
How To Use Meir In A Sentence

  • Kwanzaa a seven - day festival celebrating the culture and history of African Ameiricans.
  • Meiring on Monday said his decision to retire was prompted by what he labelled discord and distrust sparked by the leakage of the report. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Eu sinto pena e inveja de quem ainda não conhece o Gaiman, é tão único quando se lê o primeiro trabalho dele, seja quadrinho, conto ou romance… Fico feliz por teres feito isso, e espero que tua iniciativa traga mais e mais e mais fãs pra ele e que, talvez, o traga ao Brasil. Esse é um guia para quem quer se iniciar em Neil Gaiman [A Beginner's Guide To Neil Gaiman]
  • A maioria não sabe e repete simplesmente porque é o que todos, embalados por @rafinhabastos, estão repetindo desde o dia 16/07/2009 e pensam que é pelas recentes denúncias envolvendo o senador José Sarney, mas há razões mais antigas para a escolha deste político para um dos primeiros gritos por um governo limpo. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Digital mob demands the Senate President’s resignation
  • The first local money in Brazil was the palma, or palm, which helped foster a local economy in Conjunto Palmeiras, outside Fortaleza in Brazil's northeast. In Pockets of Booming Brazil, a Mint Idea Gains Currency
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  • Meira, the first driver to make a qualifying attempt, lapped the 1.33-mile oval in 23.2874 seconds, 200.967 mph.
  • He has influenced Israel for the better more than any other American Jew -- and I say this with some sadness, as, along with Meir Kahane and Baruch Goldstein, the designation includes Golda Meir, who, in retrospect, blazed Israel's current trail of refusal to read signs of peace and refusal to respond appropriately to signs of danger. Bradley Burston: Bob Dylan, It Turns Out, Lives in Israel
  • Asked if it would be easier for Palmeiro to return on the road, Perlozzo said that getting booed is not good no matter where it is. - Palmeiro back with Birds, but when will he play?
  • They will also be without Drogba at Goodison Park, together with Ashley Cole – who was shown his fifth yellow card of the season on Sunday – and the cup-tied Raul Meireles. Chelsea's André Villas-Boas unrepentant over attack on referee
  • The eye-flies had colonized the top of an almeira; the red stains on the durry were thicker, for Mohammed Latif had slept here during his imprisonment and spat a good deal; the table drawer was scarred where the police had forced it open; everything in Chandrapore was used up, including the air. A Passage To India
  • Meir went away and joined another group where the melamed was a central figure. An Obscure Apostle A Dramatic Story
  • What happened in the last decade," said Dr. Meir Kryger, a sleep specialist at Gaylord Hospital in Connecticut, "is that people are suddenly making their own sleep a priority.
  • Hey, what the heck, another big hit from Alomar, and here comes Palmeiro.
  • Because of balky knees, Palmeiro, 36, no longer moves as quickly around the bag.
  • Orlando Palmeiro led off the inning with a single, Adam Everett bunted him to second and Ausmus doubled to right-center to drive in the winning run in a 3-2 defeat of the Mets.
  • It was the first pole position for a rookie since Vitor Meira won the pole at Texas Motor Speedway in October 2002.
  • He doctored, scratched, scuffed balls, a penalty that carries the same suspension as Rafael Palmeiro's 10-game dismissal in 2005, but his Ph. Colin Barnicle: Perception Becomes Reality With Hall of Fame Voters
  • Think about the term 'harvesting your losses,'" suggests Meir Statman , a finance professor at Santa Clara University. Why We Can't Let Go of Our Losers
  • The love of the EU, bugle call of the legitimate, hero or sad Meirenguan!
  • Fel arwydd o'n parch a'n hedmygedd o waith a phersonoliaeth hyfryd ein diweddar gyfaill Mr Meirion Evans, manteisiodd Ann ar y cyfle i ddarllen penillion addas o'i waith yn y gwasanaeth arbennig hwn.
  • MEIR: First of all, a buffer zone will enable -- or will disenable any force, hostile force to launch multiple bombs into Israeli cites in the northern part, to kill enough soldiers, and to use all kinds of mines against Israeli patrols, because we have to make sure that this zone is clean of Hezbollah. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2006
  • Damage to the popular and heavily-used Meiringspoort pass through the Swartberg Mountains, a major link to the Klein Karoo and Garden Route, appeared to be much more extensive than thought, de Witt said after inspecting the damage this week. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Não sei se já ouviram falar que o Saci na verdade é um personagem indígena e que tem duas pernas, é provável que não ouviram ainda, pois eu fui o primeiro que escreveu dois livros que fala sobre esse personagem, tenho dois livros com o título - Ajuda do Saci, da Editora DCL, e o outro que se chama - O Saci Verdadeiro, da Editora UEL. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Indian writers and poets on the blogosphere
  • Both Meirelles and author Saramago have stated that the title illness is not meant to be taken literally. PopMatters
  • The match was abandoned, Palmeiras-B was scratched from the tournament by IFA and the title went to the city giant.
