How To Use Melange In A Sentence

  • The side dish the day I visited was a simple mixed olive salad, a mélange of black and green olives with spicy oil.
  • The Indus Suture Zone, also locally called the Sumdo Formation, contains the well-preserved Nidar ophiolite and the Zildat Ophiolitic Melange.
  • -this book, rather than, say, a senseless word melange from a certain governor clear on other end of the country? John Jeter: The Sanford Wife
  • The northern margin of the melange is marked by a thrust contact with both the Carboniferous sedimentary rocks and extrusive volcanic sequence.
  • The clothing included a black-and-cream herringbone tweed blazer with purple-and- gold piping, a heritage white batiste lace-trimmed blouse, and a cedar mélange shawl collar button front cardigan, as listed on the line sheet provided for the young'uns in the front row. Tweens Take the Runway
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  • There is Samsara, with it's minimalistic yet rich melange of jasmine, sandalwood and vanilla; Songes, shamelessly floral through and through with jasmine, frangipanni and powdery-sweet vanilla foundation; or Ormonde Jayne's airy and light rendition of Frangipanni Absolute. Archive 2008-06-01
  • Lithological variations within the Delb Khairkhan melange suggest that the melange is derived from different tectonic environments.
  • Ben oui moi je le QI qui fluctue avec la fatigue donc la creve + L'arret du traitement pour pas melanger avec les medoc de la creve et tout, et bien le Pinku il ressemble a rien! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • That they do so by means of a mental state bought on by melange is also significant. Archive 2008-07-01
  • Seriously, It's most outstanding feature is It's wrecktacular decorations---imagine: ROSES "and" FIREWORKS in a synergistic wrecksplosion of cakey- bakey graduational melange... The Sprinkles Decorator Strikes Again
  • The Annascaul Formation is at least 500 m thick, and is dominated by mudrocks with subordinate quartz wacke sandstones, tuffaceous fine conglomerates and melange.
  • Published by Honestech (aka Honest Technology), Fireman is a mélange -- a salmagundi if you will -- of CD and DVD creation and tools.
  • Mysterious and sophisticated, this mélange of all-natural spices and herbs and woods agarwood, borneol and shiso leaf among others is haunting. Top 25 Contemporary Perfumes
  • The results of this week's coring campaign can be summarized as follows: thick (11 m) accumulations of fine sediments, all derived from the ophiolitic mélange, occur in the valley bottom upstream from Alexanders 'Hill. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 10: Geomorphological
  • Keening vocals and flying fiddles mix with kora, bagpipe and drum in a dramatic melange of sound. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latter proved to be built on top of weathered ophiolitic melange. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Hadrian & Antoninus Pius Sanctuary Report 5
  • The chorus of the piece - a reprise of Allien's introduction replete with the now introduced elements is a exultant mélange of avant-pop songwriting.
  • His distinctive style, a melange of watercolor and collage, resonates on every page.
  • Un article intitulé «Celle qui ne se mélange pas avec les autres» dénonce la «chanteuse qui incarne à la perfection le pire du microcosme idéologico-mondain». [carla bruni-sarkozy] déchaîne les passions italiennes
  • Marucchi: _Di un busto del Salvatore_, etc., in the _Mélanges_, 1888, p. 403. Pagan and Christian Rome
  • Poised on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean, Lisbon, which was a great maritime power in the 15th century, enjoys a melange of cultures few cities can match.
  • The plateau of Düzen and the neighbouring Zençirli Tepe (mountain) both consist of beige limestone, overlying ophiolitic mélange (a volcanic rock). Archaeometrical Study of Craft Activities « Interactive Dig Sagalassos – City in the Clouds
  • The book is a melange of logical exposition, poetic irruptions, and travel on a road with many detours and roadside attractions.
  • The higher resistivity could be from heterogeneities in the ophiolitic mélange, the presence of limestone massifs, or both. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Seismological Studies
  • Acting Defense Minister Valeriy Ivashchenko says a first consignment of the liquid component, known as melange, was taken last month to Russia for recycling into chemicals for civilian use.
  • And part of the appeal is the startlingly crisp and fresh sound, a million miles away from the airbrushed fuzzy melange of most guitar bands these days.
