How To Use Meiotic In A Sentence

  • Thus, both tagged proteins could support initiation of meiotic recombination at a temperature commonly used for sporulation of laboratory strains.
  • Since Lande’s model does not incorporate mechanisms that influence fixation such as meiotic drive and kin-founding, there is reason to believe that the overall fixation probability for human chromosome 2 may be higher than the base calculation for the deme. The Panda's Thumb: Arthur Hunt Archives
  • This is before the nucleolus breaks up, which it does at a later stage in the first meiotic prophase. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • Lying between, and nurtured by, the Sertoli cells, the primary spermatocytes undergo two meiotic divisions and cellular remodelling to produce mature sperm.
  • Males can, therefore, arise spontaneously, as a result of the rare meiotic loss of an X chromosome.
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  • Therefore, progression from mitosis into meiotic prophase is spatially organized in a linear fashion extending from the distal end.
  • Meiotic spindles form after fertilization of the worm embryo in the same cytoplasm that later supports embryonic mitosis.
  • Peircean semeiotic derives ultimately from the theory of signs of Duns Scotus and its later development by John of St. Thomas Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Temporary heat stress near the time of estrus and ovulation can reduce oocyte quality by altering meiotic processes, directly affecting conceptus quality and survival.
  • Several models have been proposed to explain the mechanism responsible for meiotic recombination.
  • Mutants in all three meiotic genes display diakinesis oocytes containing 12 individual DAPI - stained bodies corresponding to achiasmate univalent chromosomes.
  • Meiotic chromosome segregation is initiated when tension signals the bipolar attachment of microtubules to each homolog pair.
  • These cells remain as mononucleate cells with clustered centromeres and no Zip1 staining, and represent an ever-growing proportion of the mononucleate cell population as cells that have entered the meiotic program become multinucleate. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Subsequently, one of the two mating-type alleles was lost during mitotic or meiotic divisions.
  • Thus, in his later writings, he divided semeiotic into speculative grammar, logical critic, and speculative rhetoric (also called “methodeutic”). Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Following the postmeiotic phase, spermatozoa are released into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule of the testis and transported to the epididymis for storage.
  • A meiotic microtubule doesn't grab a chromosome at random? Crossroads
  • Regions of the germline with cells in mitosis or different stages of meiotic prophase are indicated.
  • Three properties of meiotic chromosomes act to form a bivalent that will undergo proper reductional division.
  • Title: Prevention of maternal aging-associated oocyte aneuploidy and meiotic spindle defects in mice by dietary and genetic strategies For a Mother's Touch, Skip the Text Messages
  • Peirce's settled opinion was that logic in the broadest sense is to be equated with semeiotic (the general theory of signs), and that logic in a much narrower sense (which he typically called “logical critic”) is one of three major divisions or parts of semeiotic. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • In common snook, the germinal epithelium is active throughout the year, producing follicles where the oocyte is in arrested meiosis, diplotene of the first meiotic prophase, and the germinal epithelium is always discontinuous.
  • In this case, the first postmeiotic cells deriving from the spores have been separated to yield octads composed of four pairs of colonies deriving from a single meiosis.
  • At this stage the egg undergoes meiotic division, division without chromosome replication. Assessing Causality
  • During the first meiotic division, homologous chromosomes pair and segregate into two cells.
  • Thus there was some evidence that irradiated PRD diet has weak mutagenic activity in the meiotic and/or pre-meiotic phase of the spermatogenic cycle which appeared to be lessened on storage; the inclusion of such a diet in toxicological studies would therefore need to be carefully considered. NUKED FOOD
  • Meiotic spindle poles of mutant embryos are not as well focused as wild type, and meiotic failure often leads to multiple maternal pronuclei as compared to wild type.
  • In normal conditions, there will be TWO meiotic divisions, whether oogenic or spermatogenic. National Catholic Reporter
  • Peircean meant by “semeiotic” is almost totally different what has come to be called “semiotics,” and which hails not so much from Peirce as from Saussure and Charles W. Morris. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • This view is consistent with the general findings that mitotic recombination events, contrary to meiotic events, are mainly unassociated with crossing over.