  • Meiring said his request was prompted by what he labelled discord and distrust sparked by the leakage of a Military ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Alier sees Nimeiri as guided by popular dissatisfaction with the long war and taking his (Alier's) advice on how to end it; and then later undergoing a personal religious re-commitment to Islamism from which it followed that the powers of the non-Muslim south must be removed. Linkspam for 4-2-2010
  • 1829 - O Monte Ararat é escalado pela primeira vez. Nothingandall
  • Meireles's marionette is stamped from thin rubber and was suspended from a rotating rod at the ceiling.
  • good faith negotiations" – like the Missiles continually being launched from Gaza at innocent Civilians in Sderot, the murder of Rabbi Meir Chai in the West Bank, etc.? Gibbs condemns Israel construction in East Jerusalem
  • In 1978, former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir died in Jerusalem at age 80.
  • The Jumeirah has been built from 80 million cubic metres of land dredged from the United Arab Emirates 'Jebel Ali port, whose approaches are being deepened to 17 metres. From Dave Barry's blog: you're not fooling anyone, you know
  • Se calhar foi a este projecto que foram buscar inspiração, visto que o primeiro vídeo do Face Visualizer já tem um tempo Face Visualizer
  • But sitting here today, given Rodriguez's overwhelming credentials (which surpass even Bagwell's) and the flimsiness of the steroids evidence against him -- far less than what is known (or alleged) in regards to Palmeiro, McGwire, Bonds, Clemens or Sosa -- I suspect he would eventually get in. Can we still call Pudge a "future Hall-of-Famer"?
  • A series of petty fouls brought a booking for Smertin in the 29th minute, which made him the third Russian to be cautioned by referee Urs Meir.
  • City of God director Fernando Meirelles is joining three of the film's stars to answer questions and premiere their latest short film before the party kicks off, minus the young men with guns.
  • As the ruling bloc in Israel continues to remold itself in the shape of Meir Kahane, at some point the cultural distance from the political class may grow so great that not even Sarah Palin can bridge it. Matthew Yglesias » ADL Hits Petraeus
  • In fact, the geese's strategy makes good sense, since loss of control could be deadly in the rugged Himalayan terrain, says Meir, who collaborates with some of the present study's co-authors.
  • Once called "the only man in the Cabinet," Golda Meir was a formidable figure in Israeli politics.
  • I. 13.2: [Greek: potêria oinô kekramena prospoioumenos eucharistein kai epi pleon ekteinôn ton logon tês epiklêseôs, porphurea kai eruthra anaphainesthai poiei, hôs dokein tên apo tôn huper ta hola charin to haima to heautês stazein en ekeinô tô potêriô dia tês epiklêseôs autou, kai huperimeiresthai tous parontas ex ekeinou geusasthai tou pomatos, hina kai eis autous epombrêsê hê dia tou magou toutou klêizomenê charis.] History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
  • 'The fact is that growth, although patchy, is still intact, ' said Edward Meir, a senior commodity analyst at MF Global.
  • ARLINGTON, Texas (Ticker) -- Mike Lamb's RBI double broke an eighth-inning tie and Rafael Palmeiro capped the three-run rally with a solo homer as the Texas Rangers swept a twi-night doubleheader from the Baltimore Orioles with a 5-2 victory. American League Baseball - Orioles vs. Rangers
  • The attack was bootless and the guards immediately arrested Meir, the hero of the ghetto. Heroic
  • Estas andavam pelo estádio falando com as pessoas, estas sentaram-se na primeira fila atraído a atenção do público e das câmeras de TV. Granjero busca esposa
  • Eli Meir Kaplan for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Bitauld's pastry choices include, from left, raspberry tarts, mille-feuille and religieuse. A Quick Lunch for Busy People
  • But Chelsea rallied and, having got back into the game through Meireles's close-range volley, they took full advantage of City being reduced to 10 men through Gaël Clichy's 58th-minute sending-off, for two bookable offences. André Villas-Boas says Chelsea back in hunt by beating Manchester City
  • O caso do post reproduzido a seguir é justamente esse: a blogueira perdeu pois não podia pagar os custos para recorrer contra a decisão em primeira instância. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Judicial decisions, a growing threat to online freedom
  • This shift, from control to anarchy, also extended to Meirelles' directions for his actors.
  • O caso do post reproduzido a seguir é justamente esse: a blogueira perdeu pois não podia pagar os custos para recorrer contra a decisão em primeira instância. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Judicial decisions, a growing threat to online freedom
  • Flushing a bit upon catching herself staring at him, Meira lowered her head quickly so as not to be noticed.
  • Golda Meir once said that she believed the Arabs would one day make peace because an "Arab mother who loses a son in battle weeps as bitterly as any Israeli mother.
  • I stood in the hallway, fearful that Meir Ahronson would ask me for an account of how I had fared.