  • Gordon Ramsay suggests chestnut mushrooms, Simon and Lindsey, and James Martin flat black mushrooms, Delia a mixture of dried porcini, soaked before use, and chestnut, and Madelene a veritable melange of oyster, chestnut, shitake and girolles. How to cook perfect beef wellington
  • Si nous ne vivions pas dans un temps oú toutes les prévisions sont trompées par une certaine inertie générale qui amortit toutes les passions et ralentit le cours naturel des événements, je croirais qu'une crise violente est assez prochaine, les éléments extrêmes se trouvant réums et rapprochés dans l'Assemblée nouvelle, de manière à former un mélange explosible comme la chimie redoute d'en amener. Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • And the third success is what I should call the "melange". The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke
  • It isn't only strawberries; we're eating less unprocessed or melanged fruit altogether. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's deep, fluid and rich, yet with poise and an exotic melange of fruit, spice and rose petal flavours that linger on and on well after you swallow.
  • Overall the dishes were a study in contrasts, with textures and flavors working together in a superb melange.
  • The melange of languages and accents was as varied as the faces.
  • Mélangez-les avec l'aneth ciselé, le piment et l'huile d'olive. [today's recipe] prepare and enjoy
  • The "melange", as I call it, is rather an innovation in English verse, and to be found only rarely. The Collected Poems of Rupert Brooke
  • The nose expects to smell something green, but the immediate impression of a feijoa is a tropical mélange that evokes guava, strawberry, pineapple and violet notes. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Drop the cleaning fluid and the phantom scents and the word melange, and, depending where the joss sticks are, the farther away from the cigarette sneaking clerk the better, I'd buy this. A tin nose
  • Compounding this disjointed approach was a confusing mélange of stage settings.
  • The audience surveys a melange of imaginary figures, and historical ones both famous and obscure.
  • The Burd Gol melange is also the most highly metamorphosed unit locally containing amphibolite grade staurolite and kyanite schists.
  • It probably originated from the nearby volcano of Gölcük (ca 10 km north of Sagalassos), rather than as a weathered ophiolitic melange as previously suggested. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Near the Theater Report 8
  • Each winemaker sees this wine as a personal statement and each blend is a unique melange of the varieties in the vineyards.
  • _Mélanges d'une petite Bibliothèque_ describes a 'clef'. The Works of Aphra Behn Volume IV.
  • The Annascaul Formation is at least 500 m thick, and is dominated by mudrocks with subordinate quartz wacke sandstones, tuffaceous fine conglomerates and melange.
  • Our Mediterranean melange starts with purchased polenta, which we sliced and grilled with zucchini, fennel, and eggplant.
  • Our mystery dish was a mélange of fried octopus, squid and various vegetables, and was fresh and tender all around.
  • He is a contrarian melange of reasonable gastronomic meritocracy and vaunting epicurean elitism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The defining melange of Cuban cuisine demonstrates the nodal and processual nature of ‘authenticity’ generated by trans-temporal and trans-spatial dynamics of cultural and social production.
  • The expected glamour of the leading ladies was complemented by the tony dressing of guests who represented the full cultural mélange that is Houston.
  • The author's failure to define clearly these terms and movements makes for a confusing melange that never comes into focus.
  • Myth and symbol, however, attach less readily to an elemental melange: it is an iron horse that steamed its way across the American plain, the iron fist that represents a display of might.
  • The Haluut Bulag melange is dominantly sedimentary with lenses of bedded limestone, sandstone, siltstone, and locally vesicular basalt, enclosed in a matrix of pelitic schist.
  • The bouquet is deep and lovely, as it offers up a complex mélange of tobacco leaf, black cherries, cassis, hot stones, herbs and a fine base of complex soil tones. Mayacamas - one of the greatest California Cabernets by John Gilman | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • No metamorphic mineral growth, besides chlorite and white mica growth and quartz recrystallization, is found within the matrix of the melange, precluding burial to significant depths.
  • Compounding this disjointed approach was a confusing mélange of stage settings.
  • Others haltingly recalled dishes like rijsttafel, a mélange of recipes pilfered from colonial Indonesia, and uitsmijter, which is essentially eggs and ham smothered in cheese.
  • So beef wellington might appear as a mélange of mushrooms en croute with a garnish of fillet. Times, Sunday Times
  • On top of this was a mélange of red pepper, sun-dried tomatoes, onion, shallots, and parsley.
  • The filling was a melange of apricot cream and caramelized nut praline.
  • Also mixed in the melange are sandy limestone and serpentine, as well as sediments that eroded off a precursor of our present Sierra Nevada Range.
  • Some of the bedded sandstone inclusions were folded prior to inclusion within the melange.
  • The composition of the melange varies along strike.
