How To Use Melanchthon In A Sentence
But it cannot be denied that, in his endeavors to harmonize universal grace with the fact that not all, but some only, are saved, Melanchthon repudiated the monergism of Luther, espoused and defended the powers of free will in spiritual matters, and thought, argued, spoke, and wrote in terms of synergism.
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
No doubt, Melanchthon also had in mind his far-reaching irenics at Augsburg, when he wrote in the Preface to the
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
Cranach's woodcut known as Passional Christi und Antichristi is an illustration for Philipp Melanchthon's 1521 prayer book.
In 1513 Conrad Mudt (Mutianus Rufus, supporter of Reuchlin and friend of Melanchthon) saw and heard Georg Faust at Erfurt; he wrote to a fellow humanist that this “immoderate and Foolish braggart,” calling himself the “demigod from Heidelberg,” before astonished listeners “talked nonsense at the inn.”
Dictionary of the History of Ideas
Luther: "We have hitherto followed your authority, _tuam secuti hactenus auctoritatem, _" and now, says Melanchthon, Luther should also let him know how much could be yielded to the opponents.
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
At the colloquy of Worms, 1557, Melanchthon, interpellated by Brenz, is reported to have said that the passage in his _Loci_ of 1548 defining free will as the faculty of applying oneself to grace referred to the regenerated will (_voluntas renata_), as, he said, appeared from the context.
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
Luther was conscious of the difference in the method of warfare between himself and his colaborer Melanchthon.
Luther Examined and Reexamined A Review of Catholic Criticism and a Plea for Revaluation
Philipp Melanchthon was the friend, colaborer, and adviser of Luther.
History of Education
During the first period of his activity in Wittenberg, Melanchthon was in perfect agreement with Luther also on the question of man's inability in spiritual matters and the sole activity, or monergism, of grace in the work of his salvation.
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
Martin Luther, that false loon, Black Bullinger and Melanchthon" had been smothered in their chrisom-cloths and that St. Paul had never been born.
The Age of the Reformation
In its doctrine of predestination as well as of free will, therefore, the _Formula of Concord_ is not a compromise between synergism and monergism, but signifies a victory of Luther over the later Melanchthon.
Historical Introductions to the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church