  • Within, the air was full of the rich scent of seasoned timber and the resiny smoke of torches, and the subdued murmur of voices among the lower tables fell silent as the three of them entered, Canon Meirion leading. His Disposition
  • Meir Tulkoff, however, wears a gray suit, revealing the tzitzit, or fringes, worn by Orthodox Jews, and a black kippa under a black hat.
  • Meireles has related this penetrable field(" a formal metaphor for the universe ") to his experience in viewing van Gogh's Wheat Field under Threatening Skies with Crows.
  • In the 2007 Assembly elections voters in Anglesey, Arfon, Aberconwy, Meirionnydd Nant Conwy, Ceredigion, Carmarthen East and Dinefwr, and Llanelli ALL voted Plaid; and what did they get? Archive 2009-09-01
  • Gardener could have easily become a tired spy movie retread, but director Meirelles gives it a major push above the conventions of the genre.
  • Dead or fled, the man was out of Meirion's way, and could scandalise Morgant no longer. His Disposition
  • R. Meir is considered to be the tanna of the mishnah which allows children to blow the shofar (a positive, time-bound mitzvah) but which is understood to prohibit women from blowing the shofar. Legal-Religious Status of the Jewish Female.
  • Crab A, Meiring M, Pritchard D, Deckmyn H (2001) Identification of a collagen-binding protein from Necator americanus by using a cDNA-expression phage display library. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • And you know a good deal about the question of sufficient power is that to avoid a Type I or Type II error; choice of endpoints; intention to treat vs actual treatment received; censored data; Kaplan-Meir or life-table analyses; data dredging; alternative biostatistical approaches and their respective +s/-s. The Volokh Conspiracy » Science vs. Politics?
  • Golda Meir was the inspirational leader of Israel, a nation surrounded by hostile Arab neighbors that refused to concede its right to exist.
  • Damage to the popular and heavily-used Meiringspoort pass through the Swartberg Mountains, a major link to the Klein Karoo and Garden Route, appeared to be much more extensive than thought, de Witt said after inspecting the damage this week. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Meiring and Andre Visser were correctly convicted for the murders and attempted murders on the basis of "dolus eventualis". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Later today, General Meiring was to a lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery which is alongside ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Especially his postmodern trilogy of parodic detective stories which conclude at a Sherlock Holmes conference in Meiringen, where Adair himself plunges into the Reichenbach Falls with his own central character. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows – review
  • Este é o seu primeiro empréstimo no valor de 12. 000.00mt, com o qual pretende comprar material de construção (chapas de zinco, barrotes, arreia e pedra) para dar continuidade com a sua obra. Kiva Loans
  • Primeiro, porque o valor não é tão baixo em se tratando de famílias pobres com muitos membros: por exemplo, cinco pessoas terão que desembolsar R$ 490,00 – o que não é pouca coisa para quem já não ganha quase nada. Global Voices in English » Brazil: Amnesty for illegal immigrants sparks hope and controversy
  • ARLINGTON, Texas (Ticker) -- Mike Lamb's RBI double broke an eighth-inning tie and Rafael Palmeiro capped the three-run rally with a solo homer as the Texas Rangers swept a twi-night doubleheader from the Baltimore Orioles with a 5-2 victory. American League Baseball - Orioles vs. Rangers
  • In a slyly clandestine work, Brazilian artist Cildo Meireles arranged for vendors to sell unflavored popsicles in front of the exhibition venues.
  • A conical rhyton from the cemetery at Kameiros on Rhodes is even less easily understood.
  • Bud Selig's pathetically light penal code (the very inspiration of the hearings) won't much matter; Palmeiro will remain branded far beyond 10 games. - An unbelievable turnaround for a former hero
  • Coincidentally, not only does Dr. De Meirleir believe that leaky gut and dysbiosis are at work, but he's also a Belgian. Mangan's
  • Eli Meir Kaplan for The Wall Street Journal Mr. Bitauld's pastry choices include, from left, raspberry tarts, mille-feuille and religieuse. A Quick Lunch for Busy People
  • Golda Meir once said that she believed the Arabs would one day make peace because an "Arab mother who loses a son in battle weeps as bitterly as any Israeli mother.
  • RT @trivedipankaj: Meira Kumar can surely be replaced by a cd player playing 'Baith Jaaiye' every ten seconds. nandu Does anyone else think speaker Meira Kumar and Yoda = Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • I didn't see a lack of confidence in Maxi Rodríguez, Raul Meireles or Steven Gerrard," said Hodgson on Sunday. Five issues Roy Hodgson must resolve to save his job at Liverpool
  • On Ms. Vidal's recommendation, we tried two of those: the lively, bright 2009 Jean François Meirieu Touraine Sauvignon and the 2010 Domaine L'Anglore Verjade, an earthy red vin de table, with which we toasted the two Americans seated to our left—a chef from San Francisco and the brother of a winemaker from Washington state. An American Wine Lover in Paris
  • Nowe for asmoche as they afore time that euer excelled in anye kinde of learning, or durste take vppon them, to prescribe lawe, and rule of life vnto to other, as Orpheus, Homeire, Museus, The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie

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