  • He had given up trying to 9 any her pride because it was so richly confused in the mélange of attributes that attracted him. DANSVILLE
  • Tout bien mélanger la farce il faut qu'elle soit lisse. French Word-A-Day:
  • Grupo Batuque, like Paul Horn, have created a rhythmic melange of percussive sounds from Brazilian, African and Indian sources.
  • A gloriously sweet and rich melange of fruit and chocolate, this would have made me come back even if the rest had been absolutely execrable.
  • We suggest that because the upper portion of underthrust sections lacked any thick, water-saturated clastic deposits this did not favour the formation of melanges.
  • The Haluut Bulag melange contains lenses of limestone, sandstone, chert, tuff, minor acid volcanic material, and vesicular basalt.
  • People still believed they could reverse the horrifying melange of famine and fever that had been visited upon them in 1846.
  • He assures the show was ‘really cool’ and that the crowd really seemed to relate to the mainstream mélange of new punk and straight up rock licks.
  • Each winemaker sees this wine as a personal statement and each blend is a unique melange of the varieties in the vineyards.
  • It's very important to know, for the reliability of our interpretation, that this was specifically checked because a test trench in the same area a few years ago apparently just missed the large structure and reached the so-called ophiolitic "mélange" at 0.30 m below the surface. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Survey Report 11: Geophysical
  • Instead, what you get is the indiscernible voice of a child singing in which I have concluded to be a mélange of Chinese and Arabic slang.
  • The side dish the day I visited was a simple mixed olive salad, a mélange of black and green olives with spicy oil.
  • C-S fabrics, rotated quartz clasts and asymmetric boudins in shear zones suggest top-to-the-NE shear sense consistent with that documented previously in the Delb Khairkhan melange.
  • The Northern Inner Piedmont (45e) is characteristically underlain by highly deformed and deeply weathered Cambrian and Proterozoic feldspathic gneiss, schist, and melange. Ecoregions of Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia (EPA)
  • Out of the strange melange of bawdry and bloodshed would emerge the origins of his irrepressible folk humour.
  • As a result of this fusion, the music played by Mambo Sound can be described as a Caribbean melange with Euro-Western taste.
  • Weird is not necessarily bad, especially when a wine is a melange of grape varietals.
  • The neighborhood is a melange of quiet squares and bustling, cobbled streets where bummarees push two-wheel carts filled with beef and poultry and white-coated doctors come and go from St. Bartholomew's Hospital, which was founded in 1123.
  • Quartz stretching lineations in the shear zones are down-dip and rotated clasts in the agglomerates suggest top-to-the-NE shearing or thrusting of the volcanic series over the Delb Khairkhan melange.
  • He spoke a dizzying melange of languages and loved flowers as he loved himself. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Toute culture naît du mélange, de la rencontre, des chocs. French Word-A-Day:
  • Unreliable texts, enigmatic melanges of authenticity and rampant imagination arrive on Nanson's lap and draw him further in.
  • It was superb: marshmallow-soft pastry and a glorious melange of fish within, the salsa adding a sweet but piquant edge.
  • So, this is the kind of melange out of which good gangster movies could come. Matthew Yglesias » Predictions I Hope Come True
  • Staring back at her, by mouth gaping, a melange of confused emotions begin stewing up inside me.
  • Can someone please explain to me how the most elemental political issues can be derived from this overhyped melange of the obvious and the psychotic?
  • But confusion still reigns over their genre-mashing melange of styles.
  • The resident Surrey-based jokers, who gave two sell out performances in Epsom in November and March, have been tickling fans with a melange of bawdy songs and set pieces since they began working together two and a half years ago.
  • The architectural part of the complex was reborn as a post-Victorian mélange, in which Moorish arches soar above Gothic vaults.
  • There's a nice melange of original and covered material.
  • The result is 64 minutes which blend country, folk, jazz, classical, and rock: a characteristic Frisell melange of non-typical material.
  • With a melange of rhythmic numbers and the performance to match, the student participants too showcased unlimited energy and zeal.
  • The population is a melange of different cultures.
  • -- this book, rather than, say, a senseless word melange from a certain governor clear on other end of the country? John Jeter: The Sanford Wife
  • The air was hazy violet with a clashing mélange of the incenses burned in the prayers and rites of cleansing. THE CURSE OF CHALION
  • D is a slick monthly featuring a mélange of ads, revie ... Jackson Williams: Former Publisher of William F. Buckley's National Review Backs Obama
  • MelangePure coffee with effervesced milk and chocolate. Cheezburger - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Instead, it is a mélange of mainstream-friendly comedy and storytelling on the theme of love - brutally honest and quite funny, if somewhat derivative.
