, then what we are seeing is an orchestrated campaign to stick a label on Mr. Ford and his cost-cutting exercise. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Their task was to build a wooden wheelchair pathway around a small pond in the grounds of Meldreth Manor.
  • But Mr Melding says he is happiest standing on municipal benches with his megaphone, annoying the socialists of Abertillery.
  • He argues that in the current period the melding of ghetto and prison through various carceral strategies is the latest method devised for achieving these long-standing objectives.
  • Scott's work during this period suggests his growing political engagement and ever-bolder attempts to subvert the studio system, beginning with the critique of class and corruption in Murder, My Sweet, through the internationalist antifascism of Cornered, to Crossfire, the final point on the trajectory of Scott's attempts to meld his creative and political visions. Caught in the Crossfire: Adrian Scott and the Politics of Americanism in 1940s Hollywood
  • The meld must have at least two cards of the same natural rank (any rank from four up to ace), such as two nines, three kings, four fives, etc.
  • It was a livid blue colour although sometimes it melded through a shocking purple into a bright red.
  • Besides, a bag was suspended in the mill for David Ritchie’s benefit; and those who were carrying home a melder of meal, seldom failed to add a gowpen [Handful] to the alms-bag of the deformed cripple. The Black Dwarf
  • The magnolias are clipped into pyramids and underplanted with topiary balls that will eventually meld into each other to create a cloud hedge.
  • The raindrops melded into a sheet of water.
  • i love this: thixotropy the melting and melding and healing all the way to the ivory cusp of idealism that's like sex i guess that's when i truly realize that Foryourtime Diary Entry
  • During her residency, she began a series of paintings that merge these distinct terrains: the melding of ancient histories with architectural utopianism.
  • A sequence meld in course of construction must always consist of a run of three or more consecutive cards of one suit.
  • A melding of Hindu motifs with the original chikan motifs includes 'rangoli' patterns, the peepul leaf and motifs of 'naquash' work taken from the walls of Maheshwar fort. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The real news, however, is that Imelda Marcos - sometimes accused in the plot to assassinate Ninoy, and as lavishly pompadoured and aggressively fluttering as ever - also won her race for Congress. Phil Bronstein: Ninoy, Noynoy, No-No.
  • Such a ship — something like a "Star Trek" shuttlecraft melded with a deep sea explorer with pincer-like arms— is needed just to get within working distance of the rock. Daunting space task: Send astronauts to asteroid
  • The galliot is the feet and hands of these islands, and that which serves as a caracoa; for, glory be to God, the Meldicas [_sic; sc. _ mestizos] and native Christians are wanting to me. The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 19 of 55 1620-1621 Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing
  • Later I would worry about melding this information with Houdon's life mask and bust.
  • One of the most beautiful melodies in all Sparrow's music - in all Caribbean music, for that matter - raises this composition (which is often mistitled under the name of its heroine, Melda) into our top 50.
  • You do not count a canasta bonus for a meld of black threes, however.
  • He is an Andean scholar whose studies meld ethnography, ethnohistory and ethnoscience.
  • Decide what's missing from your hand - the cards you need for a run, or to fill in a piece of meld.
  • Like a hot spicy rain, it falls, it's hot spicy heat melding with the sugary sweet taste.
  • In the far distance, at the unbroken horizon, the sea melds indistinguishably with the sky.
  • When melding black threes in the process of going out, it is permissible to meld two black threes and a wild card.
  • You can also make a meld consisting entirely of wild cards - twos and jokers.
  • ‘The singleton is the elder sister of the ladette,’ says cultural critic Imelda Whelehan about the media's take on single women.
  • Flamenco is gypsy music, melded with Jewish and Arabic cadences - tantalising, vibrant and complex, occasionally haunting, dark and sorrowful, but always vivid and intense.
  • The same voice also sings the title track, which is beautiful in its simplicity as the piano and guitar meld together striking poignant chords. Brainwashed
  • Brother Michael's hortatory letters from his deathbed, a gold locket containing a spray of Aunt Imelda's un tameable mop of white hair, a folder of personal correspondence including Lord Brinkley's letter to me and his Christmas cards, and the sturdy cloth shoulder-bag that had carried home the ingredients for my coq au vin. The mission song
  • Allow this to stand for about 15 minutes for the flavours to meld, then season to taste.
  • There are two ways of scoring points: by melding combinations and by winning scoring cards in tricks.
  • Imelda Staunton is a fine actress and will no doubt fill her trophy case due to a performance built for sympathetic hosannas.
  • It is possible to pick up the discard pile if it is not frozen and you have a meld or canasta in the same rank as the top card of the pile.