  • Peirce's tripartite division of semeiotic is not to be confused with Charles W. Morris's division: syntax, semantics, and pragmatics (although there may be some commonalities in the two trichotomies). Nobody Knows Nothing
  • The pertinent variable in this form of meiotic drive is the presence of differing numbers of centromeres on paired homologous chromosomes.
  • Sporulation in single-celled eukaryotes such as yeasts is a morphogenetic process equivalent to gametogenesis, because an ascospore is a highly specialized cell and its formation is preceded by meiotic nuclear division.
  • Why do not speak about no-local realm, quantum biophysical semeiotics is based on?
  • Both mitotic and meiotic spindle microtubules are stabilized and organized into a bipolar shape by a number of accessory proteins, called microtubule motors and MAPs (for "Microtubule-Associated Proteins") PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • So this is the only loophole to overcome meiotic barrier between species and produce a new karyotype which sometimes became the basis for new species. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • During the first meiotic division, homologous chromosomes pair and segregate into two cells.
  • A crossover at the meiotic prophase, as shown in Fig. 2, produces a dicentric chromosome that simulates two normal chromosomes attached together at the ends of their short arms, and a fragement chromosome with telomeres at both ends. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • Early meiotic stages, leptotene or zygotene, were observed.
  • Metaphase spindles with replicated mitotic chromosomes were assembled in meiotic Xenopus egg extracts as described.
  • Note the semeiotics, if you will: English uses alphabetical characters, uniform and mechanical, meaningless in themselves, meaningful only when combined in words; Japanese uses ideographs, scripted and lyrical, meaningful in themselves but sometimes also conveying a higher meaning when combined together; the square-code language uses geometric designs, intentionally mechanical, yet undeniably aesthetic, meaningful in themselves but presumably not combined syntactically (from item to item) in commerce. Probing the Psyche of the Information Age: (A Digital Art Website Review)
  • In addition, we can detect mosaicism as low as 5 to 20% (varying with the meiotic or mitotic origin of the mosaicism). Cytogenomics Lab
  • That is what drove me to the semi-meiotic hypothesis (SMH) as the only conceivable way that a new species could appear in a single cytogenetic step. Behe, Common Descent, & UD
  • It was soon learned that the chromatid type of breakage-fusion-bridge cycle, initiated at a meiotic anaphase, will continue during the development of the pollen grain and the embryo sac. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • Restoration of the diploid stage is often strictly controlled and brings together products separated at the first meiotic division.
  • Our results reveal that LGN is cortically polarized in mouse oocytes and is critical for meiotic spindle organization.
  • First, some twenty-five years ago in the former Soviet Union interest in Peirce and Karl Popper had led logicians and computer scientists like Victor Finn and Dmitri Pospelov to try to find ways in which computer programs could generate Peircean hypotheses (Popperian “conjectures”) in semeiotic contexts (non-numerical or qualitative contexts). Nobody Knows Nothing
  • The anthers of each flower were squashed in a drop of 2% acetic orcein to intensify the staining of meiotic cells.
  • A crossover at the meiotic prophase, as shown in Fig. 2, produces a dicentric chromosome that simulates two normal chromosomes attached together at the ends of their short arms, and a fragement chromosome with telomeres at both ends. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • These have noted that there are extensive affiliations between Peirce's discussions of the communicational and dialogical aspects of semeiotic, on the one hand, and the many and varied “game-theoretical” approaches to logic that have been for some time of interest to Finnish philosophers (as well as many others), on the other hand. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • Meiotic division then gives rise to haploid cells that develop into infective sporozoites, which migrate to the mosquito salivary glands and infect humans during mosquito blood-feeding.
  • Meiotic prophase can be further divided into leptotene, zygotene, pachytene, diplotene, and diakinesis stages defined by the state of chromosome pairing and condensation.
  • The rupture occurred, in the first instance, at a meiotic anaphase in each parent, and the ruptured end then underwent the succession of mitotic anaphase breaks associated with the chromatid type of breakage-fusion-bridge cycle during the development of the male and female gametophytes -- the pollen grain and the embryo sac. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • In wild-type hermaphrodites, germ cells at the dorsoventral flexure exit the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase and proceed to diakinesis.
  • The origin of the extra chromosome 21 due to meiotic non-disjunction was 79.24 per cent maternal and 20.76 per cent paternal.