  • It turns out that Tian refers to the dish that the melange is baked in.
  • It's a rapid-paced mélange of absurdist nonsense stuffed with mad ideas, baffling scenarios, and unlikely characters.
  • Preliminary resistivity profile SA04P4, oriented west-east between the Neon Library and the Potters 'Quarter indicating the presence of limestone and the ophiolitic mélange in the subsurface. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Seismological Studies
  • The low values correspond to the ophiolitic mélange bedrock. Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Seismological Studies
  • The oldest and probably weirdest track is Pavement's 1995 melange of detuned organs and ratcheting embellishments, ‘Motion Suggests’.
  • The prisoner had known of the warder's arrival by the sour aroma that preceded him, a melange of rancid sweat and cheap tobacco.
  • HaveFun is right …. the unique healthful flavor of simple kosher food … the low-fat joys of chicken liver … the low-salt melange of pastrami and corned beef … the low-cholesterol beauty of schmaltz … the low-carb wonder of the knish … PROFILE: Midtown Lunch’er “Amy” | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Mélanges Théologiques (Liège, 1852-3, p. 453) quotes Lessius: "Si absque justa causa fiat, est abusio orationis contra virtutem veritatis, et civilem consuetudinem, etsi proprie non sit mendacium. Apologia Pro Vita Sua
  • The southsouthwestern boundary of the Indus Basin sediments is the shear zone of the Indus suture, with an ophiolitic melange exposed near Chilling.
  • They have created a rhythmic melange of percussive sounds from Brazilian, African and Indian sources.
  • In 2001 Hebden perfected what neologists might term ‘folktronica’ on Pause, a late summer's melange of delicate found-sound sonics and charmingly recontextualised acoustic melodies and beats.
  • It will enrich the amazing melange of sounds that make up this wonderful new South Africa.
  • The music is awkward and unbalanced, a melange of cello, saxophone, piano and intermittent percussion.
  • Strong was one of the authorial lights to emerge from the complex mélange of the Third Great Awakening, which featured, throughout the latter third of the nineteenth century, renewed waves of revivalism and missionary work, the founding of denominational colleges, YMCAs, and religious youth groups, the campaign for Prohibition, as well as the progressive reform politics of the Social Gospel. The Chosen Peoples
  • Another challenge is that optoelectronics is a mélange of unstandardized technologies and material systems.
  • Et c'est à la faveur des connoissances multipliés de notre siecle qu'un sçavant de l'Academie a trouvé le moyen de nous le presenter sous un autre forme sous la quelle il en a affermi les principes et a sçu varier les couleurs pour des mélanges d'une maniere aussi sage qu'ingénieuse. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • But its productions are less theatre and more a melange of performance art, music, video, and dance.
  • In addition, the Central Pontides include Late Mesozoic ophiolitic rocks and ‘Neotethyan’ melange.
  • It was a melange of different groups, types and individuals.
  • To teach a melange of faiths or none at all is to sow confusion in the minds of the young and deny our children that inner strength that comes from a clearly held belief.
  • Apprenez à préparer des desserts crus et délicieux en alimentation vivante, en mélangeant le plaisir des sens et le plaisir de rester en santé ! Archive 2009-02-15
  • Nowadays, Whitechapel is a melange of chain restaurants, avant garde web designers and dodgy clothing stores with the word "Fashions" unpromisingly included on their signs. Whitechapel: David Stubbs's TV OD
  • The decor is an eclectic mélange of retro and modern.
  • I had the warm chocolate tart, with a soft crust hiding its delectable molten interior, while a chocolate sauce kept the whole mélange from being cloying.
  • Hence the Warhol-designed mélange of exclamation-point heels and high-button boots that covers the flacon. August 2008
  • Skilled dancers move beyond pirouettes with their melange of tricks inspired by the Peking Opera and martial arts.
  • The stunningly modern helter-skelter overpasses seem rather incongruous with a melange of bikes and cars that follow a system of road safety entirely their own.
  • These blocks are enclosed in a matrix of sheared, serpentinized ultramafic rocks and thus the entire sequence constitutes another melange.
  • The exhibit features a mélange of mediums, including drawings, photocopied photographs and video frame grabs.
  • It may not be just a two-tier economic divide, but increasingly a three-tier melange which needs to be harmonized in some way.

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