  • Fortunately, Oliver likes to gestate her evening-length dances over a long period and says she feels that this process melds well with the demands of university life.
  • As in most rummy games, the possible melds are sets of equal cards and runs of consecutive cards in the same suit.
  • The seaweed will be dry and crisp at this stage but as soon as you start filling it, it will dampen and the layers will meld together.
  • Again the aim is to get rid of all your cards by melding them.
  • The Polity is under attack from a 'melded' AI entity with control of the lethal Jain technology, yet the attack seems to have no coherence. Line War (Neal Asher) Information
  • Players score for cards melded according to the point values printed on the cards, and are penalised for unmelded cards when another player goes out.
  • The magnolias are clipped into pyramids and underplanted with topiary balls that will eventually meld into each other to create a cloud hedge.
  • The demons had been practising their meld, but it took a lot out of them and the Gathering was still to be faced. TREASON KEEP
  • If a four had turned up and you had a four in your hand, you would not be able to meld fours, because stealing the 4 would not leave a valid sequence.
  • Join Carrie Lofty as we look at how to meld research and fiction, with the goal of selecting and integrating the best details to enhance character point of view. Carrie Lofty, Author of the Month
  • At almost the same instant, Dranymire lost control of the meld. TREASON KEEP
  • Next up, the "melded" bill will go to the Congressional Budget Office for cost analysis of its various provisions. Main RSS Feed
  • Los geht‘s es sind keine Meldungen über Schweinegrippe dabei: 2009 April « Memesis Virtualis
  • Wild cards (jokers and twos) can normally be used in melds as substitutes for natural cards of the appropriate rank.
  • The Germans had no real equivalent to French chasseurs à cheval, but the Prussian army did raise Jäger zu pferd (horse Jäger) squadrons in 1897, based on Meldreiter (dispatch rider) detachments which had been formed in 1895.
  • Never really thought about it before, but Spock’s mind meld is probably the only other usage I’veheard. The Volokh Conspiracy » To Meld — What Does “Meld” Mean?
  • Non-aces out of trump are almost always losers, even though they might earn points in meld.
  • Son of Imelda and Tom, Emmet showed great artistic talent and ability from a very early age.
  • Irresistible rhythms, glorious colour and costumes, and oodles of talent melded with skilful direction into a whammy of a production!
  • Meldrew and Greengrass, though, are the exceptions rather than the rule, she says.
  • You know this genre/lit fic meld is dear to my heart, so he won me over almost immediately. SeeLight:
  • The sounds become electronic drones, otherworldly howls, pulverizing static, and then are melded into harsh industrial soundscapes.
  • But melding these two types of skills, riding and shooting, is a great combination.
  • Not all the té Ortyn demons are part of the dragon meld. HARSHINI
  • I think Greengrass fully succeeded in melding his docu-drama style with his Bourne-esque sensibilities. /Filmcast Ep. 91 - Green Zone (GUEST: Jeff Goldsmith from Creative Screenwriting Magazine) | /Film
  • I can see how individual layers of ice are identified in the plastic layer where the process of transformation of snow to firn to ice nivation is occurring, but in the Plastic Layer individual layers are quickly blurred and melded together. Guliya Core #2 and Mountain Glacier Flow « Climate Audit
  • After making a demo in his London flat on a stereo tape-deck, he hawked his melding of many instruments (glockenspiel, farfisa organ, flageolet etc) around record companies.
  • In this stovetop recipe, the beef juices meld with dried apricots, mustard, and wine, creating a smoky, fruity stew.
  • Det er et initiativ, hvor avisens læsere kan melde sig til et kursus i et eller andet emne, og ... Newspapers find a new way to monetize their journalists » Nieman Journalism Lab
  • Since the late '70s, Adrian Piper's art practice has deliberately melded the forms of '60s conceptualism and minimalism with identity based subject matter.
  • The choruses meld together quite nicely to complement each other.
  • Meldon said Yandle, who lives in Rutland, Vt., has stayed sober, is training to be a counselor for alcohol and drug abusers, and is trying to be a good father. AP Boston - Lie may land killer back in jail
  • Sometimes, a player will make a sacrifice bid and the leader will ‘meld out’ anyway.
  • Mary, and that she had been directed to conduct him so far on the road; and that Ball, her palfrey, had fallen by the way, because he had been over-wrought with carrying home the last melder of meal to the portioner of Langhope; and that she had turned in Ball to graze in the The Monastery
  • You can use your two nines to take the top 7 cards of the discard pile and make a dirty meld of three nines and a two for 50 points.
  • R'shiel fervently hoped it was Dranymire pausing for dramatic effect, not fighting for control over the meld. TREASON KEEP

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