  • The nuclei in the penultimate cell undergo a final round of premeiotic replication and then fuse, whereas the basal nuclei enter a new crozier.
  • • These factors prevent primary oocytes from maturing beyond the prophase of the 1st meiotic division. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The proteins encoded by these genes are thought to participate in the biochemical steps that lead to meiotic recombination.
  • Such results can be related to the formation of meiotic trivalent in the hybrids leading to the production of viable aneuploid gametes and post-zygotic elimination of embryos due to chromosomal non disjunction events at meiosis. The Rise of Human Chromosome 2: Beyond the Deme - The Panda's Thumb
  • High fidelity of meiotic chromosome segregation is essential for the propagation of all sexually reproducing organisms.
  • Title: Prevention of maternal aging-associated oocyte aneuploidy and meiotic spindle defects in mice by dietary and genetic strategies For a Mother's Touch, Skip the Text Messages
  • A chromatin bridge would form at the meiotic anaphase by passage of the two centromeres on the dicentric chromosome to opposite poles of the spindle. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • In these mutants, the meiotic products remain in interphase in unfertilized eggs and undergo inappropriate DNA replication.
  • Lande did not include mechanisms like meiotic drive (see “Fixation Within a Deme” for explanation) in his model, letting genetic drift (i.e., chance) be the primary force for fixation within a deme. The Panda's Thumb: Arthur Hunt Archives
  • Facultative amphimixis is the equivalent of the mechanism described under meiotic parthenogenesis.
  • The absence of chiasmata can readily account for the observed defect in meiotic chromosome segregation.
  • Connected with Peirce's insistence on the ubiquity of mind in the cosmos is the importance he attached to what he called “semeiotic,” the theory of signs in the most general sense. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • In germinal lineages, replicative insertions are frequent, occurring in premeiotic, meiotic, and postmeiotic cells, while excision events are rare.
  • In contrast to the canonical pathway of spindle formation, in diverse organisms such as mammals, nematodes, and insects, female meiotic spindles are organized in the absence of centrosomes and centrioles.
  • During meiotic prophase in females, chromosomes condense and pair to form bivalents.
  • This interaction is thought to be necessary for the proper pairing and segregation of homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division.
  • At the meiotic anaphase, passage of the two centromeres of the dicentric chromosome to opposite poles of the spindle produces a bridge. Nobel Lecture The Significance of Responses of the Genome to Challenge
  • After meiosis, the four meiotic products undergo an additional mitotic division to yield eight haploid nuclei, which differentiate into an octad of eight ascospores.
  • Early meiotic stages, leptotene or zygotene, were observed.
  • For example, although Mendel's law of segregation (M) (which states that in sexually reproducing organisms each of the two alternative forms (alleles) of a gene specifying a trait at a locus in a given organism has 0.5 probability of ending up in a gamete) is widely used in models in evolutionary biology, it has a number of exceptions, such as meiotic drive. Scientific Explanation
  • • It includes the 1st + 2nd meiotic division + spermiogenesis. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Peirce's Hegelianism, which he increasingly professed as he approached his most mature philosophy, is more difficult to understand than his Kantianism, partly because it is everywhere intimately tied to his entire late theory of signs (semeiotic) and sign use (semeiosis), as well as to his evolutionism and to his rather puzzling doctrine of mind. Nobody Knows Nothing
  • They treated bivalent and multivalent pairings as two totally different meiotic processes.
  • If the arrest is dependent upon recombination, then preventing recombination should suppress the meiotic progression defect.
  • We studied the effects of the chemicals acrylamide, colchicine, diazepam, griseofulvin, taxol, thiobendazole, trichlorfon and vinblastine on the duration of meiotic divisions in male mice.
  • For F59A1.7, affected worms exhibiting a high frequency of achiasmate chromosomes at diakinesis also had abnormally large nuclei at the pachytene stage, earlier in meiotic prophase.
  • Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914) was the founder of American pragmatism (later called by Peirce “pragmaticism” in order to differentiate his views from others being labelled “pragmatism”), a theorist of logic, language, communication, and the general theory of signs (which was often called by Peirce “semeiotic”), an extraordinarily prolific mathematical logician and general mathematician, and a developer of an evolutionary, psycho-physically monistic metaphysical system. Nobody Knows Nothing

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